MCQChapter 11-Motivation PDF

Title MCQChapter 11-Motivation
Course Introduction to Psychology: Foundations
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 55
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Motivation is defined by psychologists as  an impulse to accomplish something of significance. Incorrect  rigidly patterned behavior characteristic of all people. Incorrect  a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal. (True Answer )Correct  the cause of behavior. Incorrect


Psychologists have used four perspectives in their efforts to explain motivation. These include an emphasis on instincts, optimum arousal, a hierarchy of motives, and  drive reduction. (True Answer )Correct  360-degree feedback. Incorrect  refractory periods. Incorrect  basal metabolic rate. Incorrect


Which theory has been accused of simply naming rather than explaining behaviors?    


A complex, unlearned, and fixed pattern of behavior common to all members of a species is called a(n)    


set point. Incorrect drive. Incorrect instinct. (True Answer )Correct incentive. Incorrect

An instinctive behavior is one that is    


drive-reduction theory Incorrect set point theory Incorrect arousal theory Incorrect instinct theory (True Answer )Correct

designed to reduce drives. Incorrect triggered by a sexual incentive. Incorrect similar in all living organisms. Incorrect unlearned. (True Answer )Correct

It is characteristic of bears to hibernate. This behavior is an example of  an instinct. (True Answer )Correct

 homeostasis. Incorrect  an incentive. Incorrect  a drive. Incorrect 7

Mr. Porter believes that aggression is an unlearned behavior characteristic of all children. He obviously believes that aggression is a(n)  incentive. Incorrect  homeostatic mechanism. Incorrect  instinct. (True Answer )Correct  drive. Incorrect


Which theory of motivation most clearly emphasizes the importance of genetically predisposed behaviors?    


drive-reduction theory Incorrect instinct theory (True Answer )Correct hierarchy of needs theory Incorrect arousal theory Incorrect

According to drive-reduction theory, a need refers to  a physiological state that usually triggers motivational arousal. (True Answer )Correct  anything that is perceived as having positive or negative value in motivating behavior. Incorrect  a desire to perform a behavior in order to avoid punishment. Incorrect  a rigidly patterned behavioral urge characteristic of all people. Incorrect


An aroused, motivated state that is often triggered by a physiological need is called a(n)    


instinct. Incorrect incentive. Incorrect drive. (True Answer )Correct set point. Incorrect

For a thirsty person, drinking water serves to reduce  a drive. (True Answer )Correct

 an instinct. Incorrect  the set point. Incorrect  basal metabolic rate. Incorrect 12

Food deprivation is to ________ as hunger is to ________.    

homeostasis; thirst Incorrect incentive; instinct Incorrect need; drive (True Answer )Correct pornography; lust Incorrect


Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of  arousal theory. Incorrect  instinct theory. Incorrect  drive-reduction theory. (True Answer )Correct  incentive theory. Incorrect


Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction, is defined as  a rigidly patterned behavior characteristic of an entire species. Incorrect  an aroused tension state that is often triggered by a physiological need. Incorrect  the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state. (True Answer )Correct  a physical need that usually triggers motivational arousal. Incorrect


For a hungry person, the consumption of food serves to    


lower the set point. Incorrect shorten the refractory period. Incorrect maintain homeostasis. (True Answer )Correct reduce blood glucose levels. Incorrect

Positive and negative environmental stimuli that motivate behavior are called  needs. Incorrect

 incentives. (True Answer )Correct  set points. Incorrect  drives. Incorrect 17

Which of the following is clearly NOT an example of an incentive?    

$1000 Incorrect threat of punishment Incorrect smell of popcorn Incorrect dehydration (True Answer )Correct


On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This practice best illustrates the use of  set points. Incorrect  360-degree feedback. Incorrect  incentives. (True Answer )Correct  refractory periods. Incorrect


The role of learning in motivation is most obvious from the influence of    


Lack of body fluids is to cold water as ________ is to ________.    


instincts. Incorrect homeostasis. Incorrect arousal. Incorrect incentives. (True Answer )Correct

need; incentive (True Answer )Correct need; drive Incorrect instinct; set point Incorrect homeostasis; refractory period Incorrect

Which theory would be most helpful for explaining why people are motivated to watch horror movies?    

instinct theory Incorrect drive-reduction theory Incorrect hierarchy of needs theory Incorrect arousal theory (True Answer )Correct


Which theory would be most likely to predict that rats are motivated to explore precisely those areas of an experimental maze where they receive mild electric shocks?  arousal theory (True Answer )Correct  hierarchy of needs theory Incorrect  instinct theory Incorrect  drive-reduction theory Incorrect


Adventurous people who relish the pursuit of novel and intense experiences are said to be    


The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for understanding the aversive effects of    


self-esteem. Incorrect love and friendship. Incorrect religious fulfillment. Incorrect food and water. (True Answer )Correct

Maslow referred to the needs for purpose and meaning that lie beyond the self as    


refractory periods. Incorrect set points. Incorrect hunger. Incorrect boredom. (True Answer )Correct

The most basic or lowest-level need in Maslow's hierarchy of human motives includes the need for    


sensation-seekers. (True Answer )Correct self-transcendent. Incorrect transformational leaders. Incorrect self-actualized. Incorrect

belongingness needs. Incorrect self-esteem needs. Incorrect self-transcendence needs. (True Answer )Correct self-actualization needs. Incorrect

According to Maslow, our need for ________ must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for ________.  love; food Incorrect  adequate clothing; self-esteem (True Answer )Correct

 self-actualization; friendship Incorrect  political freedom; economic security Incorrect 28

On the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one would be LEAST likely to predict that a  starving person might sell his or her child to obtain food. Incorrect  teacher with high self-esteem might seek a career change to use his or her abilities more fully. Incorrect  successful business executive might show greater concern for his or her family relationships than for becoming president of his corporation. Incorrect  prisoner might choose to die rather than betray his or her country. (True Answer )Correct


Financial satisfaction is more strongly predictive of subjective well-being in poor nations than in wealthy ones. This fact would most clearly be anticipated by  instinct theory. Incorrect  arousal theory. Incorrect  evolutionary theory. Incorrect  hierarchy of needs theory. (True Answer )Correct


Ancel Keys and his colleagues observed that men on a semistarvation diet  became apathetic and lost interest in food. Incorrect  remained interested in food but avoided talking or thinking about it. Incorrect  lost interest in sex and social activities. (True Answer )Correct  became increasingly preoccupied with political and religious issues. Incorrect


People become obsessed with water when thirsty and obsessed with food when hungry. This illustrates that activated motives    


increase basal metabolic rate. Incorrect shorten the refractory period. Incorrect trigger a state of flow. Incorrect dominate consciousness. (True Answer )Correct

Research on the physiological basis of hunger has indicated that  stomach contractions are unrelated to feelings of hunger. Incorrect

 hunger continues in humans whose cancerous stomachs have been removed. (True Answer )Correct  rats whose stomachs have been removed must be force-fed to prevent starvation. Incorrect  less ghrelin is secreted when the stomach is empty. Incorrect 33

Insulin, a hormone that influences appetite, is secreted by the    


Increases in the hormone insulin lead to    


hippocampus Incorrect amygdala Incorrect cerebellum Incorrect hypothalamus (True Answer )Correct

Appetite-stimulating hormones and appetite-suppressing hormones are secreted by different neural centers within the    


increasing estrogen levels. Incorrect decreasing blood glucose levels. (True Answer )Correct increasing PYY levels. Incorrect decreasing orexin levels. Incorrect

In addition to secreting orexin, the ________ monitors levels of the body's other appetite hormones.    


hypothalamus. Incorrect pancreas. (True Answer )Correct stomach. Incorrect liver. Incorrect

amygdala. Incorrect hippocampus. Incorrect frontal lobes. Incorrect arcuate nucleus. (True Answer )Correct

Destruction of an appetite-suppressing area within the hypothalamus of a rat is most likely to    

lower the rat's set point for body weight. Incorrect cause the rat to become extremely fat. (True Answer )Correct lower the rat's blood insulin levels. Incorrect increase the rat's basal metabolic rate. Incorrect


When people with severe obesity undergo bypass surgery that seals off part of the stomach, the remaining stomach then produces much less  PYY. Incorrect  orexin. Incorrect  ghrelin. (True Answer )Correct  insulin. Incorrect


Orexin is a ________ hormone secreted by the ________.    


Leptin is a hunger-dampening hormone secreted by    


the adrenal gland. Incorrect the pancreas. Incorrect fat cells. (True Answer )Correct the hypothalamus. Incorrect

Feelings of hunger are decreased by the hormone    


hunger-arousing; hypothalamus (True Answer )Correct hunger-suppressing; hypothalamus Incorrect hunger-arousing; stomach Incorrect hunger-suppressing; stomach Incorrect

ghrelin. Incorrect orexin. Incorrect serotonin. Incorrect PYY. (True Answer )Correct

The set point is  the stage of the sexual response cycle that occurs just before orgasm. Incorrect  the body temperature of a healthy organism, for example, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in humans. Incorrect  the point at which energy expenditures from exercise and from metabolism are equal. Incorrect  the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time. (True Answer )Correct


An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of    


Basal metabolic rate is the body's resting rate of    


instinct. Incorrect set point. (True Answer )Correct refractory period. Incorrect incentive. Incorrect

drive reduction. Incorrect insulin secretion. Incorrect energy expenditure. (True Answer )Correct homeostasis. Incorrect

When an organism's weight rises above its set point, the organism is likely to experience a(n)  decrease in both hunger and basal metabolic rate. Incorrect  increase in hunger and a decrease in basal metabolic rate. Incorrect  decrease in hunger and an increase in basal metabolic rate. (True Answer )Correct  increase in both hunger and basal metabolic rate. Incorrect


Our weight thermostats are somewhat flexible and are influenced by environmental as well as biological factors. Some researchers have therefore adopted the term  flow. Incorrect  homeostasis. Incorrect  refractory period. Incorrect  settling point. (True Answer )Correct


The level of serotonin in the brain is    


decreased by a diet high in sugar. Incorrect decreased by a diet high in salt. Incorrect increased by a diet high in protein. Incorrect increased by a diet high in carbohydrates. (True Answer )Correct

People's preferences for sweet tastes are ________, and their preferences for excessively salty tastes are ________.

    49

People are most likely to dislike the taste of ________ foods.    


needs; incentives Incorrect incentives; needs Incorrect universal; learned (True Answer )Correct learned; universal Incorrect

salty Incorrect starchy Incorrect novel (True Answer )Correct familiar Incorrect

People's dislike of novel foods best illustrates    

unit bias. Incorrect neophobia. (True Answer )Correct homeostasis. Incorrect the refractory period. Incorrect


The recipes commonly used in countries with hot climates are more likely to include ________ than those in countries with colder climates.  spices (True Answer )Correct  carbohydrates Incorrect  fats Incorrect  proteins Incorrect


The tendency to eat more food when eating with others illustrates a phenomenon called    


social facilitation. (True Answer )Correct self-transcendence. Incorrect 360-degree feedback. Incorrect homeostasis. Incorrect

When encouraged to eat their fill of M&M's, people ate more when given a large rather than a small serving spoon. This most clearly reflects  neophobia. Incorrect  halo errors. Incorrect  social facilitation. Incorrect  unit bias. (True Answer )Correct


Judy found that her party guests ate less from a very large plate of cupcakes that were cut in half rather than whole. This best illustrates  360-degree feedback. Incorrect  the settling point. Incorrect  unit bias. (True Answer )Correct  social facilitation. Incorrect


When offered as many servings of ice cream as they would like to eat, people are likely to eat more if they  are given small rather than large serving bowls out of which they can eat. Incorrect  are offered servings from a wide variety rather than a small variety of ice cream flavors. (True Answer )Correct  are eating the servings of ice cream with smaller rather than larger spoons. Incorrect  are eating the servings of ice cream alone rather than in the presence of others. Incorrect


An integrated understanding of rising obesity rates in terms of set points, culturally learned taste preferences, and the ready availability of large food portions is best illustrated by  homeostasis. Incorrect  the evolutionary perspective. Incorrect  human factors psychology. Incorrect  a biopsychosocial approach. (True Answer )Correct


A body that can store fat has the advantage of possessing    


low blood pressure. Incorrect stored energy. (True Answer )Correct a low set point. Incorrect reduced levels of serotonin. Incorrect

The World Health Organization identifies obesity as a high    

basal metabolic rate. Incorrect body mass index. (True Answer )Correct set point. Incorrect PYY level. Incorrect


New research has linked women's obesity to their risk of late-life    


The relative risk of death among healthy nonsmokers is highest for    


muscular dystrophy. Incorrect lactose intolerance. Incorrect multiple sclerosis. Incorrect cognitive decline. (True Answer )Correct

overweight men. (True Answer )Correct overweight women. Incorrect underweight men. Incorrect underweight women. Incorrect

When people's images on a video monitor are widened to make them look fatter, observers perceive them as    

more sincere and more friendly. Incorrect more sincere and less friendly. Incorrect less sincere and less friendly. (True Answer )Correct less sincere and more friendly. Incorrect


In one experiment, professional actors played the role of either normal-weight or overweight job applicants. Research participants' willingness to hire the applicants revealed  no discrimination against either overweight men or overweight women. Incorrect  equal levels of discrimination against both overweight men and overweight women. Incorrect  greater discrimination against overweight men than against overweight women. Incorrect  greater discrimination against overweight women than against overweight men. (True Answer )Correct


Research on obesity and weight control indicates that  when an obese person has lost weight, a diet and exercise program are no longer necessary for maintaining the lower weight. Incorrect  fat tissue is maintained by fewer calories than is lean tissue. (True Answer )Correct  overweight people typically suffer from a lack of willpower and

self-discipline. Incorrect  the settling point for our body weight increases after people complete weight-loss diets. Incorrect 64

A dieter whose weight falls below his or her set point is likely to experience a(n)  increase in hunger and an increase in metabolic rate. Incorrect  increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolic rate. (True Answer )Correct  decrease in hunger and a decrease in metabolic rate. Incorrect  decrease in hunger and an increase in metabolic rate. Incorrect


By dramatically reducing her daily caloric intake, Marilyn plans to reduce her normal body weight by 10 to 15 percent. Research suggests that after three or four weeks of sustained dieting, Marilyn will  have increased blood glucose levels. Incorrect  experience a decrease in her feelings of hunger. Incorrect  have a lower resting metabolic rate. (True Answer )Correct  have a lower set point for body weight. Incorrect


Given an obese parent, boys are at a(n) ________ risk for obesity and girls are at a(n) ________ risk for obesity.    


With sleep deprivation, the levels of leptin ________ and the levels of ghrelin ________.    


increased; decreased Incorrect decreased; increased Incorrect increased; increased (True Answer )Correct decreased; decreased Incorrect

rise; rise Incorrect fall; fall Incorrect rise; fall Incorrect fall; rise (True Answer )Correct

If your close friend becomes obese, the odds of you likewise becoming obese increase. This best illustrates the impact of ________ on obesity.  unit bias Incorrect  neophobia Incorrect  homeostasis Incorrect

 social influence (True Answer )Correct 69

Evidence that obesity is influenced by factors in addition to gen...

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