LING 1000 Quiz Bank W21 PDF

Title LING 1000 Quiz Bank W21
Course Agrifood Markets and Policy W
Institution University of Guelph
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LING*1000 QuizzesQuiz Submissions - Quiz 1 - Week 1An explicit statement of what speakers know about their languageand the unit, structures, and rules of a mental grammar is called:prescriptive grammar mental grammar descriptive grammar teaching grammarMental grammar is a(n):theory of the principles...



LING*1000 Quizzes Quiz Submissions - Quiz 1 - Week 1 An explicit statement of what speakers know about their language and the unit, structures, and rules of a mental grammar is called: prescriptive grammar mental grammar descriptive grammar teaching grammar

Mental grammar is a(n): theory of the principles that characterize all human language class of content words internalized unconscious set of rules class of function words

Prescriptive grammar is: an attempt to legislate what speakers' grammatical rules should be a set of rules to help learn a second language a set of rules to help learn a native language a description of the grammar

A teaching grammar is: a set of language rules to assist in learning a second language a set of language rules to assist in learning a different dialect of a speaker's language a&b a only

Reference, sometimes also called scholarly grammar: is a list of vocabulary found in a given language, like a dictionary or a glossary


does not establish enough grammatical facts is a thorough description of a language that helps to establish grammatical facts is a legislation of how a language should be spoken

Which one of the following sentences is grammatical? Robin forced the sheriff go. Elizabeth resembled by Charles. I was surprised for you to get married. The Devil made Faust go.

The longest sentence in language: changes as dialects change is currently being determined by linguists does not exist is determined by the prestige dialect

Universal Grammar is: not supported by Chomsky's Language Faculty the innate grammar properties that apply to all human languages the grammar that children learn from their parents in all human languages the Subject-Verb-Object rule that applies to all human languages

Phonology is the: study of a language's vocabulary set of rules to help speakers learn a second dialect study of speech sounds and rules for their combination and pronunciation study of morphological awareness

Morphology is the study of the structure of: words sentences letters Sounds


Syntax is the study of the rules of: sign language the standard dialect sentence formation sound combination

The study of linguistic meanings of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences is called: morphology semantics syntax phonology

The Trappist monks, after they take a vow of silence, demonstrate the use of: linguistic competence and linguistic performance linguistic competence, and not linguistic performance linguistic performance, and not linguistic competence neither linguistic competence or linguistic performance

Language Faculty is the _______________ designed for language acquisition and use. speech muscles environmental factors grammatical lessons biological makeup

Slips of the hand occur in: Standard English spoken language miming sign language

The word pronounced as "chip" in English means "a house" in Korean, "year" in Russian, and "to drink" in Czech. This reveals that the relationship between the form of a word and the meaning of a word is:

4 arbitrary logical determined by law all of the above

Using your knowledge of the English language, videoitis would likely be: the name of a new disease that afflicts only people who play video games the name of a new miracle game chip for video games a person who develops software for video games a person who hates playing video games

Which one of the following statements is an established fact about language? sign language is not a complete language there is a finite number of sentences that can be created all grammars contain rules for word and sentence formation some languages are less developed than others

The theory that language developed evolutionarily: cannot be proven has been banned by the Linguistic Society of Paris since 1886 can be proven with the writings of the Sumerians of 4000 BCE is discredited based on Rousseau's "cries of nature" theory

The Tower of Babel story is supported by the: Bow Wow Theory monogenetic theory of language origin "cries of nature" theory by Rousseau genesis theory of language origin

Quiz Submissions - Quiz 2 - Week 2 A word is a free unit of sound that has a basic meaning. True False

5 Question Set

A speaker's mental dictionary, their knowledge of words, is called: dictionarese phonology lexicon mental word bank

Homophones are: different words that sound the same but have different meaning different words with the same meaning words with the same meaning words that are opposites

Words with the same, or nearly the same meaning are called: synonyms homophones affixes similies

The words bear and bare are: opposites synonyms similies homophones

The words couch and sofa are: similies opposites synonyms homophones

What is another term for the spelling of a word? phonology orthography morphology syntax


"Grammatical categories are also known as parts of speech." This statement is: True False

Which resource was initially developed to describe complex words, and then extended to include common words in its description as well? dictionaries magazines newspapers textbooks

Content words refer to: objects actions ideas all of the above

Function words, which serve a grammatical purpose, belong to a system of: open class words concept words object words closed class words

The words bee, resolve, and green are all: nouns function words content words closed class words

"The following are function words: the, in, and, mine." This statement is: True False

Which class of words can speakers regularly add new words to?

7 all classes of words open class words closed class words none of the above

Closed class words: do not exist constantly have new words added were destroyed by the prestige dialect in the 18th century rarely have new words added

A morpheme is the: largest unit of linguistic meaning smallest unit of linguistic meaning smallest unit of sound largest unit of sound

What is the term for the study of the internal structure of words, and of the rules by which words are formed?: morphology semantics phonology closed class word study

Discreteness is a fundamental property of human language in which larger linguistic units are perceived to be composed of smaller units. For example: "the puppy" is perceived as 'the' and 'puppy' new words like 'download' and 'email' function words like 'I', 'she', 'he' all of the above

"A free morpheme is a single unit of meaning that constitutes a word." This statement is True False

A unit of meaning that must be attached to other units is called:

8 bound word bound morpheme free morpheme free word

Quiz Submissions - Quiz 3 - Week 3 "The words boy, gentle, and desire are examples of bound morphemes." This statement is: True False

Which of the following affixes is a prefix? –ing in 'sleeping' in- in 'inoperable' –er in 'taller' ge - - - - t in German 'geliebt', from the root word 'lieb'

Bontoc, a language spoken in the Philippines, changes nouns (fikas, fusul) into verbs (fumikas, fumusul ) with the insertion of the affix um. What type of affix is um? prefix infix suffix all of the above

Which of the following affixes is a suffix ? ge - - - - t in German 'geliebt', from the root word 'lieb' bii in 'bilateral' in- in 'inoperable' –ist in 'pianist'

Which of the following affixes is a circumfix ? –ly in 'friendly' in- in 'inoperable' ge - - - - t in German 'geliebt', from the root word 'lieb' –er in 'taller'


Which of the following words is a bound morpheme? soar boy gentle –able

Which type of morpheme creates new words with new meanings? inflectional morpheme derivational morpheme lexical morpheme structural morpheme

Using the tree diagram provided, choose the appropriate meaning for "unbuttonable". never buttoned not able to be buttoned able to be unbuttoned always buttoned

The addition of the suffix –ish meaning "having somewhat of the quality" to create words like newish or tallish, is an example of: grammar rule productivity

10 antonym inflectional morphology

When new words are invented and then become part of the speakers' mental dictionary, it is called: word coinage standardization prestige dialect morphology

"PET, for Positron Emission Topography scan, is an example of an acronym." This statement is: True False

Smog, a word composed from smoke + fog, is an example of a(n): acronym antonym homophone blend

Back formations are new words that are created when the affix from an older word is ___________. rearranged added deleted none of the above

Abbreviations, the shortened form of a word, is also called: backformation antonyms blend clipping

"The compound word watertight is an adjective." This statement is: True False

11 A compound word can be made up of a preposition and one other word (ex. overtake). The grammatical category of the newly formed compound word is determined by the _____________. preposition other word noun adjective

Which type of morpheme never changes the grammatical category of the words to which they attach? (ex. walk => walks) derivational morpheme inflectional morpheme lexical morpheme structural morpheme

The past tense of walk is walked, representing a regular inflectional morpheme. What does the past tense of go (went) represent? derivational morpheme suppletive form of an inflectional morpheme lexical morpheme suppletive form of a derivational morpheme

"Commit => commitment is an example of an English inflectional morpheme." This statement is: True False

Hike => hiking is an example of_____________ morphology, and read => readable is an example of ______________ morphology. derivational / inflectional inflectional /derivational derivational / derivational regular / irregular

Quiz Submissions - Quiz 4 - Week 4 Syntax is the study of the:

12 rules of sentence formation speech sounds of a language dialects of a language forms of sign language

"Ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase, or sentence has one possible meaning." This statement is: True False

Based on the diagram provided, what does the following ambiguous sentence mean? hides of synthetic buffalo buffalo hides that are synthetic a buffalo that hides synthetics none of the above

"Hierarchical structure is the grouping and subgrouping of the parts of a sentence into syntactic categories." This statement is: True False

Indicate which one of the following sentences is grammatical: The teacher dismissed early. They had a rices for dinner. The teacher dismissed the class early. They had a rice for dinner.

The little boy put is not a grammatical sentence because:

13 The boy is too young to put anything The adjective is not within an adjective phrase The noun is not a count noun The verb is transitive and requires a direct object

Which of the following maintains the syntactic category of Noun Phrase (NP) expressed by dog in the sentence below. The dog ran under the table and howled. with cat in quickly

A tree diagram is also called a: phrase structure tree grammar tree phrase structure map grammar map

What is the missing category in the diagram below?

14 "the" verb adverb phrase noun phrase

The _______ (e.g tall and bright) qualifies or describes nouns. adverb adjective pronoun preposition

"The words at, in, on and up are prepositions." This statement is: True False

An example of an adverb is: sufficient quick quickly happy

What is the head of the adjective phrase: very bright red? very none of the words are the head bright red

A Noun Phrase (NP) contains a(n): noun as the head verb as the head adverb as the head preposition as the head

A Verb Phrase (VP) contains a(n): adverb adjective

15 noun verb

Complete the missing category in the tree structure below. auxiliary phrase prepositional phrase noun phrase verb phrase

Which one of the following does NOT belong in the syntactic category of Adjective Phrase (AP)? more difficult the dog worthy of praise several miles high

In the verb phrase saw the monkey, the head verb is saw and the complement is: monkey to see the monkey the


Auxiliary verbs specify a timeframe for the sentence and therefore co-occur with the main verb. An example of a auxiliary verb in English is: help think have walk

By repeating various syntactic categories, we have an infinite set of sentences at our disposal. This is due to the: creative aspect of language maximum length rule limited sentence structure finite nature of language

Quiz Submissions - Quiz 5 - Week 5 Selection refers to the conditions inherent in a word which determine what may or may not follow it when that word is the head of the phrase. Which of the following illustrates this statement? The verb "take" requires a direct object after it, whereas the verb "eat" allows one. Transitive verbs can be placed at the end of sentences A verb is either transitive or intransitive None of the above

In terms of selectional restrictions why is the following sentence ungrammatical: Julie wept the dog. The verb "weep" is intransitive, it does not allow a direct object The subject of weep must be inanimate The verb weep is transitive, and does not require a NP object all of the above

Lexical categories consist of:

17 nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs nouns and verbs nouns only function words In the following newspaper headline: Weather forces school closure lexical words are present lexical words are missing the sentence is illogical all of the above

Functional categories consist of: determiners, complementizers, prepositions but never auxiliaries determiners, auxiliaries, complementizers, prepositions nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs content words In the following newspaper headline: Weather forces school closure lexical words are missing the sentence is entirely incomprehensible function words are missing all of the above

An embedded sentence is a sentence that: requires translation is rarely used in English occurs within a sentence does not need to occur within a sentence

Complementizers introduce an embedded sentence. Identify the complementizer in the following sentence: His belief that sheepdogs can swim. that can swim belief


"The words will and have are prepositions." This statement is: True False

Which unit is the phrasal category in the following rule: NP --> (Det) N NP N --> (Det) What specifies the word order of sentences in a given language? phonology semantics the dictionary phrase structure rules

Construct a sentence according to the phrase structure rules listed below, using the following words: S=> NP Aux VP Det = the, N = cow, Aux = will, V = moo, Adv = soon, Adj = loudly, and Preposition = on. When will it moo? The cow once mooed. Soon, it will moo. The cow will moo.

A coordinate structure joins two units of the same syntactic category. For example: the cat and the dog what time is it? the teacher believes the student Sam asked if


Read the sentence structure provided and then choose the correct interpretation of the sentence from the four choices given. The magician touched the child who had a wand. The magician used the wand to touch the child. The magician did not use the wand to touch the child. None of the above

Which of the following is an example of a transformational rule? The dog walks --> The dog walked The cows are mooing --> The cow is mooing John saw who --> Who did John see Susan is smiling --> Susan smiled

Deep structure is:

20 structure of grammar after transformational rules are applied underlying syntactic structure of grammar structure adopted by the prestige dialect structure most commonly used in English

Surface structure is the structure of grammar _________ transformational rules are applied. after before both after and before none of the above

Andrew has put the ball away is the ___________ structure, Where has Andrew put the ball? is the __________ structure. surface / deep surface / surface deep / surface deep / deep

Word order is one of the parameters that languages (e.g Japanese vs English) differ on. True False

Sign language has rules of syntax. True False

Quiz Submissions - Quiz 6 - Week 6 1 / 1 point

There is no necessary natural connection between word and meaning (it is __________), but speakers of a language agree upon the meaning of a word (it is ___________). dynamic / conventional dynamic / constantly changing arbitrary / conventional

21 conventional / unconventional Question Set 1 / 1 point

The semantic features of to stroll are. Expressed with the following : - walk, - quickly, - leisurely not to walk, not quickly + walk, + quickly, - leisurely + walk, - quickly, + leisurely Question Set 1 / 1 point

Is the noun frog can be enumerated, therefore, it is a: mass noun both count and mass nouns count noun neither count or mass nouns Question Set 1 / 1 point

Homonyms, also known as homophones, are words that may be spelled the same way and have: different spelling no meaning the same meaning the same pronunciation Question Set 1 / 1 point

Regardless of whether words are pronounced the same or not, if they are spelled the same, and have different meanings (e.g. lead the verb and lead the noun), they are: polygraphs homographs ambigraphs heterographs Question Set 1 / 1 point

Heteronyms are words that are spelled the same and pronounced

22 differently the same both none of the above Question Set 1 / 1 point

Which of the following is a homophone/homonym? bear (the animal)/ bare (without covering) sow (the female pig) / sow (to scatter seeds) lead (the metal) / lead ('lead' present tense of 'to lead') dove (the bird) / dove (past tense of 'to dive') Question Set 1 / 1 point

The hypernym dwelling likely has the hyponyms: digging, diving, living residence, lodging, house shelling, welling, telling car, train, plane Question Set 1 / 1 point

Leaf, branch, and root are ___________ of tree. homonyms antonyms metonyms meronyms Question Set 1 / 1 point

Using your knowledge of thematic roles, identify the instrument in the following sentence: The farmer loaded the hay with a pitchfork. instrument = farmer instrument = loaded instrument = pitchfork instrument = hay Question

23 Set 1 / 1 point

Using your knowledge of thematic roles, identify the causative in the following sentence: The sun melted the ice. there is no causative in the above sentence causative = sun causative = ice Question 12

causative = melted 1/1 point

The sentence "Sarah drove that bus from Toronto to Halifax" the thematic roles assigned to the underlined nouns are: Theme, goal and source Agent, theme, location Agent, goal, and instrument Agent, theme, and goal Question 13

1/1 point

The sentence "The man was bitten by the dog" the thematic roles assigned are: Theme and agent Agent and experiencer Experiencer and theme Agent and instrument Question 14

1/1 point

(a) pine, elm, sycamore (b) dandelion, aster, daisy


The words ...

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