MCQ ATRE Unitwise - Lecture notes 4 PDF

Title MCQ ATRE Unitwise - Lecture notes 4
Author Aditya Shekhar
Course Transportation
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 16
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Unit I 1





One-way movement from ___________________.







(A) Trip (B) Round trip (C) Transportation (D) None of the above Start of a trip is known as (A) Generation (B) Attraction (C) Origin (D) Destination _________________ is the dependent variable in regression analysis for Tri Generation. (A) Households (B) Car ownership (C) Income (D) Number of trips Which one of the following is synthetic method for trip distribution analysis? (A) Average factor (B) Fratar method (C) Furness method (D) Tanner model _____________________________ is the process of separating person trips b the mode of travel.


(A) Trip generation (B) Trip distribution (C) Modal split (D) Route Assignment Route assignment is related to _______________________.


(A) Assigning existing trips to existing transport network (B) Assigning future trips to existing transport network (C) Assigning future trips to future transport network (D) All of the above Which of the following is the first step of classical travel demand model?


(A) Trip distribution (B) Modal split (C) Trip generation (D) Route assignment Trips having neither end at the home of the person making the trip are known as










(A) Home based trip (B) Non-home based trips (C) External trips (D) Intrazonal trips Which of the following methods uses a single constant growth factor for predicting future trip distribution? (A) Detroit method (B) Gravity model (C) Uniform growth factor method (D) Average growth factor method The friction factor or impedance in Gravity Model represents spatial separation between zones in form of __________________ or __________________. (A) Route or Fare (B) Time or Distance (C) Activities or Accessibility (D) None of the above The imaginary line representing the boundary of the study area is termed as (A) Zone (B) Cordon Line (C) Survey Line (D) All of the above Growth Factor iteration is to be done till it approaches a value of (A) Unity (B) Zero (C) Thrice (D) None of the above Utilities of two modes are 1.0 each. Estimate the probability of one of the modes (A) 0.70 (B) 0.8 (C) 1 (D) 0.5 Tij = E x t ij is formula for (A) Fratrar (B) Average factor (C) Uniform Factor (D) Furness Factors affecting trip generation are: (A) Age (B) Income (C) No of cars (D) All of the above The Gravity Model for trip distribution gets its name from the fact that it is










conceptually based on Newton’s law of (A) Gravity (B) viscosity (C) momentum (D) Inertia First phase of transport planning process is (A) Survey (B) Continuing education (C) Analysis (D) Evaluate The total present trip in a zone is 100 and the future expected trip is 500. What is the uniform growth factor? (A) 5 (B) 0.2 (C) 1 (D) 50 A set of techniques used to increase the capacity of a piece of transportation infrastructure without increasing its physical size is called (A) Detailed Project Report (B) Comprehensive Mobility Plan (C) Intermodal Transport System (D) Traffic System management Area for which survey is being planned is called (A) Survey Area (B) Cordon Line (C) Screen Line (D) Zone The trip from college to shop is a home based trip (A) True (B) False Synthetic model is a more realistic modelling than growth factor models (A) True (B) False The Information collected during home interview survey should consist of (A) Socio-economic data (B) Travel Survey (C) Road Network Data Survey (D) All of the above This survey require stopping of vehicles for collection of information is A) Floating Vehicle survey (B) Road Side Interview Method (C) Household Survey D) Commercial Vehicle Survey A trip that has its origin and destination inside the study area. (A) Internal-Internal








(B) Internal_- External (C) External -_External (D) External - Internal A trip that originates inside the study area, travels through an exit node on the cordon line, and has a destination outside the study area. (A) Internal-Internal (B) Internal_- External (C) External -_External (D) External - Internal Sequential Stages in Transportation Planning Process A) Survey – Forecast – Evaluation – Program Adoption& Implementation B) Survey – Evaluation - Forecast - Program Adoption& Implementation C) Survey – Forecast – Program Adoption& Implementation -Evaluation D) Evaluation – Survey - Forecast – Program Adoption& Implementation An area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions E) Cordon Line F) Screen Line G) Zone H) Region The minimum sample size for a home interview survey for study area having population under 50,000 is : A) 1 in 10 B) 1 in 15 C) 1 in 35 D) 1 in 50 This type of survey does not give information about the trip purpose or origin and destination of trip A) License Plate Survey (B) Road Side Interview Method (C) Household Survey (D) Post card Survey Which is not an independent variable in regression analysis for Trip Generation. (A) Urbanization Index (B) Car ownership (C) Total Trips (D) Social Size Index Technique for estimating the trip production characteristics of households, which have been sorted into a number of separate categories according to a set of properties that characterize the household. (A) Lowry’s Model (B) Synthetic Model (C) Multiple Regression Analysis (D) Category analysis





The total present trip in a zone is 500 and the future expected trip is 1000. What is the uniform growth factor? (A) 2 (B) 0.2 (C) 20 (D) 1 In this method of trip assignment, the trips from any origin zone to any destination zone are loaded onto a single, minimum cost, path between them. (A) All or Nothing Assignment (B) Capacity restraint assignment (C) Incremental assignment (D) User equilibrium assignment Which of the following is the fourth step of classical travel demand model? (A) Trip distribution (B) Modal split (C) Trip Assignment (D) Trip Distribution A long-term vision for movement of people and goods for a city and provides a strategy and investment program to meet the vision. 1) Traffic System Management Plan 2) Comprehensive Mobility Plan 3) Detailed Project Report 4) None of the above


A complete document for investment, decision making, approval and planning is known as : 1) Traffic System Management Plan 2) Comprehensive Mobility Plan 3) Detailed Project Report 4) None of the above


End point of a trip is known as


(A) Generation (B) Attraction (C) Origin (D) Destination The independent variables in Modesto Model are Urbanization Index, Car Ownership and -----------------(A) Social Index (B) Population (C) Income (D) Age

Unit 2 1








The NHDP are being undertaken by private companies on the basis of __________ a) Profit b) Revenue c) BOT d) Commission basis BRTS is a highly efficient ___________________ concept designed to meet growing transport demands in cities around the world. (A) Para-transit (B) Public transport (C) Private transport (D) None of the above Exclusive Right of Way is given to ______________________________. (A) Commuter rail (B) Metro rail (C) Bus Rapid Transit (D) All of the above Auto Rickshaw comes under ____________________________ system.




(A) Public Transit (B) Private Transit (C) Para-Transit (D) None of the above The concept of "HYPERLOOP" is given by __________________. (A) Elon Musk (B) Nikola Tesla (C) Astro Teller (D) Tom Mueller For developing a city bus system _____________________________ must be carried out. (A) Road network inventory survey (B) Origin & Destination survey (C) Occupancy survey (D) All of the above surveys Which model is more capital intensive (A) Monorail (B) Metro (C) BRTS (D) Bus System The first bullet train in India is going to run between A) Mumbai_Pune






(B) Mumbai- Ahmedabad (C) Pune - Ahmedabad Monorail is a rail-based transportation system based on (A) Single rail (B) Double rails (C) Magnetic Levitation BRTS should have: A) Dedicated Right of Way (B) level boarding (C) Automatic door D) All of the above Golden Quadrilateral connects: A) Delhi, Pune, Chennai and Kolkata (B) Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata (C) Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Guwahati D) Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata Optimization of urban mobility can be intervened at the infrastructure level by use of: A) HOV Lanes (B) SUV lanes (C) Toll Free Lanes D) Slow Lanes GPS can be used for tracking of urban bus movement. (A) True (B)False


The use of several transportation modes to move from origin and destination is known as (A) Intermodal transportation (B) Intelligent Transportation System (C) Mass Transportation System (D) Light Rail Transit


Which of the following statement is not true for LRT?


(A) The train length of LRT is longer than that of Metro. (B) LRT may have road level crossings. (C) LRT coaches can go sharp bends. (D) None of the above the application of computer, electronics, and communication technologies and management strategies in an integrated manner to provide traveler information to increase the safety and efficiency of the road transportation systems. (A) Intermodal transportation (B) Intelligent Transportation System (C) Mass Transportation System










(D) Light Rail Transit The study of transportation system that meets the travel need of several people sharing the vehicle is (A) Intermodal transportation (B) Intelligent Transportation System (c ) Passenger Transport (C) Mass Transportation System ----------is a project to upgrade, rehabilitate and widen major highways in India to a higher standard (A) NHDP (B) JNNURM (C ) International North–South Transport Corridor Which among these are sustainable transport policy? (A)Bicycle Track (B) intermodal Transport (C) Car pools (D) All of the above Exclusive Right of Way is necessary for (A) Bus (B) Metro (C) Car (D) Two-Wheelers 1st city to have metro was (A) Kolkata (B) Chennai (C) Delhi (D) Mumbai Golden Quadrilateral connects four (A) States (B) Capitals (C) Metros (D) Villages One of the Shortcomings of Pune BRTS is that it does not have end to end connections (A) True (B) False MRTS stands for: (A) Mass Rapid Transit System (B) Minimum Rail Transit System (C) Mass Rail Transit System (D) Mass Road Transit System ……………..was launched by the Govt. of India to provide all weather road connectivity to unconnected Habitations (A) JNNURM (B) NHDP (C) PMGSY






Travelling from origin to destination using various modes such as cycle – bus – metro – auto is an example of : (A) Intermodal transit system (B) Intelligent transportation System (C) Mass rapid transit system (D) Light weight transit system This mode of transport requires a dedicated corridor for travel (A) Local bus services (B) 2 wheelers (C) Bus Rapid Transit (D) Cars Metro comes under the category of ___________________________ system. (A) Public Transit (B) Private Transit (C) Para-Transit (D) Local transit The total movement of goods using inland transport on a given network. (A) Passenger Transport (B) Freight Transport (C) Para Transport (D) Intermodal Transport A proposed high-speed transportation system in which specialized pods are accelerated through a low-pressure tube to achieve speeds near the speed of sound. (A) Hyperloop (B) Bullet Train (C) High speed rail (D) Intermodal Transport


Impact of mass transit system (A) Increases Pollution (B) Increases Congestion (C) Reduces Congestion (D) Cost effective


Choose the incorrect option: A) B) C) D)


Monorail consumes minimal space as compared to metro. Monorail has higher carrying capacity than metro. Metro rail is much faster than the monorail. Metro is more capital intensive than monorail

The highway projects in India are being implemented by which organisation?

(a)GAIL (b)NTPC (c)NHAI (d) NDDB 34

Which type of roads received special impetus under Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojanal

A) Urban Roads B) Rural Roads C) Expressways D) National Highways 35

Metro, Monorail, Subway, U-Bahn are form of this urban rail transport system (A) Mass Rapid Transit System (B) Light Rail Transit System (C) Para-Transit (D) Medium Rail Transit System


The proposed Samruddhi Mahamarg expressway runs between: A) B) C) D)


Mumbai – Nagpur expressway Delhi – Agra expressway Jaipur-Kishangarh Expressway Ahmedabad-Vadodara Expressway

is a massive city modernisation scheme launched by the Government of India under Ministry of Urban Development dedicated to the redevelopment of India’s cities. A) JNNURM B) NHDP C) PMGSY


The first modern rapid transit in India was the Metro, with operations starting in 1984. (A) Delhi (B) Mumbai (C) Chennai (D) Kolkata

Unit 3 1








IRR is obtained when NPV is (A) maximum (B) minimum (C) zero (D) equal BOOT stands for (A) Build Own Operate and Train (B) Build Operate Own and Transfer (C) Build Own Operate and Travel (D) Build Own Operate and Transfer Type of PPP wherein the detailed project report is also prepared by the private party. (A) DBFO (B) BOT (C) BOOT (D) BTO The length of time required for the firm to recover its initial cash outlay on project is called (A) breakeven analysis (B) initial investment (C) payback period (D) accounting rate of interest The type of analysis used for both private and public sector is (A) Financial (B) Economic (C) both (D) None analysis to determine the point at which revenue of product sales equals the costs associated with the receiving the revenue is called (A) breakeven analysis (B) payback analysis (C) first year of return (D) None If NPV is ........than 0, project is selected (A) lesser (B) greater (C) equal A project requires an initial investment if Rs 50000 nad generates an annual cash inflow of 10000, calculate payback period (A) four years (B) two years (C) three years (D) five years





Discounted cash flow method includes (A) BC & IRR (B) ARR & FYRR (C) NPV & IRR Ratio of present value of Benefit to present value of cost is (A) Benefit-cost (B) IRR (C) NPV (D) FYRR NPV is measured in (A) absolute terms (B) percentage terms (C) both (D) neither In internal rate of returns, the discount rate which forces the net present values to become zero is classified as A. B. C. D.


positive rate of return negative rate of return external rate of return internal rate of return

A project whose cash flows are more than the capital invested for rate of return then the net present value will be A. B. C. D.

positive independent negative zero

Unit 4 1









branch of engineering which deals with the improvement of traffic performance of road networks and terminals. A) Highway Engineering B) Traffic Engineering C) Transportation Planning D) Traffic management The number of vehicles crossing a section of the road per unit time at any selected period. A) Traffic Volume B) Spot Speed C) Traffic capacity D) O&D studies The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve ___________ a) Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with least priority given to accidents b) Efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic with fewer accidents c) Efficient and rapid flow of traffic d) Rapid flow of traffic Which of the following roads are congested during peak hours? a) Rural roads b) Urban roads c) Highways d) Express ways Instrument used for spot speed study A) Radar Gun B) Pneumatic Tube C) Bending Plate D) Mechanical Counter Instantaneous measure of vehicle speed at a specific location on a roadway. A) Traffic Volume B) Spot Speed C) Traffic capacity D) O&D studies In this method a test vehicle is driven over a given course of travel at approximately the average speed of stream A) Interview Method B) Photographic Method C) Floating Car Method Of all basic traffic manoeuvres ………… on the left is the easiest movement causing least of traffic conflicts. A) Merging B) Diverging C) Crossing D) Weaving When a vehicle moves obliquely across the path of another vehicle moving in









the same direction, at relatively small angle of crossing , the action is termed as A) Merging B) Diverging C) Crossing D) Weaving The number of vehicles occupying a unit length of lane of roadway at a given instant, usually expressed as vehicles per kilometer. A) Traffic Volume B) Spot Speed C) Traffic capacity D) Traffic Density The product of traffic density and traffic speed is A) Traffic Volume B) Spot Speed C) Traffic capacity D) Traffic Density Passenger Car Unit of Car is A) 2 B) 0.5 C) 1 D) 1.5 Type of parking where vehicles are parked on the on the sides of the street itself A) On-street parking B) Off-street parking C) Ramp parking D) Attendant Parking System A shape of an equilateral triangle with its apex pointing upwards. They have a white background, red border and black symbol A) Regulatory Sign B) Warning Sign C) Regulatory Sign D) Informative Sign The period of time required for one complete sequence of signal indications A) Cycle B) Phase C) Interval Parallel Parking is an example of A) On-street parking B) Off-street parking C) Ramp parking D) Attendant Parking System It is defined as the number of vehicles parked at a given instant of time. A) Parking Load B) Parking Accumulation

C) Parking Volume D) Parking Turnover 18








It is the ratio of total vehicle hours to the number of vehicles parked. A) Parking Duration B) Parking Index C) Parking Turnover D) Parking Load The traffic signals that are installed for pedestrians are called __________ (A) Traffic control signals (B) Pedestrian signals (C) Special traffic signals (D) Automatic signals Which of the following method is more accurate for traffic analysis? (A) Manual count (B) Automatic count (C) Average of manual and automatic (D) Past records roundabout is a circular area at a place where several roads meet. A) Intersection B) Rotary C) Median The width requirement of side walk depends on __________ (A) Pedestrian flow (B) Traffic flow (C) Pedestrian and traffic flow (D) Climatic conditions An intersection that is provided for different levels of road is called __________ (A) Intersection at grade (B) Grade separated intersections (C) Channelized intersection (D) Rotary intersection Which of the following is not an intersection at grade? (A) Un-channelized (B) Channelized (C) Rotary (D) Clover Leaf Overpass and Underpass are examples of (A) Intersection at grade (B) Gra...

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