ISM3004- Scavenger Hunt Week 10 PDF

Title ISM3004- Scavenger Hunt Week 10
Course Compu In Bus Environ
Institution University of Florida
Pages 6
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Professor Eric Olson- This covers Tableau Part 1 from Week 10....


Scavenger Hunt Week 10 – Tableau

10.04-Connecting to Data (Basics)  

To Do: during the video, I’ll open several files from the UFApps R: drive. Open them and save them as Tableau Packaged Workbooks on your personal UFApps M: drive. Learn to connect to an Excel data file using Tableau o Including how to connect to a specific worksheet within that Excel file o Use the “data interpreter” when the first row of your XLSX file isn’t the field names Learn to connect to a text file o What is a “CSV” file?  Comma Separated Values Learn to save your Tableau file as a Packaged Workbook o What’s the difference between a “packaged” workbook and a regular Tableau Workbook?  Tableau Workbook causes the file to be very small because it has to have access to the original data in its location; Tableau Packaged Workbook takes all those data sources, makes copies of them inside the Tableu Packaged Workbook, which means you can give it to someone else (like Professor Olson) Learn to connect to additional data sources in a Tableau workbook. o Click the cylinder and add new data source

10.05-Simple Data Transformations 

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What does Mr. Olson mean by “What happens in Tableau stays in Tableau”? o We connect to external data, but we don’t change it (we can access the data, bring it into Tableau, use it inside of Tableau, but never ever change anything in the external data source); any changes we make in Tableau are internal (it stays in Tableau) Learn to rename a field o Right-click or double click Learn to create a “Calculated Field”… o The basic process – how to use the Tableau formula editor window – how it “auto-fills” the names of components as you type. o The syntax of a fieldname in the Tableau calculated field editor o Remember your Excel knowledge… PEMDAS, text functions, equations, etc. EXAMPLE: Click the down arrow on PartNumber, “Create Calculated Field,” rename it (Manufacturer), (use Excel formulas) (e.g. left([PartNumber], 2)  EXAMPLE: Click the down arrow on Retail Price, “Create Calculated Field,” rename it (DiscountPct), 1-([Discounted Price]/[Retail Price]), (it autofills the names as you type) Learn to split a field – automatic split and “custom” split… using delimiter characters and patterns. o Creates new fields based on contents of the source field  Divide contents based on separators  Divides contents based on patterns in the data o New fiels are calculated fields o Automatic vs. Custom Split o EXAMPLE: New Data Source (Cylinder); Simple Data Transformations; Rental Car Inventory; Click down arrow on Vehicle Description; Split (it automatically broke up data based on the commas); Rename them (Yr and Make, Cylinders, Transmissions), Click down arrow on Yr and Make and Split that as well (rename Yr, Make) 

o o


OR EXAMPLE: Down arrow on Vehicle Description; Custom Split ANOTHER EXAMPLE: New Data Source; Simple Data Transformations; Customers; down arrow on Customer Name; Custom Split; Use the separator (,) comma, Split off First 1 columns (For last name) (for both click “all,” for first click “last”); Ok; rename “LN” “FN” EXAMPLE: Custom Split Phone Number (-, First 1 columns) OK- rename to Area Code

10.06-Intro to Sheets 

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Learn to use the “data pane.” What do you do if it disappears? o Left hand side (Worksheet Name, Dimensions, and Measures); if it disappears (by clicking the up and down arrow on top), then click the up and down arrow on the bottom next to “Data” What is a dimension? How is it used? o Qualitative data items; categorize and divide the data What is a measure? How is it used? o Quantitative data items; fields which are aggregrated (sum, avg, etc.) (to do math) How are dimensions and measures different? Be able to decide whether a field should be categorized as a dimension or as a measure. o EXAMPLE: State would be a dimension (qualiitative); Revenues would be a measure (quanititative) EXAMPLE: Number of bedrooms is a dimension (qualititative- you don’t do math on them); put the data into bins and see how much money we make with different amount of bedrooms (Measurequantitative) Be able to explain continuous vs. discrete.  Continuous has “infinite” possible values (Green in User Interface)  EXAMPLE: Sales data for daily sales  Discrete has a finite set of values (Blue in User Interface)  EXAMPLE: Sales data on yearly basis o Which divides data into “buckets” or “bins”?  Dimensions are qualitative- used to divide data into “buckets” o Which is used to do mathematical calculations?  Measures are quantitative- we do math on them Be able to provide a basic explanation of the…. Canvas, Shelves, Cards, Pills o Canvas  Where you are goint to “paint” your visualization (drop them in the Sheet 1 (x, y, and middle specifications)) (main block of space)  If you want to delete, click square bar chart with X on bottom right corner to clear sheet o Shelves o



 Columns and Rows above the main block of canvas Cards (also has Pages)  Filters  Marks  You can do by Color, Size, Label, Detail, and Tooltip Pills 


Oval Shaped field that you dragged to the column shelf or row shelf; you can click on the down arrow and there are a variety of content apppropriate options you can perform on that item

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Learn to build a crosstab using drag-and-drop … and also using double-click. o Why does double-click sometimes not create a crosstab (e.g. with “state”)?  Building a Simple Crosstab  Drag & Drop o Drag a dimension onto row or columns  EXAMPLE: Drag Salesperson to Row (left side) o Drag a measure onto canvas  EXAMPLE: Drag Sale Amount to the right side of the row (where it says ABC)  Double-click o Double-click the desired dimension o Double-click the desired measure  PROBLEM: ABC will make the appropriate table -cross table  The globe/geographic data dimension will make a map Learn how to change analysis from SUM to something else. o Changing Analysis Type (Click the down arrow; Measure; Whichever option you want)  Sum  Average  Min  Max  Count  Count (Distinct) Learn to adjust column sizes in your crosstab o Drag in between the columns to how wide/narrow you want the column to be Learn to sort the results of your crosstab o Click on the pill in the row/column shelf (E.g. row- Salesperson); Sort; Descending (highest to lowest); Sort by Field Sale Amount Aggregation: Maximum; OK Learn how discrete and continuous dates work differently in your crosstabs (and other visualizations) o Discrete would be clicking the Quarter (the first one you see), every year, Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4 (blue) (column headings were on top) o Continuous would be clicking the lower set of date anaylsis (2 nd Quarter) (giving me each quarter of each year) (green) (formatted as axis on bottom of graph) change the bar graph lines by going under Marks to “Automatic” and changing it to “Text” Understand why Tableau sometimes miscategorizes dimensions as measures… and how to fix that. o Can swap Rows and Columns (Separate note) o Store # misconstrued for Measure (count), but you can click on the down arrow and Convert to Dimension (green to blue) How do you use the Analytics tab to add subtotals and grand totals to your visualization? o Analytics Pane: drag Totals onto the canvas/crosstab (choose what you want- in this case Subtotals) drop on the type you want  Subtotals- if you have categories  Grand Totals- on rows and/or columns o Analysis (on top headings)  Totals; Remove Subtotals; Remove Grand Totals Learn to format data display in a visualization… font, numeric format, display unit o Click on the down arrow on the pill (under Marks); Click Format; change Font, size, etc.


Numeric format- Format; Numbers; Currency (Custom) (decimal place; negative values;display units (Thousands (K) , Millions (M) , Billions (B), etc.)  Default affects everything

10.08-Highlight Tables  

Learn to build a highlight table – and why you might choose one instead of a crosstab . (helps visualization) Learn to use the “Show Me” tab o Requirements: Show Me (Top right-hand corner)  1+ Dimension  1 Measure o Build the Crosstab o Click “Highlight Table” in Show Me Learn to manipulate the Color marks card, including color palettes and stepped colors. o Marks Cards- Color o Opacity o Border & Halo o Edit Colors  Palette  Stepped Colors (how to divide the colors (by steps))  Reversed

10.09-Bar Graphs  

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Learn to build bar graphs Creating a Simple Bar Graph o Drop dimension on a shelf  Row for horizontal bars  Column for vertical bars o Drop measure on the other shelf o Optional..  Sort the bars (click the layered lines on the x and/or y axis)  Display labels for the bars (drag measure to the label mark)  What is the purpose for “Detail” marks? (gives more detailed information for the user when you hover over the bar)  How does a user view the “Tooltips” for a visualization? How do you edit tooltips to make them more helpful to a user? (hover over the bar- change Number of Records to Number of Pass Attempts)  Add a second bar graph to your visualization Learn to build a calculated field that uses the IF-THEN-ELSE logic function. o IF {Yards Gained] >0 THEN “Complete” ELSE “Incomplete” END Learn to control the color of bars in a visualization using a variable… a discrete dimension, for example. o Drag New Calculated Field to Color of Number of Records value in the Marks Category

10.10-Pies and Bubbles 

What information does a pie chart convey? A bubble chart?

Pie Chart is a circle that shows wedges that represent a categorization of the data; Bubble Charts display data based on multiple circles of different sizes Learn to create a pie chart o Types of fields required… how they affect the pie chart’s appearance.  Dimension determines the colors of the pie  Measure determines the size of the pie slices  Use Show Me to convert it to Pie o Making the pie chart bigger  Ctrl-Shift-B o Adding labels, formatting labels (including “suffixes” to numeric formats), tooltips…  Label the pie slices (drag Class and Grade to Label) (Format Grade to Number (Custom) 1 decimal place (suffix is %))  Drop other measures onto the Detail marks card (drag Number of Records to Detail)  Edit the Tooltip (Change Number of Records to Number of Students) Learn to create a bubble chart o Duplicate sheet; Show Me; Choose Bubble Chart o


EXAMPLE: Guitar Universe; State (row) and Sales Amount (column); Bubble Chart

10.11-Filtering Data

Why filter data? o Focus user’s attention on just a portion of the data (filter is to keep the good data and ignore the rest (to eliminate unwanted data) Learn to filter on discrete and continuous dimension o Simple Filters  Filter on a Discrete Dimension  One “bin” per discrete value  Select the desired bin(s)  Show Filter (to allow users to have functionality of their choice) How is a discrete date dimension different from a continuous date dimension? o How does that affect filtering? o Filtering for continuous date ranges… relative dates, ranges of dates, starting, ending  Date Filters  Discrete- finite number of “bins”  Continuous- like an “infinite” series; no bins o Relative to a date o Range of dates o Beginning date >= o Ending date...

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