KIN 150 Exam 2 Review Unit 5 PDF

Title KIN 150 Exam 2 Review Unit 5
Course Biological Bases of Physical Activity
Institution University of Miami
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Professor Laura Jimenez...


KIN 150

Exam 2 Review Unit 5 – Respiratory Physiology and Exercise Responses and Regulation -




What is the purpose of the respiratory system and what are the four processes that facilitate it? o PURPOSE = to carry oxygen to your body and remove carbon dioxide for your body o 1. Pulmonary ventilation  Getting air from outside the body into lungs o 2. Pulmonary diffusion  Getting oxygen from lungs into blood stream o 3. Transport of gases via blood o 4. Capillary diffusion  Getting oxygen from blood across capillary walls to the cells Describe air’s journey during ventilation. o Ventilation = the process of moving air into an out of the lungs o **Nose/mouth à nasal conchae à pharynx à larynx à trachea à bronchial tree à alveoli (tiny air sacs at end of lungs) o Lungs are suspended by pleural sacs Be able to describe what happens during inspiration and during expiration. o INSPIRATION:  Chest expands out and to the sides (muscle activity)  Pressure and volume have an inverse relationship  always go from high concentration to low concentration to reach equilibrium  Lung Volume (UP) & Pressure (DOWN)  Temperature stay constant  Forced breathing à you aren’t sucking the air in yourself, your lungs are expanding so the air just rushes in  *ACTIVE o EXPIRATION:  *PASSIVE  Requires NO work  You squeeze the lungs together and the air is forced out  Breathing helps BLOOD FLOW à Squeezes the veins to return blood to the heart  Lung Volume (DOWN) & Pressure (UP) Be able to describe the process of pulmonary diffusion (Big picture, guys. Use general principles, rather than numbers). o Pulmonary Diffusion = gas exchange between alveoli and capillaries – 2 major functions:  Allows blood to pick up oxygen  Refreshes the blood

Your lungs get the same amount of blood as the rest of your body (even though they are small) o At rest – you only take up enough oxygen to LIVE o You lungs aren’t perfectly diffused with blood (bottom gets more blood supply than top – not perfect gas exchange) o During exercise à much better blood flow o Saturation – looks how much of your blood is oxygenated  20% of our blood is oxygen o ** Oxygen wants to go into our blood because it seeks low concentration and will escape the environment to do so (diffusion) o **The more liquid, the more will be dissolved o **The more pressure being forced on a gas, the more will be dissolved o Dalton’s Law = total air P = PN2 + PO2 + PCO2 o Henry’s Law = gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to partial Pressure o Fick’s Law = rate of diffusion proportional to surface area and partial pressure gas gradient  Depends on amount of surface area (access points) and amount of pressure  AVO2 Difference = different between amount of oxygen in your arteries (leaving your heart) and the amount in your veins (returning to your heart) à shows how much oxygen is being USED  Whatever oxygen you don’t distribute to your body (like giving it your muscles during exercise) you return back to the heart and start over How is most oxygen transported through blood and what is so important about the oxyhemoglobin saturation curve? o Hemoglobin = what makes your blood red o Oxyhemoglobin = oxygen + hemoglobin o Your blood transports a lot of oxygen and takes it (unloads at) to the lungs o Saturation curve à shows that hemoglobin likes to bind to oxygen when there is lots of oxygen around (the more there is the more it will bind to it)  The less oxygen in the atmosphere the less hemoglobin holds on to it  In a situation where there is too little oxygen (under water or in mountains) hemoglobin reaches a critical point of unloading and can lead to death How is pulmonary ventilation regulated? o How much you breathe (oxygen intake) has to match how much your metabolism is working – to keep that homeostasis balanced o This requires a coordination between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems  This occurs via involuntary regulation of pulmonary ventilation o Excess carbon dioxide à what drives you to breath (not the need for oxygen)  Therefore when you hold your breath you first exhale (the excess carbon dioxide) before you inhale more oxygen o Hering-Breuer Reflex à the more your lungs stretch, the more the RESISTENCE to stretch grows (it gets harder to inhale MORE) What are the cardiovascular responses to acute exercise and how are they regulated? o




Heart rate:  The rate of increase of your heart rate is directly proportional with the increase in work out intensity  Your max heart rate does not relate to how fit you are (has to do with AGE – goes down the older you get)  Steady-State HR à If you don’t change your intensity then your heart rate won’t change either – will plateau and stay still  Heartrate increases linearly until it reaches MAX o Stroke volume:  SV = amount of blood pumped with each contraction/heartbeat  SV increases as intensity increases  BUT SV only changes up to a point à because the heart still needs time to fill with blood/stretch  Frank-Starling Mechanism = the more its stretched (the more blood that fills the heart the more it will stretch), the harder it beats  Preload = more filling  Afterload = the resistance that blood has to overcome to move forward out into the body  Stroke volume is higher when laying compared to sitting/standing because you don’t have to fight GRAVITY o Cardiac output:  Cardiac Output (Q) = combination of stroke volume and heartrate  How much blood you circulate in a minute  Q = HR x SV  Goes up MORE the MORE trained you are  How high your cardiac output can go has to do with how fit you are and the size of your body  AVO2 Difference = different between amount of oxygen in your arteries (leaving your heart) and the amount in your veins (returning to your heart) à shows how much oxygen is being USED o Blood pressure:  Blood pressure increases a lot when you increase resistance (and visa versa)  Average blood pressure goes up (combination of cardiac output and how much the blood flow is being RESISTED)  Systolic BP à goes UP proportional to exercise intensity  Diastolic BP à goes DOWN slightly because it is the relaxation phase o Blood flow:  Blood should flow to your most active body part à your muscles when working out  When cardiac output goes UP the amount of available blood flow also goes UP  Splanchnic circulation region = everything that is the center of your gut (blood goes there during digestion but NOT during exercise)  Blushing = Blood rushing to the skin (typically in your face & clammy hands) Explain cardiovascular drift. o


Associated with an increase in core temperature and dehydration As exercise continues the steady state doesn’t stay steady that whole time – your heartrate will slowly drift HIGHER even if their intensity remains the same o As your stroke volume goes DOWN:  Skin blood flow goes UP  Plasma volume goes DOWN  Venous return/preload goes DOWN  **Heartrate picks up the slack for SV and will go UP What are the respiratory responses to acute exercise and how are they regulated? o Breathing increases (immediately) when exercise increases o Ventilation increase proportional to metabolic needs of muscle  At low-exercise intensity, only breathing depthá á  At high-exercise intensity, rate also á o When working out you start breathing DEEPER rather than FASTER (until your intensity increases greatly then you start breathing faster) o After workout à heartrate comes back to normal FAST but breathing comes back down/recovers SLOWLY Describe some breathing irregularities and limitations to performance. o Dyspnea = shortness of breath  Common with poor aerobic fitness (not trained well enough)  Caused by inability to adjust to high blood pressure  Also, FATIGUE in respiratory muscles despite drive to á ventilation o Hyperventilation = excessive ventilation  Anticipation or anxiety about exercise  Not effective way to get sufficient air o The respiratory system doesn’t usually hamper/limit your fitness abilities o Airway resistance and gas diffusion normally not limiting factors at sea level o Restrictive or obstructive respiratory disorders can be limiting o o



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