MBA-FPX5002 Assessment 2-1 PDF

Title MBA-FPX5002 Assessment 2-1
Author SKOW Ma
Course MBA Leadership
Institution Capella University
Pages 3
File Size 88.8 KB
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Defining Yourself as a Leader Capella University April 26, 2019



BetterUp Assessment - Whole Person Model The whole reason why I enrolled in the MBA program with Capella is to elevate my career into that of a leadership role. So, I was excited to learn about the opportunity to work with a BetterUp Coach for this assessment and learn how to focus in on my current leadership strengths. According to the Whole Person assessment my top three strengths are: Influence, Flow, and Growth Mindset. I completely agree with the results of the assessment. Influence (inspiring as a leader) I can win people over and influence them to be on my side. I have the ability to use logic and evidence to communicate how proposed ideas align with specific outcomes. I know how to accomplish business results by appealing to people’s values and ideals. This makes me a valued member of the team. As a Career Services Specialist I use this skill everyday at work. I have the ability to influence recent graduates to take jobs they wouldn’t normally by explaining the logic behind the fact that experience is invaluable. My role also requires me to influence local employers to overlook the standard minimum requirements they normally have for new employees and hire graduates with little to no experience. This strength is why I am consistently the top Career Services performer throughout my organization. Flow (thriving as an individual) I am able to balance my skills with the tasks I have to perform and am able to allow myself to become fully absorbed in the task. I am able to maintain my focus on a task for long periods of time and can block out all distractions. I truly enjoy periods of uninterrupted work. This is a strength I find myself using all the time at work. I am an extravert and always conversing with students and colleagues but when I have a task I have to focus on and get done I am able to zone in and focus so much that often times my colleagues don’t know if I am at my desk or not because they haven’t heard me after quite some time. My boss tends to assign special assignments to me, as opposed to the rest of the team, because she knows I will be able to complete the project well with the timeframe she needs something done by. Growth Mindset (thriving as an individual) I believe to achiever my goals and be successful I have to put in the time and effort required to get there. I am a lover of knowledge and believe that skills are developable, not something that people are born with. I place value feedback because it challenges me to learn from my performance and I view challenges are opportunities to grow. I am not surprised that this is in my top three skills because I am a very driven person always seeking opportunities to for growth. When I interviewed for my current position my, now, boss asked me where I saw myself in the next 5 years and I chuckled and said that I saw myself in her job, she was fascinated with my response. My organization is currently expanding and I am inline for a promotion so oftentimes when work is slow I go into my bosses office and shadow her to learn the duties of her role as a way to remain fully engaged and when she gives me a task to due I always take notes on her feedback so I can further grow my abilities. Other’s Perspectives of When I am at My Best Michelle Morales – Current Boss Michelle and I are very much alike both personally and professionally. Michelle is a fantastic leader and the type of leader I aspire to be one day. Michelle said she admires my focus and drive; she indicated that I am my best when I am driving results and meeting performance



requirements. My current job requires every month I place 12 students in roles in their field of study. Employers hire more students when I only present them with qualified candidates. She said that my focus on creating valued results and my drive to exceed performance requirements is why our team is always the highest performing team company wide. Sanjay Sardana – C.F.O of Current Employer The final stage of the interview process for my current position was a phone interview with the CFO of the company, Sanjay Sardana. During that call I made such a great impression on Sanjay that he has closely tracked my performance and is one of the reasons why I have position in my near future. Sanjay advised that I am best when developing new partnerships with local employers. He said in all his year at the company he had never seen a Career Services Specialist come not only develop the number of partnerships with local employers as I did but also the steps I took to create a connection between those employers with students. Once a month I host different events on campus with employers from classroom speaking to hiring events. Renee Hyatche – Current Colleague Renee works as the admissions representative for the same campus I provide career services to and although we work in different departments, we have cultivated a culture of synergy because we are both working towards the common goal of overall student success. Renee stated that I am a strong influencer and at my best when I speak to prospective students that she is trying to get enrolled at the school. According to her I convey to these prospective students my passion for what I do and show the value I bring to the table. I am able to paint the clear picture of the students journey and many have enrolled because they feel confident in my ability to help them achieve their goals. Personal Mission Statement After analyzing the results from the whole person assessment, reviewing the feedback of what others see when I am at best, and reflecting on my personal values I have been able to define my personal mission statement as: I will constantly strive to be the best version of myself possible and obtain growth through knowledge. I will live my life with integrity and be a positive force in the lives of others. BetterUp Coaching I truly enjoyed the coaching I received from my coach, Jachin Merrill. We examined the results of the Whole Person report and he clarified what my top 5 skills were. I told Jachin that I was currently in line for a promotion into a leadership role later this year but was nervous because I never held a leadership role before. He was very supportive and explained that while I may not currently hold a title of leadership, I am still able to be a leader in the role I currently have. To help me grow my leadership skills he identified my bottom 3 skills from the Whole Person report and ways I can improve upon them. I walked away from each session feeling a lot of pride in myself and ready to conquer the world. I wish there was a way that I could work with Jachin beyond the 2 sessions that Capella offers because he would be a great asset as I work towards my upcoming promotion....

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