Journal #6 PDF

Title Journal #6
Course Cross Cultural Negotiations
Institution University of Oregon
Pages 2
File Size 68 KB
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Journal #6...


Harborco Prep As the negotiator for the Federal Department of Coastal Resources (DCR) I have every interest to encourage the passing of the license that Harborco has submitted to the Federal Licensing Agency (FLA) for the development and operation of a deep-water port off the coast of Seaborne as long as our interests are present in the final agreement. Your Ideal Substantive Outcomes and Interests: Our number one priority is to loan Harborco more or no less than $1 million for their project due to our limited funds and desire for involvement in other projects along both the west and east coasts. We do not want to loan any more than this since we want to be involved in the decision-making processes. Our next interest is to make sure that Harborco improves the ecological setting when installing the port. Third we want to ensure a partial compensation to other ports due to the losses that will be incurred once the new port opens. The ideal compensation we would like Harborco to pay to the other ports would be $300 million. Fourth we would be happy with an industry mix made up of some dirty as well as some clean industries since our mandate requires us to be sensitive to the environmental impacts of dirty industries. Though this interest is not a major concern it would be greatly beneficial to other parties within this negotiation. Our last interest supports a no union preference for the employment distribution. Not only do we favor this option, but Harborco desires a no union preference as well since it will allow them to keep their wage costs much lower than they would be with laborers who are part of a union. Substantive Outcomes and Interests of Other Parties: With 5 different parties at this negotiation including myself, l expect there to be a broad range of desires concerning the five issues at hand. To begin, I assume The Environmental League’s main desires would be option B3 (Improve the ecological setting) for issue B (the ecological impact) as well as option A3 (all clean) for issue A (the industry mix). Next I believe that the Local Federation of Labor Unions (the Unions) only major concern would be making sure that option C1 (unlimited union preference) for issue C (employment rules) is included in the final agreement so that union workers are guaranteed the new jobs that become available. For the Other Ports in the Region party I assume that their only focus would be to ensure a large compensation, which is option E1 (Harborco pays $600 million in current dollars to the other ports) of Issue E (Compensation for other ports in the region). Lastly, since Governor Sherwood of Seaborne is “eager to promote development in her state” she is hopeful that the laborers from the unions benefit from the new

jobs. This leads me to believe that her main and only focus in this agreement is the same as the Local Federation of Labor Unions being that there is unlimited union preference for the available jobs (option C1 in Issue C). Potential Allies: Though I do not believe that the major interests of the other parties exactly match up with my desired outcomes I believe that The Environmental League, as well as Other Ports in the Region have similar interests and we could easily come to agreement on some of the issues we are both concerned with. For example though I believe that the Environmental league favors an all-clean industry mix, I do not favor a primarily dirty mix and therefore we can reach an agreement where we are both semi-happy. I plan on befriending these allies by informing them of our common interests and as long as well stick together we will both end up happy with the final results. Potential Opponents: As mentioned earlier I am aware that we favor a “no union preference,” which I believe is the exact opposite of the desire of the Local Federation of Labor Unions as well as Governor Sherwood. I am confident that Harborco favors a no union preference as well, but I am concerned that the FLA may desire a partial union preference. Though I am confident I will be unable to convert their parties since this is their main interest, I hope to come to an agreement where we are both semi-happy such as option C3 where the ration of union workers to nonunion workers would not be less than 1:1. BATNA: I am aware that my desired outcome may seem unreasonable to some of the parties involved. I am confortable with not reaching my main goals, but I refuse to succumb to any final outcome that results in my team receiving less then 65 points. At this point I would take my BATNA, which would be saying no to the agreement offered and using my funds elsewhere in the other projects we are interested in. Though I would not be completely satisfied with this outcome it would be far better than receiving less than 65 points. Information Gathering: To Environmental League: Do you prefer an all-clean industry mix or an improvement in the ecological setting? To Local Federation of Labor Unions/Governor Sherwood: Are you willing to incur the difference in cost between non-union laborers and union laborers? Other Ports in the Region: Where did you get the number for the compensation you believe you should receive?...

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