Macbeth Setting Anlysis PDF

Title Macbeth Setting Anlysis
Course Shakespeare: The Later Plays 
Institution Mount Royal University
Pages 1
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Macbeth was set in 11th century Scotland, with some scenes in England. Macbeth ruled over Scotland for more than 17 years, from 1040 to 1057. What's special about Macbeth is that it is the first and only play of Shakespeare that was ever produced in Scotland. The main reason Shakespeare picked Scotland was to honor the English king, King James I. In addition to being the ruler of England, he was also the ruler of Scotland. The play was set in the 11th century, however, Shakespeare did include events from the 16th century. The real or 11th century Macbeth did not murder Duncan in order to get to the throne. It is guessed that there was a role switch between these two and Duncan was the oppressor of Macbeth. While reading Shakespeare's play. Settings were only briefly mentioned so you only had his words to interpret the setting and landscapes. Due to Scotland's location, it is usually dark and dull which makes it an ideal location for a play as dark as Macbeth. The shortage of sunlight throughout the play sets a theme of secrets and mystery. The play opens with the witches at a gloomy place, which is made clear to us by the thunder and lightning. They are also the characters that shape the action in the play when they affirm that Macbeth will become the future king.The witches are known to cause chaos and are often surrounded by my horror and thunder. Which always made it clear that they were coming. Most of the violent actions that happen later in the play also take place beneath the blanket of the thick night which symbolizes darkness. The setting foreshadows how the rest of the play will follow the dark theme. Furthermore, light and shadow also becomes the central focus of the play as we move forward. "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires."(1:4:52). Macbeth tells the stars to hide his deep desires because he is planning to kill the god appointed king; this starts the theme of secrecy. Also, Lady Macbeth, orders "thick night" with the "smoke of hell," to hide the deeds she is about to do. Her blade would not perceive the cut it makes in King Duncan and the darkness Lady Macbeth requests appear to match the evil intentions she has in her mind.The setting also helps advance the motif of appearance vs reality. "This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself Unto our gentle senses."(1:6:1-2). The theme of appearance vs reality is quite important in Macbeth because of how reoccurring it is. Castles set the setting for much more horrid deeds. The heath in the play where witches meet Macbeth and Banquo for the first time is portrayed as a dark place occupied by supernatural creatures but no one is harmed or murdered in that place. However, Macbeth’s castle is where several crimes take place. Let's take Duncan into consideration. He walked into Macbeth's castle talking about the desirable setting, which was ironic because that castle is where his murder takes place. This is a contradiction that defines the witches' saying, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” (1:1:12). Foulness is what happens at Macbeth’s castle, despite the fair presentation that Duncan describes. The heath seems as the dark, scary place where something bad would happen, but it is actually harmless. However, the castle, where it seems very pleasant and nothing bad would ever happen, despite the appearance, is where the bad things actually happen. Macbeth’s committing of murder is followed by a number of abnormal events in the natural surrounding. From the roar and lightning that is used for the presence of the witches to the bizarre storms on the night of King Duncan’s death, we are aware that now the great chain of beings is broken....

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