Infant Chart Ch. 31 - erikson, kohlberg, freud theories of development throughout life PDF

Title Infant Chart Ch. 31 - erikson, kohlberg, freud theories of development throughout life
Course Fundamentals of nursing
Institution Texas State University
Pages 5
File Size 216.1 KB
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erikson, kohlberg, freud theories of development throughout life...


Infant 0-12/18 months

Growth and Develop ment

Examples: Theories, language, physical growth, developmental tasks, social development, temperament, coping, etc Cognitive Development: Piaget: Sensorimotor - 6 substages that are governed by sensations in which simple learning takes place - progress from reflex through simple repetitive behavior to imitative behavior - develop a sense of cause and effect - problem solving is trial and error - they are curious experimenters that enjoy the novelty of being able to differentiate themselves from their environment -a sense of permanence is developed (the object exists even when it is no longer visible) -towards the end language and representational thought begins Psychosocial: Erikson: Trust vs. mistrust (birth-1) - basic trust is foundation for healthy personality -time of getting and taking in through the senses but is always in relationship to something or someone so loving care is essential to development of trust -mistrust develops when trust-promoting experiences are lacking -trust in parents stems trust in the world, other people, oneself and results in faith and optimism Psychosexual: Freud: Oral (birth-1) - The major source of pleasure is centered on oral activities, sucking, biting, chewing, vocalizing - Preferred method can indicate personality Coping: -separation anxiety starts around 4-8 months  Interact with their parents  Get on their level  Talk with a soft voice  Be aware of equipment By 11-12 months they anticipate their mother leaving Language - crying is first means of verbal communication -infants cry 1-1.5 hours a day until around 3 weeks old and then build up to 2-4 hours a day -crying decreases by 12 weeks -2 months they make single vowel sounds -4 months consanants n, k, g, p, and p added to coo, gurgle, and

laughs -8 months they imitate sounds -10-11 months they ascribe meaning to words “dada”, “mama” and understand no -1 year can say 3-5 words with meaning Social development: -Attachment to parents during second half of first year -4 months infant can laugh -6months they are personable, play peekaboo, extend arms, show displeasure, develop fear of familiar and unfamiliar people Physical Growth Weight: -Infants gain 150-210 grams (5-7 oz)/ weekly until 6 months birth weight has at least doubled - by 1 year birth weight has tripled Height: -Height increases 2.5 cm/month during first 6 months - by 1 year birth length has increased almost 50% -Posterior fontanel closes by 6-8weeks -anterior fontanel closes by 12-18 months Developmental tasks -2-3 months: grasping becomes voluntary, hold head beyond plane of body -at 1 month hands are closed, by 3 months they are mostly open -4 months: lift head and bear weight on forearms, able to sit -5 months can voluntarily grasp, willfully turn from abdomen to back - 6 months: hold bottle, hold feet and pull to mouth, feed themselves a cracker, head control established, turn from back to abdomen, begin to bear weight on legs -7 months: transfer objects from 1 hand to other, can sit alone leaning on hands for support -8-9 months: crude pincer grasp, can crawl begin to stand while holding onto furniture neat pincer grasp by 10 months, maneuver from prone to sitting -11 months: put objects in container and remove, walk while holding onto furniture -1 year: try to build block tower, may be able to walk with hand held Temperament -can contribute to parent’s depression -provide perspective for parents so they can understand their child better Limit Setting and Discipline - time out, 1 minute per year of age Play -narcissistic and revolves around themselves -3-6 months play alone with rattle -4 months have preference for certain toys -6 months-1 year- sensorimotor skills with games like peekaboo

Health Promotio n

Anticipat ory Guidance

Examples: nutrition, developmental needs, sleep, dental care, etc Pacifier/thumb sucking - comfort to suck -at naptime and bedtime decreases the chance of SIDS - can produce analgesic effect during painful procedures - should not suck thumb past 4 years of age Teething 6-9 months See dentist as soon as they get their first tooth or by a year old Nutrition -juice only if they have constipation -12 months and under should be iron fortified formula, breast milk -allergies can be an issue -1 new food every 4-7 days: assess for bloody stools, skin reaction, 1 tablespoon per year of age is a good serving size -4 months add iron fortified rice cereal (4-6 months) - do vegetables before fruit -around 12 months will transition to cow’s milk…check iron, if they are getting too much milk they will be low on iron -human milk best for first 6 months -do not require additional fluids (water or juice) during first 4 months Sleeping -2 months sleep 15 hours/day -6-12 months sleep 13 hours -2 naps/day by end of first year -sleep on their backs -breast fed babies wake up more often because breast milk is easier to digest - if they sit in a swing, mobile walker all day they are not getting enough movement and will not sleep as much Developmental needs Dental care -once teeth come in cleaning should begin -wipe teeth with damp cloth -oral exam by 6 months -fluoride needed beginning at 6 months Examples: safety promotion, injury prevention, Car seat -backwards facing until 2 years old or if weight maxes out on car seat Safety - outlet covers -cabinet locks - keep meds in cabinet out of reach - door knob locks Injury prevention -3 major causes of death in infants: suffocation, motor vehicle related, drowning

Immuniz ations

Skin Disorders

-hold infant don’t prop when feeding -smoke detectors -don’t microwave formula/breast milk can cause burns -check bathwater temp -don’t leave child in parked car -don’t cover mattress with plastic -don’t leave infant younger than 12 months alone on mattress or bean bag chair -keep small objects out of reach Birth: Hep B (1st dose) 2m: Hep B (2nd dose), RV (1st dose), DTaP (1st dose), Hib (1st dose), PCV13 (1st dose), IPV (1st dose) 4m: RV (2nd dose), DTaP (2nd dose), Hib (2nd dose), PCV13 (2nd dose), IPV (2nd dose) 6m: Hep B (3rd dose), RV, DTaP (3 rd dose), Hib, PCV13 (3rd dose), IPV (3rd dose), Influenza 9m: Hib (3rd dose) 12m: Hep B, Hib(3rd or 4th), PCV13 (4th dose), IPV, Influenza, MMR, Varicella, Hep A

Examples: diaper dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis Diaper dermatitis - change diaper - keep dry - barrier cream Cradle Cap - be careful when picking - warm water

Other Health Concerns

-shampoo daily Examples: Colic (Paroxysmal Abdominal Pain), Failure to Thrive (Growth Failure), Positional Plagiocephaly, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Apparent Life-Threatening Event Colic - crying and fussing for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, 3 weeks - paroxysmal abdominal pain - pacifier - gas drops -massage abdomen - change position -swaddle tightly - vibration Failure to thrive - neglect is usually involved -anemia -hormone deficiency -food allergy Positional Plagiocephaly -lying in place for too long they can get a flattened head - helmet can reshape if done early enough - turn baby on tummy or side during day SIDS -sudden death of infant younger than 1 year that remains unexplained -safe to sleep campaign has caused reduce in SIDS -higher percentage of boys affected -usually occurs during sleep -increased incidence in winter -lower incidence in breastfed infants -risk factors: low birth weight or preterm, low apgar, recent virus, sibling of two or more SIDS victims, native American or African american Apparent life threatening event -event in which infant has combo of apnea, pallor, cyanosis, change in muscle tone, choking, gagging, or coughing...

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