Homework 5 - APA Paper 2 - Introduction PDF

Title Homework 5 - APA Paper 2 - Introduction
Author Jason Thomas
Course Laboratory in Experimental Psychology`
Institution Wayne State University
Pages 4
File Size 143.7 KB
File Type PDF
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in class assignment required ...


Homework 5 – APA Paper 2 Introduction Homework 5 APA Paper 2 – Introduction Title of the Paper Start the Introduction section of APA Paper 2 with a paragraph or two that provides a general introduction to the topic of the paper (top-down/bottom-up processing, semantic networks, or the visual adaptation). Tell the major features of the theory under investigation, define and explain all relevant terms, and provide a general example of the theory in action (do not include specific research findings yet). This is where you provide your readers with all of the background information that they need to understand the theory under investigation. This should go beyond a simple list of definitions and explain the processing addressed by your chosen theory, such as the interaction of sensory and conceptual information, semantic networks and spreading activation, or visual adaptation. Important terms should be included and defined as part of the explanation. Also, be sure to describe the sequence of the process, such as a certain stimulus activates something, which activates something else…Remember to keep the focus on the theory, and not on the activity. DO NOT include any information specific to the experiment conducted in class – this paragraph (or two) should be a general background introduction about the topic. Next comes the literature review section of the introduction. You are required to present a minimum of three different studies in your literature review. You may choose to use either or both of the research studies related to the theory under investigation that were reviewed for previous assignments and add a third article, or you may choose up to three new studies to review. If you choose to use the articles from the in-class and/or homework assignments, be sure to look at your graded assignments and revise as necessary. Each of the three studies that you choose to include in your literature review should be presented in separate paragraphs. For each


Homework 5 – APA Paper 2 Introduction summary, be sure to include the information required in the original assignment: introduce the research by referring to the theory (for example: Meyer and Schvaneveldt (1971) investigated spreading activation in a semantic network), give a general description of the procedure (what was the task?), briefly describe the different conditions in the experiment, state the general results (DO NOT include any statistical values), and explain how the results support the theory under discussion. While each article should be presented in separate paragraphs, each of the articles may require more than one paragraph to sufficiently cover the information. Therefore, this section of the paper will be a minimum of three paragraphs, but will most likely end up being more. Finally, be sure to include transition statements when going from one paragraph to the next. The hypothesis paragraph comes after the literature review and will be the final paragraph of the introduction. Up until this point in your paper, you have talked about background information and supporting research evidence. The hypothesis is where you introduce your study: briefly state the purpose of the study (investigated top-down and bottomup processing; semantic networks and spreading activation, or visual adaptation) and why it is important to investigate this issue; briefly describe the task and list the different conditions (congruent and incongruent words; word and non-word conditions, or normal versus distorted vision); and specify the expected results (reaction time differences or accuracy/error rate differences). You should use past tense for this paragraph, because you are writing about a study that has already been conducted. After this information has been presented, you will be ready to move on to the method section. You may use the hypothesis paragraph relevant to the theory under investigation that was completed in class as part of a group assignment, however, be sure to review the group work to confirm that it addresses all required information.



Introductory paragraph(s) -

Literature Review Research Article 1

Literature Review Research Article 2


Homework 5 – APA Paper 2 Introduction Points Points earned

Described all important terms associated with the theory, went beyond a simple list of definitions and provided an integrated explanation of the process, provided a concrete example of the process, labeled and described (as appropriate) the sequence of events


Some information missing, incomplete, or incorrect


Most information missing, incomplete, or incorrect


Introduced the article by referring to the theory and providing a citation, briefly described the procedure and the different conditions in the experiment, stated the general results, and explained how the results support the theory under discussion.


Some information missing, incomplete, or incorrect


Most of information missing, incomplete, or incorrect


Introduced the article by referring to the theory and providing a citation, briefly described the procedure and the different conditions in the experiment, stated the general results, and explained how the results support the theory under discussion.


Some information missing, incomplete, or incorrect Most of information missing, incomplete, or incorrect

Literature Review Research Article 3

Introduced the article by referring to the theory and providing a citation, briefly described the procedure and the different conditions in the experiment, stated the general results, and explained how the results support the theory under discussion. Some information missing, incomplete, or incorrect Most of information missing, incomplete, or incorrect

1 0


1 0

Continued next page


Criteria 3



Hypothesis Paragraph


Adhering to APA Guidelines

Overall quality

Homework 5 – APA Paper 2 Introduction earned Stated the purpose of the study (what was investigated and why it was important to investigate 4 it), briefly described the task and the different conditions, and specified the expected results Minor problems with organization of the paragraph 3 Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, 2 or incorrect More than half the information missing, incomplete, 1 or incorrect Most of the information missing, incomplete, or 0 incorrect All article citations included (authors and year)


Minor problems with citations


Most citations missing, incomplete, or incorrect


Introduction adheres to all APA formatting guidelines – including text font and style, correct spacing, paper title at the beginning, indented paragraphs, no extra spaces, no personal pronouns, primarily past tense, and limited the use of the passive voice.


Minor problems with adhering to APA guidelines


Multiple problems with adhering to APA guidelines


High Good Fair Below average Poor

4 3 2 1 0 TOTAL


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