Mark 8 29 Worksheet PDF

Title Mark 8 29 Worksheet
Author Lauren Cowan
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 171 KB
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Mark 8:29 Worksheet...


Mark 8:29 Worksheet Name: Lauren Cowan Course: CWV 101 Date: 02/14/2019 Instructor: Dr Duby Please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanation. The total word count (including all questions and answers combined) should be between 900-1400 words. For questions one and two, use a total of one to three resources, in addition to the Bible. Include sources in the reference list at the end of the assignment. If you have your own Bible commentary, you may use that, or use the sources in the “Other Biblical Sources on the Internet” found in the topic materials. Sample citation: Keener, C. S. (2011). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Retrieved from 1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses (underline the passage chosen): Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17, 34-35; John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions: a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching? In John 15:1-11 Jesus is teaching that he is the way. He refers to himself as a vine. This verse tells us that God removes the branches that do not bear fruit and cuts back the ones that do, so they may bear more fruit later. That is why Jesus referring to his father as the vine dresser in the beginning was so important. I think what Jesus is trying to convey in this piece is that we are the branches and he is the vine. That if we believe in him, we will bear fruit. The more we seek him, the more fruit we will bear. Those that do not trust and abide in Jesus are dead branches and are removed and thrown into the fire. This is important because this is a reference to Hell. b. What sort of relevance does this teaching have for other worldviews? This teaching says that those who believe and trust in Christ will be pruned to flourish and become more fruitful. The Bible also says they will have everlasting life. For those who do not believe will be cut off from the vine and burned. Meaning they will be sentenced to eternity in the fiery pits of Hell. This specific worldview, being Christianity, revolves around Christ. He is God’s way to engage with Human beings and the salvation that the world so desperately needed and still needs. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

c. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus? This teaching reveals that Jesus is considered a source of life. The vine is a life source for the branches. Without the vine, the branches would not get any nutrients and would not be able to survive. This explains why a person relationship with Christ is so important. When we grow in Christ, we become more fruitful and can witness to others. 2. Identify at least one claim that Jesus made about his nature and/or the purpose of his ministry (such as in Matthew 9:1-8; Matt 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; or John 14:5-11). Underline the passage chosen. What is the significance of this claim? In John 14: 5 - 11 Jesus tells his disciples that he is the Father and the Father is him. Since they had seen him, they had surely seen the Father. Since they know him, they surely know the Father. Jesus is telling them in so many words that he is God. This is important because as a Christian we believe in the trinity. The Father, The son, and The Holy Spirit. We believe the are 1 God in 3 forms. 3. How would you personally answer Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29 ESV). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus. I believe Jesus is the son of God but at the same time he is God. This may be hard for some people to grasp. How can he be God’s son and God himself? I believe God came to the Earth in the form of man. He did this so, he could relate with his people on a more personally level. He was completely sinless and clean. He desired to take on the sins of the world for his people. He died on the cross and delivered those who believe in him from certain death. John 14:6 says “He is the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through him”. Another passage in John (8:12) refers to him as the light of the world.

© 2014. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

References: Keener, C. S. (2011). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Retrieved from

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved....

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