Incident Report IMS556 PDF

Title Incident Report IMS556
Author Dyanaferra Salim
Course Records Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 15
File Size 287.3 KB
File Type PDF
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of our assignment work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and I would not forget to thank them. I respect and thank Puan Hazila Binti Timan for giving me an opportunity to do this assignment work and providing us all support and guidance which make me complete the assignment on time. I extremely grateful to her for providing such a nice support and guidance. I would also like to express my gratitude to my beloved family for their encouragement, patience, support and sacrifice they have given to me during the implementation of this assignment. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to all my friends especially classmate from IM2465ST2 that who had been supporting me from the beginning of this task. Without you all, maybe I can’t finish this assignment. On Allah SWT can repay their kindness. Thank you.

Table of Content

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 2 Table of Content............................................................................................................................ 3 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 5 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Summary of the Incident ............................................................................................................. 5 Action Taken ............................................................................................................................... 5 Who/Where/When ....................................................................................................................... 6 Contents of the Reports ............................................................................................................... 6 RECOMMENDATION TO THE MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 7 Findings/Results .......................................................................................................................... 7 Implications ................................................................................................................................. 8 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 8 Rationale...................................................................................................................................... 9 Costs and Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 9 INCIDENT..................................................................................................................................... 9 Description .................................................................................................................................. 9 Immediate Action Taken ........................................................................................................... 10 THE INCIDENT INVESTIGATION ....................................................................................... 10 Method of Investigation ............................................................................................................ 10 Analyze Causes ......................................................................................................................... 10 Constraints................................................................................................................................. 11 Assumptions

................................................................................................................................................... 11 FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS ........................................................................................................... 11 Actions Taken ........................................................................................................................... 11 Next Steps ................................................................................................................................. 12 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 13 DOCUMENT CONTROL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 14

OVERVIEW Purpose The purpose of the study is to determine mishap faced by Usaha Maju SDN BHD related to mental health issues and the stress of employees in their jobs in the company. This issue is a problem that has had a huge negative impact on the Usaha Maju SDN BHD organization itself and its employees as well.

Summary of the Incident On April 2021, there were two employees from Usaha Maju SDN BHD company who were sent to a treatment center for immediate treatment due to suffering from excessive mental stress. The two employees from the company are said to be suffering from stress and mental stress due to overwork as well as being closely related to their personal matters which caused them to faint and were rushed to the nearest hospital for immediate treatment. The doctor who treated the two workers confirmed that one of the workers had died due to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain of the worker. This is because, mental stress and excessive stress have caused the blood vessels in the head of the worker to have ruptured. Meanwhile, the other employee just needs to relax and get advice from a counselor on the management of mental health issues. From this incident, many other employees of this company who quit their jobs as well as the families of the victims who died have taken the matter to court so that the company is given appropriate action.

Action Taken After the incident, the director of Usaha Maju SDN BHD has implemented several strategies including enacting their company laws so that employees are not too stressed with limited working hours. They give employees the opportunity to freely choose if employees want to work overtime or not and are given the opportunity to freely set the overtime time that employees want. Syarikat Usaha Maju SDN BHD has also changed the workplace environment to provide full comfort to employees. It is not only focused on the design of the work but on the physical environment such as air quality, lighting, cleanliness, noise, furniture and workspace. All 5

of these have a positive impact on an individual’s feelings and mentality which can minimize stress problems in the workplace. In addition, Usaha Maju SDN BHD plays an important role in the company. There are two sources of stress namely role ambiguity and role conflict. Role ambiguity exists when individuals do not have a clear picture of job objectives, co -workers ’expectations of them and the scope also responsibilities of the job. Role conflict exists when employees have to choose between wants and expectations. Therefore, the organization needs to clarify the real role of employees in the organization and this can be done with an effective communication system.

Who/Where/When Directors and superiors from Usaha Maju SDN BHD have worked with the authorities and counseling experts who are experienced in overcoming and preventing mental health issues among the community in Malaysia. There are also some employee stress problems experienced by this company in previous years but the company does not take the issue seriously until it leads to the death of an employee then they take the problem seriously. The Director of Usaha Maju SDN BHD further changed the company's policy for the benefit of the company's employees so that their mental and physical health is always maintained from time to time.

Contents of the Reports The contents of the report surround the representation of the overview of the incident, recommendation to management, incident analysis and investigation, follow-up actions, references including attachment and document control information. The overview of the incident is consisting of purpose, a summary of the incident, actions taken, and when/where/how. The recommendation to management is consisting of findings/results, implications, recommendations, rationale, and cost and benefits analysis. The incident analysis and investigation consist of a description of the incident, immediate action is taken, methods of investigation, analyzing the cause, constraints, and assumptions. The follow-up actions include the actions taken and the next steps that should be undertaken by the company to make growth company. The references and attachment is take account of and the document control information is consisting of revision history including prepared, reviewed and approved by the Usaha Maju SDN BHD board of executives.


RECOMMENDATION TO THE MANAGEMENT Findings/Results Accidents are physically very dangerous to all employees and common in a company, however we often forget the incident that cannot be seen from the naked eye and there are only a few people who are aware of this incident that is employee pressure in doing work. Since the pandemic called Covid-19 in 2019, there have been many communities who lost their employees as well as not least employees who got strong pressure from a company after there were many changes in terms of policies and laws modified from the company itself. Work stress problems should not be taken lightly by the organization and it is a global issue that gives huge impact on organizational productivity. Stress is also a major issue in terms of occupational safety and health. Literature review clearly shows that stress at the workplace is commonly associated with cost and organizational productivity. Actually, stress at the workplace is not a new phenomenon in working environment. It exists in every organization and no one could evade from stress. Stress at the workplace issues get major interest in Japan and United States organizations since the problem is strongly related to overall organizational performance. Although every employee worldwide will experience this problem, but the question is how they can survive when stress become uncontrolled. This issue should be given serious attention by every organization in the world. Furthermore, technological change, social and discontinuation in the employment sector will make this problem a serious global issue. Among the common symptoms of psychological stress are depression, lethargy, and psychosomatic disorders (Nelson & Quick, 2013). Prolonged disturbed psychology will affect the physiology such as heart disease, high blood pressure, fatigue and many more. According to Murphy (1995), the effects of depression due to stress at work consist of psychological effects (anxiety, sadness, irritability/irritability), physiological (high blood pressure and strong muscle stress) or behavior (poor work performance, accidents, sleep disorders, drug abuse). Occurring stress can cause employees ’tendency to make mistakes and negligence leading to accidents, low product and service quality, deteriorating work environment as well as affect overall productivity as well as organizational image.


Accidents and injuries that occur in the workplace are major issues that need to be seen by organizations from an economic point of view. This is because occupational safety and health costs have increased drastically over the past 10 years as a result of increased accidents and injuries in the workplace (Brown, 1996; Murphy, 1996; Mital & Pennathur, 2004). A review of the literature clearly shows that stress problems in the workplace are often associated with costs as well as organizational productivity (Dwyre & Ganster, 1991; Joseph, 2003; Hendrick, 2003). When employees get injuries as a result of fatigue and stress in the workplace, they tend to show very poor work performance and it can affect the productivity of the organization.

Implications This incident not only had a negative impact on the performance of Usaha Maju SDN BHD, but it also had a huge impact on the community, especially the clients who gave their trust to this organization. People will definitely feel scared and anxious to use the products produced by this company. The quality of work of employees and the way they work will certainly change and even decrease because employers pay less attention to their own employees.

Recommendations It is recommended for Usaha Maju SDN BHD to conduct career development in the company. This is so because, lack of job security, excessive human resources, retirement, and multiple performance appraisals can cause stress in the workplace. The frustration of reaching the highest levels in a job can cause the most stress in life. Studies also show that individuals who face stress in the workplace are more likely to show dissatisfaction, easy job switching, burnout, poor work performance and ineffective interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the organization needs to emphasize the aspects of career planning and development among its employees. All of this can be achieved through career counseling, funding employees who want to further their education, encouraging employees to follow organized training programs and the like. Such career development will mature human resources and stress in the workplace can be minimized. Furthermore, career development facilitates the successful change management process in the 8

organization. In addition, the role of the employees themselves is to communicate well with each other. Dealing with managers and co -workers will also affect a person’s feelings at work. It can also be a major source of stress in an individual’s life. Therefore, a harmonious relationship needs to be achieved between employee with employee and employee with manager. All of this can be done with a good relationship between the manager and the employee. Effective communication will also be able to minimize any conflicts that exist and this will increase employee loyalty to the organization.

Rationale The rationale of this situation is to prevent employees from experiencing the problem of excessive stress in the workplace. With the comfort of the workplace, at least the employees don’t get too stressed even if they have personal problems from home anymore. A caring employer and a well -maintained relationship between employees has a positive effect on a person's mental health as well as can change the way they think. This will help them think more positively and not get excessive stress on themselves.

Costs and Benefits In this issue, the funding incurred by the company on the incident is indeed very large because it has involved someone's life. However, by overhauling the company's policy itself must be paid with patience and the company must rebuild the trust of clients, employees and the community in trusting the products they market. It will be establishing a beneficial environment as it will enable the organization to gain the attention of the stakeholders and customers.

INCIDENT Description Staff from Usaha Maju SDN BHD suffered from ruptured blood vessels in the head due to excessive stress at work which in turn led to death. A different staff member suffered the same mental stress but did not suffer any serious injuries and was only allowed to rest temporarily by the hospital. 9

Immediate Action Taken During the situation, the two workers were rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. After that, the company's superiors are responsible for the incident and subsequently enact company laws and policies that are more concerned with the rights of their employees. The company also conducts career development in their company for all staff involved.

THE INCIDENT INVESTIGATION Method of Investigation The research method is done by identifying the causes of stress faced by each employee whether it is the workload or personal stress from home. Investigate the role of superiors in an organization that is the backbone of every staff working in the company. Recall the responsibilities they carry out whether to provide good working comfort to employees and to be a caring employer to all employees. The organization also investigates more in the relationship between the company's superiors and staff as well as the relationship between staff among each other. Change the way employees work to a more comfortable situation with a pleasant environment so that employees do not easily get stressed due to the situation of the environment. CCTV is also installed in all areas of the company to be able to monitor the condition of employees at all times so that when there is an unexpected situation, the company can take appropriate action quickly and not involve harm to any party if something bad happens.

Analyze Causes The main causes of workplace stress in most organizations around the world are due to extreme workload and long working hours, lack of control, routine work, conflict between individuals, lack of rewards and organizational problems (Karasek & Theorell, 1990). Psychosocial risk, also often referred to as organizational stress that has the potential to cause psychological or physical injury. Psychosocial risk is widely recognized as a major challenge to occupational health. This opinion is in line with the study of Jain, Saeed, Arnaout and Kortum (2012), that exposure to psychosocial risks in the workplace affects the physical, mental and social 10

health of employees. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), work related to psychological disorders is among the top ten health disorders and diseases in the United States. Among the common symptoms of psychological stress are depression, lethargy, and psychosomatic disorders. However, stress problems in the workplace can also affect an individual’s social life. This is because when the stress of work is not addressed, it can cause the problem to linger all the way home and involve other parties. This situation will disrupt their psychology and social relationships. Therefore, we cannot blame one side alone when an incident like this occurs in the workplace.

Constraints The constraints that are present in this incident are the lack of awareness among employees about the importance of taking care of their own mental health in addition to taking care of their physical health. Treat depression and anxiety as normal and don’t take seriously about the mental stress they face. Supervisors also provide less comfort in the workplace which is one of the stress factors for employees and in turn leads to the occurrence of incidents like this.

Assumptions The assumption that can be made from these incidents is that employees do not have sufficient knowledge of how to control and prevent depression and anxiety that causes them to drown in negative feelings with their environment. In such incidents, the organization cannot be blamed 100% because if the organization has done its best for the comfort of employees in work but employees still do not have enough knowledge to control the burden of their own minds then such incidents will certainly happen and vice versa. Each party and individual must take their respective roles so that no party points fingers at each other.

FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS Actions Taken After the incident, the director of Usaha Maju SDN BHD has implemented severa...

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