Ice-cream marketing campaign PDF

Title Ice-cream marketing campaign
Author gurpreet singh
Course Business
Institution University College London
Pages 8
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Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign

Activity 1 Introduction: Conducting a rationale for Rebecca’s artisan ice cream. Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food that is commonly consumed as a snack or dessert. It's made with fresh whole milk, eggs, butter, and cream that are whisked together to create that light meltin-your-mouth texture. An artisan ice cream is ice cream made by a skilled craftsperson. It also employs processes and machinery that require a "human touch." This could include selecting and mixing the ingredients or keeping a close eye on the freezing process to ensure the ice cream is as smooth and of the highest quality as possible. Artisan ice cream is a high-end product that is not mass-produced (source by case study). Marketing aims and objectives The term "smart" is an abbreviation. Specific - clear Measurable – Achievable - realistic Relevant to Time-framed what's to be target case study achieved (percentage or value) 3 Smart objectives - (Brand awareness), (market share), (identifying target market), (increasing sales) Aim Plan to diversify into the making of artisan ice-cream Objectives: To increase brand awareness by 5% To gain 100 out of 500 customers who see the advertisements in the first 3months. To achieve a 15% net profit by end of year To mee Target market: Ice creams are expected to evolve as a snack food due to the proclivity of young people to snack at various intervals. Consumer health consciousness is a major factor driving product demand. Because of its high nutrient content and natural and organic composition, the product has gained popularity among consumers of all ages. However, rising urbanisation combined with rising standards of living play a significant role in product development and sales. Market size, share and structure: Every year, each person in the United Kingdom consumes nine litres of ice cream. People in the UK who buy ice cream buy tubs 49 percent of the time, ice cream sticks 51 percent of the time, a cone 35 percent of the time, lollies 31 percent of the time, and ice cream from vans 25 percent of the time. The ice cream market in the United Kingdom has grown by 20% in the last five years and is now worth £1.1 billion. While many people are only aware of a few ice cream manufacturers, there are over 1000 in the UK producing a wide range of flavours. Specialist ice cream shops and outlets are quickly becoming a niche market, with locations popping up all over the UK(sourced by case study).


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign In 2018, the global artisanal ice cream market was valued at USD 6.0 billion. Rising demand for fruit-flavored ice cream is expected to remain a market trend. Consumer preferences, rising living standards, and changing lifestyles drive product demand. Furthermore, consumer preference for a healthy lifestyle has increased demand for low fat and sugar-free ice cream, driving the market over the forecast period. Artisanal ice creams are made by hand with natural ingredients that are free of preservatives, artificial flavours, emulsifiers, and stabilisers. These products are frequently produced in small batches and have a shelf life of eight weeks as opposed to industrial ice creams, which have a shelf life of twenty-four months.

Trends Artisan ice cream trends are significant because they document progress and experimentation, allowing Rebecca to use them to her advantage to connect with people and therefore increase her customer base and business profitability. One trend is health, as low-calorie options have been available for many years, but customers are now looking for more in their ice cream than just a “light” version, which can be accomplished through portion control, to which some consumers are simply eating smaller amounts. As a result, this is advantageous because it increases customer satisfaction because they do not have to sacrifice flavour or quality thus meeting their needs as consumers. Another emerging trend is high-protein ice cream, which appears to be gaining popularity, particularly among younger demographics. As a result, this product will be beneficial because it will increase customer satisfaction by lowering calories while increasing protein in the product, thus meeting the needs of fitness enthusiasts. Furthermore, another popular ice cream flavour is fruit-flavoured ice cream, which is expected to continue to be popular in the market. Therefore, these trends will have a significant impact on Rebecca's artisan ice cream business, assisting her in achieving social and economic growth.


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign Competition A nearby non-organic dairy farm, which is also considering diversifying into ice cream production, is one of Rebecca's local competitors. It now produces more than 1 million litres of milk per year. If it decides to do so, Rebecca's plans may be jeopardised.

Rebecca's national competitors include La Gelatiera, Covent Garden, and Stratford. La Gelatiera has permanent locations in Covent Garden and Stratford, but it can also be found at Brick Lane Market during the summer months. It focuses on flavour combinations that are unique and intriguing, such as Blue Cheese and Walnut or Basil and Chilli. Each scoop is made with natural, seasonal ingredients as well as Jersey milk and cream, which are pasteurised on-site for maximum freshness. For the third year in a row, the Great Taste Awards 2015 judges ranked two of their products among the Top 50 Foods. This year, their Hazelnut IGP gelato and Sicilian Pistacchio sorbet both make the Top 50 list out of 10,000 products submitted. They claimed that their "Sicilian Pistacchio sorbet number stole the hearts of the Great Taste Awards judges this year, also winning the ultimate Golden Fork for London and South East (aka London's best food)." As a result, they appear to have a higher credit rating than Rebecca's company, giving them the opportunity to gain a larger customer base and profit.

Pestel: Political Political factors in the United Kingdom have influenced the food-related industries. Maintaining health and safety standards is becoming increasingly important. Like any other industry, the ice cream industry is closely monitored and regulated. Regulatory changes are made on a regular basis. Rebecca must maintain the same level of trust and confidence in leveraging her brand name and developing her ice-cream brand. Economic According to IBIS World reports, demand for standard and premium ice cream products has increased significantly in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, the purchasing power of the pound sterling is improving, and the purchase parity of individuals has improved. Furthermore, the industry is worth £395 million, with a 3.5 percent annual growth rate. This is a strong market, and now is a good time for Rebecca to expand in the ice-cream market in order to recover financially and grow economically. Social Consumers' growing health consciousness is having a negative impact on overall demand for ice cream products. Customers want to buy ice cream, but they are concerned about obesity and other health issues (Rowlands et al., 2013). Rebecca has a fantastic opportunity to target social patterns and deliver low-calorie ice cream. Rebbeca can use the healthy plant stevia to replace sugar. Technology Due to technological advancements, Rebecca can improve her packaging and seal system. Technology has greatly improved internal process control. It is an essential source of competitive advantage. 3

Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign Legal In a firm's environment, there are numerous influential legislations and regulatory factors that can alter the firm's operations. Rebecca must design her strategies in accordance with the health and safety laws of her region, as well as keep a close eye on changing tax and economic policies. Environmental Every organisation, large and small, should engage in social initiatives to promote environmental sustainability. Rebecca should be dedicated to conducting environmentally sound business throughout the region, thereby playing a critical role in the preservation of natural resources. Rebecca’s manufacturing must be environmentally conscious and ensure that its environmental impact is minimal.

Swot Strengths Diversification- Diversifying into different categories of trending ice cream and dessert flavours will help Rebecca's artisan ice cream business attract customers and, as a result, increase customer awareness, base, and profits. Expanding into organic ice-cream- Organic ice cream is made with ingredients that have been grown naturally. Starting with the most basic ingredient, milk, and progressing to the additives and various inputs used during production. The creators use extreme care and precision to ensure that it complies with the health guidelines of organic cultivation and production. This will also help to attract customers because it meets their needs as well as health regulations. Weakness Size of the market is limited- This is because the product's supply is limited to her region, implying that she will profit less than in a major city. The business currently produces about 450,000 litres of organic milk annually- However, the company has been experiencing financial difficulties as a result of falling milk prices, overproduction, and increased competition, as well as the requirements of large milk buyers such as supermarkets and their impact on milk prices, since last year. As a result of decreased sales and overproduction, she is suffering financially. Opportunities Growing ice cream market- Rebeca should capitalise on high demand for exceptional products to maintain her profitability in the face of fluctuating input costs. Large young population and hot summers or days- Rebecca should take advantage of this opportunity because she will be able to optimise sales and thus increase profits by anticipating demand and targeting a specific demographic. Weakness Competitor’s- A nearby non-organic dairy farm is also thinking about expanding into ice cream production. It now produces more than 1 million litres of milk per year. If it decides to do so, Rebecca's plans may be jeopardised.


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign Economic and regulatory changes- Rebecca's businesses may spend a significant amount of money and time complying with regulations that are ultimately ineffective and unnecessary

Product lifecycle Development- When a new product is introduced to the market, it is often complex, consumes significant resources, there is a chance that it will fail, and it takes a long time before sales are achieved. Introduction- When a new product is introduced, sales are typically low. Due to low capacity utilisation and high unit costs, businesses use heavy promotions to make customers aware of their products or services and encourage them to purchase them, which usually results in a negative cash flow. This means that Rebecca's business must encourage large follower adoption and high promotional spending in order to raise awareness. Growth- As a product or service (artisan ice cream) gains market acceptance, unit costs for a market rise, causing profits to fall. As a result, cash flow is positive. As a result, Rebecca's company must increase brand awareness, which is the primary goal, as well as improve service. Maturity- Slow sales growth, low unit costs, high profits for those with a large market share, weak competitors begin to leave, and prices begin to fall. I believe that Rebecca's business can reach the early stages of expansion because demand for full-flavour artisan ice cream is increasing rapidly. More and more people want to eat desserts as snacks at any time of day. However, she must continue to provide quality services to customers because if she does not, she will enter the maturity stage, which will result in slow demand for her artisan ice cream.


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign Activity 2 Marketing message: Who's the corporation targeting and what are the benefits of what they supplying. Marketing mix Product- An artisan ice cream is ice cream made by a skilled craftsperson. Artisan ice cream is a high-end product that is not mass-produced (source by case study). Prices- £7.50 for half a litre of artisanal ice cream. Promotion- Promotional channels include Facebook (Facebook artisan ice creams), Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Campaigns on social media aimed at a larger audience. From £3000 to £5000 for a social media campaign. Leaflet design costs £500, and leaflet distribution costs £300 per month (100 leaflets). Radio advertising costs £500 per week for 30 seconds. Facebook costs £0.78 per click in the UK, and the average CPM on Facebook in the UK is $3.15. Place-located at Process- How will customers pay for the product? Will there be social media websites to communicate with the target audience and what is the purpose? Justify why the methods to pay and communicate with the target audience and customer service considerations are suitable to the target audience? PhysicalSelection of media and campaign budget-Table to show how much of the budget will be spend on each promotional activity (6 months). Social media campaign set up £450, social media campaign maintenance £450 monthly, website design £2000, maintenance fee £200 monthly. Which method competitors use. Selection of media and campaign budget-Table to show how much of the budget will be spend on each promotional activity (6 months). Social media campaign set up £450, social media campaign maintenance £450 monthly, website design £2000, maintenance fee £200 monthly. Which method competitors use.


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign

Dos and donts- Market size, share and structure- Trend Competitors- pestel-


Unit 2 developing a marketing campaign Swot-


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