Interteach 1 PDF

Title Interteach 1
Course General Psychology
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 4
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Interteach 1 Please complete, and upload to the eLearning dropbox by 11:59pm on the due date. Bring a copy to your interteach class period (laptop or paper copy – no phones). 1. In order to study psychology scientifically, what philosophical assumption must be made in order to study predictable and reliable causes of people’s behaviors? Why? In order to study psychology scientifically you must look into determinism v. Free will, dualism v. Monism, and nature v. Nurture. All of these look at different physiological issues associated with psychology. Each of these issues can be a result of reliable causes of someones actions and behaviors. 2. Explain addiction from a nature versus nurture perspective. In the debate nature v. Nurture a Child’s behavior can be determined by the state of the parent. If the parent(s) have an addiction to alcohol or another substance the child can inherit those genes. When a child inherits the addictive genes it is a result of nature. When a child inherits the behavior from learning a parents actions and repeating them it’s the result of nurture. 3. From a structuralist perspective, explain how an individual may describe their experience of looking at a painting. Also, through what process can an individual provide such information? An individual might describe the painting by the paint strokes, the colors, the picture thats in the painting. The process that an individual is going through is consciousness. 4. What was central to Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis? Describe his contributions (structure of personality, stages of psychosexual development, and defense mechanisms). Explain the limitations of his theory. Making the unconscious mind conscious was central to freud theory on psychoanalysis. Freud’s goal was to release repressed emotions and feelings. Freud’s biggest contribution to psychoanalysis was the stages of psychosexual development. Freud described each stage in a person’s life with a sexual interest, which is linked to a fixation a person develops. The defense mechanisms that freud came up with are related to his psychosexual theory. For example if a person sucks their thumb when they get nervous than that can be related to a problem during the oral stage of development and they are experiencing regression and going back to an old habit acquired during childhood.

5. Identify the defense mechanism in each of the following examples: a. Someone witnesses a brutal crime and then forgets the details. Repression

b. A highly aggressive person insists that other people are highly aggressive. Displacement

c. A highly aggressive person joins an organization devoted to preventing violent actions. Rationalization d. After receiving a low grade on an exam, Phil slams the door as he leaves the classroom. Displacement e. George feels that his younger son, Gary, is unattractive and not very smart. He accuses his wife of picking on Gary and favoring their other son. Projection f. After Sue Ann’s baby brother was born, she began to talk baby-talk and to suck her thumb like she did when she was younger. Regression g. Sixteen-year-old Tom had started using drugs, and the changes in his behavior made it pretty obvious, but Tom’s parents didn’t believe the school principal when she called to talk with them about the problem. Denial 6. Compare and contrast Maslow and Roger’s approaches to reach self-actualization. Maslow developed a whole system called the hierarchy of needs that goes through all the four things a person needs to accomplish before reaching self- actualization. Without the accomplishment of one then one could not reach self-actualization. Carl Rogers stuck with the idea of importance to self. Rogers believed that humans strive to self-actualization and the idea of congruence v. Incongruence.

7. What are the pros and cons of standardized versus projective personality tests? Standardized tests: Pros: - rules are put in place so that the test is taken fairly among each subject - It can provide guidelines for psychologists - Results are accurate for the most part Cons: - limits the things being asked - Its a single test that tries to determine multiple results Projective tests: Pros: - it is easy for patients to declare their personality - greater stimuli for patients ex. Inkblots can make them think differently Cons: - only professionals can administer it

- Expensive - Risk of interpretation bias 8. Discuss the importance of having replicable results when conducting research. It is important for psychologists to have replicable results because other psychologists may rely on others works for patients. If a psychologist conducts a study and finds new research on a psychological disease, other psychologist would probably benefit from the information found if it's not replicable than the research could be harmful to patients.

9. What is the difference between observational(correlational) and experimental research methods? Which can allow you to make causal inferences? Observational research is when the person performing the research is observing the test subject(s) over a period of time. Experimental research starts with a hypothesis which is then tested. Experimental research also has both an independent and independent variable involved in it. Observational research allows you to make casual inferences. For example you can infer that if a student spends more time watching tv that their test scores for school are lower than those who don’t watch tv.

10. What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics? Descriptive statistics uses data to provide different descriptions of a population, which can be done through numerical calculations, graphs, or tables. Inferential statistics simply make inferences or guesses about a population based on a the same data taken from the population that is being questioned.

11. A psychologist is interested in seeing if students who use their laptops in class perform

better in class. Operationally define laptop usage and performance in class. Which is the independent and dependent variable? Design both an observational and experimental research study. The independent variable in the experiment is the laptop usage in class. The dependent variable in this study would be the students performance in class. Observational study: The psychologist can split the classroom into two and have one half be able to use laptops and one not use laptops for a whole semester, and at the end of the semester have the students take an exam and see which half of the class had the higher performance scores and compare the two. Experimental study:

The psychologist can split the classroom up into two and let one half use laptops and the other use pen and paper then at the end of the lesson test the information learned and see what half of the class does better....

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