M2 S1 Reading The Personality Traits Needed to be Hired 1 PDF

Title M2 S1 Reading The Personality Traits Needed to be Hired 1
Course Inglés Ii
Institution Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
Pages 8
File Size 622.8 KB
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Topics - Personality traits

Fiction The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Functions - Describing personality - Talking about professions - Defining strengths and weaknesses - Talking about past actions - Giving opinions: Illustrating your point.


Structures - Adjectives and nouns - Good/Bad + at + noun or ing - Find it + adj + to infinitive - Adjectives + enough + to infinitive - Like+ noun or ing - Relative connectors who – that - Past Simple (revisited), Continuous and Perfect

Section 1

BEFORE READING a) Read the title of the text and underline three possible synonyms of the word trait /treɪt/(n). peculiarity – intent – mark – attribute – purpose – characteristic

b) Read the words in bold and tick the sentence that describes the main idea of the text. 1.

The typical roles developed in a multi-national company


The most relevant qualities of a competent employee


The necessary steps to become a successful candidate for a job


The Personality Traits needed to be Hired By Katharine Paljug, Business News Daily Contributing Writer, February 9, 2018 10:15 am EST

5 Promotable personality traits that will help you get ahead

When you’re applying for a job, your professional success and industry experience are only part of what your interviewer wants to see. Many times, your personality traits are crucial for getting the job because they make you the right fit for the company.

“Employers want to know about your hard skills, which show that you are qualified for a position, but they also want to see that you will fit in with the company culture. The only way to assess this is to get a sense of your personality,” said Susan Peppercorn, CEO of Positive Workplace Partners. “Knowing 20 Great jobs that someone has the experience and skills to be successful in for present day a job is very important, but when two candidates have similar capabilities, often the soft skills are the reason why one person professionals gets the job and the other doesn’t.” A study by the career resource site CareerBuilder found that many employers prioritize the same soft skills in employees, looking for candidates who are dependable, positive, flexible and effective communicators who work well under pressure, among other personality traits.

10 transferable skills that will get you hired

The right personality traits can make the difference between a strong candidate and a new employee. 1. A multitasker Companies rarely hire employees to perform only one function. Especially in a small business, companies need people who are willing to come out of their roles and perform different and varied tasks. If you are a multitasker, you will have many chances to be hired. 2. A strategist Career psychologist Eileen Sharaga said that every business needs a strategic thinker. Therefore, when managers are hired, they want someone who can identify long-term goals. “It’s critical to demonstrate that you have not only a vision for the future, but also a plan to get there,” she explained. If you can plan strategically, you will be successful. 3. A decider “People who can use their own judgment and take decisive action are valuable to any company,” Selewach said. Business leaders can’t be involved in every minor decision, so they look for a candidate who has the ability to act and take responsibility for the results. If you want to move into a management or leadership position, you will have to decide by yourself. 4. A cautious person Beth Gilfeather, CEO and founder of Sevenstep Recruiting, told the site Career Builder that a cautious employee acts prudently as a counterbalance to risk-takers. “They do not like risks as risky situations make them nervous. Therefore, they provide stability and balance. If you want to prevent dangerous risks, you will need to hire an employee with this personality trait,” she said.


5. An independent thinker Some employees always agree with what their boss says, without questioning. Although these people may be good at following instructions, leaders ultimately need team members who will challenge the status quo if it’s better for the business. “I want people who will not be afraid of contradicting my decisions if they think it is better for the company,” Meg Sheetz, president of Medifast, told the site. 6. A team player Most jobs require some kind of collaboration, whether with a team of other employees, a group of clients or occasional outside contractors. The ability to work pleasantly and effectively with others is a key part of nearly any job. If you find it easy to deal with people, you will be considered a good candidate who is flexible enough to get along well with a variety of personalities and work styles. 7. A cultural fit Employers look for people who can fit in the company’s culture. Every company’s culture is different and each is founded on different values. “Our culture is founded upon a work-hard, play-hard, humble, self-reflective and collaborative environment,” said Max Yoder, CEO of an online training software company. If you match these values, you will be the perfect cultural fit. Personality traits are difficult to demonstrate on a resume, so it's essential to highlight them during the interview. However, simply stating you're a team player, for instance, isn't enough for most hiring managers. Instead, you should provide a concrete example of when you worked on a team to accomplish a goal. Moreover, remember that the best way to express your personality is to simply be yourself!

WHILE READING a. Read the text and extract one sentence that best explains the main characteristic of each trait. Have a look at the example. Multitaskers: People who are willing to come out of their roles and perform different and

varied tasks.

1. Strategists:…………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Deciders:……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Cautious people:…………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Independent thinkers:…………………………………………………………………………. 5. Team players:……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Cultural fits:………………………………………………………………………………………….


AFTER READING a) Have a look at what these professionals are saying. What personality trait does each one have? Write your answers below. 1. Philip Clough, public relations manager: …………………………………………………

I love working with other people for a common goal. I’m open minded. When there’re very different opinions on the same issue, I naturally tend to find the mid-point in order to maintain a positive work environment. 2. Benjamin Ledge, media expert: ………………………………………………………………..

In my team, there are workmates who are high-fliers and will do anything to achieve the company’s goals but… I’m there to prevent them from taking on too much as I’m a down-to-earth person. I feel my role is to keep a good balance between risks and stability! 3.

Helen Marvel, social worker: ……………………………………………………………………

I sometimes don’t agree with my boss’s viewpoint. However, I’m not afraid of telling her so because I know that a different opinion may lead to a better decision, which is beneficial for the company in the end. I’m not stubborn but if I think I have a better idea, I will challenge the authority. 4.

Emma Young, architect. …………………………………………………

Tomorrow, we’re having the first meeting to organize things for a new major project. The first step is to discuss what is required for the project and how it will be carried out. Then, we must decide who does what. And last, we must carefully plan when things will happen and we must meet the deadline. As I’m focused and have a vision for the future, I will lead the team.



Danny Silverstone, accountant: …………………………………………………………………

At work, I do lots of different activities . I can lead team meetings and arrange work trips. Although some of those tasks are not inherent to my post, I also understand I need to address those issues to make things work. I love my job and I’m a committed member of the team.


Camilla Baily, nurse: …………………………………………………………………………………

My job involves taking both major and minor decisions and being empathetic. The major ones are taken together by my boss and me. However, I try not to bother him when I must make minor decisions. I simply do it and take responsibility for the result. “Bring solutions, not problems.” That’s my motto.


Michelle White, engineer: …………………………………………………………………………

Adaptable, that’s the word that describes me. I find it very easy to adapt to and, adopt the core characteristics of a company. It’s only natural for me. I don’t have to make any extra effort to do so. I’m assertive enough to fit in different environments.


ANWER KEY BEFORE READING Exercise A Peculiarity – Attribute – Characteristic

Exercise B 2. The most relevant qualities of a competent employee

WHILE READING Exercise A 1. Strategists: People who can identify long-term goals. 2. Deciders: People who can use their own judgment and take decisive action. 3. Cautious people: People who are risk-averse, but provide stability and fairness. 4. Independent thinkers: People who will challenge the status quo if it's better for the business and will not be afraid to stand up for what they think is the right thing. 5. Team players: People who have the ability to work pleasantly and effectively with others. 6. Cultural fits are those who can fit the company's culture and core values.

AFTER READING Exercise A 1. A team player 2. A cautious person 3. An independent thinker 4. A strategist


5. A multitasker 6. A decider 7. A cultural fit


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