HRM Notes - Unit 2 PDF

Title HRM Notes - Unit 2
Course BBA
Institution Bangalore University
Pages 18
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Unit -HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING,RECRUITMENTAND SELECTIONDefine Human Resource Planning“Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a process by which an organization should move from current manpower position to its desired manpower position striving to have right number, right kind of people at right place &...


Unit -2 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING, RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Define Human Resource Planning “Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a process by which an organization should move from current manpower position to its desired manpower position striving to have right number, right kind of people at right place & at right time resulting in both organizational and individual receiving maximum benefit”

- E.W.Vetter Human Resources Planning means deciding the number and type of human resources required for each job, unit and total company for a particular future date in order to carry out organizational objectives. OBJECTIVES OF HRP 1. To recruit and retain the HR of required quality & quantity 2. To foresee the employee turnover and make arrangements for minimizing turnover and filling up vacancies 3. To meet the needs of expansion and diversification 4. To improve the standard, skill, knowledge, discipline 5. To access the surplus and shortage of HR 6. To estimate the cost of HR BENEFITS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 1. It checks the corporate plan of the organization. 2. It offsets uncertainty & change. This enables the organization to have right men at right time and in right place. 11

3. It helps to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better benefits. 4. To foresee the need for redundancy and plan to check it or provide alternative employment in consultation with trade unions and government through remodeling and economic plans. 5. To foresee the changes in values, aptitudes and attitude of human resources.

Define Recruitment “The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization” Edwin B. Flippo


To attract people with multi-dimensional skills & experiences that suit present & future organizational strategies.

To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.

To develop organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.

To search/ head hunt people whose skills fit in the company.



METHODS OF RECRUITMENT The methods of recruitment is broadly classified as Internal & External Internal a. Present Permanent Employees Organizations consider the present employees for high level jobs due to availability of most suitable candidates for jobs or equally to the external source, to meet the trade union demands and to motivate the existing employees. b. Present Temporary/ Casual Employees 13

Organizations consider temporary or casual employees for low level jobs or trade union pressures or in order to motivate them on the present job. c. Retrenched/ Retired Employees The organization retrenches the employees due to lack of work. The organization takes the candidates back due to lack of obligation and trade union pressure. The organizations prefer to re-employ their retired employees as token of loyalty to the organization. d. Dependents of Deceased, Disabled, Retired /employees Organizations provide employment to the dependents/ family members of deceased, disabled to build brand image & develop commitment. e. Employee Referral Present employees are aware of qualifications, attitude, experience and emotions of their friends and relatives. They are aware of job requirements and organizational culture of their company. Hence the HR Managers of the company depend on present employees for reference of the candidates for various jobs. This reduces time and cost required for recruitment.

External sources: a. Advertisement: It is the best method of recruiting persons for higher and experimental jobs. The advertisement are given in local or national press, trade or professional journals. The prospective candidates evaluate themselves against the requirements of job before sending their applications. b. Employment exchanges: employment exchanges run by government are also good source of recruitment. Unemployed persons get themselves registered with these exchanges. Exchanges are suitable source of recruitment for filling unskilled, semi-skilled and operative posts. 14

c. Unsolicited applicants: persons in search of employment may contact employers through telephone, by post or in person. Generally, employers with good reputation get unsolicited applications. If an opening is there then, these persons are considered for this job. d. Professional organizations: professional organizations maintains complete bio-data of their members and supply it to companies on demand. These organization also act as exchange between members and recruiting firm. This source of recruitment is found reliable for recruiting person at middle and upper levels of organization. e. Data banks: The recruiting firms can prepare a data bank about various persons in different fields. They can collect information from educational institutions, employment exchanges, professional organizations etc. f. Labor contracts: It is quite common to engage contractors for the supply of labor. When workers are required for short periods and are hired without going through the full procedures of selection etc. .,. The persons hired under this system are generally unskilled workers. g. Gate recruitment: unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate. In some industries like jute. A large number of workers work as substitute whenever a permanent employee is absent. A notice on notice board of the company specifying the details of the job vacancies can be put. Such recruitment is called direct recruitment. h. Campus recruitment: colleges, universities, research laboratories are fertile ground for recruiters. In some companies recruiters are bound to recruit a large no of candidates from these constitutes every year. It is often an expensive process.


i. Walk-ins, Write-ins, Talk-ins: walk-in interviews are becoming very popular method of recruitment. The applicant just work in with their resumes for interviewers. In write-ins, job seekers send written enquiries and they are asked to complete the application form for further processing. Talk-ins are also becoming popular now-a-days. Job applicants are required to meet the recruiters, on an appropriated date for detailed talks. No application is required to be submitted in this case. j. Head-hunting: the company’s request the professional organizations to search for the best candidates particularly for senior executive positions. Head hunters are also called as search consultants. K.Body-shopping: professional organization hi-tech training institutes develop the pool of human resources for the possible employment. The prospective employers contact these organizations. L. Outsourcing Some organizations recently started developing human resource pool employing the candidate for their own organization. These organizations do not utilize the human resource instead they supply HRs to various companies based on their temporary needs.




SELECTION PROCEDURE Selection defines selecting the right candidate at right time and at right place.

Steps in selection process:17

1) Job Analysis 2) Recruitment 3) Application Form 4) Written Examination 5) Preliminary Interviews 6) Business Games 7) Tests 8) Final Interview 9) Medical Examination 10) Reference Checks 11) Line Manager’s Decision 12) Job Offer 13) Employment 1) Job Analysis:- Job analysis is needed to know all these functions and to perform various functions of HRM. a.) Job Terminology:- It defines the terms related to job analysis like tasks, position, job occupation, job analysis, job description, job specification and job classification. b.) Tasks:- A task is an action or related group of action designed to produce a definite outcome or result. c.) Position:- A position is a group of similar tasks and responsibilities assigned to one individual. d.) Job:- A job is a group of positions that are similar as to kind and level of work.


e.) Occupation:- An occupation is a group of jobs that are similar as to the kind of work and are found throughout an industry or the entire country. f.) Job Analysis:- It is the determination of tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker for a successful performance and which differentiate one job from all others. g.) Job Description:- It is an organized, factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. h.) Job Specification:- It is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. It includes physical, mental, emotional, social & behavioral specification.

2) Development of bases for selection The company has to select the appropriate candidates from the applicant pool. The company develops the appropriate bases for screening the candidates in order to select the appropriate candidates for the job.

3) Application form:- It is also known as application blank. The technique of application blank is traditional & widely accepted for securing information from the prospective candidates. It can also be used as a device to screen the candidates at preliminary level. Many companies formulated their own style of application forms depending upon the requirement of information. Information is generally required on the following items in the application forms:a) Personnel Background Information:- It includes name, present & permanent address, gender, date of birth, marital status, height & weight, nationality etc. 19


c) d) e)

This information can be used by the management to know the suitability of the candidates regarding his socio-economic background, family, status, impact of these factors on employee behavior, etc. Work Experience:- It covers experience in all previous jobs with greater particulars about the nature of work, reasons for leaving, the past employers, duties & responsibilities etc. Salary:- Salary drawn in the present employment & salary & benefits expected. Personal Items:- Association membership, personal likes & dislikes, hobbies, etc. References:- Organisation ask candidates to send the names & addresses of persons who can be contacted for reference purposes.

4) Written Examination The organizations have to conduct written examinations for the qualified candidates after they are screened on the basis of application blanks so as to measure the candidate’s ability in arithmetical calculations, to measure the candidate’s aptitude and reasoning, general knowledge and English language.

5) Preliminary Interview It is to solicit necessary information from the prospective applicants & to assess the applicants suitability to the job. This may be conducted by an assistant in the personnel departments. Thus, preliminary interview is useful as a process of eliminating the undesirable & unsuitable candidates. 20

6. Business games: They are widely used as a selection technique for selecting management trainees, executive trainees, and managerial personnel at junior, middle & top management positions. Business games: a. Case study b. Role play c. Simulation d. In basket method Utility: a. Analytical , judgmental & decision making skills b. Human relation skills c. Encountering skills d. Problem solving skills , decision making 7. Test: tests are classified into types: a. Aptitude tests: these tests measure whether an individual has the capacity or ability to learn given job if given adequate training. B. intelligence tests: these tests measures the capacity for comprehension, reasoning, word fluency, numbers, memory & space. C. emotional quotient: most of the organization realized that an emotional involvement and commitment of the employee determine their contribution to the company rather than their intelligent quotient. B. achievement tests: these are conducted when the applicants claim to know something as these tests are concerned with what one has accomplished. These tests are more useful to measure the value of a specific achievement when an organization wishes to empty experienced candidates these tests are classified into the job knowledge test & work sample test. 21

C. situational tests: this test evaluate a candidate in a similar real life situation. In this test the candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or to solve critical situations of the job. These test are classified into group discussion & in basket. D. interest test: these tests are inventories of the like and dislikes of candidates in relation to work, job, occupations, recreational, activities. E. personality tests: these tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual’s value system, his emotional reactions & maturity & characteristic mood. They are expressed in such traits like selfconfidence, optimism, patience, fear etc. i) TAT (thematic APPRECEPTION TEST): candidates are shown a series of pictures and are asked to write a story based on these pictures. This test measures candidate’s conceptual, imaginative & interpretative skills. ii) INK-BLOT TEST: The candidates are asked to see the ink blot & make meaningful concepts out of them. The examiner keeps a record of the responses, time taken, emotional expression etc. F. other test: I) polygraph tests: The polygraphist the instrument that records changes in breathing, blood pressure, and pulse & skin response associated with sweating go palms & plots these reactions on the paper. The candidate is asked a series of simple, complicated, related, unrelated & critical questions. ii) Honesty test: the two types of pre-employment honesty tests are overt integrity tests & personality based integrity test. Overt integrity tests make direct questions to assess dishonest behavior & gather history of theft & illegal behavior.


Personality based integrity test assess an individual’s predisposition towards deviant & disruptive behavior.

8. Final interview: Types of interview are: I)




Informal interview: this is the interview which can be conducted at any place by any person to secure the basic & non-job related information. Unstructured interview: In this interview the candidate is given the freedom to tell about himself by revealing his knowledge on various items/areas, his background, expectations, interest. Background information interview: this interview is intended to collect blank & to check that the information provided in the application blank regarding education, family, health,hobbies etc . Stress interview: This interview aims at testing the candidate’s job behavior & level of withstanding during the period of stress & strain. The interviewers tests the candidate by putting him under stress & strain by interrupting the applicant from answering , criticizing his opinions , asking questions pertaining to unrelated areas , keeping silent for unduly long period after he has finished speaking etc.

V. GROUP DISCUSSION INTERVIEW These are two methods of conducting group discussion interviews , viz group interviews method and discussion interview method. All the candidates are brought into one room ,i.e the interview room and are interviewed one by one under group interview. 23

Under the discussion method, one topic is given for discussion to the candidates who assemble in one room and they are asked to discuss the topic in detail. This type of interview helps the interviewer in appraising certain skills of the candidates like initiative inter personal skills etc.

Formal & Structured Interview :- In this type of interview , all the formalities procedures like fixing the value , time, panel of interviewers opening &closing intimating the candidate officially, etc are strictly followed in arranging & conducting the interview.

Panel Interview:- A panel of experts interview each candidate , judges his performance individually & prepares consolidated judgment.

Depth Interview:- In this interview, the candidate would be examined extensively in core areas of job skills & knowledge. They are conducted for specialist jobs.

Decision Making Interview:- After the candidate are examined by the experts including the line managers of the organization in the core areas of the job , the head of department section concerned interviews the candidates once again , mostly through informal discussion.

9) Medical Examination:- Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision, perfect hearing, clear tone, etc. It reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities.


10) Reference Checks:- After completion of final interview & medical examination , the personnel department will engage in checking references. These references may be from the individuals who are familiar with the candidate’s academic achievement or from the applicant’s previous employees.

11) Final Decision by line Managers:The line manager concerned has to make final decision whether to select or reject the candidate. A true understanding between line managers & personnel manager should be established to take proper decisions.

12) Job Offer:The candidate after receiving job offer communicates his acceptance to the offer or requests the company modify the terms & conditions of employment or rejects the offer.

13) Employment:The company employs those candidates who accept the job offer with or without modification of the terms & conditions of employment of employment & place them on the job.

Define Placement Placement is “the determination of the job to which an accepted candidate is assigned and his assignment to that job. It is matching of what supervisor to think he can do with job demands with what he offers in form of payroll, companionship and promotional possibilities. Problems in Placement 25

1. Employee Expectations Employee sometimes expects high salary, independent and challenging work and the job offers low salary, dependent and routine works then employee finds himself misfit to the job. 2. Job Expectations The expectations of employees are more than his/her skills and abilities. Therefore the HR Manager finds mismatch between job and employee.

3. Change in Technology The technological changes bring radical changes in job description and specification. The changes would result in mismatch between job and employee 4. Changes in Organizational Structure The business grand strategies like mergers, acquisitions and downsizing results in job. These changes result in misfit between employee and job.

How to make placement effective: a. Job rotation: the technique of rotating the employee among different jobs in the department/organization enables the employee to satisfy his aptitude for challenging work. b. Training &development: It helps the employee to acquire new skills & knowledge based on the redesigned jobs. c. Team work: it allows the employees to use their skills & knowledge abilities etc. & it minimizes the problem in placement. d. Job enrichment: It provides the challenging work & decision making authority to the employee. e. Empowerment: employee empowerment relating to the job makes the employee to exploit his potentialities & makes use of them. 26

Prohibition period generally ranges between six months & two years. Job Analysis

Job Specification

Job Description

Define Job Analysis Job Analysis is defines as “the process of determining by observation and study, reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is determination of tasks which comprise the job and of skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker of a successful performance and which differentiate on job from all others”. Define Job Description Job Descriptio...

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