Jus101 4-1 Final Project Milestone Two Technology PDF

Title Jus101 4-1 Final Project Milestone Two Technology
Course Introduction to Criminal Justice
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 4
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Running head: 4-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Technology

4-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Technology Brittani D. Graham Southern New Hampshire University

Police Officer It will all depend on the size of town you live in and the police department. For those larger cities that have larger police departments, they will send a crime scene investigator to do all this investigation. The police officer will be the first one on the scene, it isn't their job to do a full-blown investigation of the crime scene. One type of technology that is available to police officers is a crime light. This is a flashlight that has different preset wavelength that is designed to detect hair, fibers, and body fluids at the crime scene. The responding crime scene investigator will have other equipment and tools that will be used during the investigation. The investigator will take several pictures of the scene and use shoe print lifting equipment to get any shoeprint to identify the size and type used by the suspect. Prison Guard When you are a visitor at any prison there will be a security procedure that you must follow to prevent contraband from entering. One technology equipment that the guard will use is a metal detector wand or a walk-through metal detector. There will be cameras that monitor everything going on in the visitation area including voice recording of the visitation. If you are to have a video visitation with the inmate, then that video is also recorded just as each phone call would be as well. If the inmate can only have video visitation then this eliminates all possibilities of the inmate getting contraband from their visitor. Most prisons have a body scanner that the visitor must go through before they are allowed back into the visitation area especially if it is a

Milestone Two: Technology

contact visit. The Body scanner is being used because there is contraband that someone could bring in that is not a weapon so it will not be metal such as drugs or tobacco. Probation Officer Those on probation are put on a very strict procedure that they must follow once they are released from prison. The probation officer at any time she wants to do a search she is welcome to of the house of the probationer without a search warrant. This is because once they are released, they give up that right just as they do when they are in prison that right is taken away. If the individual is out on a high-risk case, they could be placed on an electronic device attached to their leg or ankle. Most of the time probation is for those that are non-violent crimes. Court Case The case that I choose is Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001). When it comes to this case the thermal imaging is what played the biggest part in proving something was happening in the house. It was believed to involve the growth of marijuana but there was no proof without the thermal imaging. In this case it does not violate anyone's fourth amendment since the thermal imaging will only detect the heat imaging that is within the home. Career Path After I have done my research on each of the ways of technology affect every criminal justice job, I would say that my path that I choose of being a Police Officer still interest me. I

Milestone Two: Technology

believe that the Police Officers are one of the ones to have the best use of every technology out there. One reason is because they are not only the ones to first book the criminal and gather the evidence, but mainly because they are the first ones to first encounter with the criminals and all the crime scenes. This would only make sense that they were the ones with the best technology in the criminal justice field. References DOJ Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice. (2014). Body Cavity Screening for Criminal Justice: Market Survey (Version 1.1). Body Cavity Screening for Criminal Justice: Market Survey (Version 1.1). Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/246710.pdf Gomez, G. (2002). Thermal imaging and the Fourth Amendment: the role of the Katz test in the aftermath of Kyllo v. United States. New York Law School Law Review, (1–2), 319. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edsggo&AN=edsgcl.161940767&site=eds-live&scope=site Pepper, I. K. (2010). Crime Scene Investigation: Methods and Procedures (Vol. 2nd ed). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=466504&site=edslive&scope=site

Milestone Two: Technology

ST. PIERRE, C. (2011). Telejustice Services Cut Costs. Corrections Forum, 20(3), 46–50. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx? direct=true&db=sih&AN=61901203&site=eds-live&scope=site Tischauser, L. V. (2019). Adult probation. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx? direct=true&db=ers&AN=95342698&site=eds-live&scope=site...

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