Ingles 6, da las respuestas claras y precisas para pasar el examen de prepa abierta a nivel republica mexicana PDF

Title Ingles 6, da las respuestas claras y precisas para pasar el examen de prepa abierta a nivel republica mexicana
Course ingles 6
Institution Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de México
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Download Ingles 6, da las respuestas claras y precisas para pasar el examen de prepa abierta a nivel republica mexicana PDF


Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro de texto Inglés VI, Unidades XLI — XLVIII.

VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY. Russian poet and playwright, later canonized poet laureate of the Revolution by Stalin, he was literary star of the post period of the 1920s. (He and rival Sergei Esenin contended for the role of spokesman * for the proletariat and the new order.) Although never a member of the Communist Party, Mayakovsky became the troubadour of the Revolution and Bolshevism, and he was a superb propagandist, creating thousands of poems, advertisements, posters, and slogans to sell Lenin and the Soviets to the masses.

Matching the age in which he lived, Mayakovsky was dramatic and demanding. His emotionshis love of women, his need for love, his need to belong, his loneliness-were, like his physical presence, larger that life.

Taken from Short Lives by Katinka Matson.

* Spokesman. — A person chosen to speak on behalf of a group.

1. Which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A) Mayakovsky didn’t agree with Sergei Esenin. B) Mayakovsky wanted to denounce Lenin to the masses. C) The goal of Mayakovsky was to proclaim the Russian Revolution D) Stalin didn’t hesitate to call Mayakovsky a saint of Revolution. 2. According to the author, Mayakovsky was a A) lonely man B) ladies’ man. C) strong person. D) political publicist.. 3. ¿When the author says that Mayakovsky was “demanding”, he means that he

A) gave orders. B) was rigorous. C) asked questions. D) showed impatience.



Esta parte de la prueba consta de 21 preguntas, de la 10 a la 30 en las que usted deberá elegir la palabra, expresi6n idiomática, prefijo o sufijo que completa correcta y lógicamente la expresión o diálogo incompletos que se le presentan. EJEMPLO:

4. Engineer Smith is in charge of the rnainten ______________ of the computer. A) ing B) ence C) ize D) ance 5. The tickets are sold out. We cannot call the show _________________now! A) for B) off C) down D) over 6 When we visited the plant, they gave us a _________of each product. A) B) C) D)

brine layer shovel sample

7. Hamlet and King Lear are two of Shakespeare’s ______________works. A) B) C) D)

brine spare major barely 2

8. She reminded me _____________ A) B) C) D)

just vaguely my mother said every day of your about my medicine

9. Heather won’t be promoted unless she ____________ up the rest __________ of the group. A) B) C) D)

keeps / to stays / to puts / with catches / with

10. The end doesn’t always justify the _________________. A) means B) goods C) profits D) sources. 11. First I wished to marry her, but now I have ____________. A) B) C) D)

made a deal talked over seen her off changed my mind

12. Please, sharp ________ all my colored pencils. A) en B) al C) ive D) ise 13. I _________my typewriter _________, but I couldn’t find the electrical failure. A) B) C) D)

set / up blew / out tore / apart put / together

14. Linda makes a _________ of 5 dollars on every for the cake she sells A) B) C) D)

fare trade range profit

15. our boss stimulates us by __________ our new up. Sweeping Backing Pulling Bringing 16. The cattle were _________ on the farm experimentally Bred Grabbed 3

Refined Undergone 17. The teacher _____________ all mistakes we committed. Broke in Caught up Pointed out Named after 18. The manager and I talked ___________ the worker´s demands for two hours. At Over To Along 19. I must ______________ the pices of the motor _______________ before having dinner. Hold/ on Work / out Let / alone Put / together 20. Cultural activities should be ___ to the provinces Pursued Collected Portrayed Decentralized 21. The boy scattered his clothes Set Over In all At once 22. ____________ by my house someday records. Drop Pull Get Set 23. Mrs collins´sad life made her a very ___________ woman. Barely Despite Bitter Compound 24. Do you think frank will ______________ my advice into account? Put Look Keep Take 25. I have always tried not to _________ in other people´s business. Diminish Interfere 4

Encourage Empoverish 26. Lucy didn’t know the legal __________ for adopting a child. A) booklet B) tonnage C) compound D) procedure 27. The_____________ of this product lies in its low cost. A) B) C) D)

profit output advantage confidence

28. San is _________ to start working, but he hasn’t found a job yet. A) B) C) D)

willing thrifty compulsory outstanding

29. This book _________ with the economic problems in Latin American countries. A) labels B) deals C) breeds D) faces

30. The new technology will bring addition ___________ benefits. A) B) C) D)

al ive ment ance



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