Inflection and derivation morphology PDF

Title Inflection and derivation morphology
Author Gloria Dominguez
Course Conocimiento y Uso de la Lengua Inglesa
Institution Universidad de Sevilla
Pages 14
File Size 532.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Introduction. .......................................................................................................................... 2

What it is inflection? ............................................................................................................. 2

What is derivation?................................................................................................................ 3

What are the differences between inflection and derivation morphology? ........................... 4

What are we going to do in the class? ................................................................................... 4

Activities for inflectional morphemes. .................................................................................. 5 1.

The crazy worm................................................................................................................. 5


Finding inflections............................................................................................................. 6


Finally, we are going to say to students: ........................................................................... 7 Activities for derivational morphemes. ................................................................................. 8

• 1)

The lost suffixes and prefixes............................................................................................ 8


Form new words................................................................................................................ 8


Finally, we are going to say to students: ........................................................................... 9

Activity for the comparison between inflection and derivation morphology........................ 9

Guide notes.......................................................................................................................... 11

Bibliography........................................................................................................................ 13


• Introduction. “The field of morphology in general is divided into two major subfields: one concerned with processes of inflection […], and the other with what are usually referred to as processes of word-formation. This latter field is then divided in turn into two smaller subfields, of which one is concerned with processes of derivation […] and the other with processes of composition or compounding.” (Matthews, 1974). Now, we are going to explain some of these processes, in this case, inflectional and derivational morphemes. That´s why we are going to explain what are these morphemes and the differences between both.

• What it is inflection? Inflection is the morphological process to create a different grammatical form of words. So, these morphemes change the grammatical form of the word, but they do not change the meaning of the word, moreover they do not create a new word. Also, the syntax needs them, because they indicate the relation between different words in a sentence. In addition, they are used at the end of words, after the stem and derivational suffixes. The most used is the –s to form the plural of words. From S. Jannedy, R. Poletto, T.L. Weldon. 1994 (twelfth edition). Language files. Ohio State University Press; we have obtained this chart of the inflectional morphemes: Function


Attaches to



She waits there at noon.

Past tense



She waited there yesterday.

Progressive aspect



She is waiting there now.

Past participle



Jack has eaten the cookies.







Jack has tasted the cookies.




The chairs are in the room.




Jill is taller than Joe.





Joe runs faster than Jill.


Ted is the tallest in his class.


Michael runs fastest of all.

These are the affixes or inflectional morphemes; there are no more.

• What is derivation? Derivation is a morphological process to create a new meaning of a word, so you change part of the speech. They are not necessary for syntax, because they do not influence in the relations between words. It is important to say that derivational morphemes could be prefixes or suffixes. Moreover, as Geert Booji (2005) says “Derivation is the formation of lexemes by means of affixation, conversion, reduplication, and root-and-pattern morphology. These different morphological operations serve a large number of semantic and syntactic functions, including that of valency change”. Some of the derivational morphemes, in this case suffixes, that we can use could be (From Cambridge Dictionary Online): To form Verb

Derivational morphemes -ate

Complicate, Dominate


Soften, Harden


Clarify, Identify

-ise /-ize Noun

-age -al



Realise, Industrialize Village, Baggage Arrival


Disappointment, Parliament


Happiness, Kindness


Friendship, Membership

-able / -ible

Portable, Flexible 3



Hopeful, Helpful


Homeless, Hopeless


Nervous, Famous


Calmly, Easily

-ward (s)

Upwards, Downwards


Edgewise, Clockwise

On the other hand, they are many prefixes to form other words, so they are derivational morphemes too. Some of them are: un-, pre-, im- dis-, re-… For example: unhappy, preorder, impredictable, disable, reliable. These are some derivational morphemes, but there are more of them.

• What are the differences between inflection and derivation morphology? The differences that we can underline between inflection and derivation morphology are the next: Derivational morphemes create new lexemes. On the other hand, inflectional morphemes create new forms of the same lexemes. Inflection is relevant and necessary for the syntax, while derivation it is not as relevant as inflection. Inflection is obligatory in the context, for example the –s of the verb in third person in the present tense. Whereas, derivation is optional, for example homeless is the same as a person who has not a home.

• What are we going to do in the class? First of all, we are going to divide the class in two groups of the same number of people. Then, one group is going to do the activities of derivational morphemes and the other group is going to do the activities of inflectional morphemes. In addition, we are going to divide us in pairs, one pair for the activities of inflection morphology, and the other pair 4

of us for the activities of derivation morphology. Finally, all the class is going to do the activity for the comparison of inflection and derivation morphology and all together they are going to watch two videos of it. With these activities the students are going to discover what inflection and derivation morphology are. So, we think that it is a good manner to learn it, instead of explaining theoretically.

• Activities for inflectional morphemes. 1. The crazy worm. Students are going to be divided in two groups and each group has to move in the body of the worm, depending on what they have in the two wheels. We have a worm drawn in a cardboard and this worm has many words in his body. This is the worm:

Also, we have two wheels where students choose a number in one of them and in the other wheel students choose an inflectional morpheme. These are the wheels:


Students have to form words, in this case verbs, with the word that they have in the body of the worm and the inflectional morpheme that they had, depending on the number that they have in the wheel to move in the worm´s body. Finally, they have to create a sentence using the new word, in order to win a point.

2. Finding inflections. In a cardboard we have different words in order to students find which of them contain inflectional morphemes. This is our cardboard:

Then, students have to classify these words in a chart that we are going to give them. This chart will be like this: Nouns





The correct chart completed is this: Nouns

















Crying Shows Studied Written Thinking Played Thinks Used Happened

3. Finally, we are going to say to students: -

We have worked with inflectional morphemes.


The inflectional morphemes change the form of the word, but they do not change the word.


There are eight different inflectional morphemes and they are: -s for the third person singular of the present tense and for the plural forms; the -ed or -en/-ed for past tense and past participle; -ing for the progressive aspect; -er for the comparative form; and -est for the superlative form.



Syntax needs the inflectional morphemes, for example the –s for the third person in present tense verbs is obligatory.

• Activities for derivational morphemes. 1) The lost suffixes and prefixes. We have a cardboard with words that have prefixes and suffixes and the group have to find these derivational morphemes in the words. In this case the cardboard will be the next:

The group have to underline the prefixes and suffixes. Finally, the group have to make a story using three of the words that they have in the cardboard.

2) Form new words. We have a cardboard with different lexemes, and in a box, we have some prefixes and suffixes in order to students create new words with these derivational morphemes. Before, we have to say to our students that they have to form new words with these prefixes and suffixes, but in some cases, they can erase some letters to add the derivational morphemes. This is our cardboard with the final words:


3) Finally, we are going to say to students: -

We have worked with derivational morphemes.


The derivational morphemes create new words.


There are many derivational morphemes, and they create nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs.

• Activity for the comparison between inflection and derivation morphology. In order to conclude the session and to resume and clarify the difference between derivation and inflection, we are going to do an activity called “Password”. People have to be divided in two groups. Each group will be given a circle with twelve numbers like this:


Each number has associated one question. Starting with number 1, we are going to ask every question to the groups. when one question is correctly answered, the same team continues with the next one. If someone does not know the question has to say “password” and pass the turn to the other group. If someone fails one question, we will put on the number a red post-it and, if it is right, a green post-it will be put. The game ends when both teams complete the circle and win who have correctly answered a major number of question (more green post-it on their circle). The question we are going to ask are: GROUP 1: 1) Make an inflectional word with WALK. 2) What is the lexeme of SINGER? 3) What is the suffix of HAPPINESS? 4) What is the prefix of UNHAPPY? 5) What of the following words are inflectional? PREWRITE - THINKS – FREE 6) Make a derivational word from LIKE. 7) What of the following words are not derivative? RELATE - REPHRASE – ACTION 8) Make an inflectional word with the suffix -ED 9) Make an inflectional word with CHOOSE. 10) What is the derivation of the word DELIVER? 11) Make an inflection with QUICK. 12) From the plural of the word TABLE with an inflectional morpheme. GROUP 2: 1. Make an inflectional word with GIRL. 10

2. What is the lexeme of PREPARATION? 3. What is the suffix of PEACEFUL? 4. What is the prefix of PREORDER? 5. What of the following words are inflectional? PREPARING - REPEAT DISAGREE 6. Make a derivational word from DICTATE. 7. What of the following words are not derivative? SMALLER - SHORTEN – ASSISTANT 8. Make an inflectional word with the suffix -ING. 9. Make an inflectional word with FOLLOW. 10. What is the derivation of the word BUILD? 11. Make an inflection with SLOW. 12. From the plural of the word WINDOW with an inflectional morpheme. After the game “password” students are going to watch two videos: - For inflectional morphemes.

- For derivational morphemes.

• Guide notes. All together: -



First, we are going to divide the class in two groups, please. (We will make two groups) One group will be with one pair of us and the other group with the other two of us. For the group of inflectional morphemes:


The first game is “The crazy worm”. You have to make two groups again to play it.


Each group has to move in the body of the worm in turns. You have two wheels in which there are some terminations and three numbers. So, you have to move the wheel in order to choose one thing in each wheel, and with these number you have to move in the body of the worm and make a word with the termination that you have.


Also, if you make a right sentence with the word that you form, you win a point. (They are going to play the game)


The following game is “Finding inflections”. You have to find some words that you think that they have inflectional morphemes.


Then, you have to classify these words in a chart. 11


We have worked with inflectional morphemes.


The inflectional morphemes change the form of the word, but they do not change the word.


There are eight different inflectional morphemes and they are: -s for the third person singular of the present tense and for the plural forms; the -ed or -en/-ed for past tense and past participle; -ing for the progressive aspect; -er for the comparative form; and est for the superlative form.


Syntax needs the inflectional morphemes, for example the –s for the third person in present tense verbs is obligatory.


We are going to finish the class all the group together. For the group of derivational morphemes:


The first game is “The lost suffixes and prefixes”. You have to find the suffixes and the prefixes in these words in the cardboard, underlining it. (They are going to do it).


You have to make a story using three of the words that you have in the cardboard.


The next game is “Form new words”. In this box you have some prefixes and suffixes in order to put them in the words that you see in this cardboard to form new words. Also, you can erase some letters to add the derivational morphemes. (They are going to do it).


We have worked with derivational morphemes.


The derivational morphemes create new words.


There are many derivational morphemes, and they create nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs.


We are going to finish the class all the group together. All together:


In order to conclude the session and to resume and clarify the difference between derivation and inflection, we are going to do an activity called “Password”.


You are going to play this game with the same groups that you have before.


You have to choose one volunteer for each group, but the answer it will be chosen in group. If you say the correct answer, you will win a green post-it, but if say a wrong answer the post-it will be red.


(We will play the game) GROUP 1



1) Make an inflectional word with WALK. 2) What is the lexeme of SINGER? 3) What is the suffix of HAPPINESS?

1) Make an inflectional word with GIRL. 2) What is the lexeme of PREPARATION?

4) What is the prefix of UNHAPPY?

3) What is the suffix of PEACEFUL?

5) What of the following words are

4) What is the prefix of PREORDER?

inflectional? PREWRITE - THINKS – FREE 6) Make a derivational word from LIKE. 7) What of the following words are not derivative? RELATE - REPHRASE – ACTION 8) Make an inflectional word with the suffix -ED 9) Make an inflectional word with CHOOSE. 10) What is the derivation of the word DELIVER? 11) Make an inflection with QUICK. 12) From the plural of the word TABLE with an inflectional morpheme.

5) What of the following words are inflectional? PREPARING REPEAT -DISAGREE 6) Make a derivational word from DICTATE. 7) What of the following words are not derivative? SMALLER - SHORTEN – ASSISTANT 8) Make an inflectional word with the suffix -ING. 9) Make an inflectional word with FOLLOW. 10) What is the derivation of the word BUILD? 11) Make an inflection with SLOW. 12) From the plural of the word WINDOW with an inflectional morpheme.


To end the class and in order to clarify it, we are going to watch two videos.


Thank you.



• Bibliography. -GEERT BOOJ. 2005. The Grammar of Words. Oxford: OUP. -R. HUDDLESTON and G.K. PULLUM. 2005. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. Cambridge: CUP. 13

- S. JANNEDY, R. POLETTO, T.L. WELDON. 2016 (twelfth edition). Language Files. Ohio State University Press. -P.H. MATHEWS. 1974. Morphology: An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure. Cambridge: CUP. -MUSTAPHA








Phonetics/Phonology and Morphosyntax/Semantics. Albacete: UNO.


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