Lesson Plan in English 7 A lesson Plan in Teaching English PDF

Title Lesson Plan in English 7 A lesson Plan in Teaching English
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A LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 7Monday JUNE 29, 2015I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. determine rules of subject-verb agreement used in sentences b. observe correct subject-verb agreement in constructing sentences.II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Contiuation Lesson Pl...



JUNE 29, 2015


OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. determine rules of subject-verb agreement used in sentences b. observe correct subject-verb agreement in constructing sentences.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Contiuation Lesson Plan Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement (Next Three Rules) B. Referrence: English Time for Grade 7, pp 1-3; Grammar Books C. Materials: visual-aids, chalk, chalkboard, cartolina and boards


PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activities   

Prayer Greetings Checking of attendance

A.1. REVIEW Let the students recall the first fourl rules of subject-verb agreement. A.2. Motivation Quiz Bee The students will write in their boards the correct answer for the sets of sentences provided by the teacher. The group with the highest score wins the game. B. PRESENTATION

Read the following sets of sentences. Pay attention to the underlined and italicized parts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Running and diving into the pool are prohibited. Rice and fish is a good diet. My friend and classmate, Kris is here. Each teacher and student wears an I.D. Either Fe or her friends know the place.

DISCUSSION These set of sentences have compound subjects.  What have you noticed with sentence number 1? Why did we use are in the verb?  What about number two? Why did we use is?  In sentence 3, why is the verb singular?  What about sentence 4? Sentence 5?  Froming the rules in each sentence.


Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement 1. When th compound subjects are connected by and , the rules are as follows: a. The plural form of the verb is used when the subjects refer to different persons or things. Examples:  Ted and Mary are going to watch the movies.  The boss and the employees are at the meeeting. b. The singular form of the verb is used when the subjects refer to same persons or things. Examples:  My friend and classmate, Kiko is here.  Our adviser and English Teacher is Sir Marvin Castro. c.

The singular form of the verb is used when the subjects are regarded as a unit. Examples:  Puto and dinuguan is a good meal.  Bread and butter is all I have for breakfast.  Pancake and maple syrup is served on the table.

2. Compound subjects involving the use of each and every takes a singular verb. Examples:  Every leader and member needs to work for the project  Each boy and a girl has an equal cahnce to get good grades. 3. Compound subjects joined by or, nor, either-or, neither-nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb. Examples:  Either the cup or the glasses are in the dishwasher.  Peanuts or popcorn makes a good snack.




A. Preliminary Activities

EVALUATION Copy the correct form of the verb in your notebook.

1. Her friend or Sarah (excel, excels) at volleyball. 2. Warm gloves and a down jacket (is, are) important for winter sports. 3. Neither Nilo nor Karl (has, have) the module. 4. Plants and flowers (need, needs) sunlight. 5. Red beans and rice ( is, are) a great meal. 6. Kyle or the boys ( are, is) going to the park. 7. Every man or woman (has, have) equal rights. 8. Either the farmer or the boys (has, have) the rake. 9. Mr. Cruz and the family (go, goes) to the party. 10. Each male and female (provide, provides) good service. 11. Beth and Diana (was, were) good friends. 12. The president of the club nor the treasurer (report, reports) the issue. 13. You and I (wants, want) to go to the movie theater. 14. Bread and butter (is, are) a good meal. 15. He or she (tell, tells) the truth.

Assignment Look for the next three rules of subjectverb agreement


  

Prayer Greetings Checking of attendance

A.1. REVIEW  What are the rules when the compound subjects are joined by and? What about each and every?  What about when compound subjects are joined by or, nor, either-or, neither nor? A.2. Motivation Let the students sing the Indefinite Pronouns Song. Then students will indentify all the indefinite pronouns used in the song. B. PRESENTATION Read the following sets of sentences. Pay attention to the highlighted and italicized parts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No one is telling the truth. Every student is required to follow rules. Many trees have been cut down. Few rooms were painted. Some of the spices are on the plates.

C. DISCUSSION Let the studets from the rules in each sentence. Tuesday

JUNE 30, 2015


OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. express ideas with the use of correct subject-verb agreement b. interact actively in the discussion of the lesson


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Contiuation Lesson Plan Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement (Next Three Rules) B. Referrence: Grammar Books, Internet C. Materials: visual-aids, chalk and chalkboard, cartolina

Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement 1. Indefinte pronouns such as each, every, any, neither, either, anybody, nobody, somebody, everybody, anything, nothing, something, everything, no one, someone, everyone are singular. They take singular verbs. Examples:  Everybody enjoys the trip.  Every student needs to wear an I.D.  Everyone looks happy. 2. Indefinte pronouns such as both, few, many, several take plural verbs. Examples:  Both cousins are intelligent.  Many are called but few are chosen.

 

Several doves are flying up high. Few students have passed the test.

3. When the pronouns some, any, none and all are followed by an ‘of-phrase’, the verb agrees with the phrase. Examples:  Some of the pencils are sharp.  Some of the food was not served.  All of the children receive gifts.  None of the questions was answered.

D. APPLICATION Copy the correct form of the verb in your notebook. 1. Each of the player (take, takes) team practice seriously. 2. Everybody (enjoy, enjoys) a good song. 3. Either (is, are) suitable for you. 4. Few people (work, works) on compiling folk literature. 5. All proverbs (is, are) poetic and figurative in nature. 6. Both Japan and United States ( possess, possesses) high speed factories. 7. None of the questions were answered (was, were) answered. 8. Some of the goods (was, were) delivered. 9. Many hands (makes, make) work light. 10. Something about him (bother, bothers) me. EVALUATION Underline the correct form of the verb. 1. Both prose and poetry (is, are) divisions of literature. 2. Nothing (has, have ) been said about the policy. 3. Some of the vegetables (was, were) rotten. 4. All of you (need, needs) to submit projects. 5. One of the most interesting sharks (is, are) the whale sharks. 6. Nobody (is, are) at home. 7. (Has, Have) any of the girls written the report? 8. Each of the men (manage, manages) his own business. 9. Several men (is, are) in the office. 10. Some of the books (is, are) in the shelves. IV.


ASSIGNMENT Write 2 sentences in rule (Rule 8, 9 and 10).


July 01, 2015


OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. formulate the rules of subject-verb agreement based on sentences. b. partcipate actively and listen attentively in the discussion of the lesson.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Contiuation Lesson Plan Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement (Last Five Rules) B. Referrence: Grammar Books, Internet C. Materials: visual-aids, chalk and chalkboard, cartolina



A. Preliminary Activities   

Prayer Greetings Checking of attendance

A.1. REVIEW  What are the rules of subject-verb agreement in using singular indefinite pronouns?  What about plural indefinite pronouns? What about any, all, some and none? A.2. Motivation Numbered Heads Together The class will be grouped into six. The group leader will assign numbers in his/her member. After which, the teacher will call a number and the students will provide the correct answer (verb-from) for the set of sentecnes provided by the teacher.

Examples:  The bars of soap are in the cabinet.  The sound of their voices was loud.


Let the students answer set of sentences. 1. He told me that economics (interest, interests) him most. 2. Ten pesos (is, are) needed to buy the notebook. 3. One-third of the pizza ( was, were) eaten. 4. The Avengers (makes, make) him a fan of action movies. 5. The bags of the ladies ( was, were) placed inside the cubicle. DISCUSSION The students will formulate the rules in the accomplished activity. C.

1. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning take singular verbs. Physics, civics, mathematics, news, measles, mumps, politics, economics, aerobics, phonetics. Examples:  Mathematics is an interesting subject.  Measles is a contagious disease.  News spreads easily. 2. Words or phrases expressing periods of time, weights, and measurements and amounts of money are usually regarded as singular. Examples:  Ten years is such a long time.  Three kilos of meat was barbecued.  Five pesos is all I have. 3. Fractions may take singular or plural verbs depending on the ‘of-phrase’. Examples:  One-fourth of the guava is already eaten.  One-fourth of the guavas have already been eaten.  Two-thirds of the property belongs to my Father.  Two-thirds of the students are staying behind. 4. Title of books, movies, short stories, poems, and others, even when plural in form take a singular verb. Examples:  Aesop’s Fables is a famous collection of stories.  English Time is a module for Grade 7. 5. When the subject is followed by an ‘of-phrase’, the verb agrees with the subject not the noun in the ‘of-phrase’.

EVALUATION IV. Choose from the given verbs that best complete each sentence. 1. Aerobics ______another form of exercise. (is,are) 2. Three of the books ______ destroyed. (was, were) 3. X-men series____ Anthony’s favorite collection. (is, are) 4. One of my sisters_____going on a trip. (is, are) 5. The voice of the males____too loud. (is, are) 6. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ______a popular cartoon movie. (is are) 7. One-half of the grapes _____ been eaten. ( has, have ) 8. _____economics interest you? (Do, Does) 9. Billiards _____interesting for him. (seem, seems) 10. Three-fourths of the assets_____ him a lot of fortune. (give, gives) 11. Civics ____Andrea’s favorite subject (is, are) 12. ______mumps a contagious disease? (is, are ) 13. Athletics _____been a matter of increasing interest among men and women. (has, have) 14. Half of the sellers _______the required (prices of goods. ( follow, follows) 15. Five hundred dollars ____all he needs. ( is, are )


ASSIGNMENT Write 2 sentences in rule (Rule 8, 9 and 10)....

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