HUMA 1165(B) 2020 syl online PDF

Title HUMA 1165(B) 2020 syl online
Course Humanities - Gods & Humans
Institution York University
Pages 4
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York University FACULTY OF LIBERAL ARTS AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Department of Humanities Course: AP/HUMA 1165 Gods and Humans (F/W 2020-‘21) Course Description This course explores the interactions between gods and humans in literature, art, and philosophy. We focus on critical questions, emotional struggles, and personal journeys that characterize interactions between the two worlds. Special attention is given to the reasons why religious and secular people are interested in these interactions today. Course Director: Dr. Eric Bronson ([email protected]) Tutorial Directors: Tutorial 1: Eric Bronson ([email protected]) Tutorial 2: Sarah Leger ([email protected]) Tutorial 3: Justyn Mahanger ([email protected]) Tutorial 4: Sebastian Roberts ([email protected]) Tutorial 5: Mahabba Ahmed ([email protected]) Tutorial 6: Amanda Turnbull ([email protected]) Tutorial 7: Cecilia Inkol ([email protected]) Tutorial 8: Deborah Clipperton ([email protected]) Tutorial 9 & 10: Catherine Swenson ([email protected]) Tutorial 11 &12: Randal Schnoor ([email protected])


Weekly Critical Writing For sixteen weeks (ten weeks in the first semester, six weeks in the second semester), students are required to log on and participate (5-6-hrs. per week, minimum) in our online Moodle discussions. Proper grammar and punctuation are expected. The two lowest grades get dropped. Students will be graded each week on a 5-point system: 3-points for analyzing all the weekly readings/videos in specific detail, quoting or paraphrasing relevant sections, providing page numbers and/or minute marks, and introduing personal, concrete e x a mp l e st h a ts u p p o r tyour own original and sophisticated argument(s). 2-points for discussing other students’ comments in some depth, encouraging further discussion with constructive criticism and intelligent questioning throughout the week.Gi v ey o u rc o l l e a g u e smo r et h a n2 4 h r s . t oa n a l y z ea n d r e s p o n dt oy o u ra r g u me n t s .

10 % 5%

Be c a u s et h et wol o we s tg r a d e sa r ed r o p p e d, n ol a t ewo r ki sg r a d e d . Th ewr i t i n g we e ke n d se v e r ySu n d a y , a t1 1 : 5 9p m. Midterm Examination Take-home essay questions cover all the readings, audio-visual materials, and online discussions. Due December 6. Second Semester Paper Proposal 1-point for clearly explaining one argumentative thesis. 1-point for providing the academic sources you intend to use to build your argument. 2-pts. for commenting on two other proposals, noting what your colleagues can add or change to improve their work.

15 %

Final Term Paper 6-7 page paper due at the end of the second semester. Guidelines to be given in class.

Please note: This is a 9-credit course. Along with the weekly readings/videos (approximately 3-4 hrs. per week), students are expected to put a minimum of 5-6 hours per week into their writing. Before committing to the class, students should be sure they have this kind of time set aside each week to successfully complete the course.

Required Texts: 1. Death and the King’s Horseman, Wole Soyinka, ed. Simon Gikandi, (NY: Norton, 1994). 2. Rumi: The Book of Love, tr. Coleman Barks (NY: HarperCollins, 2003). 3. Under the Eagle: Samuel Holiday, Navajo Code Talker, Samuel Holiday and Robert McPherson (OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013).

All first semester readings will be provided for free on our course site.

The Senate Policy on Academic Honesty "Academic honesty requires that persons do not falsely claim credit for the ideas, writing or other intellectual property of others, either by presenting such works as their own or through impersonation... Plagiarism is the misappropriation of the work of another by representing another person’s ideas, writing or other intellectual property as one’s own. This includes the presentation of all or part of another person’s work as something one has written, paraphrasing another’s writing without proper acknowledgement, or representing another’s artistic or technical work or creation as one’s own. Any use of the work of others, whether published, unpublished or posted electronically, attributed or anonymous, must include proper acknowledgement." For a more detailed discussion of the processes and punishments, see (

WEEKLY SCHEDULE September 6-13: Social Distancing Texts: - Plato’s Symposium (excerpt) - Golden Temple Langar video We e kl yCr i t i c alWr i t i ngAs s i g nme nt sBe g i n September 13-20: Go d so fWi s d o m Te x t s :-Bh a g a v a dGi t a -“ Th e9 9 , ”Ep i s o d e1 1

Se p t e mb e r2 0-27: Practicing Compassion Texts: - Dalai Lama’s “Compassion and the Individual” - NPR interview with Cheri Maples and Thich Nhat Hanh September 27-October 4: Confronting God Text: - The Book of Job October 4-11: Human Suffering Texts: - David W. Tschanz’s “The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital” - “God: Big Questions” Debate October 11-18: Reading Week October 18-25: God’s Gender Texts: - Shannon Clarkson’s “Language about God” - Sa’diyya Shaikh’s “Allah, hidden treasures, and the Divine Feminine” October 25-November 1: The Horror of the Unknown Texts: - H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Music of Erich Zann,” “The Unameable,” and “The Dunwich Horror” November 1-November 8: God and Protest Texts: - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” - “Religion, Secularism, and Black Lives Matter” - Maya Angelou’s, “Love Liberates” November 8-15: Expressing the Inexpressible Texts: - Vincent Van Gogh’s letters and paintings November 15-22: Gods and Sports Texts: - Heather Reid’s “Athletic Beauty in Classical Greece” November 22-December 6: Midterm Essays due

(Second Semester topics include ritual, death, colonization, technology, monsters, dance, and ecstasy)...

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