Lesson plan PDF

Title Lesson plan
Author Ariana Perez
Course Early childhood guidance
Institution Cleveland State University
Pages 5
File Size 163.7 KB
File Type PDF
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a lesson plan based on the curriculum on Ohio means jobs. based on students grades 6-8. Mine is based on how o have students search for careers and have them do projects....


Intern Name: ___Ariana Perez___ Lesson: Technology affects your career choices Grades 6-8

Objectives/ Learning Targets

Students will be able to:.Use technology to answer a series of questions to identify career choices for the future. Students will also be able to search the careers and see how they may impact the student

I can statement here: I can identify how my interests and choices may fit the career choice and how using technology can become beneficial.

Ohio’s learning standards for teaching Standards and/or

Select and use digital learning tools or resources to support planning, implemending, and reflecting upon a defined task

Competencies Ohio Technology standards List all standards and/or competencies used for this lesson here.

Standard five: students engage in information literacy strategies, use the internet, technology tools, and resource, and apply information management skills to answer questions and expand knowledge.

Ohio’s social and emotional learning standards ●

A2: Demonstrates awareness of personal interests and qualities including strengths and challenges. A2 2c. Investigate a potential career path that builds on personal strengths and address challenges.


We can assess student learning by discussing with students about what a career assessment test is and how it works. We can discuss how the test is not a permanent assessment of what career a student

How will you assess student learning for this specific lesson? (Pre- Assessment Formative assessing and Post Assessment)

may have in the future. We start by having students take a short online survey of what they may think the results will be. Then we will have the students login to ohiomeansjobs. We will have the students, if we have not done so already, create accounts and then take the online test. Then we will have a second survey where the students will complete the “Technology affects your career choices” worksheet that is based off the Ohio Department of Education.The worksheet is made to be printed but I will have it on a google form page for my students. Then finally we have students choose one career from their top three choices, research the career and how they can incorporate technology into their careers.

I used google forms, and the ohiomeansjobs form. I also used the questions from the worksheet from this lesson plan. What data did you use to develop this lesson?

This skill can be related in terms of communication to first time learners. Academic Language & Vocabulary

Materials Needed


Worksheet “Technology Affects Your Career Choices”


OhioMeansJobs K-12

Time needed: ·

One 45-minute class period

Internet access, email addresses,

You and Mentor do: Procedure

talk about career choices and technology.

Outline your lesson here. Introduction/Hook Introduction, Middle and Conclusion Include times

Talk about how technology is increasing in workplaces. Talk about how technology is advancing careers and

Students do: take the online survey of what they think they will have as a career, take the online assessment test, and complete the online worksheet. Lastly, they will research one of the top three career choices they have and write about how technology can be used in that career choice.


how it will affect us in the future. Middle

15 ●

Assess in students taking the assessment tests and online worksheets

Closure ● 25

Have the students finish up by researching their career choice and how technology will affect that work field.

Children can choose to work alone of into groups on three inorder to research how technology can affect their career choices. Differentiation Strategies Address needs of groups and individuals as needed

Rationale Including Knowledge of Students and Before & After the Lesson

Why are you teaching this? Explain the importance of the lesson, what the students will learn and why you want them to learn this. What came before this lesson? How does this lesson connect to previous lessons?

I am teaching this so students are aware of some possibilities they may have in a career choice. To teach students how technology can be incorporated into their career. The lesson is important because it gives students an insight on how technology has advanced in the workplace. The lesson before this would be of how technology has advanced in the world. Going from how problems in the past were fixed with modern day technology.

What will come next? How will this lesson lead into the next one?

Next we can look into new technology, technology that is the works and how that can affect us. The students can do research on a new product and explain how it will impact society later in life.

Engagement Strategies

The lesson engages students by having them pick a career based on what they like to do. Then they would have to incorporate how technology would help their career.

How does this lesson engage students and help them achieve the goal of the lesson? How will you measure their engagement and time on task?

Research and Theory What research or theory have you applied in the writing of this lesson?

You can measure their engagement by looking at their survey and worksheet results. You can also measure how well they understand the task by reading through their research.

I applied research from Putting the student-centric approach in focus by Tim Douglass from ISTE. by having students perform work based off what they enjoy doing.

*Links to my survey and worksheet from Ohio Means Jobs Technology Affects Your Career Worksheet Career Survey part one...

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