Literacy Narrative PDF

Title Literacy Narrative
Author Shayla Downs
Course English Composition I
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
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Literacy Narrative...



Narrative Essay

Literacy Narrative

Shayla Downs Western Governors University WGU Student ID# 001014622 C455 English Composition 1


Narrative Essay

Literacy Narrative Are you ever prepared for bringing a new tender life into the world, becoming the parent of a young helpless child? For me the answer was no, I can remember the fear of the unknowing, the pounding heart beating deep in my chest and the anxiety flooding my mind, with what the upcoming events would bring for me, in the rapidly approaching days, that I was going to become a parent, guardian, keeper of a small life. Stories from others of the tender love and care that would consume my life, seemed like the easy part. Becoming a parent and learning how to parent was an all-new skill that I needed to learn. I had nowhere to turn other than to dive deep into the world of literacy for advice and an explanation of what was going to unfold. Parenting was a very important task to learn, I wasn’t just diving feet first into making or breaking my life, but also Jessee my son’s life. I began searching for books like “Parenting for Dummies” and “What To Expect The First Year” I needed to soak up all the knowledge that my anxiety riddled brain could absorb. The first year of Jessee’s life was that of a breeze one would say without exaggerating. What more do babies do other than eat, sleep and screaming to the top of their little developing lungs. Well let me tell you, they teeth, roll, learn to crawl and begin to walk on two tiny unstable feet. It was a great thing that I had prepared for these events with the many how to parent guide books. I learned how to extend my patience, when he had fists full of my hair wrapped up in sticky slobbered glue like fingers, that seemed like with every strand I freed, five more would be in the clutches of this tiny ravenous human. Books taught me how to change a


Narrative Essay diaper in the speed of light, because with any extra time it was like wrestling an unfed octopus that hadn’t eaten in 2 weeks. Arms and legs flung in every direction, rolling over and over. This was a skill that I read about, took that knowledge, applied it to the task before me, and accomplished with ease. I learned to keep my temper under control when my tiny human began to walk, causing an unforgettable path of destruction, after I had just scrubbed the whole house. Continuing through the years with Jessee close to my side and my books of knowledge on how to parent him, out of sight I was making it through parenthood. I was a super parent! Or so I thought, when Jessee was two and a half years old, being a parent took a curve ball. My then husband and I filed for divorce, we both knew it was coming, there was no way around it. What did this mean for me as a parent? I had to learn to become a single parent. Turning back to literacy to guide me on the how to’s of single parenting. Playing the roles of both mother and father in my household was going to be a learning experience. I tackled it like a champ. I took my before learned patience, controlled temper and nurturing state of mind and continued to love my son just as deeply as ever before. I was stronger than ever before. I could do this! It was tough at first, I had to learn to become the disciplinary and remain the loving nurturing mom that I was. This was just another long bump in the road to be a great parent. Potty training was one of those task that took a lot of time. There are so many trials and errors that goes along with it. There are so many books that explain how, what and when to begin the process. This is one major part of parenting that tests every limit you could ever think of having. One article that I had read, finally helped us succeed in our mission. We spent three, count them, three days at home! First day we spent naked, with me so on edge, it was unreal.


Narrative Essay Hearing myself over and over saying “Jessee do you need to go potty?”. The second day, we upgraded to the first ever big boy Mickey Mouse underwear. Resulting in minimal accidents throughout the day. By the third day we were completely potty trained. We had succeeded in a great child and parenting milestone. Thanks to the article I had read for this approach, before this I did not believe we were ever going to cross this finish line that looked so far away. Jessee began preschool in 2017, my sweet little boy was growing up so fast. More importantly I had grown so much with him. Not only was he learning, but I was as well. He was learning to read and write. I was learning to be strong, wise and apply the knowledge I had obtained in books to real life experiences. Jessee at the age of four is adding numbers in his head, writing his name like a pro and using big words like catastrophic and perplexing. You see in these books that I had spent much of my time reading, I learned that exposing him to the education at an early age would be that of a great benefit for Jessee. I bought puzzles with the ABC’s, counting and adding. I encouraged him to use them and open his mind to the world of learning. Through preschool Jessee has accomplished so much. Now he maybe a bright little soul, but he does push my buttons and has a way to uncontrollably shove me over the edge like no one else can. He gets an attitude that only a sixteen year old should have, becoming the most sassy, unruly little five year old you have met. So, you may guess that the next piece of literacy that I will be reading is something on how to manage a five going on sixteen year old little boy. Throughout my entire course of parenting I have turned to literacy and the writings of other people’s experiences to help guide me through my course. Everyone has their personalized way of how to and how not to. I took these combined lessons, made them my own. I still have a load of learning to get through, as I am


Narrative Essay nowhere close to the finish line. I look forward to learning, gaining more knowledge through literacy. Without the literacy on how to parent who knows where I or my son would be....

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