KIN 2500 Hargroder Exam 1 SI Review PDF

Title KIN 2500 Hargroder Exam 1 SI Review
Author Carley Bowman
Course Human Anatomy
Institution Louisiana State University
Pages 7
File Size 153.4 KB
File Type PDF
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KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review 1. Anatomy is defined as the study of: a. Body structure b. Body function c. How structure relates to function d. The relationships among functions 2. Arteries are named according to their location in the body. What would the artery that runs behind your knee likely be called? a. Lumbar b. Plantar c. Popliteal d. Olecranal 3. An axillary temperature is take a. In the ear b. In the groin region c. In the mouth d. In the armpit region 4. Angela went to the doctor complaining of headaches. After a full exam, the doctor prescribed a medication in drop form. On the bottle, the word “otic” was written. Where should Angela apply these drops? a. In her eyes b. In her nose c. In her mouth d. In her ears 5. A ___ plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions a. Transverse b. Parasagittal c. Oblique d. Midsagittal 6. Aidan was building a wooden fort in his backyard. He stepped on a sharp nail that pierced through his shoe into the bottom of his foot. What portion of his food was injured? a. Plantar b. Dorsum c. Cural d. Popliteal 7. True or False: You would find the heart, lung, and esophagus in the thoracic cavity? a. True b. False 8. The serous membrane covering the lungs is called the a. Parietal pleura b. Parietal peritoneum c. Visceral pleura d. Visceral peritoneum 9. The heart is located specifically in the ___ cavity. a. Parietal b. Pericardial c. Pleural d. Peritoneal

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review 10. True or False: The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity a. True b. False 11.The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is called the ___ peritoneum a. Parietal b. Visceral c. Pericardial 12.A transverse plane is a. The same as a horizontal plane b. Perpendicular to a sagittal plane c. One the divides the body into right and left sides d. Both A and B are correct e. Both B and C are correct 13.The four basic types of tissues in the body are epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous 14.The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the parietal peritoneum 15.The abdominal region directly superior to the umbilical region is the epigastric 16.A parasagittal plane divides the body into unequal right and left sides. 17.Body structures known as organs are composed of two or more different tissues, have specific functions, and usually have recognizable shapes. 18.True or False: The visceral layer of a serous membrane adheres to the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities 19.True or False: The diaphragm divides the abdominal and pelvic cavities from each other. 20.True or False: The mediastinum is part of the thoracic cavity. 21.Which subdiscipline of anatomy examines the microscopic structure of tissues? a) cell biology b) histology c) surface anatomy d) gross anatomy e) regional anatomy 22.A system in the body is composed of related _______ with a common function. a) atoms b) cells c) molecules

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review d) organs e) tissues 23. Which of the following is an important life process of humans? a) responsiveness b) metabolism c) differentiation d) movement e) All of these choices are important life processes of humans. 24.When the human body is in the anatomical position, the palm of the hand faces: a) forward. b) laterally. c) medially. d) posteriorly. e) superiorly. 25. The carpals are ______ to the humerus? a) anterior b) posterior c) proximal d) distal e) superior 26.Which of the following directly regulates the movement of materials into and out of a cell? a) cytoplasm b) cytosol c) nucleus d) plasma membrane e) mitochondria 27.Which of the following is the process by which glucose is transported into cells of the human body? a) active transport b) facilitated diffusion c) filtration d) osmosis e) diffusion 28.Which of the following is used by cells to take up specific molecules? a) receptor-mediated endocytosis b) phagocytosis c) pinocytosis d) exocytosis e) diffusion 29.Which of the following types of cell junctions allow communication between cells? a) adherens junctions b) desmosomes c) gap junctions d) hemidesmosomes e) tight junctions 30.Which type of cell junction, shown in the figure, retards the passage of substances between cells?

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review a) adherens junctions b) desmosomes c) gap junctions d) hemidesmosomes e) tight junctions 31.Which of the choices listed below are characteristics shared by all epithelial tissues?1 contain a high amount of extracellular matrix (substance between cells)2 avascular (no blood vessels)3 cells closely joined together4 form surface layers5 found immediately next to blood-vessel rich connective tissues a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 2, 3, 4, 5 c) 2, 4 d) 3, 4, 5 e) 5 32.Epithelial tissues play which important roles in the body? a) absorption b) filtration c) protection d) secretion e) All of these choices are important roles for epithelial tissues 33.Which of the following is an endocrine gland? a) cells of pancreatic acini which secrete digestive enzymes b) parietal cells in the stomach which secrete hydrochloric acid c) salivary glands which secrete saliva d) sudoriferous glands which secrete sweat e) thyroid gland which secretes thyroid hormones 34.Which of the following is the most prevalent type of tissue within the visible outer ear (auricle)? a) areolar connective tissue b) dense irregular connective tissue c) elastic cartilage d) fibrocartilage e) hyaline cartilage 35.Respiratory gases move between the lungs and blood by means of? a. Simple diffusion b. Osmosis c. Active transport d. Phagocytosis e. Bulk-phase endocytosis 36.Specific molecules the bind to receptors are called? ligands 37.True or False: Peripheral proteins span the entire lipid bilayer? 38.The two layers of the a basement membrane are the a. Apical and basal b. Parietal and visceral c. Lamina propia and epithelial d. Avascular and vascular e. Basal lamina and reticular lamina 39.Mesenchyme is a. Part of the extracellular matric of connective tissues

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review b. The embryonic connective tissue from which almost all other connective tissues arise c. A mucus-producing cell d. A type of fiber found in connective tissues e. The covering of bone and cartilage. 40.The connective tissue best designed to resist pulling forces in various directions is a. Fibrocartilage b. Bone c. Dense regular connective tissue d. Dense irregular connective tissue e. Areolar connective tissue 41.Extracellular fluid includes all of the following except: a) interstitial fluid b) plasma c) cytosol d) lymph 42.In passive processes, substances move across the plasma membrane 1. with the use of ATP2. up (or against) a concentration gradient3. down (or along) a pressure gradient4. equally in all directions a) 3 only b) 2 only c) 1, 2, 3 d) 2, 3, 4 43.Rough endoplasmic reticulum differs from smooth endoplasmic reticulum in that it has _____ associated with it; therefore rough endoplasmic reticulum assists in the production and temporary storage of _____. a) inclusions, cytosol b) lysosomes, lipids c) ribosomes, lysosomes d) ribosomes, proteins 44.Organelles that are similar to small lysosomes, contain enzymes, and are important in detoxification are called _____. a) ribosomes b) mitochondria c) peroxisomes d) centrosomes 45.When charged, medium-sized molecules like glucose and amino acids move across a membrane from high to low concentration, the following process has occurred. a) simple diffusion b) osmosis c) active transport involving membrane proteins d) facilitated diffusion 46. True or False: The mitotic spindle consists of microtubules 47. A function of fibroblasts is to a) produce the protein fibers found in the matrix of connective tissue b) secrete histamine in response to foreign invaders c) undergo phagocytosis to rid the body of harmful substances d) provide stability to epithelial tissue

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review 48.Which of the following statements is false? a) the diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity b) the esophagus is located in the mediastinum c) the vertebral canal contains the spinal cord d) the pleural cavities, containing the lungs, are part of the thoracic cavites 49.A _____________ epithelium consists of a single layer of flattened cells attached directly to a basement membrane. a. simple columnar b. simple squamous c. simple cuboidal d. stratified squamous e. stratified cuboidal 50.The walls of kidney tubules are formed by _____________ epithelium, which functions in resorbing materials filtered from blood plasma such as nutrients, ions, and water. a. simple cuboidal b. simple squamous c. stratified cuboidal d. stratified squamous e. stratified columnar 51. What is this picture of?

a. lung cancer cell dividing b. brain tumor c. epithelial cell d. hyperplasia in the duodenum e. pancreatic cancer cell dividing 51.Microscopic folds that extend from the apical surface of certain epithelia to increase the surface area for absorption and secretion are called? a. Microvilli 52.Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found lining each of these locations except a. Oral cavity b. Vagina c. Pharynx d. Esophagus e. Small intestine 53.Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium would be found lining: a. Portions of the respiratory system 54.The type of epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and may include

KIN 2500 – Human Anatomy Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Review some binucleated cells is called ____ epithelium a. Transitional 55.What type of epithelium would be most suited for high levels of diffusion and filtration? a. Simple squamous 56.The most common type of cartilage, which is also the weakest is a. Hyaline cartilage 57.What type of epithelial junction contains connexons? a. Gap junctions 58.Mucous connective tissue is found only in a. Umbilical chord 59.The left kidney is ____ to the stomach a. Posterior 60.True/False: All cells contain a nucleus a. Red blood cells DO NOT 61.In the anatomical position, the palms of the hands face: a. Anteriorly 62.The two organ systems that have the primary responsibility for regulating body activities are a. Endocrine and nervous 63.The anatomic term for the calf is a. Sural 64.The folds of the internal membrane of a mitochondria are called a. Cristae 65.An exocrine gland has two parts a. Duct & excretory portion...

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