HUM100 Final Project 2 - Grade: A PDF

Title HUM100 Final Project 2 - Grade: A
Author Marilyn Comstock
Course Perspectives in the Humanities
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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Short Answer Response about Human Expressions Marilyn Comstock HUM-100 Southern New Hampshire University 08/23/2020

I. Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts. a) Explain the larger human need to express using the insights you gained from studying your artifact. b) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation. I believe humans express themselves through artifacts so that they have something to leave behind when they die. Take pictures for example we as humans take millions of pictures every day. We do it to preserve a memory of some sort. To some people they just see a picture of a family or kids but to the person who took the picture they see so much more. When someone dies it is not abnormal to see pictures of the deceased and their family either hanging up or scrolling through on a video. Humans artifacts hold a lot of personal value to them that someone from the outside will not see. It is a part of someone’s history and has a story of some kind behind it that makes that person who they are. Michelangelo painting of “Last Judgement” can be described the same way. To someone who just looks at it but knows nothing else about it all they see is a huge painting on a wall in the Sistine Chapel. Someone else may look at the painting and ask why like I did. When I seen the painting for the first time, I wanted to know what the meaning behind the painting was. I knew it was more than just a busy painting that consisted of a lot of nude men and women. With some research I learned that Michelangelo did the “Last Judgement” to give an image as to what he thinks the Coming of Christ will look like. Not everyone that looks at the painting will see this event the same way as Michelangelo did but that is how artifacts work. In Module two we watched a video, Creating Cultural Artifacts that Build New Legacies, that talks about how creating a legacy can define who you are or what your culture is. We can go to websites like to learn about the culture we all came from. When looking at this culture artifacts that are linked to it will appear as well. We are all who we are because of our ancestors and the artifacts they made and left to explain our culture. II. Explain how you think the act of human creative expression impacts and is impacted by the culture in which it was created. a) Explain the larger reciprocal relationship between human creative expression and the culture in which it was created using the insights you gained from studying your artifact. b) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation. I think the act of human creative expression is impacted by the culture that it was created in because it shows an image, or statue, or monument that represents something from that era and culture. Artifacts are more than just a work of art or a movie they are a part of history. Every artifact has a story it is just learning what the story is to understand how it fits in with the artist and their culture. When Michelangelo painted Last Judgment, he did not just do it because the pope asked him to. He did it show his interpretation of a passage in the bible of which he learned from being a devoted Catholic. At the time that he did this painting he had moved from his beliefs of Catholicism to Spiritualism, but he still believed in the second coming of Christ. [ CITATION

DrT20 \l 1033 ] This was the last painting that Michelangelo did in the Sistine Chapel but was the completion to the story that he had painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo used his creative expression to show what his depiction of he second coming of Christ would look like. To make this painting something that was personal to him he added images of other Saints as well as himself. [ CITATION Vin20 \l 1033 ] With him doing this it added more insight as to what the culture was like at that time. We learned through out the course that many artifact creators depicted these items with underlying intentions that without researching the artifact you would not know what the intention was. Artifacts are created to show belief whether it be a religious belief or a culture belief. Learning the history of any artifact gives you a bigger picture of what things were like at the time of the artifact.

III. Explain how you believe human creative expression can impact issues we deal with today. Be sure to be specific about the issues you are addressing. a) Use the insights you gained from studying your artifact to explain how creative expression can impact today’s issues. b) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation. We live in a very diverse yet broken world right now. People’s beliefs are all over the place as they should be at this time. We are all currently going through a global pandemic that has shut things down and put people out of work. At the same time as this is going on, we are seeing protest and riots for BLM. We have gone from a self-sufficient world to one that seems to be waiting to be told what the next thing is we should be doing. I feel like a lot of artifacts have been made during all of this and there are even more to come. I would say one artifact specifically that has come from this are masks. We can not go out into public without having a mask on. If you do then you get criticized by others for thinking that you are being selfish and not caring about others around you. People are empathetic to the people who are being hospitalized by this virus but judge someone when they see them without a mask. They do not think that there may be an actual reason that they are not wearing the mask, it is just thought they are being selfish. Everyone is different and we all have our own underlying issues that all seem to be getting worse the longer this all goes on. We have created a world of artifacts that depict so many different beliefs and cultures. I think when people look back on this time, they will be very confused as to what was going on in this era and with this culture. Module seven and eight both discuss things like LGBT, Racism, and how much humanities have changed over the last decade. This explains how the culture and humanity of today has changed and shows that it will continue to change. We can express ourselves and support others all from the click of a button.

Works Cited Finnan, V. (2020). The Last Judgement Images of a Masterpiece . Retrieved from Italian Renaissance Art : Smithers, D. T. (2020). Who Was Michelangelo? Retrieved from Khan Academy:

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