Lavoro inglese 2 - Practical libri PDF

Title Lavoro inglese 2 - Practical libri
Author Anna Neri
Course Inglese
Institution Liceo (Italia)
Pages 4
File Size 220.3 KB
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Practical libri...


Practical 2 Course 13131 (2018/2019) Ventura Sharon “Cat and Mouse in a hunted house” by Geronimo Stilton. Genre: Children’s literature. Synopsis: Geronimo explores a haunted mansion. Chapters analysed: “It was a foggy October night” and “A castle with blood-red window”.

“It was a foggy October night” Original version (ST and SL) “Era una nebbiosa notte di ottobre”

English Translation (TT and TL) “It was a foggy October night”

Translatorial strategies Literal translation: translation can choose to use the source-specific title in the source language if the sitting of the original text is important.

“Come avrei volute essere a casa mia”

“I wish i was home in my comfy mouse hole”

Addition: in this case the translator adds new expressive language.

“It was the perfect night to curl up with a good book and a cup of hot cheddar”

Addition of expressive language that its not present in the original version.

“Geronimo Stilton”

“Geronimo Stilton”

This proper name is copied: reproduced in the TT in the same way as the ST.


“New Mouse City”

Replacement: replaced with what is customary in the target language. The translaton replaced the wordplay so the target readers could understand the fact that the author is is talking about a word of mouse and animals.

“Un bosco folto e intricatissimo nella Valle dei Vampiri Vanitosi” “Piccolo Puzzolo”

Deletion: remove the expressive language “Pleasant paw Hills”

Replacement: the translator replaced the proper name of a place but at the same time maintained his associations.

Original version (ST and SL) “Non si vedeva a un palmo dal muso”

“Il castello Zanzamiao”

English Translation (TT and TL) “I couldn’t see my own paw in front of my snout”

Translatorial Strategies Retention: the translator kept the expressive language and his association.

“Stale Swiss Rolls! This didn’t look good. Now I really was in the middle of nowhere. I shivered. Who knows what king of crazy rats lived out here in the deep dark woods? What if they jumped off my car? What if they jumped on me?”

Addition: the translator added expressive language in the TT.

“To Cannycat Castle”

Replacement: SL name is replaced by the TL name that has the same cultural connotation as the original one.

“Per mille mozzarella”

Deletetion: in this case the translator decided to remove the wordplay. “For a split second the Dark Forest glowed. It reminded me of the time my uncle Flickrat turned on the lights before the movie was over at the Grand Squeak Cinema. The audience went crazy. Every mouse wanted his or her money back. After that, Uncle Flickrat got stuck working the cheesepopcorn machine. His boss wouldn’t let him near a light switch. I blinked my eyes in the white light.”

“Non avrei mai dovuto fidarmi dell’auto che mi aveva prestato mio cugino trappola!”

Addition: the translator added expressive language in the TT

Deletion: the translator removed the expressive language. “Overgrown bushes lined the walls. This place really needs a good lawn service. I thought, maybe I could give the owners my cousin Greenpaws’ business card. He cut lawns for a living. “Next to yellow, green is my favorite colour”, he liked to say. Staring up at the Dark Castle, I stumbled over more twigs. Maybe the was another reason why this place was a mess.

Addition. The translator added expressive language in the TT.

“A castle with Blood-Red Windows” Original version (ST and SL) “Un gatto rampante color rosso fuoco”

English Translation (TT and TL) “A Castle with Blood-Red Windows”

Translatorial strategies Replacement: the translator changed the original title, replacing it with what is costumary with the target language. It’s necessary when the children might fail to understand the meaning. The title maintained his association and a catchy sound, typical of CL.

“I stared at the building”

Addtion: the translator added the expressive language.

“Annerita dal tempo”

“Se alla porta vuoi suonare … nella bocca del gatto il dito devi infilare!”.

Deletion: the translator removed the expressive language. “My fur stood on end from fright. As quickly as it had turned on, the light flicked of again.”

Addition: the translator added the expressive language.

“All of these cats were beginning to give me the creeps. Was this the homeowners’ way of scaring away the riffrats? Well, I guess it was cheaper than an alarm system. I studied the statues.”

Addition: the translator added the expressive language.

“Press your paw here… if you have no fear!”

Replacement: in this case the translator decided to replace the riddle. In order to maintain the sonority and to make the riddle rhyme, the translator needed to draw away from a literary translation. The general meaning and associations remained intact.

Conclusion During the analysis of these two chapters it’s very clear how the translator used primary these translatorial strategies: deletion, addition and replacement. I think the translators added new expressive languages in these chapters because he tried to compensate for the numerous replacements, this may be part of a larger strategy that could be more visible in the next chapters. The translator tried to maintain the associations linked to proper nouns of cities, places and characters but at the same time, I think his aim was to keep the sonority and catchiness of the original version; the translator might needed to replace a lot of wordplay in order to make children understand the meaning behind the expressive language. Both in the ST and TT there are illustrations but in the TT they changed the original ones; this strategy is used to maintain the attention of the reader and to make the book more appealing to children....

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