SOC 112 5-2 Milestone Three PDF

Title SOC 112 5-2 Milestone Three
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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SOC 112 5-2 Milestone Three...


5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections

Kelsey Allen Moon SOC 112: Introduction to Sociology Instructor Brown 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections

5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections A. Cultural: The cultural beliefs that I chose were bullying isn’t that big of a deal and it makes you stronger if you’re bullied, and bullying stops after school because people “grow up” and stop bullying their peers. Bullying never stops no matter how “grown” people are. This belief has a negative impact on the social issue because if you’re 35 years-old and you say that someone is bullying you, you could either not be believed or bullied more for just claiming that it’s happening. People think that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. While I think that is somewhat true, I don’t think people are meant to withstand being bullied. This belief has a very negative impact on the social issue. The reason it has a negative impact is because not everyone is able to just brush off others’ comments and opinions. I think that most bullies take on the role of bully or aggressor because they’re insecure. These cultural beliefs help me better understand my social issue by better understanding the “why” on why people are bullied. Understanding both sides of the social issue helps me put myself in both sides’ shoes. B. Social Roles: The social roles I chose were the person being bullied is the victim, and the person doing the bullying is the bully. Bullying is a never-ending cycle. A child gets bullied at home which makes them a victim. Then they come to school to release their anger and bully a classmate, which now makes them the victim and the bully or aggressor. This helps me better understand the social roles because to stop bullying you have to not only know who the aggressor is, but also the why of why they’re the aggressor. C. Social Inequalities: The two social inequalities that I chose are people being bullied for their race or things that they can’t control, and people being bullied for their families’ economic class. People are bullied for many things, but these are two things I remember

5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections my own classmates being bullied for. The social issue with these two is something that I don’t quite understand. Some kids are raised with so much hate in their heart they have to have someone to take it out on, so they usually pick the less fortunate. People with more money usually think they’re better than the people that have less money than them, so they let the people know that. If people cared more about their friends, classmates, etc. than they did themselves then they wouldn’t be as unhappy with their own life. D. Impact of Social Change: The two social conditions that I chose are social media and increased rate of suicide. Social media is a constant in everyone’s lives with it being so easily accessed today. There are people that like to hide behind their phones or computers and just degrade people. Those people are also known as “keyboard warriors.” I think suicide is also a result of how easily social media is accessed. Some people believe that they can’t get away. They’re criticized for every little thing they do. Social media can make you feel isolated, and like nobody knows the real you. According to the article “Increase in Suicide Mortality in the United States 1999-2018,” the suicide rate has increased 35%. I think the start to facilitating change with social media could start with parents. I know that not only is it kids bullied online, but they’re usually the ones that care the most. I would start by either not allowing my children have any social media or monitoring it. Facilitating change with suicide is to raise more awareness. I’ve experienced my own losses to suicide, but not everyone has. To me, suicide is the coward’s way out, but I am also sympathetic because I know most of the time their mindset is not in the right place. If we raise more awareness and are just kinder to one another, I think that will help tremendously. I also think that if it was talked about more to ALL age groups would help.

5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections References: Hedegaar, H., Curtin, S. C., & Warner, M. (2020). Increase in Suicide Morality in the United States, 1999–2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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