Lecture 11:12 — Iron - Introducing Fe PDF

Title Lecture 11:12 — Iron - Introducing Fe
Course Blood, Cardiovascular & Renal Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics
Institution Trinity College Dublin University of Dublin
Pages 5
File Size 74.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Introducing Fe...


Lecture 11/12 — Frankish — Iron Disturbances in Iron Metabolism - Distribution is tightly controlled - Long term and short term storage - Total Fe is roughly 3.5g - Women roughly 2.5 - Long term storage as ferritin in the erythrocytes - Hemociderin - Insoluble - Liver - Marrow - Macrophages

Iron Absorption - Heme iron bypasses absorption restrictions - Fiber phytates, tannates and phosphoproteins can reduce non-heme iron absorption - Ascorbic acid increases iron absorption - Most occurs in the duodenum and upper jejenum - non-heme iron reduced to Fe2+ - Total body iron affects gastric mucosal signalling for further iron absorption — Transferrin can bind to binding receptors — High activity = high iron

Iron Conservation Ageing erythrocytes undergo phagocytosis

Iron Deficiency Anaemia Causes abnormalities in erythrocytes, examples of which include: Poikolocytosis — Abnormally shaped RBCx


Anisocytosis — Unequally Sized RBCs Hypochromia — Pale RBCs Microcytosis — Small RBCs

Aetiology Most often due to blood loss, can often occur by heavy menstruation — Adolescent girls — growing and low Fe in diet and menstruation

Pathophysiology 1.

Low iron absorbed


Storage pools deplete and cannot meet the erythroid marrow requirements. — Decrease in Fe for erythropoiesis


Anaemia with normal erythrocytes


Microcytosis and haemochromia


Affects tissues — Results in signs and symptoms

Can result in… pico — Craving to eat dirt pagophagia — Craving to eat ice glossitis — Burning tongue Koilonchyia — Finger nails flatten and become brittle

Treatment - Source the site of bleeding - Treat symptoms by supplementing with Fe salts. - Parenteral Fe only if absolutely necessary or if patient cannot take oral meds.

Side Effects Most often GI irritation and constipation. - Black faeces - Diarrhoea - Vomiting - Constipation - Overdose in children can be fatal — 200-300mg - Vomiting


- Hypotension - Lethargy - Cardiovascular collapse/Pulmonary Oedema/Hypoglycaemia Treatment involves chelation by desferrioxamine. Higher affinity to bind to Fe than Transferrin.

Hypoproliferative Anaemia Lack of response to erythropoietin — Patients on long term dialysis have return to better erythropoiesis, never returns to normal Can treat with human epo.

Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anaemia Results from a defective DNA synthesis continued normal RNA synthesis, but this results in high cytoplasmic mass — Large RBCs — Loss of shape - Deficiency of B12 - Deficiency of folic acid

Pernicious Anaemia/Megaloblastic Anaemia Usually only available in reasonable amounts in animal proteins - Absorption is complex - Terminal Ileum - Requires Intrinsic Factor by Parietal Cells - B12 bound to proteins in food - Pancreatic proteolytic enzymes cleave this complex - B12 binds to the intrinsic factor and passes the epithelium B12 is slowly absorbed — Takes months before symptoms appear Pernicious anaemia is when intrinsic factor is dysfunctional — Usually autoimmune — Can be due to absent absorptive sites.

Combined System Disease - Degenerative NS changes - Degeneration of peripheral nerves — Axons/myelin sheaths Can cause splenomegaly/hepatomegaly. GI issues often present.


Anorexia, constipation and diarrhoea.

Neurological Symptoms Peripheral nerves first — Then spinal cord. - Neurologic symptoms sometimes precede haematologic problems. (Can have no haematologic problems if taking folate) - Spasticity - Loss of perception of the extremities - Babinski’s response

Haemotological Symptoms - Macrocytosis - Loss of erythrocyte shape - MCV > 100 fL — femtolitre - Poikilocytosis - Howell-Jolly bodies — Nuclear fragments - Reticulocytopenia — If pt. has not been treated Most macrocytic anaemias are pernicious — Anaemia caused by folate deficiency is possible

Folate-deficiency Anaemia - Prolonged cooking destroys folate - 2-4 mo. store in the liver - EtOH interferes with absorption - Can be due to low intake or intestinal malabsorption - Can be drug-induced — Methotrexate

- Primary symptoms common with anaemia - Indistinguishable from B12-deficiency anaemia. - No neurologic lesions — Only haematological symptoms If someone with B12 deficiency anaemia takes folate — haematologic symptoms alleviated but not the neurologic affects. Therefore it is important to first rule out B12-deficiency anaemia as neurological symptoms can be permanent if untreated.


Ascorbic acid-deficiency Anaemia - Can be normolytic or microlytic - Treat with Ascorbic acid/folate supplementation

Haemolytic Anaemias Bone marrow production cannot compensate for erythrolysis (phagocytosis in the spleen) Most likely causes include: 1.

RBC sequestration — changes to the vasculature

2. 3.

Immunological injury Mechanical injury


Abnormal Hb


Metabolic problems


Changes in RBC structure

Hexose Monophosphate Shunt Defects 1.

G6PD deficiency




Primaquine, Salicylates, Sulfonamides, Nitrofurans, naphthalene, fava beans


DKA more likely to cause anaemia than drugs

Results in: - Anaemia - Jaundice - Reticulocytosis Heinz bodies — Denatured Hb inclusions - Only seen early - Do not persist - Removed by the spleen


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