Materials Engineer Reviewer IV MCQs PDF

Title Materials Engineer Reviewer IV MCQs
Author Al-amin Olukorede
Course Geodetic Engineering
Institution York College CUNY
Pages 12
File Size 371 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 183
Total Views 242


1. In the construction of bridges projects, what is the method used to determine the casting length of the regular piles?  Test pitting / Test Pile 2. The method of measurement for determining the depth of the river channel.  Sounding 3. The minimum energy per blow of diesel hammer on concrete/ste...



1. In the construction of bridges projects, what is the method used to determine the casting length of the regular piles?  Test pitting / Test Pile 2. The method of measurement for determining the depth of the river channel.  Sounding 3. The minimum energy per blow of diesel hammer on concrete/steel pile at each stroke.  831.48 kg/m 4. The minimum distance allowed for the top portion of splice below ground line of seabed.  2.5 meters 5. Consist of excavation of river beds, bottom of creeks or esteros and other bodies of water.  Dredging 6. The allowable height of fall in driving piles to avoid using gravity hammer.  2.5m-3.5m (Concrete piles)  4.5 m ( Timber Piles) 7. The main cross member of Bailey bridge that carry the structure  Transom 8. Coring sampling shall be done at ________ interval by using split spoon sampler and the depth needed is ______.  0ne (1) meter, 30 meter 9. What is the diameter of split spoon sampler?(1kg)  50 mm Ø 10. The uniform sampling run in core drilling  1.5 m length 11. The initial diameter of bore hole.  76 mm 12. What is the core bit diameter?  67 mm 13. The required spacing of bore holes along center line of roads for 300VPD traffic.  250 meters (1.5 m below subgrade) 14. The required spacing of bore holes along center line of roads for less than VPD traffic.  500 m(along center line) 15. The required spacing of bore holes along center line for new road on swampy or marshy ground.  100m (2m along center line of new road) 16. The required spacing of bore holes for bridge projects.  1 deep drill for each abutment (30m run)  1 boring for each pier for multi-span (3m into the bed rocks) 17. The required spacing and depth of bore holes over foundation area of dam.  60m spacing, 30m intermediate along center line  Depth = ½ times base width 18. For ports and harbour’s projects.  30m to 150m; 1m below dredge bottom(12m min for pier & wharves) 19. For buildings ( large area- greater than 930 m2)  1 bore hole at each corner of the structure and one on the interior (9m below lowest foundation) 20. For building less than 930 m2  Two (2) boring at opposite corners 21. Slope of battered piles.  1: 6 22. The minimum penetration of preservatives into the surface of timber is  20 mm 23. The engineer shall be notified at least _____ before the treating process of timber.  10 days 24. This was placed on the edges of landing for the purpose of preventing the vessels or ship from getting direct contract with the pier.  Timber Walling 25. Minimum thickness and covering for rubble concrete is  30cm. (12”) & 5cm.(2”) respectively.

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MATERIALS ENGINEERS (DPWH) ACCREDITATION EXAM REVIEWER IV 26. Size requirement of stone masonry  T = 150mm (6”)  W = 1.5 T  L = 1.5W 27. This paint that is prepared especially for tree surgery is required for cut or scarred surface of trees or shrubs selected for retention.  Asphaltum Base Paint 28. Minimum depth of undisturbed stumps & roots and non-perishable solid objects below subgrade or slope of embankment that will not be subjected for removal.  1.0 meter below sub-grade 29. The height at which the diameter of tree should be measured.  1.4m above the ground 30. The limiting diameter of tree trunk to be considered as small.  over 150mm to 900mm 31. For large trees.  over 900mm 32. This shall be made of steel wire triple twisted to form a uniform hexagonal mesh pattern.  Gabions 33. Minimum density of gabions.  1,400 kg/cu.m 34. Gabion dimensions are subject to tolerance limit of ______ of the manufactured state.  ± 3% 35. Minimum size of galvanized steel wire. a) 2.70 mm Ø (0.106”) US gauge No.12 36. The required tensile strength of the wire. a) 413.7 – 506.10 MPa or 60,000 – 85,000 psi 37. The minimum zinc coating of the wire. a) 22.70 grams / 0.929 sq.m or 0.080 oz/sq.ft 38. Area of mesh opening. a) 51.6 or 8 sq.inch 39. What is the wire used in tying the perimeter edges of mesh forming the gabions a) Selvage Wire 40. What is the size of the selvage wire? a) 3.40 mm Ø or (0.134” Ø) (1988 specs) b) US wire gauge No. 10 (1995 specs) 41. What is the diameter of tie wire?  2.2mm (min.) or Gauge #16 42. Rate of application of glass bead in thermoplastic paints.  350 g/l of glass bead 43. Required thickness of thermoplastic paint application on pavement.  3.2 to 4.8 mm 44. Required temperature of reflectorized thermoplastic paint during application.  211 ± 7˚C 45. Is the solid portion of paint, the finely divided solid particles used in paint?  Pigments 46. This is the liquid portion of the paint.  Vehicle 47. Are inert materials which are added to the paint to increase the volume without increasing the cost?  Extenders 48. What is the required testing requirement for paints?  1 can (gal or pail) / 100cans (gals or pail) 49. Intended for used for concrete or other masonry surface.  Latex Paint 50. Paint from emulsions of polymer in H 2O as binder with suitable pigment, which is substantially free from gloss.  Flat Latex Paint 51. Intended for used on wood surface, a special type of paint made with varnish as the vehicle.  Enamel Paint 52. For interior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment.  Flat Wall Enamel Miscellaneous Items

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MATERIALS ENGINEERS (DPWH) ACCREDITATION EXAM REVIEWER IV 53. For exterior use, made from alkyd resin as binder with suitable pigment which has sheen, shine or luster.  Gloss/ Semi-gloss enamel 54. A bright orange-red tetroxide used as primarily constituents of anti-corrosive primers for iron or steel.  Red Lead 55. A pigment mainly of Ferric Oxide.  Red Oxide 56. This kind of paint is primarily intended for use on steel structure.  Aluminium Paint 57. For zone marking, traffic lanes, should possess improve visibility at night.  Reflectorized Traffic Paint 58. Reflectorized paint is composed of ______.  35% vehicle, 50% pigment, 15% beads 59. Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings  item 612 60. What kind of paint that has a reflectance or beads?  Reflectorized Paint 61. An ingredient in the paint that gives reflection during night time.  Glass beads 62. What is the rate of application of traffic paint to the pavement? a) 0.33 L/sq.m 63. The maximum specific gravity of thermoplastic paint.  2.15 64. The softening point of a thermoplastic paint.  102.5⁰C 65. The maximum drying time of thermoplastic paint.  10 minutes 66. The rate of application of traffic paint.  0.33 lit/m2 67. The maximum drying time of traffic paint.  15 – 30 minutes 68. The minimum weight of sample of reflectorized paint.  10 kgs 69. This reflector shall be the short type having a minimum base area of 180mm x 140mm.  Flush Surface Reflector 70. Paint is used for asphalt pavement  Reflectorized Paint 71. Paint used for concrete pavement  Thermoplastic Paint 72. Moisture content of well-seasoned wood  12 – 18% 73. The minimum thickness of aluminium sheeting required for warning, regulatory and informatory signs. a) 3mm thick 74. What is the shape of warning signs? a) Triangular Shapes 75. Regulatory Signs a) Circular Shapes 76. Informatory Signs a) Rectangular Shapes 77. The average loss in weight of three specimens in zinc coating test.  Triple spot test 78. One the three specimens in the triple spot test with lightest coating.  Single spot test 79. What is the diameter & fall of the metal ball to the dropped to the aluminium sheeting that will determine if there will be cracking or reduction of reflectivity of road signs?  25mm Ø, 2.0 meter high 80. This shall consist of beads of good quality optically clear, lead – free glass with not less than 90% reasonably spherical and free from flaws. Miscellaneous Items

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Ballotini for Reflective Road Paint

81. What is the required size of test specimen for G.I. sheets  3pcs – 60mm in 1 sht/100 sheets 82. This method is usually adopted when there is no visible evidence of termite infestation.  Cordoning 83. This method is used when soil shows termite infestation.  Drenching 84. Moisture content of roughed lumber should not exceed ________.  22% 85. Moisture content of dressed lumber should not exceed ________.  14% 86. Design pressure of glass on glazed position.  244 kg/m2 87. The minimum pressure of testing water tank.  1,033.50 KPa 88. Longitudinal gutter grades shall not be flatter than ______.  0.12% 89. Allowance for sediments or debris provided in design.  20% 90. It is the digging of soil after the final marking of the building outline has been established on the ground.  Minor excavation 91. It requires wide excavation of total extraction bearing capacity.  Footing 92. This shall be conducted for buildings three (3) storey and above.  Boring Test 93. The minimum depth of CHB wall footing of other minor structure on the ground.  700mm 94. The minimum depth footing on a well compacted fill.  1000mm 95. Typically a plain or reinforced concrete that is usually provided to support a column.  Spread Footing 96. The process of cutting the branches around a tree on the roadside to make them denser and grow straight.  Pruning 97. The road near or abutting a bridge.  Approach 98. For pavement markings, the composition of white paint shall be __% pigment and _____% of vehicle Ans... 42 – 45 % pigment; 53 – 55% vehicle 99. The composition of yellow paint shall be _______ pigment and ______ vehicle. Ans.. 23% pigment and 77% vehicle 100. The ___ material shall be of such quality that it will not darken or become yellow when a thin section is exposed to sunlight. Ans.. Nonvolatile material 101. This is a reflector which shall be the short base type having a maximum base area of 180 mm x 140 mm. Ans. Flash surface reflective stud 102. The pads shall be highly resilient and durable rubber reinforced with canvas and shall have a design life of at least ______ Ans. Five ( 5 ) years 103. The reflectors shall have the minimum specific intensity value expressed as ______ of illumination. Ans. candle power per foot candle 104. The reflector shall support a vertical load of _____ when tested. Ans. 10 KN 105. When raised profile type reflectors are specified, the approved _______ epoxy adhesive shall be used. Ans two (2) parts 106. The glass beads used in traffic paint shall have minimum of____ % true spheres. Miscellaneous Items

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MATERIALS ENGINEERS (DPWH) ACCREDITATION EXAM REVIEWER IV Ans. 70% 107. The glass beads shall have a minimum refractive index of ______. Ans. 1.50 108. The white thermoplastic material shall not exceed a yellowish index of __. Ans. 0.12 109. The thermoplastic material shall have a maximum percent residue of _____ after heating at 8 ± 0.5 hours at 218 ± 2*C Ans. 28% 110. The softening point of thermoplastic paint should be _______. Ans. 102.5 ± 9.5⁰C 111. The contractor shall give the Engineer at least _______ days’ notice prior to the beginning of work at the mill or shop where the metal structure has been manufactured or fabricated, so that the required inspection may be made. a) 14 c) 21 b) 17 d) 15 112. H o w m a n y d a y s s h a l l t h e E n g i n e e r i s n o t i f i e d i n a d v a n c e o f t h e d a t e that the treating process will be performed in order that the untreated lumber, the treatment process and the finished treatment timber may all be inspected? a) 15 days c) 10 days b) 21 days d) 7 days 113. Lumber is considered well-seasoned when its moisture content is between _____. a) 10 to 16% c) 10 to14% b) 14 to 18% d) 15 to 20% 114. Paint contains _____ of pigment and _____ vehicle. a) 20 % & 80 % c) 79 % & 21 % b) 21 % & 79 % d) 80 % & 20 % 115. Minimum thickness of bedding materials beneath the pipe is _____. a) 100 mm b) 150 mm c) 200 mm 116. Tolerance of gabion dimension is _________________. a) ± 1% c) ±3 % b) ± 2 % d) ±4 % 117. Minimum size of galvanized wire mesh is ____________. a) 2.0 mm c) 2.7 mm b) 2.2 mm d) 3.4 mm 118. Minimum density of gabions is ___________. a) 1,000 kg/cu. m c) 1,400 kg/cu. m b) 1,200 kg/cu. m d) 1,500 kg/cu. m 119. Soundness loss of field gabions is __________________. a) 9 % after 5 cycles c) 11 % after 5 cycles b) 10 % after 5 cycles d) 12 % after 5 cycles 120. The heating temperature of reflectorized thermoplastic material during application is __ a) 130 +/- 7* C b) 150 +/- 7* C c) 211 ± 7* C

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Part C - Earthworks  Item 100 – Clearing and Grubbing  Item 101 - Removal of Structures and Obstructions  Item 1o2 - Excavation  Item 103 - Structure Excavation  Item 104 – Embankment  Item 105 – Subgrade Preparation  Item 106 – Compaction Equipment and density Control strip  Item 107 – Overhaul


Part D - Sub-base & Base Course  Item 200 – Aggregate Subbase Course  Item 201 – Aggregate Base Course  Item 202 – Crushed Aggregate Base Course  Item 203 – Lime Stabilized Road Mix Base Course  Item 204 – Portland Cement Stabilized Road Mix Base Course  Item 205 – Asphalt Stabilized Road Mix Base Course  Item 206 – Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base Course  Item 207 – Aggregate Stockpile


Part E - Surface Course  Item 300 – Aggregate Surface Course  Item 301 – Bituminous Prime Coat  Item 302 – Bituminous Tack Coat  Item 303 – Bituminous Seal Coat  Item 304 – Bituminous Surface Treatment  Item 305 – Bituminous Penetration Macadam Pavement  Item 306 – Bituminous Road Mix Surface Course  Item 307 – Bituminous Plant Mix Surface Course – General  Item 308 – Cold Asphalt Plant-Mix  Item 309 – Bituminous Plant-Mix (Stockpile Maintenance Mixture)  Item 310 – Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Hot Laid  Item 311 – Portland Cement Concrete Pavement


Part F - Bridge Construction  Item 400 – Piling  Item 401 – Railings  Item 402 – Timber Structures  Item 403 – Metal Structures  Item 404 – Reinforcing Steel  Item 405 – Structural concrete  Item 406 – Pre-stressed Concrete Structures  Item 407 – Concrete Structures  Item 408 – Steel Bridges  Item 409 – Welded Structural Steel  Item 410 – Treated and Untreated Timber  Item 411 – Paint  Item 412 – Elastomeric Bearing Pads  Item 413 – Pre-Molded Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction


Part G - Drainage & Slope Protection Structures  Item 500 – Pipe Culverts and Storm Drainage  Item 501 – Underdrains  Item 502 – Manhole, Inlets and Catch Basins  Item 503 – Drainage Steel Grating with Frame  Item 504 – Cleaning and Reconditioning Existing Drainage Structures

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Item 505 – Riprap and Grouted Riprap Item 506 – Stone Masonry Item 507 – Rubble Concrete Item 508 – Hand-laid Rock Embankment Item 509 – Sheet Piles Item 510 – Concrete Slope Protection Item 511 – Gabions and Mattresses


Part H - Miscellaneous Structures  Item 600 – Curb and Gutter  Item 601 – Sidewalk  Item 602 – Monuments, Markers and Guide Post  Item 603 – Guard Rail  Item 604 – Fencing  Item 605 – Road Sign  Item 606 – Pavement Markings  Item 607 – Reflective Pavement Studs  Item 608 – Top Soil  Item 609 – Sprigging  Item 610 – Sodding  Item 611 – Tree Planting  Item 612 – Reflective Thermoplastic Stripping Material (Solid Form)


Part I - Materials Details  Item 700 – Hydraulic Cement  Item 701 – Construction Lime (Hydrated)  Item 702 – Bituminous Materials  Item 703 – Aggregates  Item 703A – Mineral Filler  Item 704 – Masonry Units  Item 705 – Joint Materials  Item 706 – Concrete Clay, Plastic and Fiber Pipe  Item 707 – Metal Pipe  Item 708 – Chemical Admixtures for Concrete  Item 709 – Paints  Item 710 – Reinforcing Steel and Wire Rope  Item 711 – Fence and Guardrail  Item 712 – Structural Metal  Item 713 – Treated and Untreated Timber  Item 714 – Water  Item 715 - Geotextiles


Minimum Testing Page 7/12

Minimum Quantity of


Materials for Each Sample Submitted 10 kgs


1 sample per 2000 bags

Hydrated Lime

1 sample per 100 Tons

Asphaltic Materials

1 sample per 40 Tons or 200 drums

5 liters

Asphalt Mix

1 sample per 130 Tons

20 kgs

1 sample per 1,500 cu.m.

70 kgs 50 kgs

Coarse Aggregates Fine Aggregates Soil Aggregates a) Classification b) Routinary Test c) MDR Test and CBR

20 kgs 50 kgs

1 sample per 1,500 cu.m.

50 kgs

Non-reinforced Concrete Pipes (NRCP)

2 pcs min/0.5% of no. of pipes

2 pipes (1 m length)

Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP)

1 sample per 50 pcs or 2% of no. of pipes

1 pipe (1 m length)

Galvanized Steel Pipe (G.I. Pipe)

1 sample per 500 length

2 pcs of 100 mm long taken from both ends with thread

Concret Hollow Blocks a) strength b) moisture content

3 units

1 sample per 10,000 units

3 units

Reinforcing Steel Bar

1 sample per 10 Tons/ size

Galvanized Steel Sheets

1 sample per 100 sheets

Stuctural Steel/Sheets

1 sample per 50Tons

Wire Strand

1 sample per 20 Tons

3 pcs 60mm x 60mm Reduced section as prescribed 2m

Gabions Paints

1 sample per 100 cans

1m x 2m 1 - 4L can

Joint -filler (pre-molded)


1 - 400 mm x 400mm

Curing Compound


Concrete Cylinder

1 sample per 75 cu.m.

Concrete Beam

1 sample per 75 cu.m. or 1 day pouring

Concrete Core

5 core holes/Km/lane

Asphalt Core Water

1 core hole /100 m

1 set (3 cylinders) 1 set (3 beams)

a) chemical analysis

500 ml

b) sediment load analysis

500 ml


Seive No. (passing) No. 40 (0.425mm) Miscellaneous Items

25 grams Page 8/12


50 grams

No. 4 (4.75mm)

200 grams

½" (12.5 mm)

300 grams

1" (25.0 mm) 2" (50.0 mm)

500 grams 1000 grams


Test Duration per Sample (min # of days)

Type of Test

Cement Coarse Aggregates


Physical and Chemical Grading Specific Gravity

Fine Aggregates

Soil Aggregates Mixtures (subbase,base&surface courses)

3 3





Unit weight


Grading Specific Gravity

3 3



Unit weight




Liquid Limit


Plastic Limit

Asphalt Paint





Abrasion Physical

1 4 4

Physical and Chemical Compressive

Concrete Cylinder Concrete Beam Concrete Core




Cutting of sample



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