MCQs on English Literature with answers by Sajjad Haider PDF

Title MCQs on English Literature with answers by Sajjad Haider
Author Umer Ali
Course social sciences
Institution COSMATS University Sahiwal
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Download MCQs on English Literature with answers by Sajjad Haider PDF


E ng lis h L iterature MC Q S b y S ajjad Haider

1. T he technique of dramatic monologue is used by Victorian poet a. T ennys on b. Arnold c. Browning d. E liz abeth 2. T he pioneer or torch bearer of modern poetry a. Y eats b. A.E . Hous eman c . T.S. Eliot d. E zra P ound 3. Newman was a central figure of A. Aesthetic Movement B. P re R aphaelite Movement C . T rans ition Movement D. Oxford Movement 4. who is called P oet of Nine o clock in the morning a. R obert B rowning b. Robert Bridges c. K ipling d.T .S . E liot 5. "Mirror for Magis trates " was written by a) P hilip S idney b) Thomas Sackville c) T homas Wyatt d) B yron 6. C arew, L ovelace and S ucking are called C avalier P oets because they followed a) Ben Jonson b) S pencer c)Milton d) Dryden 7. University Wits were influenced by a) B ede b) P etrarch c ) Machiavelli Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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d) Beowulf 8. A short story written in form of verse is called a. b. c. d.

Elegy Epic Balled Sonnet

9. Who used the phrase ‘Unified Sensibility?’ a. b. c. d.

Dr. Johnson Dryden T.S. Eliot Mathew Arnold

10. “An Essay on Criticism” by Pope is a/an a. b. c. d.

Essay Poem Novel Drama

11. The cantos of The Rape of The Lock are a. b. c. d.

Five Four Six Three

12. Which of the following is Alexander Pope’s personal Satire? a. b. c. d.

The Rape of the Lock Dunciad On his Mistress The Essay on Man

13. The Nun’s Priest Tale is written by a. Dryden b. Chaucer Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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c. John Gower d. John Donne 14. It was the fashion of Renaissance for the scholars to write in the form of a. b. c. d.

Epic Allegory Mock-Epic Balled

15. To attribute divinity to natural objects is called a. b. c. d.

Supernaturalism Pantheism Spectisim Animism

16. “Heard melodies are sweet, those unheard are sweeter” is taken from a. b. c. d.

Ode on Grecian Urn Ode on Melancholy Ode to Nightingale Ode to West Wind

17. Who spiritualized nature? a. b. c. d.

Keats Shelly Wordsworth Byron

18. Who intellectualized nature? e. f. g. h.

Keats Shelly Wordsworth Byron

Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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19. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty ____ that is all Ye know on earth and all ye need to know” is taken from a. b. c. d.

Ode on Grecian Urn Ode on Melancholy Ode to Nightingale Ode to West Wind

20. The quality of selfless receptivity necessary to a true poet is called a. b. c. d.

Objectivity Negative Capability Hellenism Escapism

21. Oxford movement was the reaction of a. b. c. d.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Big Bang Theory Quantum Theory

22. A pleasant way of referring to something unpleasant is called a. b. c. d.

Obscurity Euphuism Euphemism Realism

23. Victorian age is followed by a. b. c. d.

Romantic Age Elizabethan age Modern Age Classical Age

24. The leader of the imagists was Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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a. b. c. d.

T.S. Eliot George Eliot Ezra Pound A.E. Houseman

25. The poets who wrote about the World War First and its horrors are called a. b. c. d.

Trench Poets Georgian Poets Lake Poets Cavalier Poets

26. A notable fact of Yeats life was his friendship with a. b. c. d.

George Eliot Lady Gregory Ezra Pound Virginia Woolf

27. W.B Yeats was awarded Nobel Prize in a. 1923 b. 1925 c.1927 d. 1929 28. Under whose influence Yeats started working for Irish nationalism. a. b. c. d.

Lady Gregory Maud Gonne Eliot John O’ Leary

29. Mention the name of women who is celebrated in Yeats poetry e. f. g. h.

Maud Gonne Lady Gregory Ezra Pound Virginia Woolf

30. In literature symbolist movement began in Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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a. b. c. d.

England France Italy America

31. Yeats is best known for a. b. c. d.

Pessimism Realism Symbolism Optimism

32. “Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen” and “Easter 1916” are written by a. b. c. d.

Shelly Yeats Keats Philip Larkin

33. Who wrote “MCMXIV”? e. f. g. h.

Shelly Yeats Keats Philip Larkin

34. P.B. Shelly was greatly attracted by the ideas of a. William Golding b. William Godwin c. Dryden d. Ibsen 35. Keats was a poet of past, while._______ was a poet of future i. Coleridge j. Shelly k. Wordsworth Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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l. Byron 36. What was the month when pilgrims did march towards the Canterbury? a. b. c. d.

March April May June

37. Who introduced sonnet to England a. b. c. d.

Petrarch Shakespeare Thomas Wyatt The Earl of Surrey

38. Blank Verse was invented by e. f. g. h.

Petrarch Shakespeare Thomas Wyatt The Earl of Surrey

39. An Epithalamion is a/an a. b. c. d.

A holly sonnet A marriage poem Serious poem A trivial poem

40. Shakespeare had___________ children a. b. c. d.

2 3 4 None

41. Shakespeare was associated the __________ theater a. The Globe b. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre c. The Circle Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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d. The London Theatre 42. In which year Milton became blind? a. b. c. d.

1642 1650 1652 1655

43. Poem “Chaucer” is written by a. b. c. d.

Chaucer Donne Pope Ted Hughes

44. How many speakers are in the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”? a. b. c. d.

4 3 2 5

45. Shakespeare married to a. Anne Hathaway b. Maud Gonne c. Anne Bulien d. Marry 46. Iambic Pentameter was first used by i. j. k. l.

Petrarch Shakespeare Thomas Wyatt The Earl of Surrey

47. Duessa is a character in which famous poem Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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a. b. c. d.

The Rape of the Lock Faerie Queen The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The Canterbury Tales

48. Who has been called “monarch of wit”? a. Milton b. Pope c. Dr. Johnson d. John Donne 49.Who called Edmund Spencer Poets’ poet a. Arnold b. Wordsworth c. Charles Lamb d. Eliot 50.Lycidas , a pastoral elegy, written by a. John Donne b. John Milton c. Mathew Arnold d. Keats

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English Literature MCQS by Sajjad Hiader (Part2) 1. It is a song, sung at the time when the chorus enters the stage in Greek tragedy a. Exoclos b. Parados c. Prologue d. Embolima 2. Musical interludes between the episodes in a Greek tragedy are called a. Embolima b. Exodos c. Prologue d. Parados 3. The final scene in Greek tragedy is called e. Embolima f. Exodos g. Prologue h. Parados 4. The term which is used for mistaken use of words a. Irony b. Malapropism c. Epilogue d. Imagery 5. In which part of the play characters and the theme is introduced a. Denouement b. Climax c. Exposition d. Conflict 6. Final part of the play in which all the complications are removed e. Catastrophe Denouement f. Climax Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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g. Exposition h. Conflict 7. A play ending in happiness for some and unhappiness for other characters is called a. Romantic play b. Heroic Tragedy c. Tragi-comedy d. Tragedy 8. “The Mouse Trap” in Hamlet, which means a. Play within play b. Closet scene c. Ghost d. Suicide 9. The Winter’s Tale by Shakespeare is a a. Tragedy b. Comedy c. Tragi-comedy d. Epic 10.The father of comedy of ideas is a. G.B. Shaw b. Oscar Wild c. Ibsen d. W.B. Yeats 11.The father of comedy of manners is e. G.B. Shaw f. Oscar Wild g. Ibsen h. W.B. Yeats 12.Who is called amibonoclast or a Demolition Expert i. G.B. Shaw j. Oscar Wild k. Ibsen Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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l. W.B. Yeats 13.Who is Chocolate hero of “ Arms and the Man” a. Major Petkoff b. Bluntschli c. Sergious d. Raina 14.“Arms and the Man” the title is taken from the opening words of the epic named Aenied by a. Homer b. Vergil c. Chaucer d. Langland 15.Who used the term “The Theatre of the Absurd” first of all a. T.S. Eliot b. Martin Esslin c. G.B. Shaw d. Ibsen 16.In ‘Waiting for Godot” the timed. Weak build, and fearful character is a. Vladimir b. Pozzo c. Lucky d. Estragon 17.“ The Wild Duck” by Ibsen is a. Tragedy b. Comedy c. Tragic-comedy d. Novel 18.Word ‘Tragedy’ is a Greek word which means a. Suffering b. Sudden death c. Goat song d. Horse sound Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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19.Medicine is my lawful wife and literature is my mistress” said by a. Anton Chekhov b. S.T. Coleridge c. Samuel Becket d. Harold Painter 20.Who wrote Cherry Orchard? e. Anton Chekhov f. S.T. Coleridge g. Samuel Becket h. Harold Painter 21.Characters which grow and develop psychologically under the stress of circumstances are called a. Round b. Flat c. Simple d. Realistic 22. Who is the creator of historical novel? a. Jane Austen b. Sir Walter Scott c. Henry Fielding d. Samuel Richardson 23. The father of English novel or the first novelist is a. Richardson b. Fielding c. Smollett d. Hardy 24.The most important influence on Fielding’s work was of a. Pamela b. Don Quixote c. Richardson d. Godwin 25. The write of “ Vicar of Wakefield” is Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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a. Oliver Goldsmith b. Thomas Hardy c. Charles Dickens d. Henry Fielding 26. A short poem, descriptive of rustic life is called a. Lyric b. Ode c. Idyll d. Balled 27.Choose the prominent writer of Gothic novels a. Mathew Gregory b. Robert Maturin c. Mrs. Ann Radcliffe d. George Eliot 28. Who is called first modern novelist a. George Eliot b. Hardy c. Thackeray d. E.M. Foster 29.‘Lost Generation” is the people of a. After World War One b. After World War second c. Before First World War d. 20TH Century 30.“Monday or Tuesday” is a novel written by a. James Joyce b. Virginia Woolf c. Dickens d. Eliot 31.Who coined the phrase “stream of consciousness”? a. Virginia Woolf b. James Joyce Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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c. William James d. Eliot 32. William Golding won Nobel Prize for literature in a. 1984 b. 1987 c. 1988 d. 1983 33.Who becomes the Lord of Flies in the end of the play? a. Ralph b. Jack c. Piggy d. Simon 34. The writer of “ The Jewel of the Crown” is a. Joseph Conrad b. William Golding c. Paul Scott d. Marlow 35.Who is the writer of “ The Ice Age” a. Paul Scott b. George Eliot c. Margaret Drabble d. Thomas Hardy 36.`Which of the following novels is the parody of Pamela written by Richardson? a. Shamella b. Joseph Andrews c. Heart at Darkness d. Tom Johns 37.How many marriages take place in Pride and Prejudice? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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d. 6 38.Which of the following novels serves as a treatise of French Revolution 1789? a. A Tale of Two Cities b. Adam Bede c. The Return of the Native d. Barchester Tower 39.Who is the “Rousseau of Egdon” in The Return of the Native? a. Clym b. Diggory Venn c. Wildeve d. Tess 40.What is the profession of Adam Bede? a. Teacher b. Blacksmith c. Carpenter d. Lawyer 41.Barchester Tower is the work of a. James Joyce b. Anthony Trollope c. T.S. Eliot d. Joseph Conrad 42.Which of the following novels of D.H. Lawrence were banned because of frank treatment of sex? a. The Rainbow b. Lady Chatterley c. Both d. None 43.What is a “Bildungsroman”? a. A novel Dealing with a person’s formative years of intellectual growth or spiritual education b. A novel with cheep themes Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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c. A novel with Supernatural Machinery d. A novel about Nature 44.Things Fall Apart is written by a. George Eliot b. T.S. Eliot c. Ahmad Ali d. Albert Chinualumago Achebe 45. Bacon spent a. Theatre life b. Court life c. Rural life d. Commercial life 45.“The wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind” guess the person. a. Pope b. Donne c. Bacon d. Milton 46.“I have taken all knowledge to be my province” who said this? a. Ruskin b. Bacon c. Milton d. Aristotle 47.Essay as a literary form had been invented by a. Bacon b. Russell c. Montaigne d. Swift 48. Gulliver’s Travels is written by Jonathon Swift in a. 1726 b. 1736 c. 1746 Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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d. 1756 49.‘Eminent Victorians’ is written by________ who is famous for biographies. a. Swift b. Johnson c. Addison d. Lytton Strachey

English Literature MCQs by Sajjad Hiader (Part3) 1. Who is the writer of ‘Decamerone’ a collection of novels having 100 tales a. Dante b. Petrarch c. Boccaccio d. Aristo 2. Alice Walker is known for a. Racism b. Activism c. Optimism d. Pessimism 3. “My Son the Fanatic” is a short story written by a Pakistani Writer a. Hanif Kureishi b. Sharmeen Chunaye c. Ahmad Ali d. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi 4. Plato attacked poetry on _________ grounds. a. Moral b. Emotional c. Intellectual d. All Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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5. Plato linked poetry to Painting while Aristotle linked it to a. Nature b. Drawing c. Music d. Love 6. The author of “Republic” is a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. Huxley 7. According to Aristotle, the important aspect of tragedy is a. Character b. Dialogue c. Plot d. Conflict 8. Change in the fortune of the hero is called a. Peripety b. Reversal c. Recognition d. A and B 9. Aristotle stressed upon which unity a. Unity of action b. Unity of time c. Unity of place d. All 10.Change from ignorance to knowledge in tragedy is known as a. Recognition b. Anagnoirsis c. Both d. Peripety 11.How many essentials are of characterization according to Aristotle? a. 4 Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 12.The first edition of “Lyrical Balled” contains how many poems? a. 21 b. 23 c. 25 d. 27 13.Wordsworth says that there are _______ stages in the process of poetic creation. a. 3. b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 14.In the first edition of Lyrical Balled Wordsworth wrote a. 15 poems b. 17 poems c. 19 poems d. 20 poems 15. In the first edition of Lyrical Balled Coleridge wrote a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10 16.The first critic who differentiated between primary and secondary imagination is a. Wordsworth b. Coleridge c. Arnold d. T.S. Eliot 17.T.S. Eliot won Nobel Prize in a. 1945 Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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b. 1948 c. 1950 d. 1955 18.Among University Wits following did not contribute to Drama a. Greene b. Peele c. Lily d. Lodge and Nash 19.18th century can be called the age of________ because it was very popular in that era. a. Satire b. Irony c. Humor d. Imagery 20.Dickens is the novelist of common people while________ is the novelist of upper cleass people in Victorian era. a. Hardy b. George Eliot c. Thackeray d. Emile Bronte 21.Rossetti, Swinburne and Morris are the writer of a. Aesthetic Movement b. Imperialism c. Pre-Raphaelite Movement d. Naturalism 22.Wordsworth was made Poet Laureate after the death of Southey in a. 1843 b. 1845 c. 1849 d. 1850 23.“Westminster Bridge” and “To Milton” by Wordsworth are a. Odes Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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b. Sonnets c. Epics d. Balled 24.Shelly published a pamphlet because of which he was dismissed from Oxford. Name of pamphlet is a. Socialism b. Atheism c. Love and Sex d. The necessity of Atheism 25.Shelly died at the age of 30. He was died of a. Cholera b. Tuberculosis c. Drowning d. Hanging 26.Shelly’s epitaph was composed by a. Keats b. Byron c. Dickens d. Leigh Hunt 27.“The Revolt of Islam” is written by a. Hanif Kureshi b. Ahmad Ali c. P.B. Shelly d. Muhammad Hanif 28.The full name of Byron was a. Lord William Byron b. Lord James Byron c. Lord George Gordon Byron d. Lord White Byron 29.Which of the following is Charles Dickens Work a. Pickwick Papers b. David Copper Field Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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c. Great Expectations d. All 30.After Wordsworth, Who became Poet Laureate? a. Shelly b. Yeats c. Browning d. Tennyson 31.Which of the following works of Tennyson was published anonymously a. The Princes b. In Memoriam c. Maud d. The Lotus Eaters 32.Rabi Ben Ezra and Fra Lippo Lippi are written by a. Tennyson b. Browning c. Eliot d. Keats 33.Heroic verse is mostly used for a. Lyrics b. Epics c. Ballads d. Odes 34.The chief fault in Browning’s poetry is its a. Obscurity b. Too much literary terms c. Bad meter d. Meaninglessness 35.Which is not the work of Ruskin a. Modern Painters b. Unto the Last c. Das Kapital d. Practerita Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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36.Which of the following is John’s Ruskin’s Work? a. The Seven Lamp of Architecture b. The Crown of the Wild Olive c. The Stones of Venice d. All 37.Who earned fame as a public speaker? a. Ibsen b. Oscar Wild c. G.B. Shaw d. Becket 38.G.B. Shaw was awarded Noble Prize in a. 1919 b. 1921 c. 1925 d. Could not get Nobel prize 39.“Apple Cart”, “Pygmalion”,” Man and Superman”, “Heartbreak House” are the works of a. Oscar Wild b. G.B Shaw c. Samuel Becket d. Harold Pinter 40.Which one of the following is Yeats’ poem? a. Among the School Children b. Queen Mob c. Child Herald d. Oliver Twist 41.Waiting for Godot has been translated more than____ languages. a. 10. b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 42.D.H. Lawrence was arrested on suspicion of being Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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a. Involved in murder b. Involved robbery c. A spy for the British d. Involved in smuggling 43.“Twilight in Italy” was written by a. Ahmad Ali b. D.H. Lawrence c. James Joyce d. Woolf 44.“Ash Wednesday” and A cooking Egg are written by a. George Eliot b. T.S. Eliot c. Wolf d. James Joyce 45.The Wasteland consists of a. 430 lines b. 432 lines c. 433 lines d. 434 lines 46.Who is the writer of Rodrick Random? a. Richardson b. Fielding c. Smollett d. Hardy 47.Yeats was the member of a. British Parliament b. Irish National Assembly c. Irish Senate d. British House of Lords 48.The art of biography and auto biography became popular in a. 17th century b. 18th century Sajjad Haider SSE English Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra Cell#03138962618 03215261899

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c. 19th century d. 20th century 49.“Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart” Wordsworth wrote this line for a. Shakespeare b. Milton c. Donne d. Marlow 50.How many formative elements does a tragedy have? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

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