Lesson 02 Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice HESI RN Flmir 1904 Cohort PDF

Title Lesson 02 Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice HESI RN Flmir 1904 Cohort
Author alucard symphony
Course Adult Health II
Institution Aspen University
Pages 17
File Size 670.9 KB
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Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Due Mar 25 at 11:59pm

Points 27

Questions 27

Available Mar 18 at 12am - Mar 25 at 11:59pm 8 days

Time Limit None

Instructions This is your Virtual Clinical Excursion. Each VCE is 4 hours and you will be assigned 3 VCE's per 12 hour clinical. This is to be completed on the day of clinical scheduled. This assignment will be reviewed and graded by your clinical instructors. Do not utilize copy and paste from the internet-type the answers in your own words utilizing available resources.

Attempt History LATEST




Attempt 1

1,223 minutes

13.67 out of 27 *

* Some questions not yet graded

Score for this quiz: 13.67 out of 27 * Submitted Mar 25 at 1:05pm This attempt took 1,223 minutes.

1 / 1 pts

Question 1

Exercise 1 - Writing Activity This exercise will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Exercise 1 - Question 1 Evidence-based kno

is based on research or clinical experience.

Answer 1: Correct!

Evidence-based knowledge




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

1 / 1 pts

Question 2 Exercise 1 - Question 2 The purpose of the assessment is to establish a(n)


about a patient's perceived needs, health problems, and responses to these problems.

Answer 1: Correct!


Question 3

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 3 When providing care to a patient, a nurse should attempt to assess for the presence of relationships between findings. This practice is known as:



Question 4

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 4




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Name at least five characteristics a nurse must employ when acting as a critical thinker. Your Answer: Truth seeking Open-mindedness Analyticity Systematically Self-confidence Inquisitiveness Maturity

Truth seeking Open-mindedness Analyticity Systematicity Self-confidence Inquisitiveness Maturity

Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 5 A graduate nurse has begun to demonstrate the characteristics of a complex critical thinker. Based on your knowledge of this process, what characteristics will the nurse likely demonstrate?





Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

The ability to review the implications of each potential intervention

Question 6

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 6 The graduate nurse notices that his preceptor regularly seeks additional information from peers to make a decision. Which critical thinking activity is being demonstrating by the preceptor?



Question 7

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 7




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

The nurse is completing the initial assessment for a client recently admitted to the inpatient unit. Which of the following best expresses the rationale for this activity?


To evaluate the patient's condition

Question 8

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 8 In caring for the patient, nonverbal behaviors can be a valuable additive to the nurse-patient relationship. Can you identify these behaviors? Your Answer: Patient-directed eye gaze Affirmative head nodding Smiling Forward leaning

Patient-directed eye gaze Affirmative head nodding Smiling Forward leaning




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

1 / 1 pts

Question 9 Exercise 1 - Question 9 Validation

refers to the process of comparing data with other

sources to determine accuracy.

Answer 1: Correct!


Question 10

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 10 True or False: Back channeling is a technique that patients will often view as rude or inattentive.



Question 11

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 1 - Question 11 True or False: The reason for seeking medical care and the patient's expectations for the care are not necessarily the same.






Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

1 / 1 pts

Question 12 Exercise 1 - Question 12

Match each phase of the nursing process with the appropriate description. (A) Set goals of care and desired outcomes. (B) Identify the patient's problems. (C) Gather information about the patient's condition. (D) Determine whether goals are met and have been achieved. (E) Perform the nursing actions identified in planning.
















Question 13


Not yet graded / 1 pts



Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Exercise 1 - Question 13 After completing the data collection, the nurse is preparing to analyze the data. What steps should be included in the analysis of the data? Your Answer: Recognition of patterns or trends Comparison with normal standards Formulation of reasonable conclusions

Recognition of patterns or trends Comparison with normal standards Formulation of reasonable conclusions

Question 14

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Virtual Hospital Activity This exercise will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Sign in to work at Pacific View Regional Hospital on the MedicalSurgical Floor for Period of Care 1. (Note: If you are already in the virtual hospital from a previous exercise, click on Leave the Floor and then Restart the Program to get to the sign-in window.) From the Patient List, select Harry George (Room 401). Click on Get Report and review. Click on Go to Nurses' Station. Click on Chart and select the chart for Room 401. Click on and review the Nursing Admission. https://concorde.instructure.com/courses/18808/quizzes/143068



Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Exercise 2 - Question 1 What are Harry George's medical diagnoses? Your Answer: Harry George is a 54-year-old, homeless white male with a history of type 2 diabetes and chronic foot infections from a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. He also reports having hypertension, ETOH abuse for the past 8 years, and smoking 1 pack per day for the past 15 years.

Cellulitis of the left foot Osteomyelitis Type 2 diabetes mellitus Alcoholism

Question 15

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 2 True or False: In the nursing admission and history, Harry George has reported, "My foot has been killing me, and nothing helps the pain." This is an example of an objective patient report.



Question 16


Not yet graded / 1 pts



Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Exercise 2 - Question 3 In addition to Harry George himself, what other sources of data may be used when gathering information to develop the plan of care? Your Answer: Lab results Diagnostic results History and physical

Diagnostic tests, medical records, family and significant others, health care team

Question 17

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Still in the Nursing Admissions section of the chart, review the nurse's description of the patient's left leg wound made upon admission. Next, click on Consultations and review the note from the wound care team. Exercise 2 - Question 4 Intellectual standards of critical thinking are commonly applied when assessing a patient. Compare the Nursing Admission description of Harry George's left foot in the progress note with the description in the wound care consultation. Which note was more complete? Why? Your Answer: The notes from the wound care consultation is more complete, because of the descriptive nature of the note. They give a detail history, tell you the findings, and impression, and initiated a plan to fix the wound on the left foot. The nurse gave more of a once over, there wasn't a focused assessment on the wound. https://concorde.instructure.com/courses/18808/quizzes/143068



Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

The description in the wound care consultation is most complete. This record contains more information about the wound and surrounding area.

Question 18

1 / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 5 A review of the data indicates a discrepancy between the measurement of Harry George's wound recorded by the nurse and the wound care team. The best initial action by the nurse will be to:


measure the wound to validate the nursing documentation.

Question 19

0 / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 6 After collecting assessment data from Harry George and validating for accuracy, you may begin to interpret the clinical information by organizing it into meaningful: https://concorde.instructure.com/courses/18808/quizzes/143068



Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

ou Answered


orrect Answer


0.67 / 1 pts

Question 20

Click on Return to Nurses' Station. Click on EPR and Login. Select 401 from the Patient drop-down menu and Vital Signs from the Category dropdown menu. Review the data from Monday at 1835 to Wednesday at 0700. Change the Category to Nutrition and review the data for the same time frame.

Exercise 2 - Question 7 Certain cues can be used to signal patterns that suggest a nursing diagnosis. After reviewing data from the nursing history and the EPR, match each defining characteristic below with the corresponding data clusters from Harry George's admission history. (A) Change in sleep cycle (B) Groans (C) Eats one meal a day (D) "My foot is killing me" (E) Gums dark pink, swollen (F) "Haven't felt like eating for the last week"


Verbal report






ou Answered

Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Sore inflamed buccal cavity Lack of interest in food



Correct Answer



Expressive behavior



Sleep disturbance


Reported food intake less than RDA


ou Answered

Correct Answer

Question 21


0 / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 8 In the Nursing Admission, Harry George's sleep pattern is documented as being "irregular, never more than 2 hours." You decide to question the patient further about the sleep habits he follows—for example, what time he normally goes to bed, his activities before going to sleep, the number of times he awakens during the night. Your decision is an example of what critical thinking attitude?

ou Answered





Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

orrect Answer


Question 22

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Click on Exit EPR. Click on Chart and select the chart for Room 401. Click on and review the History and Physical. Exercise 2 - Question 9 Critical thinking involves applying knowledge to best analyze and understand the patient's problems. After considering the physician's medical plan, list four areas of knowledge that would help you to support the plan of care. Your Answer: History of present illness Physical exam Family history Plan




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Answers may vary. Knowledge of pharmacology principles Knowledge of actions and purposes of prescribed medications Knowledge of wound healing Knowledge of nutrition Knowledge of infection control Knowledge of alcohol withdrawal Knowledge of diabetes

Question 23

0 / 1 pts

Click on Return to Nurses' Station. Click on 401 at the bottom of the screen. Click on Patient Care and then on Physical Assessment. Select Lower Extremities and review the assessment findings.

Exercise 2 - Question 10 After reviewing the condition of Harry George's wound, the conclusion as to whether the wound is healing is an example of thinking independen .

Answer 1: ou Answered

thinking independently

orrect Answer

diagnostic reasoning

Question 24 https://concorde.instructure.com/courses/18808/quizzes/143068

0 / 1 pts 15/17


Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Exercise 2 - Question 11 When you see a change in the wound from reddened margins to clear and less inflamed, you make a(n) evaluation

from this evidence in

order to conclude the wound is healing.

Answer 1: ou Answered


orrect Answer


1 / 1 pts

Question 25 Exercise 2 - Question 12 After applying saline to Harry George's wound over 2 days, your evaluation of the use of saline over time is an example of problem solving


Answer 1: Correct!

problem solving

Question 26

0 / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 13 If you, as the nurse, questioned the wound care team's recommendations for a dressing for Harry George, you would be demonstrating the critical thinking attitude of responsibility and au .




Lesson 02 - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice: HESI RN FLMIR 1904COHORT

Answer 1: ou Answered

responsibility and authority

orrect Answer

risk taking

Question 27

Not yet graded / 1 pts

Exercise 2 - Question 14 Given Harry George's relationship with his children, what should their role be in his plan of care? Your Answer: Care-giving role

Harry George is estranged from his family. The nature of the relationship indicates they will not be available to the plan of care at this time. Attempting to include them may cause additional stress on him.

Quiz Score: 13.67 out of 27



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