IT-145 assignment Milestone 5 PDF

Title IT-145 assignment Milestone 5
Author Marissa Walker
Course Foundation in Application Development
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 28
File Size 115.3 KB
File Type PDF
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assignment Milestone 5 for IT-145 Foundations in application development...


Marissa Walker

Dog Class public class Dog extends RescueAnimal {

// Instance variable private String breed;

// Constructor public Dog(String name, String breed, String gender, String age, String weight, String acquisitionDate, String acquisitionCountry, String trainingStatus, boolean reserved, String inServiceCountry) { setName(name); setBreed(breed); setGender(gender); setAge(age); setWeight(weight); setAcquisitionDate(acquisitionDate); setAcquisitionLocation(acquisitionCountry); setTrainingStatus(trainingStatus); setReserved(reserved); setInServiceCountry(inServiceCountry);


// Accessor Method public String getBreed() { return breed; }

// Mutator Method public void setBreed(String dogBreed) { breed = dogBreed; }


Rescue Animal Class

import java.lang.String;

public class RescueAnimal {

// Instance variables private String name; private String animalType; private String gender; private String age; private String weight; private String acquisitionDate; private String acquisitionCountry; private String trainingStatus; private boolean reserved; private String inServiceCountry;

// Constructor public RescueAnimal() {


public String getName() { return name; }

public void setName(String name) { = name; }

public String getAnimalType() { return animalType; }

public void setAnimalType(String animalType) { this.animalType = animalType; }

public String getGender() { return gender; }

public void setGender(String gender) {

this.gender = gender; }

public String getAge() { return age; }

public void setAge(String age) { this.age = age; }

public String getWeight() { return weight; }

public void setWeight(String weight) { this.weight = weight; }

public String getAcquisitionDate() { return acquisitionDate; }

public void setAcquisitionDate(String acquisitionDate) { this.acquisitionDate = acquisitionDate; }

public String getAcquisitionLocation() { return acquisitionCountry; }

public void setAcquisitionLocation(String acquisitionCountry) { this.acquisitionCountry = acquisitionCountry; }

public boolean getReserved() { return reserved; }

public void setReserved(boolean reserved) { this.reserved = reserved; }

public String getInServiceLocation() { return inServiceCountry; }

public void setInServiceCountry(String inServiceCountry) { this.inServiceCountry = inServiceCountry; }

public String getTrainingStatus() { return trainingStatus; }

public void setTrainingStatus(String trainingStatus) { this.trainingStatus = trainingStatus; } }

Monkey Class public class Monkey extends RescueAnimal {

// Class variables

public String species; // Analogous to breed used for Dog // Per the spec only specific species // are eligible for training.

/* Tail, height, body, torso, skull, and neck measurements * are declared as floats because they are measurable.

* Best practice is to use float or double in lieu * of int for values that are measured and not counted. * Measurements should be entered in centimeters (cm) * to promote consistency among global locations. */

public float tailLength; public float height; public float bodyLength; public float torsoSize; public float skullSize; public float neckSize;

// Constructor

/* The constructor will initialize the * member fields to their Java default values * as no custom statements are specified. * Floats will be initialized to 0.0 and * Strings will be initialized to null. * As monkey inherits the RescueAnimal class, * the RescueAnimal default constructor will be * implicitly applied first, followed by default * initialization of the member fields specific * to Monkey. */

public Monkey() {


// Accessor methods

/* Getter methods establish an interface to read class fields. * Each method has a return type matching the type of the field * the method is accessing. */

public String getSpecies() { return species; }

public float getTailLength() { return tailLength; }

public float getHeight() { return height; }

public float getBodyLength() { return bodyLength; }

public float getTorsoSize() { return torsoSize; }

public float getSkullSize() { return skullSize; }

public float getNeckSize() { return neckSize; }

// Mutator methods

/* Setter methods establish an interface to write class fields. * Methods have a void return type. A return statement is * still provided even with the void return type in order to * clear the stack frame (i.e. local variable space created * for method execution). * Method parameters are of type matching the type of the * field being modified through the method. * In many cases for naming simplicity, method parameters share * the same identifier as the field being modified. * Making use of the 'this' keyword clarifies ambiguity. * The object's field value is set to the argument * passed in to the method call. However, the team has chosen * a different approach, as evidenced in the Dog class. * For consistency, the parameter identifier in the below * setter methods differs from the member field identifier * and the 'this' keyword is not used. */

public void setSpecies(String animalSpecies) {

species = animalSpecies; return; }

public void setTailLength(float animalTailLength) { tailLength = animalTailLength; return; }

public void setHeight(float animalHeight) { height = animalHeight; return; }

public void setBodyLength(float animalBodyLength) { bodyLength = animalBodyLength; return; }

public void setTorsoSize(float animalTorsoSize) { torsoSize = animalTorsoSize; return; }

public void setSkullSize(float animalSkullSize) { skullSize = animalSkullSize; return; }

public void setNeckSize(float animalNeckSize) { neckSize = animalNeckSize; return; }


Driver Class

//Import Java Scanner class to facilitate Scanner object //creation to capture user input. import java.util.Scanner;

//Import Java ArrayList class to facilitate ArrayList //creation to house animal objects for iteration import java.util.ArrayList; import java.text.ParseException; /* The SimpleDateFormat class is used to format dates according to * the format specified by the class user at object instantiation. * This class was part of the original project file and * was imported here to facilitate date formatting

* for the class fields representing date values. * */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

/* Per the discussion board on 10/3/19, we were advised to use the Date * class from the standard Java library to most easily utilize date * types for this project. */

//Import Java Date class to support Date types needed for certain //RescueAnimal fields. import java.util.Date;

public class Driver {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Scanner object to capture user input

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

// Class variables

/* Application options menu. This is stored in a single * variable that can be passed into each print command at * various application points to prevent code redundancy * and consolidate future option menu updates to a single * location in the code.


String optionsMenu = "Please select an option.\n" + "R - Process request for new service animal\n" + "U - Update existing animal records\n" + "P - Print animals by training phase\n" + "I - Intake new animal\n" + "T - Transfer animal/place in service\n" + "E - Process end of service (retirement/death)\n" + "Q - Quit application\n";

/* Declare a variable to capture and store * the user's selection from the option menu. */

char userSelection;

/* ArrayList animalStore is an ArrayList of RescueAnimal * objects to serve as the application's data store of animals. */

ArrayList animalStore = new ArrayList();

System.out.println("Welcome to Grazioso Salvare.");

/* Application start. * Present user with option menu for functionality selection * and ensure valid input. */


/* Capture the user's input, convert it to upper case, * and grab only the first element to ensure * method input consistency for branching decisions. */

userSelection = scnr.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

/* Continue running until users opts to quit. * A while loop is used instead of a for loop because the * number of loop iterations is unknown at onset entry * into the loop. */

while (userSelection != 'Q') {

/* Loop to ensure the user enters a valid selection. * A while loop is used instead of a for loop because the * number of loop iterations is unknown at onset entry * into the loop. */

while (userSelection != 'R' && userSelection != 'U' && userSelection != 'P' && userSelection != 'I' && userSelection != 'T' && userSelection != 'E' && userSelection != 'Q') { System.out.println("Invalid selection"); System.out.println(optionsMenu);

userSelection = scnr.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0); }

/* Break out of the main application loop if user opts to * quit from the validation loop. */

if(userSelection == 'Q') { break; }

/* Execute functionality selected. * This is nested the a while loop so as to continue to be * available each time the option menu is presented * after each function execution until the user quits the application. */

if(userSelection == 'R') { System.out.println("FIXME: Process request for a rescue animal (Out of Assignment Scope)"); }

if(userSelection == 'U') { System.out.println("FIXME: Update information on existing animals (Out of Assignment Scope)"); }

if(userSelection == 'P') { System.out.println("FIXME: Print animals by training phase (Out of Assignment Scope)"); }

/* Add a new animal to the data store (i.e. ArrayList animalStore). * User is prompted to enter the animal type and the respective * object type is created and added to animalStore. * The intakeAnimal() method is then called and the newly created * animal object is passed as its argument. */

if(userSelection == 'I') { String animalTypeMenu = "Please select the animal type for intake.\n" + "1 - Dog\n" + "2 - Monkey";


/* nextInt() does not read the newline character * (i.e. 'Enter' key ). * To workaround this constraint, the input * must be captured as a String and converted to an * int using Integer.parseInt. * */

int intakeSelection = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine());

// Loop to validate user input

while(intakeSelection != 1 && intakeSelection != 2) {

System.out.println("Invalid selection."); System.out.println(animalTypeMenu);

/* Just as above, the input * must be captured as a String and converted to an * int using Integer.parseInt. */

intakeSelection = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine()); System.out.println("Selection in Invalid Loop: " + intakeSelection); }

if(intakeSelection == 1) { System.out.println("Dog Intake."); Dog newAnimal = new Dog(); newAnimal.setType("dog");

// add the animal to the data store animalStore.add(newAnimal);

// call method to add animal intakeAnimal(newAnimal); } else { System.out.println("Monkey Intake."); Monkey newAnimal = new Monkey(); newAnimal.setType("monkey");

// add the animal to the data store


// call method to add animal intakeAnimal(newAnimal); }


if(userSelection == 'T') { System.out.println("FIXME: Transfer animal/place in service (Out of Assignment Scope)"); }

if(userSelection == 'E') { System.out.println("FIXME: Process end of service (retirement/death) (Out of Assignment Scope)"); }

System.out.println(optionsMenu); userSelection = scnr.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0); }

System.out.println("Goodbye. Grazioso Salvare, Jeff Perkinson \u00A92019");

scnr.close(); //close the Scanner object to conserve resources

return; //return even when return type is void to clear the stack frame


// Method to process request for a rescue animal (Out of assignment scope)

// Method(s) to update information on existing animals (Out of assignment scope)

// Method to display matrix of animals based on location and status/training phase (Out of assignment scope)

/* Method to intake animals. * By taking advantage of inheritance, the method can be defined * with a parameter of RescueAnimal, which in turn supports * calls to the method in main() passing both Dog and * Monkey class arguments, or any future animal class that * is derived from RescueAnimal. * Regardless of the animal type to be added, the * same method can be called. This prevents repetition of code * in the program. * The static modifier is used so the method can be called from main() * without the need to create an object beforehand. */

public static void intakeAnimal(RescueAnimal animal) {

//Scanner object to capture user input

Scanner readInput = new Scanner(;

/* Calls to class setters will allow the user to set certain * object fields. Only the fields pertinent to new animal * intake will be available to set through this method. * Fields such as those pertaining to training or placing in * service will be exposed through other methods, such as * updating existing records or transferring an animal into * service. Per the specification, when a new animal is taken * in, the breed, gender, age, weight, date, and location acquired * are recorded. Additionally, dogs are given a status of 'intake' * before training starts. The assumption is made the same will be done * for monkeys, so this function sets trainingStatus to 'intake'. */

String intakeAnimalOptionsMenu =

"Please select an option.\n"

+ "B - Add breed/species\n" + "G - Add gender\n" + "A - Add age\n" + "W - Add weight\n" + "D - Enter acquisition date\n" + "S - Add acquistion source\n" + "R - Return to main menu\n";

// Char variable to hold user's choice to drive branching char userSelection;

/* Arrays representing eligible dog breeds and monkey species * per the specification. These arrays will enforce appropriate * breed/species assignment when setting the breed/species

* value on a particular object. */

String[] dogBreeds = {"American pit bull terrier", "Beagle", "Belgian malinois", "Border collie", "Bloodhound", "Coonhound", "English springer spaniel", "German shepherd", "German shorthaired pointer", "Golden retriever", "Labrador retriever", "Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever", "Rough collie", "Smooth collie"};

String[] monkeySpecies = {"Capuchin", "Guenon", "Macaque", "Marmoset", "Squirrel monkey", "Tamarin"};

//set trainingStatus to 'intake'


System.out.println("Add new " + animal.getType() + "."); System.out.println(intakeAnimalOptionsMenu);

/* Like in main(), capture the user's input, * convert it to upper case, * and grab only the first element to ensure * method input consistency for branching decisions. */

userSelection = readInput.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);

// continue running until users opts to return to main

while (userSelection != 'R') {

/* Loop to ensure the user enters a valid selection. * A while loop is used instead of a for loop because the * number of loop iterations is unknown at onset entry * into the loop. */

while (userSelection != 'B' && userSelection != 'G' && userSelection != 'A' && userSelection != 'W' && userSelection != 'D' && userSelection != 'S' && userSelection != 'R') { System.out.println("Invalid selection"); System.out.println(intakeAnimalOptionsMenu); userSelection = readInput.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0); }

/* Break out of the main loop if user opts to * quit from the validation loop. */

if(userSelection == 'R') { break; }

/* Execute functionality selected. * This is nested in a while loop so as to continue to present * the option menu after each function execution * until user returns to the main menu. */

if(userSelection == 'B') {

// Capture animal object type to drive breed/species validation and input String animalType = animal.getType();

// String variable to capture user's breed input for validation and setter argument String breedInput = "";

// Boolean variable to determine whether input is valid boolean isValidBreed = false;

if(animalType == "dog") { setDogBreed((Dog) animal, dogBreeds, readInput, breedInput, isValidBreed); } else { setMonkeySpecies((Monkey) animal, monkeySpecies, readInput, breedInput, isValidBreed); } }

if(userSelection == 'G') { String genderPrompt =

"Please enter animal gender\n"

+ "Male\n" + "Female"; System.out.println(genderPrompt); String animalGender = readInput.nextLine().toLowerCase();


while(!animalGender.equals("male") && !animalGender.equals("female")) { System.out.println("Invalid Selection."); System.out.println(genderPrompt); }

animal.setGender(animalGender); System.out.println("Animal gender has been set to " + animal.getGender()); }

if(userSelection == 'A') { System.out.println("Enter animal's age."); int animalAge = readInput.nextInt(); readInput.nextLine(); // called to capture the carriage return not //captured by nextInt(). animal.setAge(animalAge); System.out.println("Animal age has been set to " + animal.getAge()); }

if(userSelection == 'W') { System.out.println("Enter animal's weight."); float animalWeight = readInput.nextFloat(); readInput.nextLine(); // called to capture the carriage return not // captured by nextInt(). animal.setWeight(animalWeight); System.out.println("Animal weight has been set to " + animal.getWeight()); }

if(userSelection == 'D') {

System.out.print("Enter acquisition date (DD/MM/YYYY): ");

// Capture the user's date input // the try catch block appears to be the only way to successfully // execute this. Admittedly I am unclear about this and took // the template from Stack Overflow. //

Date animalAcquisitionDate = null; try { animalAcquisitionDate = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy").parse(readInput.nextLine().replaceAll("/", "")); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

animal.setAcquisitionDate(animalAcquisitionDate); System.out.println("Acquisiiton date has been set to " + animal.getAcquisitionDate()); }

if(userSelection == 'S') { System.out.println("Enter source of acquisition."); String animalAcquisitionSource = readInput.nextLine(); animal.setAcquisitionSource(animalAcquisitionSource); System.out.println("Acquisition source has been set to " + animal.getAcquisitionSource()); }



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