LSB231 unit information 2021 130721 817 PDF

Title LSB231 unit information 2021 130721 817
Course Physiology
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 5
File Size 181.4 KB
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listen tbh im just uploading this to get free access for a few days hope this helps xoxoxox gossip girl...


LSB231 Physiology Unit Information

This unit is designed to introduce you to the principles of human physiology and to provide you with the necessary background for further studies in physiology, pathophysiology, exercise physiology, biomedical engineering or pharmacology. Unit co-ordinator and lecturer Professor Lisa Chopin. [email protected] Practical Staff: Dr Teresa Drake and Dr David Knight, Oliver Cobby Unit information  Unit information and learning material will be available on the Blackboard site for the subject  Discussion fora – there is a Questions and answers discussion forum for asking questions about the learning material and a discussion forum for asking questions about the unit. You are welcome to answer questions.  You will also need to check your emails and the blackboard announcement site regularly and for emails from the LSB231 email list Lectures  Lectures will be made available online  The lectures should be viewed before the practical for that lecture topic  You are encouraged to take your own notes in order to develop your own understanding of the topic. Practicals/practorials o Start week 2 of semester o Practicals are held Mondays and Tuesdays in W101 at Gardens Point campus and are 2.5h o You must arrive on time to do your quizzes o In order to understand the practical material and answer the lab manual questions, you need to cover the lecture material before attending the practical for that topic o It is important that you attend practicals in order to complete your assessment o You will work in small groups (~3-4 people) through your lab book on the activities in your lab manual.  Demonstrators will be ready to help you with the experiments and to help you find answers to questions, while you work as teams to solve problems.  Please check your answers with the demonstrators before leaving the practicals.  Your practical work books need to be checked every week by the demonstrators before you leave as they are assessed. 

Your prac book and pracs are designed to help you learn and prepare you for your final exam. Please see the marking criteria for this assessment.

Tutorials • Weekly tutorials will be both in person (B117) and online (through zoom) • Zoom links will be available on blackboard • We will revise key lecture and practical material, prepare for the practicals, practical assessment and final assessment 1

LSB231 Physiology Unit Information

We will apply your learning to some new situations, such as cases, to prepare for exams and to gain critical thinking skills which you will need in practice

Health and safety o Everybody must undertake a health and safety test for W block every year in order to be allowed access to the physiology laboratory. o Check in, using QR codes might also be required – please arrive in time to do this o You will need personal protective equipment (PPE): o Lab coat o Safety glasses o fully enclosed shoes every week o Face masks may be required o Gloves may also be required (and will be supplied). o PPE is particularly important to protect you and others during the pandemic Text book Stanfield– Principles of Human physiology Assessment summary Assessment item

% total

Due date

Practical tests


Weekly, individual,

Quizzes held at the beginning of the pracs, based on the material

paper based, at the

in the practical manual and the practical learning objectives. As

start of practicals

these exams are compulsory, you will need a medical certificate if you miss the prac. As they are an important part of your learning you will need to do a make up test. Practical workbook and discussion


Weekly pracs


Timetabled during

See marking criteria. You must complete the prac in order to have your lab book marked. End of semester written exam Based on material covered in lectures, practicals and tutorials and

the central exam

the application of your knowledge


Practical tests (30%) • As these exams are compulsory, you will need a medical certificate if you miss the prac test. • •

As they are an important part of your learning you will need to do a make up test. Always use the correct units and show working for your answer or you may lose marks 2

LSB231 Physiology Unit Information

Practical workbooks (20%) Marking criteria (onshore students) Criteria Mark Completeness Practical activities and experiments are fully completed and questions in the lab manual are all thoroughly answered (given the time available). The demonstration material is observed. Participation The student attends all practicals for the duration of the practical (as required). The student participates fully and act as a subject for the generation of class data. They discuss practical activities and practical questions with other students (and demonstrators if required) and demonstrate practical skills. They do not expect demonstrators to tell them the answer but learn actively and work with the demonstrators to reach the answer. Team work The student works well with others to complete practical activities. They actively participate in the generation and analysis of data, including class data, and in the completion of the practical manual. The student shows interest and respect for the views of others. Students help each other without directly copying each others’ work. Student demonstrates a high level of academic integrity and honesty. Academic integrity Although practical activities are performed in teams and the data and answers discussed, answers are not copied from each other or from the internet. Questions are not googled or searched directly using the internet and online lab reports or answers are not copied from the internet or from others. There is no plagiarism*. Student do not copy other students’ data without being involved in the experiments. Quality Prac manual questions are answered correctly and thoroughly and critical thinking skills are demonstrated. Correct physiological terminology used. Correct units are always used. Uses good sources for answering questions, such as good quality text books, lecture and practical materials. Good quality web sites (only) are used. This can include quality University and Government websites, journal articles, and some reputable organisations. This does not include Wikipedia, Khan academy or sites selling products such as vitamins for example. Total Marks – 10 = criteria fully met to a high standard; 9 = criteria fully met to a very good standard; 8 = criteria met to a good standard; 7 = criteria are generally met; 6 = criteria are mostly met; 5 = some of the criteria are met; 4 = some of the criteria are met, but not to a good standard; 3 = few of the criteria are met; 0 = the criteria are not met. * - note that plagiarism is academic dishonesty and a mark of zero may be given.


LSB231 Physiology Unit Information

Draft -LSB231 Physiology timetable 2021 Week





Introduction and the brain

No practical



Autonomic nervous system

Introduction and the brain



Endocrine system

Autonomic nervous system



Endocrine system



Action potentials and nervous signaling Muscle physiology 1



Muscle physiology 2

Resting membrane and action potentials Prac Quiz


Cardiovascular physiology I – electrical activity

Muscle physiology



Cardiovascular physiology II – blood pressure

Cardiovascular physiology 1



Blood flow Glucose balance

Cardiovascular physiology 2

No tutorial

No tutorial

Mid-semester break 10

Digestive physiology

Public holiday Monday – no pracs this week



Respiratory physiology

Digestive physiology and glucose balance



Renal physiology

Respiratory physiology



Reproductive system

Renal Physiology



LSB231 Physiology Unit Information

Offshore/online students • Offshore students should contact the unit co-ordinator asap and will be assigned an online group. They can perform work at their own pace but will have weekly deadlines. • Marking criteria will be adjusted so that they are not disadvantaged. • Offshore students will have timed online assessment for some exams


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