HW Ch 12 Nervous Tissue(1) copy copy PDF

Title HW Ch 12 Nervous Tissue(1) copy copy
Course Basic Anatomy & Physiologyii
Institution William Paterson University
Pages 31
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HW Chapter 12 – Nervous Tissue Question type: Multiple Selection 1) Which is a function of the nervous system? Select all that apply. a) Sensory function b) Integrative function c) Motor function d) Contractility e) Elasticity Question type: Multiple Choice 2) Which division of the peripheral nervous system only innervates the gastrointestinal tract’s wall? a) Somatic nervous system b) Autonomic nervous system c) Enteric nervous system d) Parasympathetic nervous system e) Sympathetic nervous system

3) The motor portion of the autonomic nervous system can be divided into a) somatic and sympathetic divisions. b) somatic and parasympathetic divisions. c) enteric and somatic divisions. d) sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. e) voluntary and involuntary divisions. Question type: Multiple Selection 4) Electrical excitability is seen in which cell? Select all that apply. a) Muscle cells b) Neurons c) Microglial cell d) Ependymal cell e) Satellite Cell



5) Which organelle is a common site of protein synthesis in neurons? a) mitochondria b) nucleus c) Nissl body d) Golgi apparatus e) nucleolus Question type: Multiple Selection 6) With respect to neurons, the term “nerve fiber” refers to what structure? Select all that apply. a) an axon b) a dendrite c) a Nissl body d) microtubules e) neurofibrils Question type: Multiple Choice 7) This type of neuron has one dendrite and one axon emerging from the cell body. a) Multipolar neuron b) Bipolar neuron c) Unipolar neuron d) Purkinje cell e) Pyramidal cell 8) After birth Schwann cells a) form myelin sheaths around axons in the central nervous system. b) stop myelinating neurons in the peripheral nervous system. c) lose their ability to regenerate neurons. d) increase their presence and amount of myelination in the peripheral nervous system. e) wrap around multiple parts of several axons forming nodes of Ranvier 9) All of the following statements are true for which type of cell?   

has a charge imbalance across its membrane. includes most cells of the body. exhibits a membrane potential. Inside is more negative relative to outside.

a) b) c) d)

Nonpolarized cell Polarized cell Neutral cell Electrogenic cell



10) A depolarizing graded potential a) makes the membrane more polarized. b) makes the membrane less polarized. c) occurs when chloride enters the cytosol. d) occurs when acetylcholine enters the cytosol. e) occurs on the axon. 11) When a graded potential summates to threshold at the axon hillock, a) ligand-gated Ca+2 channels close rapidly. b) voltage-gated Ca+2 channels open rapidly. c) ligand-gated Na+ channels close rapidly. d) voltage-gated Na+ channels open rapidly. e) ligand-gated K+ channels open rapidly. 12) During the resting state of a voltage-gated Na+ channel, 1. the inactivation gate is open. 2. the activation gate is closed. 3. the channel is permeable to Na+. a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) both 1 and 2 are true. e) all of these choices are true.

13) These statements describe what part of an action potential?  Sodium activation gates are closed  Sodium inactivation gates are open  Potassium gates are open  Repolarization is occurring a) Latent period b) Absolute refractory period c) Relative refractory period d) depolarizing phase e) repolarizing phase



14) Which neurotransmitters are used in virtually all of the inhibitory synapses found in the spinal cord? a) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)and acetylcholine b) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine c) epinephrine and norepinephrine d ) serotonin and melatonin e) glutamate and aspartate

15) An excitatory neurotransmitter _____ the postsynaptic membrane. a) depolarizes b) repolarizes c) hyperpolarizes d) does not affect the polarity of e) creates a synaptic delay at 16) Diffusion, enzymatic degradation, and uptake by cells are all ways to a) remove a neurotransmitter b) stop a spatial summation c) continue a temporal summation d) inhibit a presynaptic potential e) excite a presynaptic potential Question type: Multiple Selection

17) What events must occur for the creation of an action potential? Select all that apply. a) Neurotransmitters must be released into the synaptic cleft. b) Summation of depolarizing graded potential. c) Threshold at the trigger zone. d) Summation of hyperpolarizing graded potential. e) Glycine attaches to a ligand gate. Question type: Multiple Choice 18) A postsynaptic neuron responds to acetylcholine neurotransmitter by creating a) EPSP b) IPSP c) either EPSP or IPSP d) neither EPSP or IPSP



19) Plasticity means the ability to a) regenerate after being damaged. b) communicate by hormones c) convert stimulus into an action potential. d) change based on experience. e) stretch and recoil without damage. Question type: Multiple Selection 20) Which part of the neuron in this diagram would be called a nerve fiber? Select all that apply.

a) A b) B c) D d) E e) I



Question Type: Multiple Choice

21) Which part of the neuron in this diagram produces proteins that can regenerate damaged axons in the PNS?

a) A b) B c) C d) E e) Both A and B



22) Which part of the neuron in this diagram will contain voltage-gated ion channels?

a) A b) B c) E d) F e) G



23) Which of the neurons is located deep in the dermis or hypodermis and detect deep pressure? a) corpuscle of touch b) nociceptor c) pacinian Corpuscle d) tactile epithelial cell

24) In this diagram, which structure electrically insulates the axon of a neuron to increase the speed of nerve impulse conduction?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E



25) In this diagram, where is a node of Ranvier?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E



26) In this diagram, which structure would be produced by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E



27) The cell body of what neuron(s) in this diagram is/are found in gray matter of the spinal cord?

a) A b) B c) unipolar neuron d) A & B e) A & C 28) The neuron labeled B in this diagram would be classified as what type of functional neuron?

a) somatic sensory neuron b) special senses neuron c) motor neuron d) association neuron



29) Which of the following structures is labeled A in the diagram?

a) axon terminal b) trigger zone c) cell body d) peripheral process e) dendrites



30) Which of the structures in this diagram would be included in a ganglion?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

31) Which of the following types of neurons is the most common type of neuron found in the brain and spinal cord? a) bipolar neuron b) multipolar neuron c) unipolar neuron d) pseudounipolar



Question type: Multiple Choice 32) Which of the following types of neurons is exclusively found in the cerebellum? a) bipolar neuron b) multipolar neuron c) Purkinje cells d) unipolar neuron e) pyramidal cells 33) What specific type of unipolar neuron detects a sharp pain? a) tactile epithelial cells (Merkel disc) b) corpuscle of touch (Meissner corpuscle) c) lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscle d) nociceptor



34) Which of the cells in the diagram produces a myelin sheath but lacks a neurolemma?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F



35) Which of the labeled cells in the diagram is a neuroglial cell that removes debris and acts as a phagocyte?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F



36) Which of the labeled cells in the diagram is a neuroglial cell that produces and assists in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F



Question Type: Multiple choice 37) Chromatolysis refers to a) break up of lysosomes after neural injury. b) Wallerian degeneration after neural injury. c) plasticity of neuron. d) break up of Nissl bodies after neural injury. e) none of these choices

38) Wallerian degeneration refers to a) degeneration of the proximal end of axon and myelin sheath after neural injury. b) degeneration of the distal end of axon and myelin sheath after neural injury. c) break of Nissl bodies after neural injury. d) plasticity of neuron.

39) Hearing your cell phone ring in a quiet lecture hall is an example of which nervous system functions? a) Sensory function b) Integrative function c) Motor function d) More than one of the types of nervous system functions

40) Which electrical signal can allow for rapid long-distance communication within the nervous system? a) resting potential b) nerve action potential c) muscle action potential d) graded potential 41) In an action potential, the electric current that flows is generated by the movement of _____ across the membrane. a) electrons b) protons c) ions d) chemicals e) neutrons



42) In the process of spatial summation, _____ are added together and _____ are subtracted from that total to determine whether _____ will be created at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron. a) EPSPs; IPSPs; action potentials b) IPSPs; EPSPs; action potentials c) EPSPs; IPSPs; graded potentials d) IPSPs; action potentials; EPSPs e) EPSPs; action potentials; IPSPs 43) Manic-depressive illness is associated with a) major depression. b) dysthymia. c) bipolar disorder. d) seasonal affective disorder. e) all of these disorders. 44) Acetylcholine is _________at the neuromuscular junctions and ________ at cardiac muscle in the parasympathetic pathway. a) excitatory; inhibitory b) excitatory; excitatory c) inhibitory; excitatory d) inhibitory; inhibitory Question Type: Multiple Selection 45) Which ion channels are used in the production of electrical signals in neurons? Select all that apply a) Leak channel b) Voltage-gated channel c) Ligand-gated channel d) Mechanically gated channel e) Enzymatic channel



46) All of the following statements are true for which type of cell?   

has a charge imbalance across its membrane. includes most cells of the body. exhibits a membrane potential. inside is more negative relative to outside.

a) b) c) d)

Nonpolarized cell Polarized cell Neutral cell Electrogenic cell

47) Na+/K+–ATPase is considered to be an electrogenic pump because a) it contributes to the negativity of the resting membrane potential. b) the sodium ions are negatively charged. c) it exhibits low permeability. d) it hydrolyzes ADP into ATP. e) destroys the resting membrane potential. 48) A depolarizing graded potential a) makes the membrane more polarized. b) makes the membrane less polarized. c) occurs when chloride enters the cytosol. d) occurs when acetylcholine enters the cytosol. e) occurs on the axon. 49) When a graded potential summates to threshold at the axon hillock, a) ligand-gated Ca+2 channels close rapidly. b) voltage-gated Ca+2 channels open rapidly. c) ligand-gated Na+ channels close rapidly. d) voltage-gated Na+ channels open rapidly. e) ligand-gated K+ channels open rapidly.



50) Saltatory conduction is described by which statements? 1) current passes through the entire unmyelinated axon membrane 2) current passes through a myelinated axon only at the nodes of Ranvier 3) current occurs at faster rates 4) voltage-gated channels are concentrated in unmyelinated regions 5) More energy is used to increase speed of conduction a) 1, 3, 4 b) 2, 4, 5 c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 d) 1, 5 e) 2, 3, 4 51) Faster communication and synchronization are two advantages of a) chemical synapses b) electrical synapses c) graded potentials d) action potentials e) Na+-K+ ATPases 52) This type of neural circuit consists of a single presynaptic neuron synapsing with several postsynaptic neurons. a) Diverging circuit b) Converging circuit c) Reverberating circuit d) Parallel after-discharge circuit e) Simple series circuit BELOW -Question Type: Multiple Selection



53) In the diagram, where do graded potentials occur? Select all that apply.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

54) Which of the neurons is located deep in the dermis or hypodermis and detect deep pressure? a) corpuscle of touch


b) nociceptor

c) pacinian Corpuscle

d) tactile epithelial cell


55) In this diagram, which of these types of channels represents a gate that opens to a depolarizing event?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



56) In this diagram, which of these types of channels contributes to more potassium diffusing down their concentration gradient compared to sodium?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



57) In this diagram,,which of the channels is predominantly located on sensory neurons somas and dendrites and responds to vibration, touch, and stretch?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



58) Which diagram represents a circuit that helps coordinated muscular activities, breathing, and short-term memory?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



59) Which diagram represents the type of circuit commonly used to send sensory signals to multiple areas of the brain?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



60) Which diagram represents the type of circuit used to solve algorithms and geometry?

a) A b) B c) C d) D 61) Which diagram represents the type of circuit involved in controlling the movement of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii skeletal muscles?

a) A b) B c) C d) D



62) Which of the following types of neurons is the most common type of neuron found in the brain and spinal cord? a) bipolar neuron b) multipolar neuron c) unipolar neuron d) pseudounipolar

63) Which of these allows more potassium to exit the neuron and helps in maintaining the resting membrane potential? a) leak channel b) ligand-gated channel c) mechanically gated channel d) voltage-gated channel 64) Which types of membrane channels can cause an IPSP on a neuron when acetylcholine binds to the receptor? Select all that apply. a) leakchannel b) ionotropic ligand-gated channels c) mechanically gated channels d) voltage-gated channels e) metabotropic ligand-gated channels Multiple Choice 65) __________open and close in response to physical deformation of receptors. a) Leak channels b) Ligand-gated channels c) Mechanically gated channels d) Voltage-gated channels 66) Hearing your cell phone ring in a quiet lecture hall is an example of which nervous system functions? a) Sensory function b) Integrative function c) Motor function d) More than one of the types of nervous system functions

67) Which electrical signal can allow for rapid long-distance communication within the nervous system? BIO1130


a) resting potential b) nerve action potential c) muscle action potential d) graded potential 68) This type of neural circuit consists of a single presynaptic neuron synapsing with several postsynaptic neurons. a) Diverging circuit b) Converging circuit c) Reverberating circuit d) Parallel after-discharge circuit e) Simple series circuit 69) In temporal summation, a single presynaptic neuron stimulates the creation of action potentials in a postsynaptic neuron when it a) stops firing long enough to allow the postsynaptic neuron to recover. b) fires at a fast enough rate that the sum of EPSPs in the postsynaptic neuron moves above threshold. c) fires at a steady rate that allows the postsynaptic neuron to return to resting potential. d) recruits other presynaptic neurons to begin to fire.

70) Which neurotransmitters are used in virtually all of the inhibitory synapses found in the spinal cord? a) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetylcholine b) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine c) epinephrine and norepinephrine d) serotonin and melatonin e) glutamate and aspartate

71) During an action potential’s ___________, a second stimulus will not produce a second action potential (no matter how strong that stimulus is). This event corresponds to the period when the __________ remain open and the sodium inactivation gates have not reopened. a) absolute refractory period; voltage-gated sodium channels b) absolute refractory period; voltage-gated potassium channels c) relative refractory period; voltage-gated sodium channels d) relative refractory period; voltage-gated potassium channels



72) Acetylcholine is _________at the neuromuscular junctions and ________ at cardiac muscle in the parasympathetic pathway. a) excitatory; inhibitory b) excitatory; excitatory c) inhibitory; excitatory d) inhibitory; inhibitory



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