MAN3025 Review Refresh of Ch. 1-4 PDF

Title MAN3025 Review Refresh of Ch. 1-4
Course Introduction to Management & Organizational Behaviour
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 7
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Linsey Willis is the professor for this course. This is a practice of the Connect assignments on McGraw Hill. A practice for the exam 1-4...


MAN3025 Review/Refresh of Ch. 1-4 Tuesday, September 11, 2018

12:25 PM

Ch. 1 Review Q's The internet does which of the following for companies or activities that depend heavily on the flow of information It can reduce the cost of communications It presents a significant opportunity to boost sales A(n) ______ works inside an organization, sees an opportunity for a product or service, and develops the opportunity profitability Intrapreneur Working with those outside the work unit or organization to develop alliances that help achieve organizational goals. Liaison Performing symbolic tasks that represent the organization Figurehead Taking responsibility for the actions of subordinates Leadership Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to get things done are aspects of the leading function of management. False; those are aspects of organizing management Tyler, a top manager at his company, is in charge of finance and Human Resources. Since he is responsible for several activities in the organization, he is an example of what type of manager? General Which of the following racial or ethnic groups in the United States are expected to increase in terms of percentage of the population over the next few decades? Select all that apply.

Asians, african americans, hispanics Which of the following is defined as the global network of independently operating but interconnected computers? The internet George a manager at his company was responsible for helping the company reach its goal of purchasing a needed manufacturing facility, he laid out a plan to guide him in the purchasing process and successfully carried it out. As a result the company was able to purchase the facility. Which aspect of management did George demonstrate Effectiveness Which of the following roles as identified by Mintzberg would be characterized as interpersonal? Leader & Figurehead Which of the following forms of writing could a manager use to communicate with employees almost instantaneously? Text & e-mail Which of the following key issues does the problem of Big Data raise for governments and businesses ? The protection of user's privacy Managers who are responsible for several organizational activities rather than just one are called ___ managers. General Today, it is more common for a company to hire an executive who will give orders rather than someone who will ask questions and encourage independent thinking? False Alisha's company sends out a survey to shoppers after each purchase and asks for their suggestions for improving service. The company then sends coupons to customers who make suggestions. Which aspect of competitive advantage is Alisha's company concerned with? Taking care of the customer

Mintzberg characterized manager's interaction with people both inside and outside of their work units as their ____ roles. Interpersonal Which of the following are characteristics of an intrapreneur Mobilizes organizational resources Sees opportunities for a product or service Works inside an existing organization The challenge of managing for ___ refers to the idea that managers need to maximize the contributions of employees of different genders, races, ethnicities and age groups Diversity Jason decided that the best way to organize the new department was by having only the top managers report to him, while everyone below those top managers would report to the head of human resources. Which of the four management functions best describes Jason's actions? Organizing Stores of data so vast that conventional database management systems cannot handle them are known as Big Data Which of the following roles as identified by Mintzberg would be characterized as interpersonal? Check all that apply. Figurehead & leader Which of the following is not one of the chief skills or attributes that major companies seek in top managers? Eagerness to please others What is considered the first law of business? Be responsive to the customer

Ch. 2 Review Q's A(n) ____ organization actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within

itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge Learning What are the two branches of the classical viewpoint of management? Scientific Administrative Fredrick Taylor believed that more efficient workers should be paid higher wages than their lower-performing coworkers, a system referred to as the ___ system Differential rate Which of the following situations BEST demonstrates the Hawthorne effect? When Jeremy first started his job, his manager praised him repeatedly about his performance. As a result, Jeremy's work improved. - working harder as a result of added attention When Joseph Juran referred to the idea of "fitness for use", he was considering how a product would ___. Satisfy a customer's real needs Along with Frederick Taylor, Frank and Lilian Gilbreth pioneered _________ Management Science Frederick Taylor based his management system on motion studies. In these studies he broke down each worker's job based on ____. The key movements required for the job. / Motion studies considered the basic physical motions to do a job and training workers to use methods of the bestperforming coworker. What is the premise of the classical viewpoint of management People behave in a rational way. Jordan makes sure that everyone in his department is aware of any changes in the production schedule. He wants to promote teamwork within his group. Which of the three key functions of building a learning organization is he displaying? Work to generalize ideas with impact All of the following are part of W. Edwards Deming's philosophy of good management EXCEPT:

EXCEPT: Fitness for use / fitness for use was defined by Joseph M. Duran The original focus of the Hawthorne studies was the ___. Effects of lighting levels on worker productivity. / Other variables were tested afterwards The classical viewpoint of management emphasizes ways to _____. Increase efficiency /

Ch. 4 One of the positive effects that globalization has had on the U.S. economy is that _____ Industries in overseas economies , such as that of India have increased and become a bigger market for U.S. Goods Which of the following characteristics of the BRICS countries? They have emerging economies They have attractive markets for finance capital Which of the following are attributes of leadership that are universally liked throughout the world. Team Builders and inspirational Which of the following terms defines a foreign subsidiary that is totally owned and controlled by an organization? Wholly-owned subsidiary Which of the following countries are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Peru, Japan, Mexico ____ managers take the view that native managers in the foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices, and so the home office should leave them alone. Polycentric Ethnocentric managers believe that their own native country, language, culture, and behavior are superior to all others.

The five major emerging economies that are referred to by the term BRICS are the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South America True or False: It is always profitable for a company to expand internationally when it has the means to do so. False Which two of the following explain how the internet and the World Wide Web give a small business the ability to go global? It is easier to get started because products can be sold online A small business can adjust to changes in the business environment quicker. Which of the following demonstrates how political instability affects businesses that wants to establish themselves abroad? A providence splits off from a larger country, becomes its own independent state and begins printing its own currency. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement among ____ countries that border the pacific ocean 12 A company establishes a sales region in Latin American country and hires local managers to manage the offices claiming, "They know how to do business there. It's best to let them run the office." This viewpoint would be described as ____/ Polycentric The Internet and World Wide Web allow almost anyone to be global. What are two important results of this process. Small companies can get started easier Small companies can maneuver faster. ____ managers take the view that the native managers in the foreign offices best understand native personnel and practices and so the home office should leave them alone. Polycentric

Ch. 1 Managers who are responsible for several organizational activities rather than just

one are called ____ General...

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