Lesson plan - Class #2 DOCX

Title Lesson plan - Class #2
Author Rocío Martinez
File Size 9.1 KB
File Type DOCX
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I.S.F.D. N°19- Profesorado de Inglés para Tercer Ciclo de la EGB y Educación Polimodal Espacio de la Práctica Docente III- 3° 1ª - Turno Tarde – Profesoras: Sandra Castiñeiras y Magdalena Rivaro LESSON PLAN # 2 TRAINEE: Rocío Martínez SCHOOL: EPB 33 COURSE: 5TO B Nº OF STS: 31 AGE: 10/11 TEACHER’S N...


I.S.F.D. N°19- Profesorado de Inglés para Tercer Ciclo de la EGB y Educación Polimodal Espacio de la Práctica Docente III- 3° 1ª - Turno Tarde – Profesoras: Sandra Castiñeiras y Magdalena Rivaro LESSON PLAN # 2 Objectives: by the end of this class, students should be able to: *Know how to use HAVE/HAS depending on the subject; relate what they have learnt the previous class with the new information, be able to write affirmative sentences to describe physical appearances. TIME ACTIVITY LANGUAGE MATERIAL INTERACTION PATTERNS 10 T starts the class with checking the student's homework by drawing a face like the one they should have on their folders. She says she will be teaching something new, and writes on the blackboard the sentence: "I have red hair." She asks the students if they know what this means. She explains she's talking about her own hair. Then she writes "My mother has blonde hair". She explains that "HAVE" is "tener" and depending on the subject, it could switch to "HAS". *Vocabulary *HAVE/HAS *Blackboard Whole group 20/25 T remembers the students about the images they worked with last class (Taylor Swift-Harry Styles) and asks the students to help her describe each one while writing it on the blackboard. She underlines HAS, and explains it is used when the subject is HE/SHE/IT. Keeping this written down, she hands out a photocopy which they should complete, while looking at the example written on the board. T checks the exercise with the sts, and then she asks them to write sentences like the ones they read, but with a partner's description. *Vocabulary *HAVE/HAS *HE/SHE/IT *Blackboard *Copies (See Appendix 1) Whole class In pairs 5/10 TRAINEE: Rocío Martínez SCHOOL: EPB 33 COURSE: 5TO B Nº OF STS: 31 AGE: 10/11 TEACHER'S NAME: Romina Risso COURSEBOOK: My English Trip 2...

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