Course Hospitality and Tourism Facilities Management and Design
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
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Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7630 Telling yourself you did great when you did something praiseworthy is a good way to _____________.A. Make fellow employees pay attention to youB. Get a salary increaseC. Improve your attitudeD. Enjoy your job.Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7706What is considered a g...


Question #1 - Multiple Choice 7630 Telling yourself you did great when you did something praiseworthy is a good way to _____________.

A. Make fellow employees pay attention to you B. Get a salary increase C. Improve your attitude D. Enjoy your job. Question #2 - Multiple Choice 7706 What is considered a good way to make a commitment to a positive attitude?

A. Focus on the past and things that are not within your control. B. Remind yourself that you have limitations and you cannot go beyond that. C. Be responsible for your own actions and reactions. Question #3 - Multiple Choice 7707 This statement should remind us on the importance of having positive attitude in achieving success in our hospitality career. Complete the statement below. “Your attitude determines your ___________________.”

A. motivation B. success C. altitude D. future Question #4 - Multiple Choice 7708 From the HPC Module on Attitude, we learned that in the workplace and everywhere we go, “ what separates the best from the rest is ______________. “

A. Work ethics B. Honesty C. Positive attitude D. job competence Question #5 - Multiple Choice 7709 Judging from the statements made by staff members A, B, C and D, who among them have a positive attitude?

A. Staff A: The shortage of stocks is my fault. I forgot to record some items withdrawn from the storeroom. I apologize, and I promise to be more careful next time in recording of inventory. B. Staff B: The instructions from the boss was not clear. If he only explained well, I would not have made a mistake. It’s actually his fault and it is unfair that I should be blamed for what happened. C. Staff C: Why am I always the one to be blamed when something goes wrong? I merely follow, without question, what I am told to do. D. Staff D: Let’s have someone else do this job if no one here is capable of doing it right. Question #6 - Multiple Choice 7710 Which of the following statements is true about “character “?

A. Character is our personal motivation to outwardly do what is right, for people to see B. Character is our personal motivation to do what is right, both inside and outside. C. Character is what others think of us, based on what we say and do. D. Character is the opinion we make of both our personal and professional lives Question #7 - Multiple Choice 7711 People say that history is made at night, and character is what we are when we are alone by ourselves in the _____________.

A. workplace B. day C. dark D. office Question #8 - Multiple Choice 7712 When a person is motivated to learn something new every day, what positive character trait is he demonstrating?

A. Trustworthiness B. Respect C. Initiative D. Sense of responsibility Question #9 - Multiple Choice 7713 Which is not a way to demonstrate responsibility?

A. Being aggressive B. Always doing your best C. Thinking before you act D. Not giving up easily Question #10 - Multiple Choice 7714 Which of the statements below would be the best way to build character, as discussed in the HPC Module 1 seminar?

A. Have a standard to follow and the determination to follow it. B. Have a will or determination, and attitude to do what is right. C. Have a mentor and someone to look up to as role model. D. Lead from the inside and not the outside. Question #11 - Multiple Choice 7715 Which of the following statements best describe a person who is trustworthy?

A. He always tells the truth, regardless of the consequences. He can be counted to do what he commits to do. B. He tells the truth most of the time and is careful not to disclose information that may have a negative effect on people close to him. C. Telling the truth is important to him, but it is more important to hold on to his job and be silent in giving information that might put him in trouble.

D. If he has to tell a white lie, he will do so, so that the conflict in the workplace can be resolved and everyone can work together in harmony. Question #12 - Multiple Choice 7716 Which of the statements below best describes a person who is responsible? A. His likes to do his best all the time. B. He thinks first, before he acts C. He keeps on trying, and does his best to accomplish his goals, even if he finds it difficult at first. D. All of the above. Question #13 - Multiple Choice 7717 Mahmoud is a Muslim who grew up in India and works in the housekeeping department of a hotel. He misunderstood his supervisor who told him to bring a towel to a female guest in Room 24. Instead, he brought soap. When he returned to housekeeping to get the towel, he was upset about the mistake he made. If you were Mahmoud’s supervisor, which among the statements below would be the most respectful thing to say to Mahmoud, in this particular situation?

A. That’s OK Mahmoud. I am not surprised as you have never been able to understand English very well and probably you never will. I expect things like this to happen from time to time. Just go and give the guest the towel they need, say you are sorry, and forget about it. B. I understand you are upset about your mistake, but this is likely to happen until your English gets better. You just need to go and apologize to the guest, give her the towel, and let’s make sure that henceforth, we clarify all instructions, OK? C. I am just as upset as you are. Go back to the guest, shake her hand and apologize and give her the towel. From now on, I will have to keep checking to make sure you understand everything correctly so that you don’t make a bad impression when dealing with a guest. D. You should be upset. You made a bad mistake and now you’ve upset our guest as well. Go back and apologize and be more serious with your English lessons so this does not happen again Question #14 - Multiple Choice 7718 Which of the following behaviors reflects a negative character trait that is disruptive to the workplace?

A. Hiding the truth to avoid negative consequences. B. Being open to suggestions on how to improve your work C. Praising your team mates when they do a good job. D. Reporting for work on time every day. Question #15 - Multiple Choice 7719 Supervisor Lisa noticed that Anna, one of her employees, tends to engage her co-workers in non-work-related discussions during work hours. What negative trait does Supervisor Lisa need to emphasize when she talks to Anna to change her behavior?

A. Aggressiveness B. Whining or complaining C. Dishonesty D. Irresponsibility Question #16 - Multiple Choice 7720 Read the following mystery guest scenario and try to find the hidden "service excellence clues" that can help you discover what these guests really want and how you can turn their stay at your property from one that is

“acceptable” to one that is “exceptional”. Miss Amelia Peabody checked into your host property this morning after 23 hours of transcontinental travel. Her room is in the main hall leading to the pool, and there are some young children running back and forth through the hall creating a lot of noise, thus making it impossible for Miss Peabody to fall asleep. When she gives up on sleep and leaves her room to get some ice, she sees you, a guest server, in the hallway. She asks you if there are any rules and regulations concerning unaccompanied children playing in and around the pool area. As a service oriented hotel employee, what message is Miss Peabody trying to convey?

A. She wants to get some ice B. She wants to know about the policies and regulations to be observed in the pool area. C. She is disturbed by the noise made by young children in the pool area. D. She wants you to report the situation so that the hotel can act on it. Question #17 - Multiple Choice 7721 When your work is described as “exemplary,” it means _______________________.

A. you are providing excellent guest service B. you are going the extra mile to please your guests. C. you are setting an example, worth of imitation or you are showing a model of behavior D. You are getting ahead Question #18 - Multiple Choice 7722 A guest calls the front desk to ask what activities are taking place at the property on that day. As you want to show good service with a SPIRIT, which of the following will you do?

A. Tell the guest to look at the activity schedule for the day or week, as shown in the TV monitor B. Connect the guest to the Activities Desk so he can have all the information he needs C. Give the guest a brief description of the activities for that day or week and send a copy of the schedule of events to the guest’s room as soon as possible D. Request the guest to call later as the person in charge is on a lunch break. Question #19 - Multiple Choice 7723 When we say “Treat others as you would like to be treated “, we are referring to the ______________.

A. Platinum Rule B. Golden Rule C. Hospitality Rule D. Tourism Rule Question #20 - Multiple Choice 7724 When we say “Treat others as they would like to be treated “, we are referring to the ___________.

A. Platinum Rule B. Golden Rule C. Hospitality Rule

D. Tourist Rule Question #21 - Multiple Choice 7725 In the hospitality industry, the pineapple represents __________________.

A. welcome, friendship and hospitality B. welcome and enjoy the food C. welcome and be my friend D. friendship, hospitality and enjoyment Question #22 - Multiple Choice 7726 According to many industry experts, what is the secret of being the best?

A. Location! Location! Location! B. Service! Service! Service! C. Profit! Profit! Profit! D. Guest! Guest! Guest! Question #23 - Multiple Choice 7727 When we talk of “diversity in the workforce “we mean people in the workplace are different in what way?

A. Age and gender B. Race or ethnicity C. Religion and education D. All of the above-mentioned characteristics Question #24 - Multiple Choice 7728 As our workplace become more and more culturally diverse, cultural differences could become increasingly wider. What is best for us to do?

A. Accept reality because we cannot prevent it anyway. B. Learn to understand and respect other cultures, and strive to work more effectively together. C. We can better understand why our coworkers are not as good as we are. D. We can better appreciate our superiority over our co workers Question #25 - Multiple Choice 7729 People of different cultures oftentimes show specific distinguishing behaviors or gestures. What gesture stands out and is considered appropriate in almost all cultures?

A. A thumbs up sign B. A handshake C. A smile D. A nod of the head Question #26 - Multiple Choice 7730 Our beliefs, traditions, religion, training and work ethics all relate to our:

A. family background

B. level of education C. Culture D. work experience Question #27 - Multiple Choice 7731 Looking back at our iceberg exercise in Understanding Culture, we said that culture is like an iceberg. Hence, we conclude that culture can be both ______________ .

A. good and bad B. biased and unbiased C. visible and invisible D. habitual and nonhabitual Question #28 - Multiple Choice 7732 In the hospitality industry, we all strive to make a good first impression with every guest encounter we make. First impressions are formed through which of the following guest encounters?

A. Face to face encounter B. A brief talk over the phone C. Through our body language D. All of the above Question #29 - Multiple Choice 7733 What does the French phrase “mise en place” mean?

A. A miserable place B. Everything in place C. Master of the place D. An ideal place Question #30 - Multiple Choice 7734 The first step in making a good first impression is through our ________________.

A. attitude B. voice C. appearance D. intelligence Question #31 - Multiple Choice 7735 Respectful and polite work etiquette includes which of the following behaviors?

A. Allowing others to speak without interrupting them B. Giving consideration to the feelings and concerns of others C. Paying attention to someone who is talking to us D. All of the above listed behaviors Question #32 - Multiple Choice 7736

Etiquette issues are predicted to become more prominent in the hospitality workplace in the coming years. What could be the reason for this?

A. Increase in cases of Insubordination B. Increase in racial, gender and cultural diversity C. Increase in volume of tourist arrivals D. Increase in number of people dining in restaurants Question #33 - Multiple Choice 7737 To achieve good time management, which of the following character traits should one strive to develop?

A. Positive attitude B. Self discipline C. Attentiveness D. Competence Question #34 - Multiple Choice 7738 To develop successful time management skills, one should set goals that are__________________.

A. easy to achieve. B. difficult and challenging. C. attainable, based on available resources D. familiar and not something entirely new. Question #35 - Multiple Choice 7739 How can an employee benefit from a consistent good attendance at work?

A. He can develop work mastery and eventually perform his job better B. This will increase his chances of getting a promotion or pay raise. C. Fellow employees will look up to him and respect him as a model of good behavior. D. He can have all the above-mentioned benefits. Question #36 - Multiple Choice 7740 What is the advantage of making a list to keep track of little daily tasks that could easily be forgotten or overlooked?

A. You become more organized. B. You are not likely to forget anything. C. You can budget your time to accomplish everything based on your time frame D. You can have all of the above advantages. Question #37 - Multiple Choice 7741 Which among the actions listed below will not likely improve your time management skills?

A. Memorize and understand your weekly schedule.

B. Make attendance and time management a priority. C. Use techniques to help you rise and be ready to go each morning. D. Assign someone else to do your work for you. Question #38 - Multiple Choice 7742 A hospitality expert emphasized that the essence of customer service is having H-E-A-R-T, referring to important traits that we need to develop to achieve good customer service. What traits does HEART refer to?

A. Honestly, Enthusiasm, Action, Regret, Tolerance B. Happiness, Eagerness, Action, Regard, Timing C. Honesty, Empathy, Appreciation, Respect, Tolerance D. Honor, Engagement, Action, Responsibility, Timing Question #39 - Multiple Choice 7743 What should one do to be customer driven?

A. Focus on your customers and their needs, and aim to exceed their expectations. B. Focus on your work schedule and don’t come late for work C. Be a good team player and relate well with your co workers D. Always get clear instructions from your supervisor. Question #40 - Multiple Choice 7744 When we talk of customer service, the phrase “a moment of truth” is often mentioned. What do we mean by “a moment of truth”?

A. It means we have to be truthful and honest in dealing with our guests. B. It refers to any point in time when a customer gets in contact with anyone or any part of our organization, and uses this moment to judge our organization C. It is a situation that occurs when we are handling a guest complaint, where the guest also judges us based on how we handle his complaint. D. It means being true to ourselves. Question #41 - Multiple Choice 7745 Which of the scenarios described below is an example of a moment of truth in the hospitality industry?

A. The customer’s impression on the cleanliness of a store, when he first walked in. B. His impression of the crowded, disorganized parking lot. C. How the staff addressed the customer’s complaint over the phone. D. All of the above scenarios. Question #42 - Multiple Choice 7746 In the discussion on Elements of Service, emphasis was given on how to start every guest interaction well and leave a positive lasting impression, by following the three “C’s”. What were the three “Cs” suggested?

A. Connect, Collaborate, Care B. Care, Contribute, Conclude C. Connect, Contribute, Conclude

D. Command, Cooperate, Complete Question #43 - Multiple Choice 7747 What does the term “stereotyping” mean?

A. When we judge someone according to some characteristics that we want to see, or we are told to see, instead of what is really there. B. When we classify someone based on certain observed characteristics

C. When we choose what characteristics to highlight in describing someone D. When we make a wrong judgment about someone Question #44 - Multiple Choice 7748 What can help us avoid stereotyping?

A. By learning more about stereotyping and how it can be avoided. B. By following what our friends do C. By doing the same things that you see others do D. By staying away from people who are different from you Question #45 - Multiple Choice 7749 What traits do we need to develop so that we can effectively participate in activities involving participants from diverse cultures?

A. Tolerance B. Respect for others C. Consensus D. All of the above Question #46 - Multiple Choice 7750 Three elements of communication, called the 3 Vs are Visual, Vocal and Verbal. Which of the following is considered a form of visual communication?

A. The teacher writing instructions on the bulletin board. B. The politician answering questions from his constituents C. The actor waving his hand and smiling at his audience D. The supervisor sending a memo to his staff by email Question #47 - Multiple Choice 7751 Which of the following is considered vocal communication?

A. The angry boss scolding his staff in a loud voice B. The mother humming a tune to put her child to sleep C. The radio announcer speaking loud and fast, alerting everyone of an impending typhoon D. All of the above Question #48 - Multiple Choice 7752 Which of the following actions is classified as verbal communication?

A. An announcement being made over the radio

B. A teacher giving instructions to her students C. A waiter explaining the menu to his guests D. All of the above actions Question #49 - Multiple Choice 7753 What does this statement mean: “Action speak louder than words”?

A. What a person actually does and what people see him do, tells more than what he says. B. Some people do not speak loud enough, hence you need to observe what they do, to understand their message. C. We need to combine written and/or verbal message with some action, if we want people to understand our message. D. If we can convey our message through action, we will not need words anymore. Question #50 - Multiple Choice 7754 Which of the following is considered a myth in communication, and therefore we should not believe?

A. We communicate only what we want to communicate. B. People communicate mostly through words. C. Both A and B are myths in communication. D. Neither A Nor B are myths in communication. Question #51 - Multiple Choice 7755 When meeting people of different cultures who speak different languages for the first time, the first and most accepted way to befriend or greet them is _______________.

A. to smile B. to wave your hand C. to shake hands and give your business card D. to take a bow Question #52 - Multiple Choice 7756 Experts say that nonverbal communication makes 93% of the communication process. What could be the best explanation for this?

A. Our actions, gestures and body language, whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, conveys a lot more than what words can say. B. When people communicate verbally, they lie most of the time, hence, we should rely more on their body language. C. Some people may have language problems and verbal communication can be confusing, hence we need to make use of nonverbal means of communication. D. Most people, especially in a multi-cultural workplace, prefer to send nonverbal messages because people often do not speak the same...

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