HS2200 Week 5 Assignment V04 PDF

Title HS2200 Week 5 Assignment V04
Course Applied History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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HS2200: Week 5 Assignment How do I describe the primary influences transforming the globalization of social welfare policies? This assignment will help you to develop leadership skills like problem solving for others. Healthcare employers expect graduates to be familiar with the primary influences transforming welfare services.

50 The Globalization of Social Work Answer the questions below. 1. International social workers work on a global level and play a key role in improving quality of life for:

☒ victims of persecution or war ☐ school children only ☐ single parents ☐ none of these apply 2. Social welfare practice internationally focuses on __________. ☐ Community concerns ☒ Problems between nations ☐ Issues within related people ☐ State laws 3. Politics, religion and ethnicity play a part in __________ that contributes to becoming a global village. ☐ Politics ☒ world citizenship ☐ Religion ☐ Ethnicity 4. The chapter discusses human rights and the rights of children. Many children across the world are forced to work in dangerous unhealthy environments. Many are also: __________. ☐ never adopted ☐ treated well ☐ Cared for very well ☒ Sold 5. What does MDGs stand for: © Ultimate Medical Academy


☐ Main Duty Getaway ☒ Millennium Development Goals ☐ Main Dignity Goods ☐ None of these apply 6. How do immigrants receive lawful entry? ☐ Not crossing into the United States ☒ Temporary admission ☐ Paying for it ☐ None of these apply 7. Some immigrants leave their country due to fear of __________. ☒ persecution ☐ making poor choices ☐ making less money ☐ None of these apply. 8. It is important that HHS workers have a __________ perspective as they might be required to assist clients in need from other countries. ☒ global social welfare perspective ☐ solid goal ☐ keen and organized ☐ none of these apply 9. Many people on the continent of __________ are in need of social welfare services as it has some of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS. ☒ Africa ☐ North America ☐ Asia ☐ None of these apply 10. U.S Government agencies perform services to Americans visiting abroad as well as the local population. __________. ☒ True ☐ False

Critical Thinking Questions © Ultimate Medical Academy


Answer the questions below. 11. On an international level, social welfare focuses on the study of social problems among nations. Identify five examples of problems that international social welfare works to resolve.

b. c. d. e.

a. foreign assistance programs. Child rights Gender equality Refugee rights HIV/AIDS

12. Identify some human rights abuses that children in foreign countries might face and explain why it is important to create international laws to protect the rights of children. Send human rights abuses that children in foreign countries might face our child marriage. It is important to create international laws to protect the rights of children because children shouldn’t be married they should have a right to live their life and choose to be married at adulthood. This is considered rape. You are taking away the child’s life by letting this happen to them . Getting married to older men that can be their grandfathers. Living on life like that is abuse mentally and physically 13. Refugees are people who leave a country due to an extremely serious, dangerous situation and relocate to the safe haven of a different country. Explain some challenges that refugees might face when they try to escape their situation to move to another country. Refugees might face being targets. My current boyfriend escape from a country called to Sierra Leone because there was a war going on a few years back. When he went to apply for a US visa they denied him two times. He wasn’t sure why but he discovered that the government was denying people the right to leave the country purposely so people would have to except what was going on. He decided to write a letter and expose them if they denied him his rights the third time that he went to apply they pulled his visa and then he escaped to the United States. This is an example that I heard of from someone that I am post to he went through a lot to get to this country in escape all the tragedies that happened in front of his eyes.

Reflection Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose to respond in writing or by recording a video! 14. Immigration continues to be a controversial topic in the United States today. Table 16.4 (in your textbook) describes the ways that immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy. Others argue that immigrants are a drain on the U.S. welfare system and resources. In your opinion, should the same eligibility criteria for welfare assistance be used for both immigrants and U.S. born citizens? Explain your answer. © Ultimate Medical Academy


I believe if you want to be eligible for welfare assistance you should be a US citizen. I also believe that immigrants should have a right to be eligible for work for assistance but to a certain extent. They came from another country therefore they don’t have the same privileges as the people who were born here do . I also disagree with it because I feel that most Americans who come to this country work harder than porn Americans. They should have a right to claim welfare assistance because of their dedication and hard work. Maybe another assistance program should be open

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