Israeli-Palestinian Conflict PDF

Title Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Author Cherry Chan
Course English 100
Institution Orange Coast College
Pages 2
File Size 136.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 103
Total Views 143


Was in a lecture with the professor; required to take notes/finish this assignment....


Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Use the list of websites and videos to answer the questions below. Your answers MUST be in complete sentences and written in a separate color.



Vox - Conflict Explained

Vox - Israel & Palestine

Crash Course: Israel & Palestine

Global Conflict Tracker If Americans Knew...

1. What is Zionism? The idea that Judaism isn’t just a religion, but a nationality that deserves a nation of its own, especially after a century of religious persecution. Lead to Jews moving back to Palestine after WW1. 2. Why did fighting occur in Palestine after World War I? The Ottoman Empire collapsed, and the region was divided. Jewish immigration was restricted in Palestine, and tensions between them and Arabs grew. 3. Discuss the division of Palestine that occurred after World War II. How and why was the land divided? What happened to the city of Jerusalem? The UN divided Palestine into two separate states. One for Jews (Israel) and one for Arab (Palestine). Jerusalem became a special international zone (it had several holy sites of both religions). 4. What happened to the division of land following the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1947 and 1948? Following the Arab-Israeli conflict and the division, the Arabs felt that the division was unfair (they wanted ALL of Palestine), so they declared war. 5. Following the Six Days War in 1967, what territory did Israel gain? Following the war (that Israel won), the Jews pushed against the borders, taking the Western part of Jerusalem and took much of Palestine’s land. Further, Israel took Golan Heights (of Syria), the West Bank (of Jordan), and Sinai and Gaza (Egypt). Israel was now occupying of all Palestine. 6. What was a result of the Camp David Accords in 1978? The result of Camp David Accords in 1978 was that Israel gave Sinai back to Egypt. 7. What was the goal of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)? It sought to create a Palestinian state (namely, for the Arabs). 8. Why were Israelis moving into Gaza and the West Bank (there are 3 reasons)? The Israelis moved into Gaza and the West Bank, called settlers. They did so for religious regions, wanted to claim land for Israel, and housing was cheap. 9. What happened in the First Intifada and who are Hamas? First Intifada was the explosion of Palestine who protested and boycotts for independence. The Hamas were people in Gaza (Israel), a violent extremist group who wanted to preserve Israel.

10. What agreement was reached in the Oslo Accords? It was a peace treaty that promised in the future that Palestine would become its own state and gave Palestine its own structure of authority and more freedom for self-rule. I 11. How did Hamas and Far Right Israelis respond to the Oslo Accords? Many reacted poorly; the Hamas dropped suicide bombs to slow the process. 12. What is the present day situation? The present day situation is that the negotiations from the groups are that the Palestine is being ruled under the Israel…and they won’t give Palestine freedom. Israel blocks off Gaza, and protests are rampant in Jerusalem in Gaza against the Israelis. There is little will for political peace. 13. Copy/Paste THREE Maps that show the conflict in Israel & Palestine.

14. Why does Israel claim the land? First and foremost, the land holds many religious sites that are of historical significance to the Jews. Secondly, Israel became the refuge for many Jews fleeing religious persecution in Europe and wanted to establish a national homeland. Israel believes the land is their “homeland”. 15. Why does Palestine claim the land? Palestine also claims the land because it too has historical and religious significance. Palestine has been denied its right to a nation, and Arabs are being suppressed under Israeli occupation....

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