MAN3025 001 10240 Herst PDF

Title MAN3025 001 10240 Herst
Author Jaleah Greene
Course Introduction to Management & Organizational Behaviour
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 15
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INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MAN 3025-001, CRN10240 T/R 11am to 12:20pm KH102 Professor: Office Hours:

David Herst Boca Raton: Fleming West 120 Wednesdays 9:30am to 11:50am Office Phone: 561-297-3763 (Boca Raton) [email protected] Email: Web Site: This is a web-assisted course. All course materials, including announcements, assignments, documents, grades, etc. will be handled through the Canvas LMS. Text: Daft, Richard (2013). Management, 12th ed. South-Western, Cengage Learning. ISBN#978-1-285-86198-2 Course Description This course provides an introduction to managerial principles and practices with an emphasis on planning, organizing, and staffing. It will also include information on leading and control techniques within the context of an organization – “a group of people working together in a structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals.” Management is “defined as a set of activities (including planning and decision making, organizing, leading and controlling) directed at an organization’s resources (human, financial, physical, and information), with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.” A behavioral science foundation will be utilized within the framework of current best practices and research on organizational behavior. The environmental context of management will also be explored, with particular emphasis on the global, multicultural and ethical issues now confronting organizations today. Course Prerequisites, Credit Hours, and Class Time Commitments This class is worth three (3) credit hours and has no prerequisites. According to Florida State Statute 6A-10.033, students must spend a minimum 2,250 minutes (37.5 hours) of in class time during a 3-credit course. Additionally, students enrolled in a 3-credit course are expected to spend a minimum of 4,500 minutes (75 hours) of out-of-class-time specifically working on course-related activities (i.e., reading assigned pieces, completing homework, preparing for exams and other assessments, reviewing class notes, etc.) and fulfilling any other class activities or duties as required.

Course Objectives and Grading  To provide a comprehensive overview of management and organizational behavior concepts.  Provide a functional and practical understanding of how individuals, groups, and organizational structures impact organizational effectiveness.  Analysis of organizational contexts and the application of OB concepts to improve effectiveness. Assignments and Relative Weight Item Syllabus Quiz and Student Introductions Discussion Assignments (3) Chapter Quizzes (lowest 2 dropped) Exams (4 – lowest score dropped)

Percent of Grade 3% 12% 25% 60%

Grading by percentage of total points: 93%-100%=A; 90%-92%=A-; 87%-89%=B+; 83%-86%=B; 80%-82%=B-; 77%-79%=C+; 73%-76%=C; 70%-72%=C-; 67%-69%=D+; 63%-66%=D; 60%-62%=D-; Less than 60%=F Course Evaluation Method Grades are determined through a series of Assignments. General Assignment instructions can be found here in the syllabus. Specific assignment instructions can be found in the Course Content section on Canvas. Students are responsible for reading assignments and asking questions in a timely manner. If you have questions about an assignment please feel free to contact me via email or phone. ALL assignments are due by 11:59pm on their due date! DUE DATE EXAMPLE: Date August 21st

Description Innovative Management for Turbulent Times

Assignment Chapter 1 Quiz 1 Due

In this fictitious example, Quiz 1 would need to be completed no later than 11:59pm on August 21st.

MAN 3025 Course Outline This schedule is a general outline of how the class and materials will progress throughout the semester. Changes may be made if deemed necessary by the instructor. REMINDER: All assignments and quizzes must be completed by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Dates January 14th



Class Orientation

January 16th

The World of Innovative Management

Chapter 01

January 21st

The World of Innovative Management

Chapter 01

January 23rd

The Environment and Corporate Culture, part 1; Managing in a Global Environment

Chapter 03 pp. 74-88; Chapter 04; Syllabus Quiz Due Student Introductions Due

January 28th

The Environment and Corporate Culture, part 1; Managing in a Global Environment

Chapter 03 pp. 74-88; Chapter 04; Ch. 03 & 04 Quiz Due

January 30th

Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 05

February 4th

Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 05; Chapter Quiz 05 Due

February 6th

Managerial Decision Making

Chapter 09

February 11th

Managerial Decision Making

Chapter 09; Chapter 09 Quiz Due; 1st Discussion Board Due

February 13th

Exam #1

Chapters 1, 3-6, & lecture

February 18th

Planning and Goal Setting

Chapters 07

MAN 3025 Course Outline This schedule is a general outline of how the class and materials will progress throughout the semester. Changes may be made if deemed necessary by the instructor. REMINDER: All assignments and quizzes must be completed by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Dates February 20th

Description Planning and Goal Setting

Assignment Chapters 07; Chapter 07 Quiz Due

February 25th

Strategy Formulation and Execution

Chapter 08

February 27th

Strategy Formulation and Execution

Chapter 08; Chapter 08 Quiz Due

March 3rd

Designing Organizational Structure

Chapter 10

March 5th

Designing Organizational Structure

Chapter 10; Chapter 10 Quiz Due

March 10th


March 12th


March 17th

The Environment and Corporate Culture, part 2; Managing Change and Innovation

Chapters 3 pp. 89-100; Chapter 11;

March 19th

The Environment and Corporate Culture, part 2; Managing Change and Innovation

Chapters 3 pp. 89-100; Chapter 11; Ch. 03 & 11 Quiz Due; 2nd Discussion Board Due

March 24th

Exam #2

Ch. 3, 7, 9-11, & lecture

March 26th

Managing Human Resources

Chapter 12

March 31st

Managing Human Resources; Managing Diversity

Chapters 12 & 13; Chapter 12 Quiz Due

MAN 3025 Course Outline This schedule is a general outline of how the class and materials will progress throughout the semester. Changes may be made if deemed necessary by the instructor. REMINDER: All assignments and quizzes must be completed by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Dates



April 2nd


Chapter 15

April 7th


Chapter 15; Chapter 15 Quiz Due

April 9th

Motivating Employees

Chapter 16

April 14th

Motivating Employees

Chapter 16; Chapter 16 Quiz Due

April 16th

Leading Teams

Chapters 18

April 21st

Leading Teams

Chapters 18; Chapter 18 Quiz Due; Extra Credit Quizzes Close; 3rd Discussion Board Due

April 23rd

Exam #3

Chapters 12, 15-16, 18, & lectures

May 5th

Exam #4 Cumulative Final – 10:30am (SAME ROOM!)

Assignment Instructions Syllabus Quiz and Student Introductions Syllabus Quiz NOTE: The Respondus Lockdown Browser is required to complete the Syllabus Quiz. Y0u can find a link to download the browser in the Course Orientation module. A link to the Syllabus Quiz can be found in the Course Orientation portion of the Course Content section on Canvas. The purpose of the syllabus quiz is to familiarize you with the structure of the course. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with entire syllabus, which can be downloaded from the Course Content section on Canvas. Please check the Course Schedule for information on the Syllabus Quiz due date. Student Introductions As part of the course you will be asked to introduce yourself to the class. To do so do the following: 1. First, go to the Course Orientation portion of the Course Content (Modules) section in Canvas and click on the Student Introductions link. a. Click on the “Reply” button in the lower left-hand corner of the page. b. At the top, as a first-sentence, put your full name (last name, first name). c. In the body of the posting include the following: i. Year at FAU (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) ii. How you came to take this course (an elective, interested in business, etc). iii. What you hope to gain from the course 2. Click the “Submit” button in the lower-right hand corner to submit your post. a. NOTE: This assignment is separate from the Discussion Board Assignment requirements. Exams Four (4) in-class exams will be offered in the class. Your lowest exam score will be dropped, which means you must complete at least three of the four exams to pass the class. Missed exams will be marked as a zero (0). You are responsible for bringing a Blue scantron sheet and a #2 pencil to all exams. Exam questions are based on the textbook and lectures (including guest lecturers). NOTE: Since only the best 3 of your 4 exam grades are counted towards your grade, makeup exams will not be granted, regardless of any reason.

Assignment Instructions (continued) Late and Missed Exams & Quizzes Due to the policy of dropping low scores, make-up exams and quizzes will not be granted for the course, regardless of the reason. Discussion Board Assignments Each person is required to complete a series of discussion boards. For these assignments you will be posting and commenting on news stories from REPUTABLE national/international news sources (see below for more information). What is a “news” story?!? Your posted links should be about reported events around the world. Unacceptable news articles include but are not limited to:  Interviews  Social media entries  Product announcements  Press releases  Opinion pieces, including guest industry experts who are not news reporters. o Look closely for these – they might say “contributor” or have a write-up about the author as an expert, but not a reporter. o Ask me if you are unsure if it is an opinion piece   Lists (“Top 10 things entrepreneurs need to know”, etc). What is a “REPUTABLE” news source?!? A reputable news source is one with a high degree and long history of fact checking and general accuracy in reporting the news. These include:     

The Wall Street Journal CNN FoxNews New York Times BBC

 Los Angeles Times  Washington Post  New York Post  USA Today  SKY News

Unacceptable sources include but are not limited to:  Blogs  Small, or unknown, local news outlets  Social Media posts

 MSNBC  The Palm Beach Post  The Miami Herald  The Sun Sentinel  Chicago Tribune

Assignment Instructions (continued) General Directions – Discussion Boards There are two parts to this assignment: Part 1 - post a news article related to the discussion topic. See details below. o Part 2 (24 hours AFTER posting part 1) - post a reply to another student's news article, analyzing that article. See details below. o

Part 1 Details: Find a News Story Find, post a link to, and summarize, a news story that has not been previously posted, and is related to the discussion-board topic. 1. Find a UNIQUE (not previously posted) news story (written or video clip), from a reputable news source, about events related to the discussion board topic.  News stories cannot be more than 2 years old.  Remember to post a story that has not been previously posted! 2. Put the title of your article/video clip at the top of your post. 3. Copy and paste the link to your news story just below the title.  The link must take the reader to the full article, not a summary or subscription login page. 4. In 3-5 sentences (one paragraph) summarize what the story is about. a. Do not write too much! Be specific and to the point  Part 2 Details: Partially Analyze Someone Else’s Posted News Story Important! Your concepts MUST come from the course section (chapter and lecture) related to the discussion board. For example, if your discussion board is about Human Resource Management, you cannot use a topic from ethics and social responsibility to analyze someone’s posted article about sexual harassment in the workplace. 1. Reply to someone else's posted news story at least 24hrs AFTER your posted the first part of the assignment. a. At the top of your reply mention one class-concept you are going to use in your analysis and define it! i. Do NOT use general concepts like "ethics", “diversity”, "global business", etc. Instead, use more specific concepts or theories (e.g., fairness in the workplace, trade inhibitors, etc). ii. Pick ONE instance, action, or situation within the story and write 35 sentences analyzing how your chosen class concept(s) can be used to explain what is going on. 1. IMPORTANT: Use facts from the article in your analysis! This shows me your read the article. Continued on next page. Assignment Instructions (continued)

2. Your analysis must have the following: a. The concept you use must be related to the topic of the discussion. b. Your Part 2 must be ORIGINAL TO THE THREAD – A thread includes all posts replying to a particular article. i. This means you may not post about the same class concept as someone else in the same news story– although you MAY use the same concept to analyze some other situation in someone else’s posted news story! Please let me know if you have any questions. Chapter Quizzes Chapter quizzes test you on material from the book chapter. 1. Your two (2) lowest scores will be dropped. 2. You must complete each Chapter Assessment Quiz in 15 minutes or less. 3. POTENTIONAL ISSUE: Please BE SURE to time yourself and submit the chapter assessment quizzes after no more than 15 minutes (a few seconds over is OK)! a. It is possible the system will not “kick you off” of the Chapter Assessment Quiz after 15 minutes. However, you must exit the quiz, regardless! b. If the quiz does not automatically close a penalty of 2 points for each extra minute you spend over the allotted 15 minutes will be assessed. 4. All Chapter Assessment Quizzes are available to be taken well in advance of their due date. a. CHAPTER ASSESSMENT QUIZZES EXPIRE AT 11:59 ON THE DAY THEY ARE DUE. i. Please check the schedule to see when each quiz is due. b. SPECIAL NOTE: Chapter Assessment Quizzes will not be reopened for you to complete for any reason. This includes technical difficulties, missing a quiz due to a work emergency, etc. This is possible due to the system of dropping your two (2) lowest scores, which allows for even religious and medical reasons to be covered. c. While Chapter Assessment Quizzes cannot be reopened they will be available well in advance of their due date, so if you have a known conflict please try to take the quizzes early 

Assignment Instructions (continued) Policy on Missed Quizzes REMINDER: Quizzes will not be reopened for any reason. This includes technical difficulties, missing a quiz due to an emergency, etc. This is possible due to the system of dropping your two (2) lowest scores, which allows for even religious and medical reasons to be covered. While quizzes cannot be reopened they will be available well in advance of their due date, so if you have a known conflict please try to take the quizzes early. WHY WON’T YOU REOPEN QUIZZES, EVEN IF THE REASON I MISSED IT OR DID POORLY IS NOT MY FAULT!?! The reason is simple: Cheating. Cheating is a problem that affects everyone in the university, especially YOU. This is no game. People may not hire you or may offer you a lower salary if they feel that a degree from FAU is suspect. One way to deter this problem is by not giving people multiple chances to take the quizzes. The trade-off is me giving you a chance to get the “best of….” So yes, this can be annoying, but it works out well for your grade. For your part PLEASE report any cheating that you may see to your instructors. This can only help everyone going forward. Late and Make-Up Assignments For cases such as illness, unexpected work arrangements, and other serious matters, certain assignment extensions may be granted. Extensions will be decided on a case-bycase basis and are entirely at the discretion of the instructor. Advanced warning of a known issue or conflict is necessary to ask for extensions in such situations. Please make every effort to contact me in advance when able to do so. Late assignments are accepted only when accompanying documentation of an emergency is provided. Late assignments may still be marked down. If you have to miss class the assignment is still due on the date indicated.

Additional Course Policies (continued) Citations and Reference Pages Unless otherwise indicated, ALL discussion posts and papers must contain citations. The only exception to this is if you are citing our textbook. Please use APA format when placing citations or references. If you are unsure about this format then you may call the Communications Department on the Boca Raton campus for assistance, or try this web page from Purdue University for assistance: For APA Style Help: Grammar, Sentence and Paragraph Structure Points may be lost for poor grammar.  

Be sure your sentences follow generally accepted rules of grammar. Paragraphs should: o Be indented (no spaces between paragraphs). o Include 3-5 full sentences. o Contain correct citations (no end-notes or footnotes, please).

A NOTE ON PLAGIARISM Plagiarism takes many forms, including but not limited to:  Direct copying without using quotations and/or citations.  Failure to use citations when discussing an idea that is not yours 1. Copying material without quotation marks is ALWAYS plagiarism, even if you cite the source. As a student you are required to be aware of all types of plagiarism. For example, you cite the textbook where you paraphrase a definition or concept. It is VERY important that you paraphrase correctly. Failure to paraphrase and cite correctly could result in dismissal from the class. If you are unsure about correct ways to paraphrase concepts and definitions, contact the campus academic advisor, or the Communications Department on the Boca Raton campus, for further assistance. Anti-plagiarism Software Written components of any assignment or project may be submitted to anti-plagiarism software to evaluate the originality of the work. Any students found to be submitting work that is not their own will be deemed in violation of the University’s honor code discussed above.

Additional Course Policies (continued) Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in University-approved activities. Examples of University-approved reasons for absences include participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the student’s responsibility ...

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