Med Term Exam 1 - This is all of the content for Medical Terminology (CLA131) Exam 1. All the PDF

Title Med Term Exam 1 - This is all of the content for Medical Terminology (CLA131) Exam 1. All the
Course Med Terminol Greek/Latin
Institution University of Kentucky
Pages 17
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This is all of the content for Medical Terminology (CLA131) Exam 1. All the vocabulary is organized in tables in chapters....


TERM constructed terms nonconstructed terms eponyms acronyms prefix root word suffix combining vowel combining form lith maxim derm path antibradyendoepineopresynappend/o bi/o cardi/o cerebr/o derm/o electr/o encephal/o gastr/o


CHAPTER 1 DEFINITION words made up of multiple word parts that are combined to form a new word terms are are not formed from names of people terms derived from names of people words derived from first letters of words in a compound term part that is in the beginning of a word part that provides primary meaning of the term part that is at the end of the word, indicates its part of speech or modifies its meaning used when word root requires a connecting vowel to add a suffix word root + combining vowel stone biggest skin disease against, opposite of slow within over, above, on top new before together apendix life heart brain skin electricity brain stomach



pre- : before struct: make

lithos, greek maximus, latin derma, greek pathos, greek

"o" cardi/o cholelithiasis, gallstones gluteus maximus dermatitis pathogen antibody bradycardia endoscope epigastric neonatal prefix syndrome appendicitis biology cardiology dermatology electrotherapy encephalitis gastritis

blood liver uterus larynx white breast mind birth nerve disease rectum / anus mind nose tonsil / almond vessel pertaining to surgical removal blood condition record / image condition of treatment / specialty pertaining to inflammation one who studies study / science of disease loving / affinity for surgical repair instrument for viewing pertaining to

hem/o hepat/o hyster/o laryng/o leuk/o mamm/o ment/o nat/o neur/o path/o proct/o psych/o rhin/o tonsil/o vas/o al ectomy emia gram ia iatry ic itis logist logy pathy philia plasty scope tic

hemology hepatitis hysterectomy laryngitis leukemia mental natal nervous pathology psychology rhinoplasty tonsilectomy vasoconstriction mental: pertaining to the mind hysterectomy: removal of the ute anemia cardiogram podiatry hepatitis cardiologist: studies the heart pathology: science of diseases hemophilia rhinoplasty: nose job






meter ous scopy

measure / measuring instrument pertaining to process of viewing

drome emesis malacia opsy oxia phagia phasia physis plegia oma stasis

run / running vomitting softening view of / examination condition of oxygen eating / swallowing speaking growth paralysis tumor standing still

algia asthenia atresia cele dynia

condition of pain weakness closure / absence of a normal body opening hernia, swelling, portrusion pain

ia osis ism itis oma pathy penia phobia plasia

condition of inflammation tumor disease deficiency / abnormal reduction fear formation / growwth


abnormal discharge



syndrome hematemesis: vomitting blood cardiomalacia: softening of heart biopsy: exam of living tissue hypoxia: low oxygen levels dysphagia: painful/difficulty swal aphasia: absence of speaking hypophysis: growth below quadriplegia: paralysis of 4 limbs osteoma: tumor of the bone homeostasis: same standing still INDICATE A CONDITION / DISEASE

arthalgia: pain in joint myasthenia: weakness of a muscl hysteratresia: absence of uterine meningocele: portrusion of the m tenodynia: pain in tendon anorexia: condition in which there appetite adenosis: condition of a gland albinism: condition of white gastritis: inflammation of stomach lipoma: tumor of fat tissue neuropathy: disease of neurons leukopenia: deficiency of WBC hydrophobia: fear of water neoplasia: new formation / growt rhinorrhagia: abnormal discharge nose (nosebleed)

rrhea rrhexis sclerosis spasm

discharge rupture condition of hardening sudden, involuntary muscle contraction

ad emia hemia ac ar ic al ary ous


iatry logist logy

treatment / specialty one who studies study / science of



rhinorrhea: nasal discharge (runn amniorrhexis: rupture of the amn arteriosclerosis: hardening of arte bronchospasm: spasm of bronchi


cephalad: towards the head polycythemia: overproduction of condition of blood cardiac: pertaining to heart ocular: pertaining to the eyes cephalic: pertaining to the head cervical: pertaining to cervix / nec pulmonary: pertaining to the lung nervous: pertaining to the nerves


praktikos, greek

podiatry: specialty of the foot cardiologist: on who studies the h pathology: science of diseases chiropractic: practice involving th diagnosis & treatment of musculo disorders


thoracocentesis: surgical puncture chest cavity

centesis clasia clasis clast

surgical puncture

desis ectomy

surgical fixation / fusion surgical removal


record / image


instrument for recording

osteoclasis: bone is artificially fra break apart arthrodesis: surgical fixation or fu two or more joints chondrectomy: is the excision of c electrocardiogram: record of elec events of the heart electrocardiograph: instrument fo recording electrical events of the

graphy meter

recording process measuring instrument

metry pexy

process of measuring surgical fixation / suspension



plasty rrhapy

surgical repair suturing


viewing instrument


process of viewing


surgical creation of an opening

tome tomy

cutting instrument inciscion

tripsy ion

surgical crushing process


without, absence of away from two within excessive, abnormally high, above deficient, abnormally low, below within to follow after to come before

electrocardiography: process of re an electrocardiogram thermometer: measures tempera oximetry: process of measuring o levels in the bloodstream mastopexy: surgical lifting of the prophylaxis: prtective treatment t prevent disease rhinoplasty: surgical repair of the (nose job) herniorrhaphy: suturing of a hern gastroscope: instrument for exam the stomach gastroscopy: process of viewing t stomach gastrostomy: surgical creation of opening in a stomach craniotome: instrument used to c V craniotomy: inciscion in the brain lithotripsy: surgical crushing of un stones ovulation: process of ovulating


aphasia: absence of speech abduction

hypertension intravenous


underneath, below against with, together counter, against after, change


both two a point double double half one many, more than one, numeroud none


all excessive, many first four half / partial three one


away from


toward up, towards

anticonvulsive: meds against conv conjoined: joined together contraception: against birth metabolism: food changed into e INDICATE NUMBER /QUALITY

ambidextrous: both hands bifocal: pertaining to 2 focal point bicuspid: 2 points diplegia: double paralysis (2 limbs diplopia: double vision hemiplegia: paralydid of half the monoplegia: paralydid of one lim multipara: given birth many times nullipara: given birth no times pandemic: disease over all geogra areas polyphagia: excessive eating primipara: first time giving brith quadriplegia: paralysis of four lim semiconscious: partial conscious tripara: given birth 3 times unipara: given birth once


before through apart, away outside, out

abnormal: far from normal adduction: movement toward the midline anatomy: process of cutting up prenatal antenatal: before birth dialysis: to loosen thru dislocated: away from original loc ectopic pregnancy: egg implants o the uterus


within over, on top inward


outside, away from below between within alongside, abnormal


around to follow after below above


together, joined

endogastric: within the stomach epidermis: on top of the dermis esotropia: eye turned inward exotropia: eye turned away from spot inferior: below point of reference intervertebral: in between verteb intracellular: within the cell paracusis: abnormal hearing diso pericardium: membrane around t heart postpartum: following birth subcutaneous: below the skin hypodermis: below the skin superior: above point of referenc supraorbital: area above an eye o symptom: experience that is adde together with others to form an e of a disease syndrome: group of symptoms or

INDICATE A QUALITY aanbradycircumdyseu-

absence, without slow around bad, abnormal, painful, difficult normal


different excessive, abnormally high deficient, abnormally low



anoxia: without oxygen circumcision: process of cutting a dyslexia: impaired reading & writ euthyroid: good thyroid heterosexual: have sex with a diff gender hyperacidity: high acidity levels hypothyroidism: low thyroid level macrocytosis: condition of blood that are abnormally high



malabsorption: bad absorption


small new false, fake rapid, fast through, across, beyond


beyond normal

abdomin/o anter/o brachi/o cardi/o caud/o cephal/o cervic/o chondr/i crani/o cyst/o dist/o dors/o femor/o gastr/o glute/o hom/o home/o ili/o infer/o inguin/o

abdomen front arm heart tail head neck cartilage, gristle skull cell distant back thigh, femur stomach butt

large / great

megalocyte: big cell microscopy: procedure of observi things too small to be seen w the neonate: newborn pseudocyesis: false pregnancy tachycardia: fast heartbeat transvaginal: thru the vagina ultrasound: procedure that provid images of internal structures by b inaudible


same hip, groin, flank below groin

abdomnial anterior brachial

later/o lumb/o medi/o organ/o pelv/o physi/o pleur/o poster/o proxim/o super/o thorac/o tom/o umbilic/o ventr/o homeostasis atom

side lower back middle tool pelvic area. Bowl nature ribs, lungs back near, close above chest, thorax to cut navel, umbilicus belly process of maintaining internal stability simplest building body



transports substance to and from body cells removes unwanted substances & recycles fluid to the bloodstream exchanges gases between the external environment and blood prepares food for absorption into bloodstream and eliminates solid waste products removes nitrogenous waste & extra water and salt from bloodstream makes female gametes for fertilization and provides support for prenatal development makes male gametes for fertilization and means to inseminate a female controls homeostasis by sensing changes in the environment, processing info, and initiating body responses

anatomical terms

words that describe realtive location of the body or its


lymphatic respiratory digestive urinary female reproductive male reproductive

anatomical position supine position prone position

parts erect posture facing front, arms at sides, palms forward, and legs apart patient lying on back with face upwards patient lying on their stomach, face down


above below front back middle side near distant belly back tail PLANES


vertical plane splits body into front and back portions vertical plane that splits body into right and left portions sagittal plane that divides body down the middle into 2 equal left and right portions sagittal plane that splits body into unequal left and right portions horizontal plane that divides the body into top & bottom portions

thoracic abdominal

root word thorac, means chest cavity root word abdomin, means stomach


identification of an illness patient's experiences resulting from an illness, usually sensations measurable findings

frontal sagittal midsagittal parasagittal



symptoms signs

headache fever


disease of short duration


disease of long duration

acutus, latin (sharp) acute coryza: head cold kronos, greeek (time) psoriasis: lifelong skin condition CAUSE / ORIGIN

infection etiology trauma prognosis diagnostic imaging

disease caused by microbes like bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc cause of a disease physical injury prediction of the probable outcome of a disease noninvasive procedure using instrumens that seek to establish a diagnosis

protozoan causes malaria fractured bone


PET scan

long tube inserted into a patient to observe internal cavities combines x-rays and computer enhancement to make 3D images of internal structures procedure that tracks the pathway of glucose as its metabolized by body cells

MRI ultrasound

makes 3-D images of body structures pulses of sound waves thru body region

SOAP standard

format of medical records: subjective, objective, assessment, and plan

aden/o aut/o cutane/o cyan/o derm/o follicul/o kerat/o

gland self skin blue skin little follicle hard

endoscopy CAT scan



detects tumors diagnoses cancer, joint disease, a trauma provide a glimpse of developing f

nail sebum/oil

onych/o seb/o


keratinized component of integumentary system sac of the integumentary system from which hair grows and sebaceous glands opens into sheath that protects the upper end of fingers and toes gland that secretes sebum / oil gland that secretes perspiration cells in the epidermis that transmit nerve impulses to the CNS

hair hair follicle nails sebaceous glands sweat glands sensory receptors hypodermis dermatology

subcutaneous layer below the skin, CT that binds skin to muscles med field that specializes in health and disease of the integumentary system SIGNS & SYMPTOMS


superficial scraping injury to skin localized elevation of skin containing a cavity filled w bacteria and WBC (pus) formation of pus collected mass of pus production of pus local uneven surface of the skin, sign of subcutaneous fat deposition collagen that’s produced to deal a wound that’s too big to be sealed by epidermal cells skin blemish that’s caused by buildup of sebaceous oils discoloration and swelling of skin resulting from tissue damage to blood vessels of dermis blue tinge in the skin and mucous membranes caused by oxygen deficiency in tissues

cyst edema

closed sac on the surface of the skin that filled w liquid due to leakage of fluid from the bloodstream into

abrasion abscess suppuration purulence pyogenesis cellulite cicatrix comedo

scar tissue pimple




abrasus, latin (scrape off) abscessus, latin (going away)

latin (scar)

kysts, greek (bladder) oidema, greek

interstitial space between body cells narrow break or split in the skin

fissure furuncle


induration jaundice keloid laceration macule nevus melanoma

freckle mole

pallor papule


petechiae pruritus purpura pustule ulcer urticaria verruca

hives wart




abcess associated with a hair follicle local hard area on the skin, sign of excess collagen or calcium yellowish coloration of the skin, sign of liver or gallbladder disease overgrowth of elevated scar tissue that’s often different from adjacent, normal skin result of an injury caused by a tear or cut discolored flat spot pigmented spot, sign of a benign tumor dangerous skin cancer that means "black tumor" abnormally pale skin, sign of internal condition causing a low flow of blood to skin small, solid elevation on the skin small red dots, sign of abnormal rupture of blood vessels symptom of itchy skin symptom of purple-red skin discoloration, result of hemorrage elevated area of skin filled with pus erosion thru the skin/mucous mem, arises from lack of movement when lying supine allergic skin reaction that produces small fluid filled skin elevations sign of infection by a papillomavirus small elevation of the epidermis filled with fluid containing little to no pus temporary, itchy elevation of skin with white center and red perimeter

(swelling) fissura, latin (split or crack) furunculus, latin (boil) induratio, latin (becoming hard) jaune, french (yellow) kelis, greek (spot) latin (little spot)

pallor, latin (pale) papulla, latin (small pimple) latin (small red/purple dots) latin (itching) porphyra, greek (purple dye)

ulcus, latin (sore) urtica, latin (burn) latin


outside alongside, abnormal

actin/o aden/o albin/o carcin/o cellul/o chym/o crypt/o hidr/o kerat/o leuk/o melan/o myc/o onych/o pedicul/o scler/o trich/o xer/o

radiation gland white cancer little cell juice hidden sweat hard white black fungus nail body louse hard hair dry DISEASES / DISORDERS


bacterial condition/infection of sebaceous glands and ducts resulting in numerous comedones precancerous condition of skin caused by sunlight exposure genetic condition chracterized by reduction of melanin baldness, sign of scalp infection, fever,drug reactions, or emotional stress caused by excessive exposure to fire, chemicals, or sunlight

carbuncle basal cell carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma

skin infection omposed of a cluster of boils skin timor rising from epidermis skin tumor arising from superficial layer of epidermis

acne actinic keratosis albinism alopecia

greek (facial eruption)

albus, latin (white) alopex, greek (fox)

carbo, latin (live coal)

melanoma cellulitis folliculitis dermatitis contact dermatitis seborrheic dermatitis actinic dermatitis eczema

atopic dermatitis

ecchymosis herpes hyperhidrosis impetigo kaposi sarcoma leukoderma malignant melanoma onchyopathy onychocryptosis onychomalacia onychomycosis paronychia pediculosis psoriasis scabies scleroderma

ingrown nail

dangerous form of skin cancer inflammation of CT in the dermis, caused by infection that spreads from the skin surface to dermis follicle infection general skin inflammation, involving edema caused by phys...

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