IF-clauses-2021 - Ras PDF

Title IF-clauses-2021 - Ras
Author Liron BERISHA
Course Anglais
Institution Université de La Réunion
Pages 1
File Size 164.2 KB
File Type PDF
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IF-clauses or the 3 conditionals 

The first conditional =

If + … present simple, ... will + infinitive

It is used to talk about things which could easily happen in the future, provided certain conditions are fulfilled.

 

If I save enough money, I'll buy a new computer next month. (‘ll = will) If it rains, I won't go to the park. (won’t = will not)

(si j’économise…, j’achèterai…) (s’il pleut, je n’irai pas…)

If I study today, I'll be able to go to the party tonight.

(si j’étudie, je pourrai…)

The second conditional =

If + preterit, ...would + infinitive

(preterit = simple past)

It is used to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because the condition is not or cannot be fulfilled.  

If I had his number, I would call him. If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man.

(si j’avais…, je l’appellerais) (à ta place = si j’étais toi, je n’irais pas…)

It is also used to talk about imaginary things in the present or things in the future that are probably not going to happen. (Elle voyagerait… si elle était…)  She would travel all over the world if she were rich. 

If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.

 The third conditional = =

(si je gagnais…, j’achèterais…)

If + past perfect, ...would have + past participle If + had + past participle, … would have + past participle

It is used to describe things or situations that didn’t actually happen, but which might have happened if some past conditions had been fulfilled. (si elle avait étudié…, elle aurait réussi)  If she had studied more, she would have passed the exam  

If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick She wouldn't have been so tired if she had gone to bed earlier.

(si je n’avais pas mangé…, je n’aurais pas été…) (Elle n’aurait pas été…, si elle était allée…)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Complete the sentences below, paying attention to the tenses. 1. If you ask him to help you, I’m certain he (accept) _____________________ immediately 2. If I found a piece of plastic in my lasagna, I (complain) __________________________ to the customer service. 3. If you had accepted my help, you (finish) ________________________________ earlier. 4. They wouldn’t have missed the plane if they (take) ______________________________ a taxi. B. Translate into English. 1. Si tu te lèves tôt, tu pourras finir ton travail avant midi.

2. Si j’avais plus de temps libre, je lirais des romans plus souvent.

3. Si tu avais suivi mes conseils, tu aurais économisé beaucoup de temps.

4. Si elle vous disait son âge, vous ne la croiriez pas.

5. J’aurais pris plus de photos s’il n’avait pas plu.

C. Finish the sentence with an appropriate ending. 1. If dinosaurs still existed,…

2. Life would be funnier if…

3. He wouldn’t have lost the elections if…...

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