Kafli - spurningar og svör PDF

Title Kafli - spurningar og svör
Author Árni Freyr
Course Lífeðlisleg Sálarfræði
Institution Háskóli Íslands
Pages 55
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Spurningar og svör úr kafla 10. Svör á íslensku...


Chapter 10: Reproductive Behavior Topic Sexual Development

Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior

Neural Control of Sexual Behavior

Question Type Multiple Choice



1,4,6,9,13,15-17,22, 24,28,31,32,34,35

2,3,7,8,10-12,14,18-21, 23,25-27,29,30,33





Multiple Choice

37,39,41,42,44,45,49,50, 53,54,55,57-61,65, 67,69-73,76,78,79, 80,82-87





Multiple Choice

36,38,40,43,46,48,51,52,56, 62,63,66,68,74,75,77,81







Fill-In Essay Parental Behavior

Multiple Choice

Fill-In Essay




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Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Fullorðin sálfræðileg aðlögun afrekið af Bruce-Brenda-David, karkyns tvíburi sem typpið var skorið af (óvart) þegar hann var umskorinn 7 mánaða gamann leggja til að: a. kippur náttúrunnar er að búa til kvenkyn. b. kynferðislega sjálfsmynd er ekki auðveld að breyta við uppeldi barns. c. Regluleg inndælingar/spýtingar/sprauta af testósteróni getur breytt kynferðislegri sjálfsmynd. d. erfðagerð skiptir minna máli en eru félagslegir þættir. e. eðlilegt umskurn getur breytt kynferðislegri sjálfsmynd. Enska: 1. The adulthood psychological adjustment achieved by Bruce-Brenda-David, the male twin whose penis was ablated during a botched circumcision procedure at age 7 months, suggests that a. nature’s impulse is to create a female. b. sexual identity may not be easily shifted by the upbringing of a child. c. regular injections of testosterone can shift sexual identity. d. genetic type is less important than are social factors. e. normal circumcision can alter sexual identity. Page Ref: 324 Rationale: The case of Bruce suggests that sexual identity may be rooted in biology and not easily shifted by environmental factors. ---2. Hvert af eftirfarandi er dæmi um kynhegðun í rottum? a. borða b. foreldast c. makast d. sofa e. all locomotion (sem þýðir hvað?) Enska: 2. Which of the following are examples of sexually dimorphic behaviors in rats? a. eating b. parenting c. mating d. sleeping e. all locomotion Page Ref: 324 Rationale: Mating is an example of a sexually dimorphic rat behavior. --3. Dæmi um kynhegðun í manneskjum væri: a. að anda 2

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b. borða c. brjóstagjöf d. greiða hár. e. öflugar æfingar Enska: 3. An example of a sexually dimorphic behavior noted in humans would be a. breathing. b. eating. c. breastfeeding. d. grooming of hair. e. vigorous exercise. Page Ref: 324 Rationale: An example of a sexually dimorphic behavior noted in humans would be breastfeeding of an infant. --4. Kynfrumur eru sérstakar æxlunar frumur sem: a. seyta mullerian-hindrandi efni. b. innihalda 23 pör af litningum. c. bera helming erfðafræðilegar upplýsinga um aðrar frumur líkamans. d. eru mynduð af sameiningu eggs og sæði í frjóvgun. e. mun að lokum mynda kynfæri fósturs. Enska: 4. Gametes are unique reproductive cells that a. secrete Müllerian-inhibiting substance. b. contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. c. carry half the genetic information of other cells of the body. d. are formed by the union of an egg and a sperm during fertilization. e. will eventually form the sex organs of the fetus. Page Ref: 324-325 Rationale: Gametes are unique reproductive cells that carry half the genetic information of other cells of the body. ---5. Kyn fósturs er ákvarðað af : a. hormón sem framleidd er af heiladingli þegar þróun fósturs á sér stað. b. einu gen á X litningnum. c. kynkirtlum. d. sæði föðurins. e. tíma tíðahrings þar sem frjóvgun á sér stað. Enska: 5. The genetic sex of a fetus is determined by a. the hormones produced by the pituitary during fetal development. b. a single gene on the X chromosome. 3

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c. the gonads. d. the father’s sperm. e. the phase of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization occurs. Page Ref: 325 Rationale: The genetic sex of a fetus is determined by the father’s sperm. ---6. Hvert af eftirfarandi er satt um kyn litninga a. Þættir coded á Y litningi stjórna þróun kyn kirtils karlsins b. Y litningurinn inniheldur áætlun fyrir karlkyns fóstur. c. kyn litningar eru stærstir meðal 23 litninga paranna. d. Móðirin gefur Y litning sinn til að mynda kvenkyns fóstur. e. Y litningurinn inniheldur áætlun fyrir kvenkyns fóstur. Enska: 6. Which of the following is true of the sex chromosomes? a. Factors coded on the Y chromosome control the development of the male sex glands. b. The Y chromosome contains the blueprints for the male fetus. c. The sex chromosomes are the largest among the 23 pairs. d. The mother donates her Y chromosome to form a female fetus. e. The Y chromosome contains the blueprints for the female fetus. Page Ref: 325 Rationale: With regard to the sex chromosomes, factors coded on the Y chromosome controls the development of the male sex glands. --7. Hvert af eftirfarandi er talið vera kynfæri manneskju ? a. eggjastokkar b. nýrnahettur c. briskirtill d. heiladingull e. skjaldkirtill Enska: 7. Which of the following is considered to be a human sex organ? a. ovaries b. adrenal gland c. pancreas d. pituitary e. thyroid Page Ref: 326 Rationale: The ovaries are considered to be a human sex organ. ---8. Lykilatriði sem ákvarðar hvort hvort ósérhæfðir kynkirtlar þróast í eistu er a. Sry gen staðsett á Y litningi 4

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b. setyun af testasteróni frá nýrum c. Sry gen staðsett á X litningi d. 21 parið af litningum e. seytun af androgen frá kynkirtlum Enska: 8. The key factor that determines whether the undifferentiated gonads develop into testes is the a. gene Sry located on the Y chromosome. b. secretion of testosterone from the adrenals. c. gene Sry located on the X chromosome. d. 21st pair of chromosomes. e. secretion of androgens from the gonads. Page Ref: 325 Topic: Development of the Sex Organs Rationale: The key factor that determines whether the undifferentiated gonads develop into testes is the gene Sry located on the Y chromosome. ---9. Prótein sem breytir ósérhæfðrum kynkirtlum í eistu er stjórnað af a. ob / ob prótein. b. leptín prótein. c. Tny gen d. Sry gen e. X litningi. Enska: 9. The protein that dictates the conversion of the undifferentiated gonads into the testes is controlled by the a. ob/ob protein. b. leptin protein. c. gene Tny. d. gene Sry. e. X chromosome. Page Ref: 325 Rationale: The protein that dictates the conversion of the undifferentiated gonads into the testes is controlled by the gene Sry. ----

10. Myndun eggjastokka við þroska fósturs er stjórnað af a. sry gen. b. testósterón. c. X litningnum. d. Y litningi. 5

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e. engum þætti Enska: 10. The formation of the ovaries during prenatal development is controlled by a. the Sry gene. b. testosterone. c. the X chromosome. d. the Y chromosome. e. no factor. Page Ref: 326 Rationale: The ovaries require no controlling factor for development. ---11. Dæmi um virkjunnar áhrif orsakað af hormóninu estradiol mynd vera: a. vöxtur af klæðnaði (lining) legi í tíðahringnum. b. vöxtur handarkrika hára hjá konum. c. aðgreining á Wolffian kerfinu, inn í fimbriae, eggjaleiðurum, legi, og leggöngin. d. þroski eggjastokka í kvenkyni. e. breytingar á raddböndum til að búa til "djúpt" rödd. Enska: 11. An example of an activational effect induced by the hormone estradiol would be a. growth of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle. b. growth of axillary hair in females. c. differentiation of the Wolffian system into the fimbriae, Fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. d. maturation of the ovaries in a female. e. alteration of the vocal cords to create a “deep” voice. Page Ref: 330 Rationale: An example of an activational effect induced by the hormone estradiol would be growth of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle. ---12. Lykil greinarmunur á milli mótandi áhrif hormóna og virkjandi áhrif hormóna er að a. virkjandi áhrif eru varanleg. b. mótandi áhrif eru varanleg. c. mótandi áhrif koma aðeins á fullorðinsárum. d. virkjandi áhrif eru miðlað af viðtökum, en mótandi áhrif eru um að ræða tímabundnar breytingar á seytingu taugaboðefna. e. skipulagi áhrif koma aðeins í heilanum. Enska: 12. The key distinction between an organizational hormone effect and an activational hormone effect is that a. activational effects are permanent. b. organizational effects are permanent. c. organizational effects only occur during adulthood. 6

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d. activational effects are mediated by receptors, whereas organizational effects are due to temporary changes in neurotransmitter secretion. e. organizational effects only occur in the brain. Page Ref: 325-326 Rationale: The key distinction between an organizational hormone effect and an activational hormone effect is that organizational effects are permanent. ---13. Mullerian kerfið formgerð eru forverar fyrir a. innri kynfæri karlkyns b. eggjastoka c. innri líffæri kvenkyns d. eistu. e. typpið og punginn Enska 13. The Müllerian system structures are the precursors to the a. male internal sex organs. b. ovaries. c. female internal sex organs. d. testes. e. penis and scrotum. Page Ref: 326 Rationale: The Müllerian system structures are the precursors to the female internal sex organs. --14. Hvert af eftirfarandi hugtökum eiga saman ? a. Wolffian kerfið ; snípur b. Mullerian kerfið ; eggjaleiðarar c. Mullerian kerfið ; legið d. Wolffian kerfið ; leg e. Mullerian kefrið ; vas deferens Enska : 14. Which of the following terms belong together? a. Wolffian system; clitoris b. Müllerian system; Fallopian tubes c. Müllerian system; uterus d. Wolffian system; uterus e. Müllerian system; vas deferens Page Ref: 326 Rationale: The Fallopian tubes are a part of the Müllerian system. ---15. Formgerð af Wolffian kerfisins eru forverar fyrir: a. innri kynfæri karla 7

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b. eggjastokkar c. innri kynfæri kvenna d. eistu e. typpið og punginn Enska: 15. The structures of the Wolffian system are the precursors to the a. male internal sex organs. b. ovaries. c. female internal sex organs. d. testes. e. penis and scrotum. Page Ref: 326 Rationale: The structures of the Wolffian system are the precursors to the male internal sex organs. ---16. Fyrir fæðingu (prenatal) þróun af innri æxlunar formgerð í karl krefst a. virkjun á mullerian kerfinu með anti- mullerian hormón. b. seytingu estradiol frá heiladingli. c. seyting prógesterón. d. seyting androgen. e. seyting progresterone. Enska: 16. The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the male requires a. activation of the Müllerian system by anti-Müllerian hormone. b. secretion of estradiol by the pituitary. c. secretion of progesterone. d. secretion of androgens. e. secretion of progresterone. Page Ref: 326-327 Rationale: The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the male requires secretion of androgens. --17 : Fyrir fæðingu (prenatal) þróun af innri æxlunar formgerð í konu a. krefst bælingu á mullerian kerfinu með anti- mullerian hormón. b. krefst seytingu estradiol frá heiladingli. c. stafar af seytingu prógesterón. d. krefst ekkert hormón e. krefst seytingu androgens Enska: 17. The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the female a. requires the suppression of the Müllerian system by anti-Müllerian hormone. 8

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b. requires secretion of estradiol by the pituitary. c. is caused by secretion of progesterone. d. requires no hormone. e. requires secretion of androgens. Page Ref: 326 Rationale: No hormone is required for the prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the female. --18. Hormónið _____ verkar defeminizing verknað á meðan prenatal þróun á sér stað. a. testósterón b. dihydrotestoc. estradíól d. Ghrelin e. anti-mullerian hormón Enska: 18. The hormone ________ exerts a defeminizing action during prenatal development. a. testosterone b. dihydrotestosterone c. estradiol d. ghrelin e. anti-Müllerian hormone Page Ref: 327 Rationale: The hormone testosterone exerts a defeminizing action during prenatal development. ---19. Hormónið sem kemur í veg fyrir þroska fósturs á mullerian kerfisins er sagður hafa a. defeminizing áhrif. b. activational áhrif. c. masculinizing áhrif. d. feminizing áhrif. e. ósérhæfðum aðgerð á ósérhæfðra kynkirtla. Enska: 19. A hormone that prevents the prenatal development of the Müllerian system is said to have a(n) a. defeminizing effect. b. activational effect. c. masculinizing effect. d. feminizing effect. e. nonselective action on the undifferentiated gonads. Page Ref: 327 Rationale: A hormone that prevents the prenatal development of the Müllerian system is said to have a defeminizing effect. 9

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---20. A hormón sem stuðlar að þroska fósturs af Wolffian kerfiinu er sagt hafa a. defeminizing áhrif. b. activational áhrif. c. masculinizing áhrif. d. feminizing áhrif. e. ósérhæfðum aðgerð á ósérhæfðra kynkirtla. Enska: 20. A hormone that promotes the prenatal development of the Wolffian system is said to have a(n) a. defeminizing effect. b. activational effect. c. masculinizing effect. d. feminizing effect. e. nonselective action on the undifferentiated gonads. Page Ref: 327 Rationale: A hormone that promotes the prenatal development of the Wolffian system is said to have a masculinizing effect. --21. Manneskja sem þjáist af androgen-ónæmni (androgen-insenitivity) heilkenni yrði líkleg til að : a. fá karlkyns ytri kynfæri. b. hafa eggjastokka. c. seyta androgen. d. skortur af kvenkyns innri æxlunarfæri formgerð e. Skortur af anti-mullerian hormón Enska: 21. A person who suffers from androgen-insensitivity syndrome would be expected to a. show male external genitalia. b. have ovaries. c. secrete androgens. d. lack female internal reproductive structures. e. lack anti-Mullerian hormone Page Ref: 327 Rationale: A person who suffers from androgen-insensitivity syndrome would be expected to secrete androgens. ---22. Manneskja sem þráist af ómeðhöndluðu androgen-ónæmnis heilkenni myndi sýna a. XX litninga mynstur. b. eggjastokka c. karlkyns ytri kynfæri. 10

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d. kvenkyns innri kynfæri. e. vanhæfni til að eignast börn. Enska: 22. A person suffering from untreated androgen-insensitivity syndrome would exhibit a. XX chromosomal pattern. b. ovaries c. male external genitals. d. female internal genitals. e. an inability to have children. Page Ref: 327 Rationale: A person suffering from untreated androgen-insensitivity syndrome would exhibit an inability to have children. ---23. Í hvaða röskun myndi ytri kynfæri kvenkyns þróast í tengslum við eistu? a. adrenogenital heilkenni b. Turners heilkenni c. sry heilkenni d. viðvarandi mullerian vegur heilkenni e. andrógen-insensitivity heilkenni Enska 23. In which disorder would the external genitals of a female develop in conjunction with testes? a. adrenogenital syndrome b. Turner’s syndrome c. Sry syndrome d. persistent Müllerian duct syndrome e. androgen-insensitivity syndrome Page Ref: 327 Rationale: In androgen-insensitivity syndrome, the external genitals of a female develop in conjunction with testes. ---24. Ensímið ____ umbreytir testósterón í dihydrotestósterón a. tyrosine hydroxylase b. 5-alpha reductase c. seminal hydroxylase d. 3,4 galactase e. tryptophan hydroxylase Enska: 24. The enzyme ________ converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. a. tyrosine hydroxylase b. 5-alpha reductase 11

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c. seminal hydroxylase d. 3,4 galactase e. tryptophan hydroxylase Page Ref: 327 Rationale: The enzyme 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. ---25. Í _____ einn gæti búist við að fylgjast með bæði karlkyns og kvenkyns innri æxlunar formgerð a. adrenogenital heilkenni b. Turners heilkenni c. sry heilkenni d. viðvarandi mullerian vegur heilkennis í geni karlkyns e. androgen-insensitivity syndrome Enska: 25. In ________ one might expect to observe both male and female internal reproductive structures. a. adrenogenital syndrome b. Turner’s syndrome c. Sry syndrome d. persistent Müllerian duct syndrome in a genetic male e. androgen-insensitivity syndrome Page Ref: 328 Rationale: In persistent Müllerian duct syndrome in a genetic male, one might expect to observe both male and female internal reproductive structures. ---26. Meginregla sýnt fram af Turner heilkenni er að: a. karlkyns fóstur framleiðir mullerian-bælandi efni. b. kvenkyns annars stigs kynferðisleg einkenni birtast án eggjastokka. c. eggjastokkarnir eru nauðsynlegar fyrir þróun Mullerian kerfis. d. mismunandi hormón eru nauðsynleg til að þróa eða til þess að bæla þróun æxlunarfæri karldýra. e. eggjastokkar eru EKKI nauðsynlegir fyrir þróun Mullerian kerfisins. Enska: 26. The key principle demonstrated by Turner’s syndrome is that a. male fetuses produce Müllerian-inhibiting substances. b. female secondary sexual characteristics appear without the ovaries. c. ovaries are necessary for development of the Müllerian system. d. different hormones are required to develop or to suppress the development of the male reproductive organs. e. ovaries are NOT necessary for development of the Müllerian system. 12

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Page Ref: 328 Rationale: The key principle demonstrated by Turner’s syndrome is that ovaries are NOT necessary for development of the Müllerian system. ---27. Karkyn hefur skort á hormónaviðtökum sem leiffi til þessa að þessi einstaklingur hefur typpi og báðar gerðir af innri kynfærum. Líklegasta skýringin er að þessi manneskja sé með: a. skort á Y-litning. b. hefur gengist undir fegrunaraðgerð. c. hefur viðvarandi mullerian-heilkenni. – Skil ekki alveg þetta mullerian duct syndrome d. hefureistu sem yfirseyttu anti-mullerian hormón. e. hefurTurners heilkenni. Enska: 27. A genetic male has a hormone receptor deficiency that resulted in this person having a penis and both sets of internal sex organs. The most likely explanation for this case is that the person might a. lack the Y chromosome. b. have undergone plastic surgery. c. have persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. d. have testes that oversecreted anti-Müllerian hormone. e. have Turner’s syndrome. Page Ref: 327 Rationale: A genetic male that has a hormone receptor deficiency that resulted in this person having a penis and both sets of internal sex organs is most likely to suffer from persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. ---28. Fyrir fæðingu þroskunin á ytri karlkyns kynfæri krefst nærveru: a. alpha-feto protein b. melatonin c. estradiol. d. dihydrotestosterone. e. anti-Müllerian hormone. Enska: 28. The prenatal development of the external male genitalia requires the presence of a. alpha-feto protein. b. melatonin. c. estradiol. d. dihydrotestosterone. e. anti-Müllerian hormone. Page Ref: 327 Rationale: The prenatal development of the external male genitalia requires the presence of dihydrotestosterone. 13

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---29. Dæmi um annars stigs kyneinkenni er: a. þróun eggjastokka b. djúp rödd c. þróun slípsins d. þróun leggöns e. mótun typpsins Enska: 29. An example of a secondary sex characteristic is a. ovary development. b. a deep voice. c. development of a clitoris. d. development of a vagina. e. formation of a penis. Page Ref: 328 Rationale: An ...

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