History Final Exam - HIST 1020 Gaddis PDF

Title History Final Exam - HIST 1020 Gaddis
Course World History II
Institution Auburn University
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HIST 1020 Gaddis...


History Exam 1 1.16 revolutionary origins The revolutionary moment in the Atlantic world Key concept: The Enlightenment - Began with scientific revolution of 17th and 18th century - Adopted in various European countries in 18th century as new approach to understanding and impacting society o Thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Adam Smith, JeanJacques Rousseau - Conceptualized as a distrust in existing institutions and conventions o Formulated beliefs that society should be governed by reason - Believed in equality of all mankind (because all mankind possessed reason) - Searching for universal laws to explain mankind Key concept: universal laws - Concepts and ideas that explained and applied to all mankind o Looking for a basis of truth outside religion alone - Problems and limitations of this approach? John Locke, 1632-1704 - Should apply reason to history of our own societies - Reason dictates that divine right monarchies are false - Societies were formed not by God but by men - Men engaged with their rulers in a “social contract” - Tyrannical governments violate the social contract - People had right to rebel against tyranny, create new social contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778 - Man is inherently good - All men are born good and thus all men are equal - Society is a corrupting influence on man - Major work The Social Contract Adam Smith, 1723-1790 - All men are born with ability to reason o He compares himself, a philosopher to a street porter in innate ability - Men naturally pursue their own rational self interest - Men should be free to rise in society according to their abilities - Government should be set up to allow people to pursue their own self interest and success - Government should adopt a hands off model of economic control - Major work The Wealth of Nations

Using Enlightenment idea - Enlightenment thinkers were theoreticians and philosophers - Work not intended to be used as the basis of revolutions - Nonetheless, ideas were picked up by new classes and types of people Urban growth - Cities in the 17th and especially 18th century became denser, more populated - Easier for ideas to spread person to person - Easier for like minded groups to form Coffee houses and other gathering places - Coffee houses started in 17th century London - A new form of drink—and new form of discourse - Allowed free exchange of political ideas, even among non-elites - Relatively inexpensive Newspapers - 18th century brought more newspapers o Cheaper printing o Higher literacy - Newspapers become more specialized Political pamphlets and books - Took philosophical ideas from Enlightenment thinkers to advocate revolution - Widely distributed, inexpensively printed - Common Sense by Thomas Paine among most influential in American revolution Key concept: Population sovereignty - The idea that political power comes from and depends on the people - Came from the work of Enlightenment figures (particularly Locke) - Dependent on identity with mass of people sharing common language and history - The root of thinking of people with a common culture as a nation Key concept: free trade - The idea that o There should be no tariffs (taxes), quotas, or fees in trade o Markets should be unregulated by governments o Free labor (i.e. labor that is not enslaved) should be the basis of the economy o These tenets would result in a less exploitative, more just society - Descended from Enlightenment thinkers, most clearly Adam Smith Revolutionary rhetoric - Free trade, popular sovereignty, and other ideas were the ideological basis of Atlantic world revolutions - Translated from philosophical ideas to practical plans by more ordinary people


How did thoughts translate into actions? How did philosophy become practical?

1.18 revolution begins Britain’s unclear relationship with colonies - Near constant war throughout 18th century to protect Empire - British Parliamentarians had competing visions of empire - Never defined relationship to America Britain’s unclear relationship w/ colonies - In absence of British dictates, American colonists defined their own relationship - Colonists implemented system of governance o Town councils (New England) o Colonial assemblies o Governor’s councils - By 1760s conceived of themselves as British citizens Britain turns to managing its colonies - After 7 Year War, British empire greatly expanded - Britain was also in severe debt from war - Britain’s national debt 13.5 times its annual revenue at war’s end Britain manages its colonies - 1763, Royal Proclamation forbade settlement west of Appalachians - 1764 Sugar Act to stop molasses smuggling - 1764 Currency Act - 1765 Stamp Act - How did this contradict revolutionary and Enlightenment ideas? Three forms of resistance - Colonial elites prepared legislative resistance - Middle class colonial merchants created economic resistance - Working class and common people participated in popular protest o Key concepts in bold Impacts of resistance - Stamp Act becomes impossible to enforce as stamp distributors all resign - Parliament repealed Stamp Act in 1766 - Can this be counted as the start of revolution? What counts as revolution? New laws, new forms of resistance - Townshend Act of 1767: new customs duties - Elite, middle class, working class resistance combined o Non importation and no consumption agreements o Political commentaries by women


o Homespun clothing Helped forge colonial unity 1770 Boston Massacre o Intensified hatred of British troops as occupying force 1774 Coercive Acts

America declares rebellion - Coercive Acts (1774) declare Massachusetts in rebellion o Other states come to aid and form a Continental Congress. Meets late 1774 o Continental Congress meets again in May, 1775 o By then, first battles against British had been fought at Lexington and Concord America declares independence - Even at war, American colonies still thought of themselves as British citizens - 1776 is year Americans begin calling in earnest for independence o Spurred on by Common Sense and others - Key concept: Declaration of Independence signed in July 1776 1776 -


British take New York City as base o Assemble largest force in British history  British citizen soldiers and thousands of German mercenaries (Hessians) Christmas 1776, Washington launches surprise attack, preserving the rebellion

1777-1778 - Americans win major battle at Saratoga, New York - Victory convinced France to ally with U.S. to fight Britain 1779-1783 - British become increasingly stretched financially o Support among citizens ever lower - French help keep the Americans in the battle - 1783, Washington and French forces, French Navy force Cornwallis to surrender at Yorktown. The war is over Ideological origins - Builds on immediate legacy of American Revolution o Many of some texts o See ideology transformed into action - Stems from decades of elite criticism of absolutist monarchy Economic origins of the French Revolution - France spends enormously during American Revolution o Worsens already great debt - Forces Louis XVI to convene Estates General in 1788


o Had not met since 1614 o Sevres as a check on king’s absolute power Key concept: The 3 Estates o Clergy o Nobility o The people

The rise of the 3rd estate - 3rd estate delegation declares itself the National Assembly (1789) - Parisians storm the Bastille prison o City is effectively controlled by the people o News spreads into the countryside - August, 1789: revolutionary principles, Declaration of the Rights of Men published (Key concept) The Haitian colony (Saint Domingue) - One of the wealthiest colonies in the world o Produced about 60% of the world’s coffee, 40% of sugar o Exclusive trade with France - Population o 5% white people o 5% free black people o 90% enslaved black people The impact of the French Revolution - White planters welcomed revolution as a way to make more money (being able to trade with other nations) - Enslaved people learned about and spread news of rebellion - Brief insurgencies by free people of color began as early as 1789 - 1791 slave rebellion overthrows much of island Differing meanings of freedom and revolution - For white planters: o Free trade with other countries (rather than just France) o More profits o More control over own economic lives - For free black people o Equal rights as citizens o Full participation in society under revolutionary ideals - For enslaved people o Freedom from bondage o Determination over their own labor o Rights as citizens o Payment for labor

o Participation in society under revolutionary ideals Timeline of revolution in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) - 1790 Vincent Oge (free person of color) leads failed revolt. Is executed. - 1791 An assembly of enslaved people hold a meeting, decide to revolt - 1792 French troops arrive in Saint-Domingue; free blacks are given vote - 1793 French partially emancipate slaves; British invade to prevent further slave revolt - 1794 all slaves in French colonies freed - 1795-1799 Spain officially renounces all claim to Saint-Domingue, cedes it to France (1795) Toussaint Louverture is in control of armies that continue to fight, through the revolution is unfinished Haiti as an Atlantic revolution - Around 40,000 enslaved people brought from Africa yearly to colony o Huge percentage of population then newly from Africa in 1791 - Possible to consider this as African revolution as well 1.23 Revolutionary governments New government - Individual states (formerly colonies) drafted their own constitutions o Based on principles of popular sovereignty o Some more radical than others—Pennsylvania - Articles of Confederation (1781) basis for nation government o Small, weak, ineffectual o No power to levy taxes, regulate commerce, establish judges or federal law Ideological and economic impacts of revolution - U.S. encourages westward expansion (limited by British) - U.S. begins manufacturing own good and products for domestic use o Rather than importing - Most northern states pass laws for gradual emancipation Shays’ Rebellion (key concept) - Massachusetts farmers were restricted by bad economy o Many were deeply in debt - State supported creditors over farmers - Farmers, led by Shays, restricted access to courts to prevent foreclosures - Massachusetts militia violently ended revolt o Leaders initially sentenced to execution (later pardoned) - Exposes fault lines over who government should support, its basic functions and power Constitutional Convention, 1787


Events like Shays’ rebellion prompted new meeting to rethink federal constitution (Articles of Confederation) Many competing ideas, including sticking with current system James Madison’s Virginia Plan emerges o 3 branches of government o Needed lots of debate and compromise

Debating the constitution - Debate occurred not just in private halls and among politicians but in public venues o Federalists o Anti-Federalists - July, 1788: Constitution finally ratified by majority of colonies o Even then, North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island had not voted to accept Rights and compromises, 1788-1791 - 1791: after much debate (and many demands) a national Bill of Rights passed o 10 Amendments to original constitution - Bill of Rights omissions o Women o Enslaved people o Non-property holders - Slavery and the 3/5 compromise - Did these new rules and documents represent a compromise of revolutionary principles? Timeline: France tries to establish a revolutionary government - 1791: Women demanded right to bear arms in support of revolution o Olympia De Gouges writes Declaration of the Rights of Women and of the Female Citizen - 1792-1793: The first French Republic declare o churches closed and clergy forced to take loyalty oaths o 1793 King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed - 1793-1794: The Terror o The Jacobins, led to Robespierre, execute enemies of the revolution o Aim to spread the revolution beyond France - 1799: Napoleon comes to power o Overthrows government o Adopts the Napoleonic Code (key concept)

Napoleon and freedom’s empire - Brings stability and security to France o Also begins to realize spread of revolutionary ideals o Expands French empire into Austria, Spain, Russia - Declares himself emperor in 1804


o Continues to expand empire o Defeated in 1814 (comes back) o Finally defeated in 1815 at Waterloo Does Napoleon’s reign compromise revolutionary government? Why would citizens have given him this power?

Revolution moves toward stability - Toussaint Louverture remains leader throughout revolution o Sides with Spanish against French o French against British o Finally leaves both armies - In 1800, restarts plantation system o With free labor o Invites whites back - French troops (under Napoleon’s orders try to bring back slavery (1802) o Haitian forces winning victories until mass defection of one of Toussaint’s leaders o Toussaint is offered freedom in exchange for surrender  French turn on him and throw him in prison Saint-Domingue becomes Haiti - Haiti established in 1804 o Result of the only successful slave revolt in human history o The first Black republic o Led by Jean Jacques Dessalines - Republic in name only? o Martial republic-either a serf bound to plantation or soldier o Killed whites remaining on the island Haiti’s impact (key concept) - Inspired terror across the Atlantic world o Fear of slave insurrection o Fear of revolt and control by lowest members of society - Ironically, increased slavery elsewhere o Other slave colonies (Cuba) ramped up sugar production o French defeat led to sale of Louisiana Territory to Americans and expansion of slavery there

Overview - Spanish colonies subject to authoritarian control o Sharp class divide o White people hugely outnumbered by Natives, by Black slaves, by mixed race people


o Elites terrified by Haiti and the possibility of revolution from below (key concept) 1808: Napoleon invades Spain and Portugal, deposing and exiling rulers o forces Latin America to take action to have a functioning government o revolution thrust upon colonies

Revolutions - Mexico, 1810-1821 o Began as peasant uprising led by priests o Years of war finally led to relatively stable independent country - Brazil o Deposed ruler of Portugal came to Brazil, made it center of Portuguese empire (1807-1821) o After returning to Portugal, Brazilian elites discontent led to establishment of constitutional monarchy for Brazil  Under leadership of Portuguese king’s son - Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) and Jose de San Martin (Argentina) o 1810-1824 waged wars against Spanish in various colonies o Elite led rebellions o Idea of a unified Latin American state (Bolivar)  Individual colonial rebellions and local identities prevail 1.25 Limits of revolution Social and economic life in the new Haiti - Plantation economy was ended o And most of the plantation entirely destroyed - Free people did not want to do sugar and coffee work o Reconciling revolutionary principles with economic needs - World trade embargoes ensured poverty - World economy slowly starting to change The Haitian Republic and the World - Haiti declared a republic in 1804 - United States refused to recognize Haitian government o Continued to see it as a place in rebellion o Did not formally recognize until 1860s - France recognizes Haiti in 1825—at a cost o Demands payment of 150 million francs as repayment  Equivalent of about 21 billion today Impact of Atlantic slavery - Haiti an anticolonial, anti-slavery revolution above all - Rather than spreading anti-slavery sentiment, turned other revolutionary countries against Haiti


Victory over France o Forces Louisiana Purchase (1803)  Expands American slavery

Long term impacts of Haitian revolution - Non-trade and repayments cripple Haiti’s economy o Goes from being one of wealthiest places on Earth to one of poorest (in present day) o Underdeveloped economy leads to severe environmental degradation - Continued to be a symbol of revolution (until present day) - How can we use history to understand the present? - Is Haiti’s revolution ultimately a success? Slave rebellions - Slave revolts were common in most slave societies - Some Atlantic World slave revolutions o 1739 Stono Rebellion, South Carolina o 1760-1761 Jamaican insurrection o 1795 revolutions (inspired by Haiti)  Fedon Rebellion—Grenada  Curaçao  Venezuela  Demarara Rebellion (Guyana) o 1800 Gabriel Prosser rebellion (Virginia) o 1822 Denmark Vesey rebellion (South Carolina) o 1831 Nat Turner rebellion (Virginia) - Far more numerous than represented here or reported German Coast Uprising, 1811 (Louisiana) - During Haitian Revolution, Deslondes family fled the island o Brought their enslaved people with them o Moved to Louisiana - Charles Deslondes among slaves brought o Inspired by Haitian Revoltuion - January 8, 1811 o 500 enslaves people overthrow masters o Begin march toward New Orleans - After 3 days, revolution is put down by militia and federal troops o Aftermath: leaders executed, heads put on pikes along river, stretching 60 miles - Revolt, despite failure, directly inspired by revolutionary principles Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831, Virginia) - Nat Turner o Enslaved religious leader


o Southampton County, Virginia Turner credited visions from God with idea for attack In August, 1831 he and other enslaves people attacked slaveholders o Killed around 60 before being subdued Aftermath: spread fear throughout South o More restrictive laws around literacy, travel, etc passed for slaves

Slavery’s end - Britain: trade outlawed, 1807, Britain polices African waters to stop traders; slavery abolished 1838 - America: trade outlawed, 1808. Slavery abolished and slaves emancipated, 1865 - Chile: life long slavery outlawed, 1811 - France: re-instituted in the colonies in 1802; abolished 1848 - Brazil: abolishes slavery, 1888 Abolitionism and new forms of revolution - Began as popular movement in late 18th/early 19th century o In Britain, spread to the U.S. - Put pressure on governments to end slavery - Never a large group of people o Initially led by elite white people o Eventually by former slaves o A smaller, less popular revolution o Put revolution back into hands of individuals, away from government Abolitionist iconography and the market - Part of shift in revolutionary ideology was its commodification (key concept) - 1787 Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade designed kneeling slave logo o Had Josiah Wedgwood make pottery cameos of it - Shipment of cameos sent to America - Became a fashion statement o Bracelets, hair decoration, inlaid gold snuff boxes, etc Wedgwood, revolution, and free labor - Wedgwood one of chief proponents of abolition - Also owner of one of first industrialized pottery factories - How does the relationship of owner to worker change in industrial setting? - How does the master of free labor have coercive power over workers? - Irony of anti-slavery support by Wedgwood? o No control over enslaved labor, but over free Revolutionary review - Enlightenment ideals o Associated thinkers?




Revolutionary rhetoric: Enlightenment ideals translated o Associated principles? o How did these ideas spread? Revolutionary battles: rhetoric tuned to action o Where? o How did rhetoric translate into battle? Revolutionary governments: action formalized (or not) into government Limits of revolution o How did the meaning of revolution change? How did associated actions change?

1.30 Local industrial revolution Pre-industrial Europe - Largely agrarian and marked by feudal relationship to land o 3% of continent urban - Production highly local o Home as a site of production - Work was largely from ascribed status o Parent’s trade o Artisanal guilds Industrial Revolution - From late 1700s to mid-1800s o With much longer impact o Process of technical innovation rather than complete industrialization - Transformations o Economic o Social o Environmental - Arguably the first period ...

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