LA022355 Assmt 1 Bsbwor 404 Ed5 -Answers 2 PDF

Title LA022355 Assmt 1 Bsbwor 404 Ed5 -Answers 2
Author Abi Thiya
Course Certificate IV Business
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 3
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This is the first assignment for the unit BSBWOR404....


BSBWOR404: Assessment 1

What you have to do You can demonstrate your competency in this unit by completing the following assessment.

Task 1 Think of a specific project you have been or are currently involved with and give a brief description of the project as part of your answer. You can use an organisation with which you are familiar. If you are not working you can assume that you are organising a 21st birthday party with a Hollywood theme for your best friend for 100 guests. You can decide how, where, and when the party will occur. List and explain the main steps you will use in planning for the project. In your answer also consider the role of contingency planning. (at least two pages in length) In the past three months I am working in an accounting office where we do Tax return for individual, Business or Company tax returns ,Bookkeeping and BAS Services etc. My primary role within this office is to welcome the clients ,enquire about the queries, checking their Id’s ,fixing the appointment to meet the Tax agent and other administration task and implementation of company procedures. Organization’s mission : Our mission is ”Finding the solution with care”. Individual Goal: My goals are to give customers service with confidently and getting their information and keep it secure . I obtained advice from my manager to update the rules and regulations in this industry . I would also observe their style of approaching the client and their system of filing it . I found this very beneficial as it allowed me to learn step by step from giving a great customer service skills and administration skills. I would also attend any training to improve my knowledge in this industry of this industry. Goal: Improve customer service and getting all information which will help and make it easy for the Tax agent to File their Tax . Relevance : how will this go help me: by learning about the new rules, it helped build my confidence up in approaching their customers. What are the steps are strategy I will take

What is the realistic timeframe to accomplish the step or strategy

How will I evaluate each step or strategy?

how will I know this different strategy has been accomplished

On the job training with my manager

First two days of my employment

show my work to my colleague as well as to my manager.

Feedback from my client and from my manager

L A0 2 2 3 5 5 , As s e s s me n t 1 , BSBWOR4 0 4Ed5 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e rEd u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 7 , T AF ENSW–OT EN, Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n1 , Ap r i l 2 0 1 7


Read through the company filing system under folder and their rules and regulations all also read the company policy reading how to contact the clients ,getting information and check their information.

two weeks of employment sometimes some rules are ongoing

By practice as well as attending training.

feedback from the clients and Manager.

Contingency planning: Risk




Roasted stuff


gather employee

immediately contact

IT issues affecting the daily admin routine


have access to the IT department to fix it

contact title department and address the issue to be solved immediately

client information theft


Keeping IT security if it is in the computer using the password all the lockers and cabin should be closed with key should be with the manager at the end of the day.

Immediately contact the security and handle any suspension of the theft professionally

Task 5 Identify and describe three personal performance standards that relate to you in your workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. (Minimum one page in length) In order to monitor work performance, it is imperative that your job description and the performance standards are clearly defined .You need to understand the activities that incorporate your job and are included in job description. From experience you need to be able to identify your expected performance outcome . Dress code -presentation in any role is very important as it portrays your professionalism through their attire . In our office we always use black pants ,office wear shirt and office shoe ,if necessary, we wear overcoat if you're meeting a client. we have to be very professional, Dress code for our office is always professional . Providing punctual customer service also increases profit .The faster you are turning the customer needs the most likely you will make a sale the effect of slow customer service can be determine that lose customers which decrease in sales at the end of the day. Prominent customer service also gained to happy royal customers who can speak only to the positive customer service . Key performance indicator (KPI) Of completing tax return for the clients within 3 to 5 days .This goal directly contribute to the success of the team and the whole company. 2

L A0 2 2 3 5 5 , As s e s s me n t 1 , BSBWOR4 0 4Ed5 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e rEd u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 7 , T AF ENSW–OT EN, Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n1 , Ap r i l 2 0 1 7

These drives ambition too every staff member as there is a target to every fast to get information about the clients and verify them when they approach us ,we need to get their information within one or two days and make a file and forward that file to the tax agent .If needed fix an appointment to meet them. It is an important part of information required to establish and explained Whether our office is making progress to achieve the organisation goals it also indicates whether the team members are performing the expected standard to successfully achieve their KPI.

Task 6 What self-assessment methods should you use to analyze your performance to ensure that you are achieving work objectives? Outline at least two self-assessment methods you would use to analyses your performance. (Minimum two page in length) Self-assessment to assess your knowledge, abilities, skills, interests, and values. Self-assessment offers opportunity for growth and improvement you can put together an action planner which identify with strength and weakness through Information identified for Self-assessment can be used as a part of organisation annual review discussions. A document or table can be created to list all the key performance areas and your personal perspective about your performance on each area this can be divided into different sections and businesses usually having a standard template that they use for this purpose .

Feedback In the workplace, feedback is valuable as it determines whether our individual performances meeting understanding that are set. Constructive feedback address poor performance and helps staffs to improve their performance. Feedback can get through verbally, non-verbally or by written, it can also be formal or informal sometimes brief or simple it can also though discussion because feedback is very effective, and it offers individuals reinforcement and motivation to create a sense of belonging This helps us to room for evaluation and strategies to be implemented to allow which will help us to improve. Feedback needs to be evaluated by looking at its Reliability, Validity and Degree of influence.

L A0 2 2 3 5 5 , As s e s s me n t 1 , BSBWOR4 0 4Ed5 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e rEd u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 7 , T AF ENSW–OT EN, Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n1 , Ap r i l 2 0 1 7


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