Macbeth Study Guide - Grade: A PDF

Title Macbeth Study Guide - Grade: A
Author Caleb Smith
Course English Composition I
Institution University of South Alabama
Pages 5
File Size 51.2 KB
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Macbeth Study Guide...


Act One What atmosphere do the witches create in the opening scenes of the play? a creepy, mystical, dark, ominous, gloomy scene 2. What is the dramatic significance of “Fair is found and foul is fair?” everything is reversed 3. Find examples of blood imagery. “What bloody man is that” “blood execution” 4. How did Macbeth kill Macdonwald? He cut him from his belly button to his neck 5. What are kerns and gallowglasses? lightly armed Irish foot soldiers and heavily armed soldiers on horseback 6. What punishment is pronounced upon the Thane of Cawdor? What crime did he commit? Death is punishment, he committed treason 7. Who will receive the title Thane of Cawdor? Does this person know he will receive it? Macbeth, no he doesn’t know 8. What are the witches discussing at the beginning of scene three? Someone offended one of the witches and she decided to curse the lady’s husband 9. What happens to mortals who displease these witches? They are cursed 10. What three messages do the witches bring to Macbeth? 1. “Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis” - They know his name and gain his trust 2. “Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor” - A prophecy to Macbeth 3. “That shalt be king hereafter” - It shocks him because he’s not king 11. What message do the weird sisters give to Banquo? They tell him that his sons will be king 12. What warning does Banquo give Macbeth? He tells Macbeth not to trust the witches because they are evil 13. In Scene 4, what does the king mean in lines 13-14? What is their influence on the audience? He says that he cannot read faces. He trusted a traitor. It tells the audience that they should like Duncan and feel pity and fear. 14. What public announcement does Duncan make as to his successor on the throne? He names his oldest son Malcolm 15. What are the contents of Macbeth’s letter to his wife? Macbeth tells her about the witches and what they told him 16. What do you learn of Macbeth’s feelings towards her? Macbeth loves his wife. 17. What is Lady Macbeth’s reaction to the prophecy that he would become king? She agrees to it and wants to kill Duncan. 18. How does Lady Macbeth further analyze Macbeth’s character? She thinks that Macbeth is like a woman and is sissy and too good. 19. What is learned about her character from her soliloquy? That she is very wicked and she wants to be like a man 20. What is her advice to Macbeth? She tells him to look innocent but be deadly 21. In Scene 7, what state of mind does Macbeth’s soliloquy reveal? He is convinced that he shouldn’t kill Duncan. 22. What is the result of the great influence Lady Macbeth has over Macbeth? She persuades him and he decides to kill Duncan. 1.

Act Two 1. At what time do the events of Act Two take place? Around midnight. 2. Is the time in harmony with the deed? Yes, it’s the witching hour and they are about to kill Duncan 3. What does “there’s husbandry in heaven” mean? The candles are all out and the sky is dark 4. What proposition did Macbeth make Banquo? Macbeth asks him if he will always be on his side 5. What is Banquo’s responsibility here? Why doesn’t he do something? To warn the king, he is slow to act and doesn’t do anything. 6. Why did Macbeth bring back the daggers to where Lady Macbeth was? He panicked and didn’t think about what he was doing. 7. Why didn’t the groom awaken? Lady Macbeth drugged them. 8. When Lady Macbeth returns from the bloody scene, what does she say to give Macbeth courage? She tells him to go wash his hands 9. In Scene Three, in what condition is the Porter? He’s very drunk. 10. What is the primary purpose of introducing the Porter scene? For comic relief. 11. What is the effect of the news of Duncan’s murder on Macduff? He is very distraught because he loves his country 12. What do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to do? Leave. Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland. 13. Why did Macbeth kill the grooms? So they wouldn’t say they didn’t do it and saw something in the night. 14. Whom does Macduff charge with the murder of the king? The grooms, he thinks they were hired though. 15. Who is named king? Macbeth 16. What other suspects are named besides the groomsmen? Malcom and Donalbain

Act Three 1. In lines 1-4, what is Banquo’s opinion of Macbeth’s conduct? He thinks that Macbeth killed Duncan. 2. Knowing what he did, what was Banquo’s duty? To tell someone to protect the country. 3. What was Macbeth’s reason for asking Banquo “Ride you this afternoon?” Macbeth is plotting to kill Banquo. 4. In soliloquy, what does Macbeth reveal about his feelings towards Banquo? Macbeth is afraid of Banquo because Banquo is wise and Macbeth feels less powerful and intelligent. 5. What arguments does Macbeth use to induce the murderers to kill Banquo? He says that everything that is wrong in their life is Banquo’s fault, he calls them dogs, and Macbeth says he will favor them if they do it. 6. What are Macbeth’s final instructions, especially with regard to Fleance? Kill them tonight, a good distance from the palace, make sure to kill Fleance. 7. How have the Macbeths changed roles? Macbeth has a plan and Lady Macbeth doesn’t. Macbeth is in charge and Lady Macbeth is passive. 8. What do you infer as to who the third murderer might be since this murderer is familiar with the plan, the palace, and the habits of Banquo? A witch. 9. What is the dramatic significance in the fact that Fleance escapes? The prophecy can come true. 10. What effect does Fleance’s escape have on Macbeth? He has a fit. 11. What does Macbeth “see” at the feast? He sees the bloody ghost of Banquo, Lady Macbeth says that it’s just in his mind. 12. How does Lady Macbeth explain her husband’s behavior? She says he does it all the time. 13. Why does Macbeth keep a servant in every house? To spy on his people.

Act Four 1. Why dos Macbeth go back to see the witches? To get information about what is going to happen to him. 2. What is the first apparition? An Armed Head (a head wearing a helmet). 3. What does the first apparition represent? It’s a symbol of Macduff 4. What is its message? Beware of Macduff. 5. What is the second apparition? A bloody child. 6. What does the second apparition represent? Macduff at birth. 7. What is its message? None of women born shall harm Macbeth (no one born from a woman can hurt Macbeth). 8. What is the third apparition? A child crowned with a tree in his hand. 9. What does the third apparition represent? Malcolm. 10. What is its message? Macbeth will not be vanquished. (harmed until the trees walk to the castle) 11. What information does Macbeth “demand” from the witches? He wants to know if the prophecy about Banquo’s children will come true. 12. Do they give him the answer he wants? Banquo’s descendants will become king (8 in a row), so no. 13. What purposeless, senseless deed does Macbeth decide to commit in this act? He decides to kill Macduff’s family and anything alive in his castle. 14. What comment made by Macduff’s son shows his true wit and wisdom? He says that there are more bad people in the world than good people. 15. Why does Malcolm lie to Macduff when describing his intention? To see if he could trust Macduff. 16. Does Ross lie to Macduff about Macduff’s family? Explain. He is trying to delay telling him that his family has been killed so he tells him the half truth. 17. What do Malcolm and Macduff decide to do at the end of the act? Kill Macbeth.

Act Five 1. At the beginning of Act Five, what is Lady Macbeth’s condition? Her eyes are open but she’s not using them; she’s sleep walking. She’s insane. She has a guilty conscience. 2. What is Lady Macbeth doing in her sleep that alludes to her guilty conscience? She’s grabbing her hands because she thinks they still smell like blood. 3. According to the doctor, what does Lady Macbeth need more than a doctor? A God. 4. What is Macbeth’s state of mind in Scene 3, lines 20-28? He’s weary. He knows death and defeat are coming for him. 5. How does the witches’ first prophecy unfold involving Birnam wood? The army uses tree branches to cover their numbers and it looks like the woods are moving. 6. What happens to Lady Macbeth in Scene 5? She commits suicide. 7. What happens to young Siward? Macbeth kills him. 8. What news about his birth does Macduff share with Macbeth? Macduff was ripped out of his mother’s body like the prophecy says. 9. Does Macbeth want to fight Macduff? Why or why not? No because he is afraid. 10. How does Siward react when he finds out that his son has been killed? He asks if he died in an honorable way. 11. What happens to Macbeth at the end of the play? He is beheaded by Macduff. 12. How does Malcolm intend to reward his loyal thanes and kinsmen? He makes them earls....

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