IT 210 Final project PDF

Title IT 210 Final project
Author Anonymous User
Course Business Systems Analysis and Design
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 9
File Size 121 KB
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Final paper for IT210 business analysis and design...


IT 210: Business Systems Analysis

Contents Problem Statement


Two Technologies




Project Description


Technology Requirements


Competitors and Technology


Technology One: Social Computing


Technology Two: Big Data and Knowledge Management


Technology Benefit


Technology Solutions


Technology One: Social Computing


Technology Two: Big Data and Knowledge Management




Technology Solution


Overall Benefit


Basic Security Considerations


Security Features


Third-Party Vendors


Internal Safeguards


IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


The small business that I work for, which offers designer clothes, shoes, and handbags at discounted prices, is looking for a technology solution to expand their online presence and become more customer focused. Problem Statement The current problems that need to be addressed is that the business is lacking the ability to operate proficiently online and also lacks the necessary knowledge management system needed to manage customer information and track current processes such as sales, payments, inventory, and customer contacts. Two Technologies The two technologies that will be researched in this business system analysis are social computing and big data and knowledge management. Social computing will help make a big online presence through advertising on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram as well as provide customers with the convenience of online shopping all while building customer relations. Big data and knowledge management will help with the business end of things by managing inventory and shipping, providing order statuses, and facilitating collaboration both internally and externally. Objectives The objectives of this project will be to achieve the following requirements set by the company’s owner: integrate online shopping, managing inventory and shipping, providing order status and online payment processing, facilitating collaboration internally and externally (with staff and customers), managing customer contacts, providing reporting, and being able to use the new technology to manage the current brick-and-mortar processes.

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


Project Description In order to satisfy the objectives above the business will need the following: 

An updated redesigned website that’s simple to navigate to provide an easy online shopping experience.

A new software system that keeps accurate records of important information such as inventory, shipping information and customer contacts.

The desired results at the end of this project will be to integrate this brick-and-mortar business with an e-business. It is important to implement new technology in order to keep up with the competition and stay in business. Currently, the physical location struggles with managing customer information and doesn’t have any reporting tools to help management, so implementing new technology will solve those problems and help the business expand. Technology Requirements The key technological requirements that will be required of any new technology that is implemented will be to integrate online shopping, manage inventory and shipping, provide order status checking and online payment processing, facilitate collaboration internally and externally, manage customer contacts, provide adequate reporting, and manage the current brick-and-mortar processes. Competitors and Technology Two of our biggest competitors are Zappos and Kohls. Each competitor will be broken down into the two technologies that are being researched in this business system analysis: Technology One: Social Computing

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


Zappos is an exclusively online retailor that puts customer satisfaction as their top priority as well as their website being easy to navigate, making for an effortless online shopping experience. Being solely an online retailer, Zappos embraces the use of social media as a helpful tool to promote business and be as transparent as possible which boosts customer relations. Technology Two: Big Data and Knowledge Management Kohls uses both physical retail locations as well as online shopping to reach their customer base but has implemented a system that streamlined their production data. “Kohls overhauled its core merchandising, inventory, and pricing operations with the launch of a new Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management solution, allowing the retailer to coordinate a unified system of record for inventory to better serve customers across channels, and to simplify its business user experience.” (Pat Research, 2021) Oracle Retail Merchandising system is one good example. It is a reliable system that controls a variety of important information such as, customers personal information, sales data, sales history, and inventory. Putting in the research to find a reliable software system that can manage all of the tasks you are looking a achieve would greatly benefit this company. Technology Benefit One way Zappos is benefitting from technology is by doing the opposite of what most business do when faced with employees that have social media accounts. Many companies prohibit the use of social media in the workplace. Not only does Zappos not prohibit the use of social media, Zappos actually encourages employees to make the most of their social media accounts which publicizes them even further. “Employees are invited and encouraged to share, inform, entertain, inspire and mentor their fellow colleagues through Twitter and Facebook, blogs and a multiple edition of the Zappos Culture Book.” (Seymour, 2018) When you recognize

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


social media as a tool that is only going to become more prominent in people’s everyday lives, this company can use it as a tool to gain a competitive advantage. Embrace employee’s willingness and use those tools as a form of free advertisement.

Technology Solutions Technology One: Social Computing Social computing is beneficial for a business that wants to restructure their current operation to turn it into an e-commerce. Social computing will integrate online shopping when we redesign the current website to offer a user-friendly online shopping experience. Customer will be able to browse the digital catalog, order, and track their shipments easily. The website will also have a blog/forum section where customers and employees can voice special events that are coming up, sales and promotions that are going on, as well as questions or concerns that will get an almost immediate response to. Social computing benefits mainly to the advertising and online presence that this business needs but does little for the management side, that also needs to expand. Social computing will not help keep track of customer information, inventory managing, or payment history. Technology Two: Big Data and Knowledge Management Big data and knowledge management picks up where social computing lacks which is what makes integrating these two technologies together a great combination for growing this business. Big data and knowledge management consists of purchasing the right computing system that will be able to handle all of your business’s needs. It will be able to keep track of inventory, customer orders, customer information, order history and sales. The computing system can have an order notes section where employees can enter important information regarding a

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


customer like reordering preferences, email and shipping information and payment information. The system will turn all of the company's current and historical data into useful knowledge that will help make better business decisions going forward.

Recommendations Technology Solution The recommended technology solutions are social computing as well as big data and knowledge management. When the two technologies are combined, it will give the business the necessary tools to be able to expand from the brick-and-mortar type company to the e-business that its striving to become. Overall Benefit The overall benefit of using both social computing and big data and knowledge management is that it will expand this business and reach more customers then ever before. It will solve the problem of not being able to reach customers as easily as some of our big competitors and will make our online presence stand out above the rest with our easy-to-use website that is customer focused. By recording useful data through the new computing system as well as redesigning a whole new website where customers can order right online, it will for sure enhance efficiency because it will give you the tools this business needs to reach people further and faster. Basic Security Considerations In order to successfully expand this business with an online presence, there has to be practices set in place to protect both the company and its customers. Secure Wi-Fi networks and

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


passwords, antivirus software, and adequate training for all employees should be implemented at the very least. Security Features Some security features that are recommended are creating a Virtual Private Network, or VPN, installing reliable antivirus software, using a good encryption software, and training employees on the importance of cyber security. “VPNs essentially funnel your data and IP address through another secure connection in between your own internet connection and the actual website or online service that you need to access.” (Rowe, 2021) Effectively, adding a layer of security between the user and any hackers trying to steal personal information. Having reliable antivirus software is a must to protect against malware such as viruses and spyware. “Viruses are a specific type of malware that replicates itself within a computer until it has spread through an entire system… spyware is designed to remain hidden from sight, while collecting data on the business that it has latched onto.” (Rowe, 2021) Antivirus software detects and removes harmful malware even though downloads and emails as long as the software is kept updated and maintained. Encryption software is essential for handling credit cards and bank account information over the internet. “Encryption keeps data safe by altering information on the computer into unreadable codes.” (Rowe, 2021) Lastly, the most important security feature you can offer is proper training for the employees. Employees need to know the best password practices, and how to recognize phishing emails and attacks. Cyber attacks can happen through employees, not by malicious intent but by

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis


lack of knowledge in handling situations and the last thing you want for your growing business is to have a data breach which affects all of your customers personal information.

Third-Party Vendors When working with any third-party vendors, research is key. You need to make sure that all the third-party vendors you work with also have adequate security in place to protect your customers information because your customers are your number one priority. Stick with brands you are familiar with and companies with strong reputations rather than which company is cheaper because security is not something you should skimp out on. Internal Safeguards The best internal safeguard to have is a Business continuity plan. “Business continuity is the chain of events linking planning to protection and to recovery. The purpose of the business continuity plan is to provide guidance to people who keep the business operating after a disaster occurs.” (Rainer, 2017) In the event of a data breach, your employees need to have a plan in place so things can be done quickly and efficiently to mitigate the situation. To help minimize the risks, employees should only have access to information that is necessary to perform their duties. Passwords should have requirements set in place to make them hard to hack. Employee training should be set in place with either a once a year or twice a year refresher, so employees never lose sight of the importance of security.

IT 210: Business Systems Analysis



N.D. (2021, November 10). Kohl's optimize item and store performance with Oracle Retail in 2021 - reviews, features, pricing, comparison. PAT RESEARCH: B2B Reviews, Buying Guides & Best Practices. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from Rainer, R., K., and Prince, B.. Introduction to Information Systems. Available from: WileyPLUS, (7th Edition). Wiley Global Education US, 2017. Rowe, A. (2021, November 25). 12 cyber security measures that every small business must take in 2021. Retrieved December 11, 2021, from Seymour, A. (2018, December 10). Zappos employee engagement culture makes a difference for online retailer. Social Media for Business Performance. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from

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