Interpersonal communication The Perception Process-2 PDF

Title Interpersonal communication The Perception Process-2
Course Interpersonal Comm
Institution Golden West College
Pages 3
File Size 52 KB
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Interpersonal Communication 100 Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 The Perception Process The perception process is in what most social scientists relate and connect how our concept of reality is formed throughout communication. Typically an individual needs to assert and understand the two concepts of reality, otherwise known as “first- order” and “second-order” (Nardone & Watzlawick, 2005; Watzlawick, 1984, 1990). The difference between the two is quite simple, first-order is simply the physical aspect of a thing or situation. Whereas, second-order realities are reliant on the mind, instead on a physical object. By confusing the two, it brings to light a sense of communication error and conflict between parties. The different steps that are included in the perception process range from easy to difficult. Selection is used in order to expose the input that each individual is exposed to and is able to control. Through the selection process, each person will dictate how they will interpret the way another is trying to communicate through use of tone, change, or simply just through repetition of the same statement. Intensity or tone of voice can often times affect the way a person’s communication level is judged and interpreted by the receiving end. Making a tone of voice more dominant and louder makes the statement more applicable and noticed. This can have both positive and negatives consequences, only due to the context of the situation. For example, at the movies, keeping a softer tone of voice while the movie playing is more polite and has a better effect when communicating with the other members in the party, versus a loud, rambunctious, party that is playing heavy beated music, that simply requires a voice to be louder to be able to be heard. Repetition of the same statement can oft times grab the attention of others.

It can be related mainly in the workforce or within the home to make sure others understand better. Communicating within society can often times lead to change or altering the way an individual evolves and reacts to certain relationships. In addition, change is evolved when a significant other soon changes a dedicated way in order to conform and put others before themselves. The way each person is able to organize each object’s meaning by using perceptual schema, makes it easier for relationships to prosper and avoid conflict. An individual will pace each person into its own stigma through physical looks, role-basis, interactional basis, and psychological. These traits often times place an individual into a stereotype that each person’s mind has already created. Interpretation is a way of attaching meaning to an object or to a feeling. Relational satisfaction and expectations are quite similar, individuals can walk into a conversation and expect to be treated the same way or better to where the relational satisfaction can be met. Personal experience plays a large toll on a person’s personality. Relating towards the way a person reacts to certain situations and the treatment of other’s can sometimes be the cause of a self experience; which can tie into assumptions and stereotyping about human behavior. Simply because a person has a similar attitude and reaction that has been seen before, an individual might automatically jump and assume everyone acts and reacts the same. In terms of importance, negotiation is the most positive attribution to the perception process, in acquaintance to the process where commation influences each individual’s perceptions. When another person’s interpretation is different from another, it is important to negotiate so is no conflict between the relational goals. Many physical influences play a part in the way each individual is set aside from others and how each perspective is the cause of our physical environment. Many factors add up to the

density of each individualistic personality and reactions in society. From the body’s senses to age, each can play a part in the reaction process from occurrences in everyday society. Health and fatigue, biological cycles, and hunger, can all have negative impacts on a relationships. Each ideal plays a role in each other, if a teenager is sleep deprived, they are typically more moody and more likely to react negatively in situations. Especially if a person is a night person, sleep is not as important than it is to a morning person. Through a psychological lens, a communicator is influenced by each individual’s psychological state. A person’s emotional status or mood can heavily impact how the perspective on others and events can drastically change without conscious knowledge. Researcher’s are unsure with what comes first, either happiness or mood, due to the idea that they both greatly affect each other and societal relationships. Psychological influences are not the only factor in conditioning one’s true perception, but social influences play a toll in how each person interprets a stereotype and how the interaction in society is either a plus or a negative. Sex and gender roles cause a major flaw in society, especially when it is the determining the differences between a feminist and a egalitarian. Conflict arises when those surrounding have different backgrounds and opinions when it comes to the same or opposite sex. Occupational roles reinforce some opinions about equal rights and simply the safety and rights of all individuals, no matter the gender....

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