Ignite - n/a PDF

Title Ignite - n/a
Author Krista Smith
Course Communication Analysis
Institution Northern Arizona University
Pages 3
File Size 80.4 KB
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Krista Smith Ignite/TED Talk outline rough draft 2-1-18 Ignite/TED Talk outline rough draft due: 2-6 (50 points) should look something this: Attention getter: should pertain to you - your life and the idea Age 10: I love my parents. Age 14: My parents are so annoying. Age 18: I wanna leave this house. Age 25: My parents are getting better. Age 30: Mom and Dad, forgive me? Age 50: I don’t want to lose my parents! Age 70: Mom and Dad I love you so much! Lets start at the beginning when I was young I thought my parents were great smart always there for me. . . Then my early teens. Oh boy.. watch out. My parents it seemd changed in one day. They bugged me, they had rules, they wanted to know what I was doing, where I was going, who I was with, what I was watching on TV, and what I was doing on the Internet, how was my school, and constantly bugging me and wanting to know everything I was doing, that is when the conflict began. I thought it was invading my privacy. What happened to those loving parents I had before - or was it me. I wish I had the communication skills at that time to deal with my frustrations and my parents. And at the same time they could have had better communication skills to deal with me in the difficult stage that I had with them. When I was 14 I wanted to go out with my friends on a Friday night to a party. AS I saw it my parents being very mean would not allow me to go. I rationalized with them good reasons why they should let me go. I wanted to go out until 11pm but we compromised by saying that I could go but had to be home by 10pm. Me being wiser and musch smarter than my parents I knew I should stay until 10:30pm. I wanted to avoid my parents So I knew they would be calling and bugging me so I turned off my phone. They tried to get ahold of me but they couldn’t. Then when I got home, my 11oclock became 1130 some how. When I got home my parents did not have good communication skills with me, can you imagine. I then got very upset and did not have good communication skills with them. They yelled at me, and I yelled and cried back to them. I then, for reasons I did not understand, got grounded for 2 weeks and lost my cell phone too. How could our communication be better One issue I had with my parents was that I wanted to go out on a week night with my friends. Key message – We are all human beings and everyone gets in conflicts. It is just a matter of how you handle the communication in the conflict to help better those relationships. When I was ten I thought my parents were hero’s and I looked up to them in every way because everything that they did was right and I did everything that they asked me to and I had no problems. At age 14 is when we started butting heads and having conflicts. My parents had rules in the house where I had a curfew at ten pm, wasn’t able to go on trampoline or ride dirt bike or quad or anything dangerous unless an adult was home, and to only be on the computer an hour a day, limited my TV watching, and at one time did not like a boyfriend I had. These things my parents did not see eye to eye on. In that

Krista Smith Ignite/TED Talk outline rough draft 2-1-18 case I avoided my parents rules. There are times when I want to go hang out with my friends Many times I did not like my parents rules, such as a curfew on weekends at 10pm, chores they wanted done by me and limiting my daily computer time. I would use avoidance with them so I would not have to listen to them constantly asaking me to do chores or to get off the computer. I would try to compromise with them why I should be able to stay out later, such as my friends are able to stay out later the movie that I am going to is past 10 pm. I promise I will be good.

What is the communicative idea you want to share? Conflicts between parents and children in their teen years to adulthood. Why it is important to you? I have had conflicts with my parents and I have learned the hard way. I learned from my experience and am glad that I changed my rebellious ways. Why is it important to the audience? Why should they incorporate it into their lives? Individuals who have conflicts with their parents can look at the conflict styles and see how they can use a different style to better their conflicts. Having fewer conflicts and better communication skills can make conflicts more productive. Growing up I had rebellious

4-5 main points about the com idea - with examples There are five different conflict styles one can use during a conflict the conflict stlyes can worsen or better your conflicts. Avoidance Competition Compromise Accommodate Being there for you and acknowledging

Key message – Go back to the idea -- how does now knowing this improve your life and the people in the audience? Bettering your conflicts with your parents can enhance your communication with parents. This can make living together more enjoyable. This can make less stress, and then makes everyone happier in his or her lives. I have seen this in my life and after acknowledging

Krista Smith Ignite/TED Talk outline rough draft 2-1-18 how I handled conflicts with my parents was not healthy. Once I was able to getter my communication by using compromising and accommodating we have had less conflicts....

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