Leadership study - practice questions PDF

Title Leadership study - practice questions
Course Collaborative Healthcare
Institution Chamberlain University
Pages 8
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A nurse who is leading a team of nurse managers is planning to make a major announcement. The nurse should use which of the following nonverbal communication techniques to enhance the importance of the announcement? Sit in front of the group for the meeting and stand for the announcement A nurse is working with a team of nursing personnel within a facility. Which of the following are necessary task performance roles that members of the group or the leader must perform? (Select all that apply.) -Coordinator -Evaluator. -Energizer A nurse is rehearsing assertive communication approaches to use when declining leadership of a nursing department committee. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? "I decline the opportunity at this time." A nurse leaves the unit an hour early without permission or notification of the charge nurse. The clients in the nurse's care are stable. Which legal torts applies to this situation? Negligence A nurse is reviewing a provider's prescriptions for four clients. Which of the following prescriptions is outside the legal scope of practice for the nurse? Insert a tunneled central venous catheter for a client. A nurse administers an incorrect medication to a client. Following an assessment of the client, the nurse determines that the client has experienced no untoward effects as a result of the medication. The nurse does not complete an incident report because no harm came to the client. Which of the following ethical principles did the nurse violate? Veracity A nurse is preparing an educational program for a group of newly licensed nurses about client confidentiality. The nurse should explain that nurses may share a client's protected health information with which of the following groups? Health care team members caring for the client A nurse is giving a presentation about client confidentiality to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following actions is an example of a violation of confidentiality? Reporting laboratory findings to a member of the client's family A nurse is reviewing information about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates a need for further instruction? "Information about a client can be disclosed to family members at any time" A nurse is caring for a client with a health care proxy (durable power of attorney for health care). The client requests clarification about this type of advance directive. Which statement by the client indicates a need for clarification? "I have to choose a family member as my health proxy." A nurse is caring for a client who has a history of dementia. The client is alert and oriented to person, place, and time, and has advance directives. The client is scheduled for a procedure that requires informed consent. Which of the following persons should sign the informed consent? The client A nurse is teaching a class on torts. The nurse should instruct the class that administering a medication to a competent client after the client refuses it is an example of which tort? Battery A nurse is teaching a class on torts. The nurse should include which of the following situations as an example of negligence? A nurse identifies the absence of peripheral pulsation in a casted extremity in the early morning and reports it to the provider in the early afternoon.

A nurse manager is reviewing the Good Samaritan laws with a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following statements by the nurse manager is appropriate? "If you render aid in an accident, do not leave the scene until another competant person can take over" A nurse manager has received information from the facility's risk management department that a former client is pursuing a lawsuit. The nurse manager should anticipate a deposition will be required during which phase of the legal process? Discovery phase While being assisted to the bathroom by a nurse, a client falls and fractures the right femur. The client plans to sue the nurse. Which standard is used in legal proceedings to determine if a nurse is negligent in providing care? Another staff nurse provides testimony about how a reasonable, prudent nurse would have handled the situation. A nurse is caring for a client recently declared brain dead. The transplant coordinator spoke with the client's family about organ donation. The client's spouse expresses confusion and states, "I do not know what to do." Which response by the nurse is the most helpful? "What do you think your spouse would have wanted?" A nurse is caring for a group of clients. The nurse demonstrates adherence to the ethical principle of fidelity by doing which of the following? Keeping an appointment with a client A nurse is caring for a client who is participating in a research study for an experimental chemotherapy medication. After three treatments, the experimental medication is discontinued due to evidence of rapidly advancing kidney failure. The nurse should understand discontinuing this medication demonstrates which of the following ethical principles? Nonmaleficence A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a terminal illness and is ventilator-dependent. The client is alert and oriented and he wants to discontinue use of the ventilator. The nurse should be aware that continued treatment against the client's wishes is a violation of which of the following ethical principles? Autonomy A nurse on a medical-surgical unit has accepted a transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU). Prior to transfer to the ICU, the nurse completes an online critical care and emergency nursing course. The nurse is demonstrating which of the following ethical principles? Non-maleficence A nurse manager is reviewing the admission history of four adults who were admitted to the medical-surgical unit during the shift. In which situation would it be acceptable for the nurse manager to disclose information about the client or the client's circumstances to an outside agency? A dependent adult admitted for the treatment of a spiral fracture A nurse manager observes an unknown man in a laboratory coat making copies of a client's medical record. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take first? Approach the man and asks why is making copies During medication administration, a nurse is hit by a client who is confused and uncooperative. The nurse asks the charge nurse if wrist restraints can be applied. Applying wrist restraints to the client in this situation is an example of which type of tort? False imprisonment A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for surgery. The nurse's role in regard to informed consent is which of the following? Determining the client's level of understanding about the procedure. A nurse is obtaining informed consent from a client who is preoperative. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply.)

-Validate the signature is authentic. -Verify the client understands the surgical procedure -Confirm that the consent is voluntary A nurse is preparing to witness informed consent for a client who is preoperative. The client asks the nurse, "Are there other options besides surgery?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? "Have you discussed other treatments with your provider?" A nurse is caring for a client on a medical-surgical unit. The client has been taking warfarin at home. Laboratory values reveal an INR of 3.5. The client plans to leave the hospital and refuses to wait until the health care provider can discuss the situation. Which action should the nurse take? Explain the risk the client faces when leaving against medical advice (AMA). On several occasions, a nurse manager observes tension between the staff nurses and hospital pharmacists and is concerned that it may affect client care. Which action should the nurse manager take first? Identify the problem A charge nurse observes a staff nurse delegating an unfair share of tasks to the assistive personnel (AP). The nurses on the next shift indicate the staff nurse frequently leaves tasks uncompleted. Which statement should the charge nurse make when confronting the staff nurse about this situation? "I need to talk to you about unit expectations regarding delegating and completing tasks" A charge nurse allows two nurses who are arguing about who gets to go to lunch first to go together. The charge nurse agrees to take care of both of the nurses' clients while they are at lunch. The charge nurse is demonstrating which of the following types of conflict management? Cooperating A nurse manager is preparing an in-service program about managing conflict for the nurses on the unit. The nurse manager should identify which of the following examples as interpersonal conflict? An experienced nurse is uncivil to a newly licensed nurse A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about methods to reduce costs of client care. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates understanding of the instruction? "I should encourage clients to receive an annual flu immunization" A nurse is caring for a 17-year-old client who is experiencing a relapse of leukemia and is refusing treatment. The client's mother insists that the client receive treatment. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Notify the provider of the situation A nurse overhears two assistive personnel (AP) from the medical-surgical unit discussing a hospitalized client while in the cafeteria. Which of the following is the priority nursing action? Quietly tell the APs that this is not appropriate A nurse is caring for a client who has a hip fracture that requires surgical repair. Which of the following health care professionals is responsible for obtaining informed consent from the client for the procedure? Surgeon A staff nurse feels the post-op nurse did not provide adequate care to a client following a hip arthroplasty. Which response by the post-up nurse demonstrates assertiveness? "I feel as though I met the standard of care. Would you tell me more about your concerns?" A charge nurse hears a provider speaking to a staff nurse in anger concerning incorrect supplies that are available to perform a procedure. Which of the following statements by the charge nurse is appropriate? "It must be very frustrating when you don't have want you need to perform the procedure" A nurse manager is reviewing information about critical pathways with the unit nurses. Which of the following information should the nurse manager include? "Critical pathways should include evidence based interventions"

A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled to have surgery. In preparing the client for surgery, which of the following actions is considered outside the nurse's responsibilities? Explaining the operative procedure, risks, and benefits. A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a client who has a compression fracture of a spinal vertebra. During transport to the facility, the client was medicated with intravenous morphine. On arrival, the neurosurgeon determined urgent surgical intervention is indicated for the fracture. Staff members have been unable to reach the client's family. Which of the following actions should the nurse anticipate the neurosurgeon taking? Invoking implied consent A nurse is caring for a client who refuses treatment and asks to be discharged from the hospital against medical advice (AMA). The nurse notifies the client's provider, who tells the nurse to restrain the client, if necessary. Using restraints to prevent a client from signing out AMA is an example of which tort? False imprisonment A nurse is interviewing a female client who is Hispanic. The client's partner answers the questions and states, "She speaks only a little English." Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Arrange to complete the assessment with only the client and a translator present. A nurse is caring for a client who is dying. The nurse should incorporate the principle of nonmaleficence intopractice by taking which of the following actions? Withholding a dose of narcotic pain medication when the client has respiratory depression. A nurse has completed an informed consent form with a client. The client then states, "I have changed my mind and do not want to have the procedure done." Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Notify the surgeon that the client wishes to withdraw informed consent for the procedure. A nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for an elective surgical procedure. Which of the following actions should the nurse take regarding informed consent? Witness the client's signature A nurse is performing care activities for a client in the zone of touch that requires consent. Which activities should the nurse perform in this zone? (Select all that apply.) -Removing the client's dentures. -Palpating for pedal edema -Counting a radial pulse A nurse accidentally administers the wrong medication to a client, which results in a severe allergic reaction and prolongs the client's hospitalization. The client could rightfully sue the nurse for which of the following? Malpractice A nurse is caring for a client who is preoperative. The nurse signs as a witness on the client's consent form. The nurse's signature on the consent form indicates which of the following? Confirms the client appears competent to provide consent A nurse intercepts a messenger at the nurses' station who has a flower delivery for a client on the unit. As the nurse accepts the flowers, the messenger says, "I know Mrs. Welch from the neighborhood. What happened to her?" Which of the following responses should the nurse provide? "its my responsibility to remind you that we have to respect our client's privacy" A nurse is preparing an educational presentation about organ donation for a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following information should the nurse include? The nurse may serve as a witness to informed consent for organ donation. A nurse is discussing legal exceptions to client confidentiality with nursing staff. Which of the following statements by a staff member indicates an understanding of the instruction? "Providers are required to warn individuals if the client threatens harm"

A nurse assumes a variety of roles while working with clients. Which of the following describes the nursing role of protecting the client and supporting the client's decisions? Advocate A nurse is providing instruction regarding patient confidentiality to a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the instruction? "The courts might require me to discuss confidential information" A nurse is caring for a client within the intimate zone of the client's personal space. The nurse should perform which of the following activities in this space? (Select all that apply.) -Auscultating heart sounds -Changing a dressing A nurse manager is preparing to take disciplinary action against a staff nurse for the use of illegal substances. The manager should identify which of the following as having the authority to revoke a nurse's license? State board of nursing A nurse is caring for a client whose family member requests to view the client's medical record. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? "The client must provide permission to share the records with you." A nurse is caring for a client whose informed consent form has been signed in preparation for a procedure. The client states, "I have decided not to have the procedure." Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Inform the provider that the client is withdrawing consent A nurse in a provider's office returns a telephone call by the end of the day, as promised, to a client who is worried about the outcome of a laboratory test. The nurse is demonstrating which of the following ethical principles? Fidelity A nurse working on a surgical unit receives a phone call from a client's neighbor who requests a postoperative update of the client's condition. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? Inform the neighbor that you do not have information about the client A nurse is caring for a client whose family is in a state of disagreement over the care of their family member. The nurse should report the situation to which of the following facility personnel? Hospital ethics committee A nurse is caring for a client crying in pain during a sickle cell crisis. Which ethical principle is the nurse following by administering prescribed pain medication to the client? Beneficence A labor and delivery nurse is caring for a client following a fetal death at 34 weeks gestation. By sitting quietly and holding the client's hand while she cries, the nurse is adhering to which ethical principle? Beneficence

A client states: " I do not want to be awakened for breakfast-I didn't sleep at all last night." What is the first action for the RN to take? Talk with the client to work out a mutual plan An elderly client who has a documented history of dementia is intermittently alert and can currently tell you her name. Who should sign the client's informed consent for an invasive diagnostic procedure? The client's friend who has durable power of attorney for health care for the client. Nursing staff members are in the lounge on their morning break. A nursing assistant thinks that a unit secretary has acquired HIV and then tells the staff that the secretary probably caught it from her husband who is a drug addict. Which legal tort has she violated? Slander

When referring to the standard of care, which phrase best describes the meaning of a nursing standard of care? The minimal level of nursing care and expertise that is expected to be delivered to a patient Which one of the following characteristics describes a "reasonable and prudent RN? Average RN judgment and skill level in delivering patient care An RN witnesses an assistive personnel (AP) under her supervision reprimand an elderly client for spilling urine form his urinal on the bed sheets. The AP verbally threatens to put a diaper on the client if he does use the urinal more carefully next time. Which one of the following wrong doings is the AP committing? Assault An RN accidentally sticks her hand with the syringe needle after administering an IM injection to a client. Which one of the following should the nurse do first? Wash hand thoroughly with soap and water An RN notes that the toes on the casted left foot of her post-surgical client are cold and turning blue. The RN has notified the healthcare provides' answering service every hour for the past two hours, yet the healthcare provider has not yet responded to the calls. The client is now complaining to extreme pain. What is the most important action for the nurse to take right now? Report the situation to the nursing supervisor so she can elevate the patient's situation to the appropriate head/cheaf physician for the service. Which statement best describes the value of clinical pathways (also known as care paths or critical pathways)? They provide a means of standardizing care for clients with similar diagnoses An RN overhears two care providers discussing a hospitalized client while getting coffee at the coffee bar in hospital lobby where many visitors can hear them. Which nursing action below is most appropriate for the RN to take first? Quietly pull the two staff members aside and remind them about client confidentiality A client who is admitted for suspected abuse is quiet and withdrawn. Which of the following should the nurse implement to promote client communication? Provide privacy and be direct and honest when communicating with the client Which behavior is a priority to minimize an RN's risk for a malpractice claim? Function within the state's nursing practice act A RN in the emergency department is assessing an elderly client. The client's son states that the client has glaucoma, is extremely hard of hearing, and has been experiencing severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea for the past 24 hours. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for the nurse to do first? Ask the client if he is wearing or has with him a hearing aid Which of the following is a princip...

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